apparatchik1488 ago

Jews lie. Blond Aryan men living in a judenfrei society have no inclination to due so.

JanMichaelVincent ago


El peda? The children? Obviously is child based looking at their FB posts.

MaidenMotherCrone ago

I have screen shot of the logo from the facebook page for Frank Giustra's Elpida project (before they took it down) Also you can see the logo in the window on one of the buildings for Radcliffe Foundation. Has anyone checked out his ex-wife? She has quite a lot of "philanthropic" work to her credit... ties to UNICEF as well.

ifeeltrulysick ago

If you type in Stephanie Pritchard Wild , this comes up amongst other things: if it´s the same person, then Wild Network is a pedo network, that encourages kids to go and play outside a.k.a. " have a wild time " . But please, prove me wrong

looking4truth ago

I feel like I'm living in an alternate reality

Stab ago

Link works for me but here's a screenshot:

They changed the logo on Thursday

Ginger_Snaps ago

Anything is possible.

Pablolove ago

Part of the problem in society is people's quickness, readiness to dismiss complainants as liars and/or fantasists. This is changing.

markcabal ago

Elpida has an abandoned factory in Greece that takes in refugees "too vulnerable to live in camps":

C1REX ago

Very interesting. Looks like following money works for the movement.

LargePepperoni ago

I agree mostly, but I am supremely confident there are no lizard people.

djklbd ago

Sounds like we need to get the Frank Guistra connection to the top of this forum and, thats where the largest audience is.

Remember when we exposed Alefantis and hounded Comet Ping Pong for so long, the mainstream media eventually HAD to cover it with their spin? Well, if we can get them to cover Guistra, it could be beneficial to us.

IntheLordweTrust ago

I agree. I think the Guistra connection and affiliates is important

CandyPanda ago

So I checked out her page on Facebook and listened to the vids. She has the story down, but also points to events that she should be able to show proof of, like being a cop in Austin. She didn't Then the story changes multiple times with different names of different people and different events.

The biggest red flag to me was the last post in 2015 was a mix of some dude and her with two separate messages about giving them money to escape the CIA or Mexican authorities that had her in Mexico, and the dude getting mad that "all her friends" weren't doing it and how everyone sucks. That's total scammer stuff like when you engage those emails about wiring money or whatever. So I would say move on to the next lead if you read that last post and agree with my assessment.

Gothamcity ago

She should do an AMA on Reddit!

AgainstCotton ago

Sheesh... Wow.

apparatchik1488 ago

I don't believe the testimony of a woman. They lie too often.

Pablolove ago

Really? Stats?

JanMichaelVincent ago

Here's one study that found it. The trouble with most studies is they rely on self-report, and liars don't admit that they lie!

Also of interest is this meta-analysis that found that for 1 in 25 people, their biological father is not who they think it is.

Women are naturally designed to lie. Every day they wear makeup, bras and high heels to lie about their appearance. From an evolutionary standpoint, men survive by securing resources by working hard and using their wits; women survive by securing the men who have secured resources. The latter requires far more manipulation and deception.

Of course, this is a general principle, not a universal one. It is not to say that all women are liars. But that women lie more than men, on average. OP is wrong to never trust a woman, but correct to be more suspicious of them.

angry_mob ago

every time a man's lips are flapping - he's lying. explain that one! boy u r one dense mysogynist!

llm2016 ago

My theory is that she probably mixed a lot of fake stuff with several actual truths in there to appear crazy so no one will take her seriously and see her as a threat. Afterall, there's a reason why she's able to stay alive.

CandyPanda ago

I know historically that Frank Giustra got a lot of looks when he was running Lionsgate for his Lolita movie as well as American Psycho. He's definitely been tied by media sources to the Clintons as well. and his love of dirty jokes and flying around with Bill Clinton

So she's not slandering a saint here.

sleepingbeautycan ago

I always thought Landau was skeezy but I love Blaire Underwood.

llm2016 ago

An extensive list of relevant sources in this video's description:

micha_ ago

And she DOES name names of the rapists or "handlers" (as she calls them) who tortured and raped her. Here are others besides Frank Giustra. I have not looked into these but someone might want to:

"I was also , tortured , raped and mind controlled by Barry Gordon , Eddie Gay aka Blaire Underwood , Howard Shector ,Tina Arning Brazel , Peter Becket , Stephanie Pritchard Wild , Frank Harris Denne Montague King , Randy Lawrence , John Hrachovec , Martin Landau , Norby Walters , Maurice Stein"


ejd4500 ago

Here's these link because they apply:

Well known Greenbaum speech by a respected licensed psychiatrist

And the Franklin cover-up also with ritual abuse

MurrueLaFlaga ago

I'm going to make a request to you and everyone else investigating #PizzaGate: Please CEASE calling everyone crazy. It's incredibly dismissive.

