21yearsofdigging ago

They keep cleaning up Giusta's stuff.How does this guy have so much power?

MaidenMotherCrone ago

Also check out Giustra's mining companies. He received a contract to export 20% of Uranium to Russia. NY Times article http://www.nytimes.com/2015/04/24/us/cash-flowed-to-clinton-foundation-as-russians-pressed-for-control-of-uranium-company.html?_r=0 I saved the link to my computer, but don't know how to archive a page publicly... Assistance Please.

DarkMath ago

Oh what a wicked web we weave when first we set out to deceive.

ZarkovskyTheHunter ago

Jesus Christ Amen! You are dang good!... I only stumbled here due to Infowars and it's great to people like yourself dig for those leads and info. Wow! Brave!

WhyAserverWasBuilt ago

Organs is correct. In Florida they were taking the undocumented illegals who work the farms, killing them and harvesting the organs and dumping the bodies.

fogdryer ago

Omg Where did that come from??!

Links etc

VieBleu ago

I just want to say as I read down about the mineral rights, favors for pay, money laundering, as well as human trafficking, this is worthy work and makes a liar out of those who say people looking into this are on an irrational witch hunt. Couldn't be more wrong.

21yearsofdigging ago

My insurance policy is using my big mouth. Don't really care what someone believes or not https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kGEiFPd7CHU&t=12s

HampdenPItbull ago

I am new to this so forgive me if I don't understand all the rules. Giustra was linked to the Panama Papers? The Podesta's are linked to Sberbank? I know I saw a connection between Giustra and Clintons and Podestas regarding the Panama Papers leak while researching. There is a link which ties Giustra and Clinton and Sberbank with regard to Lithium mining that I cannot access. I apologize in advance if this has been vetted and researched. Here's the copy and paste: Clinton, Elon Musk, Frank Giustra, Afghan Lithium Russian Mining Connection ... Which is exactly what Sberbank, Russia's biggest financial ...

9217 ago

Radcliffe Foundation Twitter Archive http://archive.is/HcoDv

Instagram: http://archive.is/6mKHM

Themistocles ago

Also examine the the logo for Happy Hearts Fund in the 'Liked by this Page' box on the bottom right of the image posted by the OP.

The logo bears a striking resemblance to the 'child lover' logo from the FBI Pedophilia symbols.

Themistocles ago

From the Our Partners page - http://happyheartsfund.org/our-partners/

The Carlos Slim Foundation is one of the program partners

Themistocles ago


From Wikipedia Petra Nemcova founded the fund and has known ties to Haiti:

In 2005 Němcová created the Happy Hearts Fund (HHF), a charitable organization and campaign formed after the Tsunami of 2004.[13]

In June 2012 she was designated by president of Haiti Michel Martelly and Prime Minister Laurent Lamothe as Ambassador-at-Large for Haiti for her work with Happy Hearts Fund.[14]

u-spez ago

He also founded Lions Gate Entertainment.

u-spez ago

Someone edited his wikipedia page on nov 4 to omit ties to the uranium deal. https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Frank_Giustra&type=revision&diff=747759887&oldid=747487353

tstr ago

I thought I had saw this as an example of a symbol for little girls. Am I wrong?

hand with a heart in it


Bringdownthering ago

Very interesting quote by Frank Guistra in the Huffington Post article linked below. He's discussing monetary policy and Alan Greenspan transferring wealth to the elite but the same system applies to Pizzagate.

"- So complex..... where it’s virtually impossible to identify the culprits. Why? Because it’s not one person or a group of people — it’s an entire system that manufactures this outcome.

Because there is no one to pin it on, it is the perfect crime. The worst part is that there seems to be no public discourse on this subject ... certainly not by the mainstream media"

cantsleepawink ago

It's why they are so confident that they cannot be touched. I think they are wrong.

flyingcuttlefish ago

RADCLIFF FOUNDAT'N associated with the palace and QUEEN ELIZABETH! Look at the BOTTOM of this page - "Queen Elizabeth Scholars" fund (!!!) http://radcliffefoundation.org/who-we-support/

flyingcuttlefish ago

Agg! Yr right! LOGO for pedos is upper left corner here .... https://i.sli.mg/jg6KfI.jpg

'boys at risk'~ -- - -

cantsleepawink ago

In article 'Not quite so well known is a part of the story we have referenced several times in the NPQ Newswire, that prior to the Giustra donation, Clinton accompanied Giustra to Kazakhstan to broker an introduction for him to the country’s execrable near-dictator, Nursultan Nazarbayev. During the trip, Clinton endorsed the spectacularly undemocratic Nazarbayev to head an international body to monitor elections and support democracy, boosting Nazarbayev’s scant democratic credentials, and subsequently Giustra landed a “monster deal” that gives his company exclusive rights to buy into the country’s burgeoning uranium mining industry.' https://nonprofitquarterly.org/2014/12/01/billionaire-mining-mogul-frank-giustra-won-t-be-another-rich-dead-dude/

HampdenPItbull ago

I think there is a bigger story in the story. I know this investigation is about outing pedophiles but I believe that there is clearly money laundering; mineral rights; narcotics and very clearly, human trafficking at play aka organized crime. It's great to see the dots being connected.

cantsleepawink ago

OMG, someone please read this article. An excerpt:

'If I thought Tanzanian poliics left an unpleasant taste in my mouth, I had no idea what was in store for me at the end of August.

