memphistre ago

Why aren't any of George Webb's videos mentioned here?

Seras_Victoria ago

New to this pizzagate thing. I saw some mentions of it on Reddit, then saw it massively censored, which got me curious. This is a well sourced post. Do you mind if I share it outside of voat?

webofslime ago

I encourage it. Thank you.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

Arrington de Dionyso is marginally more talented than Marina Abramovic. He does have the ability to paint simplistic renditions of naked people with slightly better results than a first-timer would achieve.

Shitty art though.

Anonymous987654321 ago

Wow, that hand written letter by Guccifer is chilling. Great post OP!

truth-uk ago

Hi guys, this could be an important part of this world wide paedophile ring. Just noticed this sign near my home, with the international paedophiles symbol (like a triangle) YWCA Jesmond House, in Newcastle Upon Tyne, England (Clayton Road, Newcastle Upon Tyne NE2 1UJ ) This building is in an affluent part of the city, and is a hostel that caters for vulnerable single people and recently released prisoners. Check out the symbol at the top of their web site Interestingly this place was opened by H.R.H. Princess Alexandrea on 27 sept 1984. This is the sign I seen from the street,-1.6029612,3a,15y,356.35h,85.75t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sG5E6OjeUozpTNMc2DP0TOg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656 I Pray and Hope someone with more know-how then me be able to dig some more, little children could be at risk now.Thank you. I would also like to thank Victurus Libertas VL, for recently making this video about this matter Amen.

Ronnilynn31 ago

Good stuff - thanks for writing it up.

Luxxy ago

Yea, makes sense. Voat has been compromised though. Highly doubt they will do anything.

drn ago

Please look into this: An (alleged, although he's proving it in the 1. part) insider exposing the cult, which we investigate now as #pizzagate. His stuff sounds reasonable for anybody that is familiar with the topic, but its very tough for somebody that's not. So, please be open minded.

alliecapone ago

Nice, I've passed the link here on, I've been mostly sharing the wp site and I share this place with those I know don't think I've completely lost it. I make sure to add, PG is but the tip, the root of it all is what we're trying to yank out so everyone can see. Deep roots, so I tell people bring shovels and prepare to start diggin it out. Think of it as a diseased tree, cutting it down, leaves a stump, an ugly stump, you'd rather they get the roots so you can put something nice in it's place. Truth is the nice that I'd like to put in it's place, and transparency to keep it a growin' tall. We shouldn't have to distrust our government.

I'm blessed that most of my friends know I don't willy nilly go believing everything I read, many ask if I've read anything of interest. You can find truth among the theories yourself, picking and choosing which to believe based on evidence. While most wont dig with me, because of it's nature, they ARE helping get the truth out. I print facts like what's in here, the most compelling. I leave the print offs in random areas...every toilet stall...even carts. I hated going shopping before, but putting it out there like that, there's going to be a few curious people, at least. I saw that churches were bringing in pamphlets and what not and decided, hm why not leave pamphlets too? We are curious by our very nature.

Curiosity got the best of me, and here I am. I wasn't going to do anything but just look at things posted here. Now I'm searching for things myself, and doing so much reading that my eyes get sore. It's hard to put down the internet now, before I had to step back often through the day. Not growing a tolerance to the disgusting things I've learned but disgusted to the point of acting on it. Getting the word out in ways that aren't side eyed, is good, very good. The song and dance they're doing to cover it has now piqued curiousity of those that had ignored it previously. Hell, the Megyn Kelly interview made people gasp, because they SAW the body language. If only websleuths folks would c'mon over and share their knowledge of that end, the true crime community would be in a complete uproar too. Before long they can't call everyone else crazy when they're standing alone in their own puddle of LIES.

edited because...paragraphs are important

Orange_Circle ago

Wow! You deserve an AltPulitzer for this!

webofslime ago

To what, specifically, are you referring to?

Spindle ago

It looks like is gone, and the mirror hasn't updated in about 6 hours.


said it before, but Satan has some shitty house bands

SheSaidDestroy ago

Very well done, thank you for this, will serve as a good link to give people.

chewyflex ago

A good post to get those curious going. Thanks.

Baluga ago

Corrections: "Andrew Breitbart accused John Podesta, specifically, of running an underage sex slave operation"

Read the tweets again. He accused Podesta of covering up a sex slave operation, not running it. Podesta is the media guy and the damage control guy. This is called in the biz 'a fixer'.

ejd4500 ago

One thing I've found is that D. Corydon Hammond, the professor/psychiatrist/psychoanalyst who originally discovered the Satanic ritual abuse programming in his MPD/DID patients (in the 90s) tends to be very convincing, it seriously redpilled me.

