crystalclearme ago

Time to bump this up again @webofslime. Is a very strong post. Have we learned or confirmed any more information about J & T Packing?

Justin_TeroG8 ago


I'm Copy/Pasting the entire post to share with my friends and Family on FB! Well Done!!!

webofslime ago

Share far and wide. Thanks.

popezandy ago

Holy fuck thank you for what you're up to over here, I love you and this sticky post is perfectly encapsulating of what we need out of investigation into this kind of bullshit. <3 <3 xoxo 10000 years you're the best.

Sciency ago

Thanks for creating an alt to the cancer that is the current community in the pizzagate sub. I finally had to block the sub due to their sensationalism and lack of journalistic integrity.

Your posts are clear and concise, sources cited, which we can always use more of when things are as serious as this scandal could become.

webofslime ago

Thanks. I started a little news aggregation system that has been really enlightening for me in a number of ways.

Sciency ago

Very cool. RSS based? Or are you just an AI? Lol

webofslime ago

IFTTT. One click, many posts and database entry.

Sciency ago

Huh, that's new to me. I'll have to look into it. Is it hard stuff to learn? I'm no software engineer, but I do like a challenge.

webofslime ago

super easy.

Create social media accounts. Log into IFTTT, then set triggers. No knowledge required.

Sciency ago

Ahhh, I see. I figured that was a framework like RSS, but that sounds absurdly convenient. I'll need to get on that!

SterlingJB ago

Nice post. Personally don't think the instagram posts will be too convincing for many out there (could be wrong, and don't want to discourage those focusing on this) but the J and T packing co seems like it could be very important since trafficking is the name of the game. One thing I've been looking into that I haven't seen anyone talk about in this subverse which could possibly relate is John B Poindexter of cibolo ranch, the site of scalia's last vacation. FBI anons comments are why I've been looking into him. He said to question the money behind the ranch and what Scalia was working on before his death. I've yet to find anything substantial other than a few items of interest and questions: He's part of a super secret bohemian hunting club. He's never married (not that that means anything, just interesting for a guy with his kind of wealth). His company makes shipping trucks and commercial truck bodies. ('I’m not highly entranced with the mechanism of locomotion,” he says. “What interests me is the functions they perform' He donates to the Dem side of things but funds a conservative judge's one day vacation (weird, but I'm sure if you're a rich Dem, your money is still good on both sides of the aisle). There were questions whether he helped Poindexter get a case dropped concerning age discrimination suit at one of his companies (MIC: they make special types of nozzles or something, and mistake were made with nozzles, and an older guy got the axe while younger people didn't). There's also the possible GMO connection with Scalia, but I'm not sure how that connects to Poindexter. Anyway, I posted this comment here since you mention the shipping co and perhaps there's a connection there that I'm not seeing that others might. Hope it doesn't distract.

webofslime ago

"Rent Boy Ranch" they call it.

Bohemian Grove's motto is, "Weaving spiders come not here," which inspired my little green weaver logo. It is a culture of infiltration that has been infiltrated. It sounds weird, but that is what we are dealing with. Competing cultures of infiltration who loosely work together with a lot of double and triple agents, so to speak... mixed loyalties... all based on leverage aka blackmailability.

Scalia may have been murdered. "I know wetworks isn't a pool party at the vineyard" comes to mind.

He is famously quoted as saying we should all think of the "Internet as a pizzeria."

International Order of St. Hubertus, one of his affiliations, has been accused of hunting people at "Rent Boy Ranch."

John Poindexter owns the ranch. Friends with Obama.

This article is from today...