The story is this: When Bill Clinton came to Africa in 1997, he initiated a large grant for girls' education in Africa. The money was to be used for scholarships for girls who would not otherwise be able to continue with their education. In Tanzania, the money has been distributed to Peace Corps schools so that volunteers can supervise the appropriate awarding of scholarships. I'm leaving a lot out here, but that's the gist of it.

Anyway, I guess when he came through Tz for the signing of the Burundi Peace Accords, he was interested in meeting one of the girls who is benefiting from this scholarship. He asked the ambassador, the ambassador asked my Peace Corps country directors... who chose my school because of my work in Girls' Education through the past year (the fact that I live right next to Arusha didn't hurt, either.)

So we (the scholarship committee) chose one of the four students who were getting scholarships, Janet Jacob. She was the first girl on our list when deciding scholarships. Her description, which I wrote for the press release, is as follows:...' http://www.cs.brandeis.edu/~abucci/ethan/letter17.htm

templarknight ago

This is a video where someone in the Uranium racket industry is shilling for Frank Giustra, if you can even believe it!?

Please comment on this video and expose that evil scum Frank Giustra for what he is!!


ploppy ago

I found this from the NY Times
Haiti: Reconstruction Panel Meets. More than five months after the earthquake, with rubble still clogging the streets of the capital and some 1.5 million Haitians still homeless, the interim commission for Haiti's reconstruction met Thursday for the first time. The panel, chaired by former President Bill Clinton and Prime Minister Jean-Max Bellerive, met behind closed doors, but Mr. Clinton said that future meetings would be open. The commission announced $45 million in grants from Brazil and Norway to help the government close its budget gap and a $20 million fund created by Frank Giustra, a Canadian businessman, and Carlos Slim Helu, a Mexican businessman, to provide loans for small businesses. Resolving central issues like debris removal and moving Haitians out of tent camps will take time, Mr. Clinton said. [ABSTRACT FROM PUBLISHER]

6/18/2010, Vol. 159 Issue 55075, p8. 0p.

Ge0rge3boy ago

This is also on there, probably just a coincidence though.

Rita Thara lives in Boise, Idaho. She’s 27-year-old fashion designer who loves pizza and watches The Tonight Show starring Jimmy Fallon before bed. She’s also a refugee from the Democratic Republic of Congo - read her story via WIRED

28leinad82 ago

i dont think web.archive works for social media accounts at all. I tried my own, no captures.

defeatthematrix ago

I don't know if this was already observed but on the last titus frost's youtube video, one person in the comment spotted the blue triangle logo on the wall in one of the latest photos:

"WOW! Boy lover logo painted on wall, scroll to bottom to see it, child refugee place connected to clinton foundation, and their facebook page has it too! Posted below http://radcliffefoundation.org/project/elpida-home/ "

Guy_with_the_face ago

The BoyLove logo is spray painted on the wall on the bottom left of the first photo, plus the recent change since the investigation began. Looks fishy to me.

TryOurSalsa ago

which photo? please archive and link to the actual photo.

Edit: Found it. Can't link to actual photos. .. there is another photo with the star and moon symbols that I know I saw another post on and they are also on the comet pizza sign

h2d ago

OK guys - so another voater just mentioned this up a few posts, this is worth looking into (law firm website of the creepy guy commenting in the OP screenshot) http://www.andersonadvocates.com/ check out their blog -- its all these stories ALL focused on child sex trafficking. Plus, it's very weird - something strange going on. As someone who's owned a hosting company and worked in the online world from that end of things, I can tell you straight up it's fucking BIZARRE for there to be a website that's for a law firm out of St Paul Minnesota, which is hosted out of a home location (essentially, it's a dedicated IP on a comcast business account that traces back to fucking Maryland outside of DC) - weird as shit. They used to use a host in Minnesota, - they changed this IP in 2014 to their current one ( - which is hostname of 50-206-111-174-static.hfc.comcastbusiness.net, they are the only site hosted on this IP or with this hostname and they're using a free DNS service provided by the domain registrar. Meaning someone Check the hostname http://www.andersonadvocates.com/

Further proof that they are using a private server located in Pikeville, MD - the only other site in the entire subnet of that IP range is owned by the creeper dude's brother, the COO of www.yourweddingexperience.com - also hosted in Pikeville despite having a 651 area code, and what do you know? They're also listed at the same address as the law firm, just in a different suite. Doesn't seem like there's anything sketchy at all about the wedding people, but very strange for there to be ANY kind of corporate site of any legit businesses being hosted on a box that's running off a comcast business line, super insecure and the IP block isn't allocated to any known company or design/hosting firms.