With everything we are finding, nothing should be too crazy anymore. Don't believe everyone right away, but do your own research. Find out the truth for yourself. Please, just stop calling people crazy. The real crazies are the ones who abuse/rape/murder/sacrifice children. The investigators and victims who have been trying to expose these pedophilia rings for decades have also been cast off as insane by the MSM, character assassinated before their stories could even be heard. Let's not continue that vicious cycle.

DarkOne ago

Trust, but verify.

MurrueLaFlaga ago

Exactly. Innocent until proven guilty, no?

CJJacobs ago

I just checked out this woman's facebook page.

I do believe she has been victimized. Her posts though...well, the CIA has done a number on her, let's just say. One can tell she is suffering immensely.

But there is so much scattered throughout her posts it might be hard to tell fact from fantasy. I believe she is having a hard time sorting that as well (judging solely from her posts).

I'm very open-minded and not willing to rule ANYTHING out at this point. However, she claims to have been Michael Jackson's wife and mother to his children who were subsequently murdered. As well as saying that Bruce Lee was her father. Again, anything is possible, but it would require a lot of work to sort fact from fiction here, I think.

Like the OP said, it is very possible that they have manipulated her mind so badly that there is disinfo spread through genuine info.

Also like the OP said, she has stated a number of things which we now believe or suspect or know to be true.

Praying for her! Possibly a good lead.

21yearsofdigging ago

Well I started LionsGate back in 1995 and people constantly ignore me with this claim. I do still have some family and friends that knew me back then and they remember I was starting a production company that my partner, John Hardy, a lawyer out in Vancouver, was adamant in calling the company LionsGate. I had wanted to call it something else. I lost everything as a result of this, including my children. This Hardy creep even had the nerve to tell me to keep my mouth shut about my kids or I WAS DEAD!! I can't say too much but some people that were involved in the beginning choose to ignore me with the exception of one.

AreWeSure ago

Paranoid schizophrenia is a genuine mental condition. Paranoid schizophrenics often focus on the CIA and other powerful people/

21yearsofdigging ago

Schizophrenia again huh? I don't know how true this woman's story is but I do that schizophrenia develops in late teens early 20's but people investigating things they shouldn't or people exposed to ritual abuse or targeting almost always have the schizophrenic tag thrown around their neck. Often these people are not in their teens or 20's. It is the easiest way to discredit someone, just like Fake News is being used to discredit the pizzagate and world wide pedophilia investigation

Laserchalk ago

I saw a video on here of another woman that said she was under mind control and was raped. She said they showed her a hologram of bush transforming into a lizard man. It seems like they feed them with information to make them seem crazy. I would have thought all this mind control stuff is fiction but maybe there is something to it.


The lizardtopic is a theory in itself. David Icke can tell you more about that. Give him a chance at least

thefloodcontrol ago

MKUKTRA U Montreal.

angry_mob ago

mind control stuff is "fiction?" wow, just wow. please go research the MASSIVE amount of research on mind control out there. are you people even for real? stop worrying what other people you don't even know are gonna think about you and wake up to this. of course mind control is part of this - OF COURSE IT IS! i feel like i just stumbled into the twilight zone here & i thought you guys were up to snuff, shit...

webofslime ago

Mind control experiments began in earnest in the 40s and there are a variety of ways to achieve control over a person.

The main hurdle is the simple fact that not everyone is suggestible. Suggestibility exists on a spectrum. The goal is to mind control as many people as possible. Happy slave. Scared slave. Angry slave. There is an easy way to reach a lot of people if you keep their baser instincts on overdrive, just with the news.

The Open Society Foundation was recently exposed in the leaks with the vocabulary to discuss exploiting implicit bias in people using the media. They call it "othering."

Tavistock is another interesting branch of institutions that originally defied my understanding of how malleable people really were, but then I started reading their papers. It actually makes sense. In their terms"social engineering" is mind control and "global forecasting" is having insider information. It really isn't that complicated.

However, there are other applications to individuals which have been shown to be effective in mind control and you will see the theme played out in this type of research over and over again.

In order to create a dissociative state in someone, their most primal defense mechanism needs to be triggered. Severe abuse often results in dissociative disorders like multiple personality disorder or borderline personality disorder. But, again, this all exists on a spectrum and this is where you enter conspiracy theory territory.

Tavistock created artificial cults designed specifically to infiltrate other cults. The Process Church of the Final Judgment is an example of one. They infiltrated Scientology, took over Manson's cult and went to Mexico to infiltrate Santa Muerta groups, before exploring the Carribean and finally settling in New Orleans. It is a very interesting type of social engineering. And scary. You are dealing with a culture that surrounds the infiltration of other organizations.