SterlingJB ago

Right, i've seen much of this, except somehow never heard the world is a pizzeria quote. I just wonder if his truck body company (they also make funeral limos) is possibly relevant to trafficking. It also seemed a little strange, based on the court documents I've seen, why the age discrimination suit was even close to making it to the supreme court, and why it would be important enough (if the rumors were true) to gain the favor of a supreme court judge to squash the case. Seems like there may be more to the story since these documents look to establish a fairly open and shut (as well as dull) case. Edit: I'd be interested to hear what James Hinga has to say. Perhaps he has other things to say about MIC and poindexter besides the age discrimination issue. Edit 2: someone just posted this article concerning the scalia connection. Has to do with Sterling Allen (this guy: ; this looks to be a confession he made knowing he was soon to be arrested ) Edit 3: So, and this why PG is the weirdest thing ever, but this pedo lds prophet guy somehow connects to the "red ring" and some guy named Keshe who has an energy thing called the Magrav that supposedly is an infinite supply energy as well as can act as some sort of EMP bomb. Kind of amazing how this things slips so easily into fantastical conspiracy theories. Here's a link (not meant to be supporting evidence, other than evidence that world is kinda nutz right now):

webofslime ago

My first cursory search didn't turn up much, but I put it on my list. I'm getting more organized as time goes on. I have always been able to rely on my memory, but there are so many names, that I've had to apply myself in getting my head around how this whole mess works.

Tavistock has an interesting philosophy on organizational structure. They call it a "Matrix of Power," stating that a hierarchical system is inferior. If you imagine the organization of corruption to be more like a matrix that they try to fill, rather than positions in power, it may change your way of looking for things. There is no head to cut off.

SterlingJB ago

Yeah, that's why I've been trying not to dilute posts with info not directly relevant to the specific posts info, but I think looking at the actual modes of shipping is important.

Truthseeker77 ago

"Political paedophilia" makings of a great hashtag

greycloud ago

how many victims of the age of consent laws are there? like how many people have been fucked over because either they could not legally consent themselves or their girlfriend/boyfriend couldn't? how many children have been murdered so as to avoid the possibility of them testifying in court? how many children have been kidnapped but would not have been kidnapped had the person who kidnapped them been able to look on a dating site for a younger yet willing partner?

i'm sure you don't like considering the victims of the law and your mentality. that doesn't suite your narrative.

webofslime ago

I'm not sure I follow.

What does what you are saying have to do with political pedophilia?

Maybe I have a little too much confirmation bias to make sense of your words.

There are lots of those victims that you describe, but I don't think the media is calling that fake news or covering it up with the fervor of pizzagate. As a matter of fact, I don't think any issue has been censored the way pizzagate has. It goes beyond failure to report and deleting information. It has revealed a machine that will spin any story to distract from the issue at the heart of pizzagate.

Politicians who get away with child rape and the reasons behind tanked investigations.

greycloud ago

on the central pillars of all of this is the law itself. the age of consent and statutory rape laws form a pillar that holds up circles of elites and forces them to be loyal to each other. the law itself creates its own demands to be circumvented through illegal operations that escalate situations. the law itself takes what would have been a white market or grey market and forces it into a black market. that is why there is child rape, that is why they get away with it. because if the chief investigator busts them, he goes down too. because if inner circle members turn on each other, they go down too. all of that is held up by the law itself.

what is central to it all? a need for change in law to allow for them to turn on each other. until then, the ruling system will simply not prosecute itself. they aren't just politicians, this goes to billionaires and leaders around the world. the law serves their purposes by forcing loyalty of the pawns to the kings.

SterlingJB ago

So, are you saying the way to collapse this house of card is to get rid of the age of consent laws?

greycloud ago

good luck with that. its not a house of cards when you consider the difficulty of collapsing it. that house of cards has been standing for thousands of years.

that would be one way of doing it yes. it would destroy the blackmail they have on each other, allowing them to attack each other. but then some would win while others would lose. and the winners would rebuild a different structure.

webofslime ago

I don't see where we disagree, honestly. The laws were shored up to create a lucrative black market and to add to the gravity of blackmail. Having child porn generally results in a greater sentence than abusing a child, which is absurd. If you are rich or a politician, you have virtually no accountability. Thus it has always been. My main concern is the denial of the issue by the media. They are enabling and taking a top priority, worldwide problem, and call it "fake news."

The answer is complete transparency of government, where we, the people, can review the primary sources ourselves to determine the truth, rather than let CNN, an arm of our own government, tell us what to think.

angryindividual ago