shaboyi999 ago

omg, in comment section of part II video jozsefkacsa3 weeks ago The Scary shit about "Gyuri" Soros, is that he's 87 yrs old, but he have people Basically "Coned" with his DNA, and Genealogy, so they can Harvest Major Organs and Organ Systems, growing in the Bodies of Healthy, purchased Slave Children, and when Georgie, needs a New Liver, a New Kidney, in every 2-5 yrs they're just Murder (Humanely) one of these Children or Young Human Specimen. There's a Private Sanatorium , in a Remote and Extremely High Security Castle,in Siklos Hungary used to e owned, by Count & Countess Szechenyi on the Beautiful,Mount Siklos. I know a Cousin of min who runs his Brother in Law's Security Firm and he was looking after, one section of the Castle where he, was the Foreman for 20-25 Security Agent's in 3 Shifts, This Cousin of my was a seriously highly tRained Professional Soldier and then Officer in the, Hungarian Armed Forces, for 20 yrs or so. Anyway he told me Good old Georges shows up every 2-3 months and they replace every drop of his Blood in about 3-5 days. He will receive Organ Transplan Surgeries ever 3-5 yrs, once they established the DNA and Genes in these Children or Young Man Specimen, and grow Soros' DNA in thei bodies , the Organs are, the same as his so there are no chance for rejection! He also receives billions of Stem Cell therapy monthly etc! That is why he's so healthy.You ppl might think I'm a FUCKED UP Conspiracy Theorist, but because what my COZ told me, i know this is true! My Coz is a real, straight up Dude and does not lie! He's still sick and a shame FOR HE WAS WORKING IN THE SZECHENYI Castle for Soros and could hardly live with himself,especially haunt him the Bodies of dead Children after they were used and Abused! He quit couple yrs ego!

JSchoolDropout ago

He's a weirdo for sure and probably a satanist who hides behind appropriated culture references from Hinduism and Greek Mythology. I did a post a few days ago about one of his music videos where he sings about drinking blood and sperm.

ghost_marauder ago

There are other tools to be used to investigate organizations. Although I am a horrible writer, my posts

will show you how to investigate the tax and fec documentation of privately traded companies, and 501c3 organizations. Most will fully report their money trail because they are assuming nobody will read it.

Also, is amazing for determining who donated to which politicians.

I also advise you to learn how to use Microsoft Office Access, or Open Office base. Excel is fine, but base is a relational database tool. "RELATIONAL" it's designed for what we are doing.

webofslime ago

Thanks, I'll include those.

Select-Intellect ago

I wonder how many generations have passed that believed in the morality of the human spirit could become morality for those who have any governance. There is so little morality in politics, if someone can get away with this shit in public, imagine how much worse things are in private. This seems to be so integrated into our lives we cannot comprehend it's vastness. This abuse is astounding, the ability to control not only the populace, but the narrative, and have us so blinded that even seeing it, we deny it. Wasn't MKULTRA about brainwashing people into super soldiers?

webofslime ago

Mk Ultra was the prescursor to being able to create a Manchurian Candidate.

A split personality that could be triggered back and forth.

Multiple personality is real. Rare is a two personality split, but Tavistock began to study the troops returning from war to learn people's breaking point.

Eventually, they learned that trauma, combined with drugs, like scopolamine, and hypnosis techniques could be used to split someone's personality.

Mostly, you get broken people. Useless.

If you torture enough of them, you will eventually get a person who can survive the split, operate in society as a functional person, and then be triggered, once they are in a strategic position.

Still, you need to have them in a position where they believe you have total control over them. What better than aliens, satanic cults and lizard people? These are convenient fictions to control the slaves and ensure any testimony in court makes them seem crazy.

madhatter67 ago

And of course....if you start the programming young you will be far more successful....

“ Give me the child until he is seven and I'll give you the man" I think a Jesuit said that


^^^this one gets it

my GF on the other hand: "wiki says MKultra stopped in the 60s - must be true!"

farmmama10 ago

This is so excellent, and a much needed post to concisely see what we are really looking at. Going down so many bunny trails can leave one confused. Thank you for writing it.

webofslime ago

The relationship with the occult does seem to go back pretty far.

webofslime ago

Alefantis says he's even received intimidating direct messages on Facebook and so have others associated with the restaurant, including its purveyors. He calls the attackers "conspiracy theorist, white nationalists made up largely of racists, homophobic individuals who loosely tie together theories and do not attempt to find the truth, and when they do find truth that dispels their theories, they ignore it."


in reality he got 5000 positve paid for facebook reviews

lipids ago

This is a beautifully written post. Keeps the focus on humanitarianism and financial corruption instead of these silly satanic diversions. There is so much disinfo that it is easy to get lost.

ghost_marauder ago

I know the satanic stuff appears loosely connected at first glance. I know that it makes us look crazy. And, I also know that attacking the finances is the best method to taking these people down.

But, understanding the motive assists in following the method. Please do not undermine that line of thought too much, but also do not let others run too far a field with what appears to be loose conjecture either.

(I've seen the satanic connections, but they have not been properly illustrated to the portion of the group which finds it a stretch. That is on us, not you to correct. To bad I'm really bad at explaining things.)

lipids ago

What if the satanic rituals are a coverup for organ harvesting? Or just another page in the blackmail folder.

ghost_marauder ago

Both are valid ideas, and should be considered for investigation. But, we have located in podesta emails signs of the acult which lines with satanism. So, out of the three we are running with that one till we either run out of leads there, or are proven incorrect. But, to tell the truth all of these should be considered and probably all have as much grounds for consideration at this point. (Organ harvesting goes on in china, could be happening here. Blackmail is a well known tool in the kit of politics. And, the emails point to satanic rituals. All have about the same level of suspicion in my books.)

