Freemasonsrus ago

Every member of NAMBLA and BAMN should have their homes raided and electronic devices searched. Certainly probably cause exists simply based on their OWN statements.

rodeo13 ago

helpingabit12 ago


DrTeethateJanice ago

This isn't hard to believe, look at Epstein. He had a sweet deal in the Florida jail, I read somewhere he only served weekends over 13 months.

leaveperiods ago

It's funny that people think we actually lock up sexual offenders in the US. We release offenders on probation so that they can re offend. Don't be silly.

leaveperiods ago

I'm not sure if people are unaware of how we treat pedos here in the states, but let me give you a little insight.

My father works for a company called MSOTC. That is Missouri Sexual Offender Treatment Center. This is a facility for offenders who have been sent to prison, released and continued to commit heinous crimes against children. Over the years I have seen this place suck the life out of my father. He's told me things, just little fun facts about offenders that I wish I've never known. We treat them the same way. They are "patients". They have access to tv. They get Playstations. They get basically anything they want in the name of any foul treatment being a "hate crime".

DerivaUK ago

It is the same in the U.K. When training as a forensic psychologist I spent time in purpose built clinics that had to be referred to as 'Therapeutic Communities' (TC's) and I was shocked at 'perks' and home comforts afforded them as well as the amount of freedoms they had to come and go - often outside of the grounds for the day. The premise of the treatment protocol was that to qualify for acceptance into the scheme (often as an alternative to prison) they had to commit to a number of group and one to one therapies whereby their behaviours and attitudes were subject to the scrutiny of their peers and that this would help them to better 'self govern'. TC is voluntary and usually preceded terms just prior to release from sentence. The psychiatric hospital in London to which I was attached was also one of three agencies responsible at that time for the update and maintenance of the UK Sex Offender Register. I remember asking a renowned Forensic Psychiatrist just how prolific paedophilia was in UK society back then and was floored when he answered that numerically (although the spread is not uniform) there exists one paedophile for every four doors of every street in every town within the UK. This was in 1997. God only knows what the stats are now.

Reversible ago

Honestly. we have to consider a few details here. 1) Psychiatry is a hoax field with firm roots in the German-Jewish left-wing political movements in Weimar etc. What makes you trust the guy's judgement? The 'professionals' who want to normalise this crime would obviously over-state its prevalence in the general population, would they not? In a crafty attempt to 'mainstream' it?! 2) Are we falling victim to American-style paranoia here, where being attracted to a 19 year old girl is 'nearly' paedophilia etc? 3) Are we ignoring the clear links to freemasonry, while implying that every other guy out there is paedo?

Let's keep perspective. All we know is that it's 1) more common that most would like to believe, 2) elites and very powerful organisations are working together to normalise and eventually legalise it..,so they have a vested interest in overexaggerating its frequency in the general population, while hiding and diminishing their own role.

Beyond that, no. I'm sorry but I'm not prepared for strangers to imply that myself, my father, brother-in-law etc. are 'potential paedophiles.' It's rubbish and it's not a constructive avenue to go down at all..

idontlikesalmon ago

In 2011 there were 26.4 million households and 63.2 million people. That would mean 10,6 % is a pedofile. Please no...

AngB23 ago

Disgusting to hear and we need to investigate every single Obama appointed judge who are giving lenient sentences to these Pedo freaks. The way the political blackmail seems to work, I'm sure many of them do not have clean hands

Jem777 ago

Demmick (notorious pedophilebeing described in the beginning of this post) was the Ministry of Truth at The Hague...the war crimes tribunal. He was part of the Dutrox affair and was connected to the Royal family through Princess Beatrice.

There is an open organization in the Netherlands that promotes sex between children & adults. Some of the most horriffic stories of trafficking and child slavery occurred here where pedophiles live openly.

As recounted by that brace Dutch banker regarding child sacrifice this is a very dark place.

sugarskull ago

Did I hear this correctly? YOU CAN MARRY A KID IN HOLLAND?!? WTF?!?!?

equineluvr ago

Holland is chock full of Jews.

Quotes from their Holy Talmud –

ANIMAL CHILDREN Yebamoth 98a. All gentile children are animals.

NIDDAH Abodah Zarah 36b. Gentile girls are in a state of niddah (filth) from birth.

CHILD RAPE Aboda Sarah 37a: “A Gentile girl who is three years old can be violated.”

MORE CHILD RAPE Yebhamoth 11b “Sexual intercourse with a little girl is permitted if she is of three years of age.”

NORMALACY Kethuboth 11b “When a grown-up man has intercourse with a little girl it is nothing.”