Revolutionismyname ago

Are you sure law guy and creepy comment guy are the same guy? Looks like comment guy (jeffery metakuffar anderson) is from AZ not MN. I don't think mn lawyer and comment creep with the same name are related. I would post screens hots but I don't know how.

Moonlandinghoax ago

My god, these pedo sickos are everywhere. HOW PREVALENT IS THIS??

ploppy ago

This is a good app for downloading whole websites for mac: ricks-apps.com/osx/sitesucker/

dogwalker ago

Pictured with Elton John

nomorepizza ago

Good job with the comments on Elpida's facebook page, keep 'em coming. Their logo is not a coincidence, odds are too low.

crosshairs ago

Picture of Giustra with boy's club member and teacher Social Network April 14th

Update: https://i.sli.mg/TB3sA0.png

contrarianism ago

Those at-risk youth sure are easy pickins.

LargePepperoni ago

Found this article. Some good info in here.


Koched_Up404 ago

This article from Counterpunch does an excellent job breaking down how Clinton and Guistra work together to claim exclusive rights to certain development projects worldwide.

1) Clinton uses his diplomatic connections with world leaders to open the door for Guistra

2) Guistra works out lucrative deals from the access Clinton provides.

3) Guistra makes generous donations to the Clinton Foundation (kickback).

Freemasonsrus ago

Watched the Jimmy Saville documentary today. Immediately thought of Elton John. Funny to click on that FB acct and see him prominently front and center. Weird.

LA_Trump ago

What do you mean by thought of Elton John? Just curious.

Freemasonsrus ago

Just in Saville's outlandish nature and how he dressed. It reminded me of Elton John, along with the whole "knighting by the queen" crap. Not to say he's a pedo. It was just odd that in the middle of this he shows up on a very sketchy place that's deeply connected.

Koched_Up404 ago

Frank Giustra is on the Board of Directors for: The Clinton Foundation, Radcliffe Foundation

He is also a board member for: The Crisis Group


Who else is on the board of the Crisis Group:

George Soros

Larry Summers


Former UN deputy Secretary General - Lord Mark Malloch Brown

Wesley Clark (?) former NATO commander

flyingcuttlefish ago

old post - Pull 1 Thread in the Fake Clinton “Charity” and 10,000 Tons of Manure Lands on Your Head! https://flyingcuttlefish.wordpress.com/2016/07/04/pull-1-thread/

says NY Times (2015) “Aides to former President Bill Clinton helped start a Canadian charity that effectively shielded the identities of donors who gave more than $33 million that went to his foundation, despite a pledge of transparency when Hillary Rodham Clinton became secretary of state.” http://www.nytimes.com/2015/04/30/us/politics/canadian-partnership-shielded-identities-of-donors-to-clinton-foundation.html

llm2016 ago

They are in the same circle. That's reassuring.

thesil3nce ago

Just pointing out because nobody else has. I thought you were fucking joking with that lord mark moloch, I mean malloch brown. Nope.

Fatsack ago

He is literally named after the god of baby-sacrifice. Maloch, wow.

VoteOrDie ago

Nice find.

corn_of_action ago

Nothing solid here, found this article which may be a bit tongue in cheek but again its up to interpretation



"Did you know: Our Founder Frank Giustra is a founding patron of the BoysClubNetwork, an at-risk youth mentoring support group:"


This site leads to a link about George Clooney's so-called "Foundation for Justice":


Clooney, being a huge supporter of Clinton, may be implicated in all this. (It's an odd use of the word "justice" - it's actually an education project.)

Giusta and Clooney are both clearly heavily involved in bringing so-called refugees from Syria to Europe.

dbstfbh ago

Frank Giustra(Bill Clinton's Partner in the Canadian branch of The Clinton Foundation) owns Gold Wheaton Gold Corp. which between June 2002 and April 2008 was named "222 Pizza Express Corp"


Wellwerefucked ago

That seems massive!

Celticgirlonamission ago

Not sure who this Telfer is? Telfer’s agreement with Agueci, a person with securities transaction reporting obligations, to have another name associated with the private share transaction of 222 Pizza shares, resulted in a transaction in which the beneficial owner of the shares was not disclosed. Telfer ought to have known there was a real risk that Agueci might have a beneficial interest in those shares that was not monitored by GMP, as required.

derram ago