Gorillion ago

For those who don't want to log in to watch those youtube videos, change the address to "youpak" instead of youtube"".

projection ago

Excellent post. Thank you.

webofslime ago

Does it go to far to start throwing in MK Ultra references and Tavistock references?

lawfag123 ago

I don't think you should mention those yet. By the way, great writeup.

banusaur ago

Sounds like shill talk to me.

ThisBotDontstop ago

Soros is Jewish. Epstein is Jewish. Roman Polanski is Jewish. Jimmy Seville is Jewish. Corey Feldman is Jewish. The Hollywood paedophile rings are Jewish. And many many more.

Here's the first Satanic band called Coven.

They're also the band that started using the devil horn hand gesture.

Well guess what, their producer Bill Traut was Jewish, as were at least two of the band members.

Bill Traut Jewish

Guess what else? He wrote songs for them including a 13 min black mass.

"The album concluded with a 13-minute track of chanting and Satanic prayers called "Satanic Mass" (written by their producer, Bill Traut, of Dunwich Productions, and described as "the first Black Mass to be recorded, either in written words or in audio")."

So now I've just proven that Jews started the Satanic music scene, which isn't surprising considering the fact that Satanic occultists are primarily Jews.

I'm still going to do more research into all this, but I already know what's up. Jews are Satanists. Jews worship the devil. The Torah Jews are the common Jews which listen to the Rabbis that study the Talmud (Rabbinical Judaism) and the top Rabbis are selected to study Khaballism, which is Satanism.

The Torah Jews are puppets to the Talmudists who are puppets to the Khaballists. Jews are Satanic.

I'm not religious, but look what Jesus said, who was a Jew btw.

" You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father's desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies."

Ignoring all this religious stuff, the fact still remains that Jews invented Satanic music and the majority of Satanists are Jews.

Now here's a lead for you guys to investigate. The singer of Coven Jinx Dawson gave an interview where she admits her family is involved in the occult and politics and even names them.

She ultimately says that her Grandfather was a Free Mason and it's common knowledge that Free Masonry is a front for Judaism. I can show you statements made by both Rabbis and Masons where they admit that Free Masonry is based upon Judaism.

Let's take a look at their lyrics now.

" Infants' flesh they did offer For the prince to devour. Covens join, all combine, Powers strong, thoughts align. "

" The cheif of the circle, Known as Malchius drank the blood of a young baby Offered unto him. "

Malchus is a servant to a Jewish high priest.

Too tired to go through them all right now... Will do tonight and update and repost.

truthvibe ago

It definitely relates, 100%. Don't worry about sounding nuts, the whole damn thing is nuts when you go all the way down the hole.

Forgetmenot ago

No you are informing the public in a methodical and logical manner. This is very well written and a great intro for anyone interested in learning more.


Is it bad to strike the cord of reality?

Is it bad to try and get you guys up to speed?

Forgetmenot ago

I upvoated this I thought it was awesome.

lipids ago

Mkultra is a dangerous topic because much of what we know about is the techniques that don't work. Thus a casual reader would think anyone talking about it is nuts.

Select-Intellect ago

The truth is never a dangerous topic when the context is relevant. No one believed the crazies who tried to talk about MKULTRA, because no one believed anything that scale or insanity could be protected for decades, while it was. This child abuse has been talked about for my entire life, from all over the fucking world and it is still beyond what anyone can accept as valid truth, or at least valid. Don't ask people to censor themselves, but to think for themselves.

webofslime ago

The secret ingredient is scopolamine.

anonentity ago

Which is extracted from the plant Datura Stramonium. If anyone cared to check. It is reported ,this plant was used in the middle ages by witches. Along with a mixture of belladonna and a few others. The hallucinations as reported in the vaults of euriwid, will definitely take you to another land.

Grandmas_ChewToy ago

Scopolamine is scary shit.

lipids ago

Holy shit that sounds scary. From

[the CIA found] the residual effects out weighed the benefits.

That contrasts strangely with the rest of the article.

SpikyAube ago

Yeah, I think keep it as it is for now. Once people have become curious that there could be something more to this, they'll investigate a bit, see how real it is, and then their minds will be more open to that stuff, I think you don't want to overload people with too much at once that might make them close off and run away.

ThorTheWonderful ago

Grooming and gas lighting a civilization is another issue, though still connected. Pizzagate is a spoke in the wheel of human trafficking, most vehicles have four wheels and a chassis.


Is it bad to try and get you guys up to speed?

ThorTheWonderful ago

Good stuff but I am already aware of all that. It is important to know and understand the enemy!

betadynamique ago

Nope. False flag lone gunmen have to come from somewhere. They don't just happen at random.

Luxxy ago

That could be MK ultra.