The Pace Memorandum suggests even the Mormon church was infiltrated and sacrifices were being carried out under the west end of the Salt Lake Temple, at an altar.

But why? Why the torture and sacrifice?

This is the easiest manipulation of all. Blackmail and bribery. The go to forms of manipulation.

It gets worse, though. In order to feed this machine with agents, you need to have them mind controlled. That way, agents on the ground can act as provocateurs, the news can use it for their widespread influence, to keep a tightly controlled narrative of "conflict" in our lives.

The type of dissociative disorder that you need, in order to have complete control over someone is very specific. You need a multiple personality disorder person with only two personalities, where you can cause that personality to switch back and forth. In these cases, the person doesn't even know they are a double agent. They aren't aware of the consciousness of the other person.

So, how to you create a bunch of these? By putting thousands of them to the test and killing off the ones who are too weak to be useful. That is why you would need a giant, secret human trafficking ring involving tunnels, where everyone, from the bottom to the top, was controlled in some way.

Conspiracy theory in nutshell.

0fsgivin ago

well...even the government later had to admit MKULTRA was real after a congressman blew the lid off of it in session.

CJJacobs ago

I do believe mind control is real. I have firsthand experience with trauma and with tactics used to manipulate trauma-victims. Believe me, I fully know this stuff is real.

But in the wake of trauma...imho...a person is going who escapes can reach out to God and begin to heal. Or, a person who escapes will continue to spiral into the psychological well that trauma produces and really not get help or healing or recovery.

One maybe never fully recovers. But with God all things are possible. Which means significant healing is possible, including spiritual and emotional healing.

After spending time on this woman's fb page, I believe she is currently in the latter stage. Her trauma -- which I will fully accept as legitimate -- has now become its own force for spreading chaos. She needs our prayers. The devil is deeply involved in trying to lead people, esp. people who have been traumatized, further astray.

sixgorillion ago

Jews won WW2.

Nazism is dead and what you think of as National Socialism, is really just Hollywood-Nazism that the Allies pushed as war-time propaganda. Oddly enough, this shit is now mandatory reading in most schools.

AgainstCotton ago

Can We try and contact this woman. Maybe get her to do an AMA here so we can pick her brain?

Chance903 ago

iT IS inappropriate AND ILLEGAL , people shape up, you are thinking like children.. You will end up getting arrested if you Harassed this victim.

GermanynamreG ago

de-programming them is dangerous, it starts suicidal programs as far as i know

Tsuishika ago

Seems like most rich aristocrats get bored they can buy anything and everything and start having interests in weird occult and indulge in inhumane practices.

ejd4500 ago

These people obviously have some measure of sociopathy - otherwise they wouldn't do what they do, but one of the main things about sociopaths is that they delight in the suffering of others.

sociopaths enjoy inflicting all manner of pain on others including financial, emotional, psychological and social; sociopaths are in the business of reducing people to nothing and then taking glory in their accomplishment

I feel like they defer to children to just satisfy their random impulses to demean or degrade. They save their much more calculated plans for adults - entire countries even.

sixgorillion ago

most rich aristocrats

Only the luciferians, mostly jews..

thelastaelor ago


Chance903 ago

I thought that people were going to leave their personal agendas aside and work to help children

sixgorillion ago

Personal Agenda? How so?

If you don't recognize that this is mainly a JEWISH practice(google Blood libel), new animals will come after we take down the Podesta's and their friends, and this shit will repeat itself.

syserror ago

I predict she will be suicided

srayzie ago

She could be our 1st witness to come forward. She wasn't scared to post in 2015!

Freemasonsrus ago

I've always thought Britney Spears was a classic case of child abuse by Hollywood and that she was "programmed" in the sense that almost all childhood stars are told what to do, what to say, what to wear, when to be where, ect. It's an act 24/7, and since children are natural pleasers it's very easy to see how you gain control of them. When she had her breakdown I think it was her being on overload from abuse and not living in any way a "normal" existence. I believe it was her manager Sam Lufti who was her main abuser and that was why her father stepped in and took control of everything and got rid of Lufti.

My main point is she's selling a bridge too far in the above post. Not to say some of those things didn't happen (I always thought Gibson was set up) but there's a lot in there that's off the wall.

isthisreality ago


MeatballPizza ago

Protected by Nazi Skull and Bones? Hmmm....

Freemasonsrus ago

Sounds crazy until you start digging really really deep. If I had heard that a month ago I'd have thought the person was related to Alex Jones. If people can understand that this group at the top is born into it, and they pick up and initiate others who are just as dark as they are (Bill/Hill) or whom they can manipulate through brainwashing or blackmail, then it's easier to understand why it's so far reaching but not everyone has the exact same motives.