RandomInterjector ago

There was a post yesterday about a pic that Comet Pizza removed. Also the Majestic Ape video. Apparently other youtube videos are being removed now, but I don't know which ones. Vigilant Citizen took a pizzagate article down. I'm sure other sites have removed pizzagate articles or are being pressured to. That's all I can think of off the top of my head.

Roberticus ago

There is another thread sourcing all of this now https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1482030 thanks1

jealoushe ago

information about human trafficking was taken down from another countries website...I can`t remember which one, maybe Phillipenes? It was strange. Also hastag #chicken lover was removed from another pizza places IG.

Roberticus ago

There is another thread sourcing all of this now https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1482030 thanks!

Thakiddds ago

The walls and basement in comet apparently