VIOLATION Gad. Shas. 2:2: “A Jew may violate but not marry a non-Jewish girl.”

SEX WITH OLDER CHILDREN Sanhedrin 54b “A Jew may have sex with a child as long as the child is less than nine years old.”

helpingabit12 ago

In his other video " The pedo goverment" he says its not allowed by law but can be allowed by the king, he also mention that Child brides are not uncommon

-dutch video- "De pedo overheid" 3:20

helpingabit12 ago

im quit sure that's not possible as far as i know, i think he meant a man from a other country that is married to a girl and this marriage is accepted by law. (My interpretation because its not really clear and few sentences get mixed up that moment he talks about it. also i think he meant something like this because im quit sure its not allowed by law.)

Micheal84 ago

Child marriage is common in Islam, and so on asylum seekers.

Maybe this is why Islam gets so pushed in Europe.

UnicornsAndSparkles ago

Why is this now deleted?

thisisnotagame ago

It seemed too jumbled...

UnicornsAndSparkles ago

Upsetting. Seemed like very relevant info :(

thisisnotagame ago


Holland gets a new King. Qatar's Sheikha Moza bint Nasser al Misned, Morocco's Princess Lalla Salma and Prince Albert II of Monaco. http://www.dailymail.

The Dutch Royal family is popular because of its alleged links to Nazism and pedophile rings?

New Dutch King Willem-Alexander and his wife Queen Maxima

Simon Kuper (The Beatrix factor) writes in the Financial Times:

Holland's "Willem III liked to stand on the balcony of his Swiss villa on Lake Geneva and open his bathrobe when a tour boat steamed past.

"In Dutch slang, he was a 'pencil salesman'."

According to The New York Times, Willem III was the 'greatest debauchee of the age'.

Willem III

Queen Beatrix's approval ratings exceeded 80 per cent.

Prince Bernhard was a prewar member of the Nazi party, SS and SA.

In 1937 some people boycotted the wedding of Queen Juliana and the German Prince Bernhard, "after the Nazi 'Horst Wessel Song' was played in Bernhard's honour at a pre-wedding gala."

The Beatrix factor


Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands was the first president of the Bilderberg Group, which reportedly has Nazi links.

In connection with the Dutroux affair, Regina Louf provided the names of top people who had abused her and who had murdered children during orgies.

Reportedly, Regina Louf visited Prince Bernhard's yacht Jumbo VI. Then There Was The Pim Fortuyn Assassination

Regina Louf

Reportedly, Prince Bernhard was the founder of the 1001 Club where, reportedly, many important business contacts were made through money, sex and blackmail.

Reportedly, Prince Bernhard encouraged Fortuyn's right-wing, anti-Moslem, political ideas. Then There Was The Pim Fortuyn Assassination

Royalist. http://www.dailymail.

Various allegations have been made against top people in the Netherlands:

"A German prince named Hendrik, raped his own daughter, the mother of queen Beatrix, as a result of which a daughter was born.

"The father of Friso, Claus, was a homosexual who also used children for sexual pleasure.

"The lawyer of the Queen and main guardian of the crown prince, Friso’s brother, was a sadistic pedophile against whom even testimony of child executions exists."

Dutch pedophile exposer to stand trial, high ... - The Truthseeker

Anna Stam, 41, was standing at the back of a shop, in Amsterdam.

A little girl asked her in English: "Do you know where my mummy is?"

Stam replied that her mother was a little further back in the store.

The child said: "She is not my mummy. She is a stranger; she took me from my mummy."

Stam said that when she asked the girl where she last saw her mother, she said: "They took me from my holiday."

Dutch 'sighting'.

Manuel Schadwald

Was a top politician present when a young boy was murdered?

Reportedly there are photos of the top politician, in the nude, with the boy.

Censored31 threatens to spread picture of naked SG of Justice

12-year-old Manuel Schadwald disappeared on the way to a Berlin leisure centre.

Manuel's mother thinks that a boy who appears in a child-porn film is her son.


In an apartment in Zandvoort in the Netherlands thousands of child-porn photos were discovered.

The photos include the torture and rape of children as young as two.

It is believed that the international pedophile ring includes Portuguese, British, Belgians, Dutch and Germans.

Die Gier nach kleinen Kindern kennt keine Grenzen mehr ... - Die Welt / When sex abuse can lead to murder | World news | The Guardian

"Marcel Vervloesem confirmed what earlier sources already reported: Joris Demmink attended the satanic lust murder of the German boy Manuel Schadwald."


Joris Demmink is one of the top people in the Netherlands.

Marcel Vervloesem has said in a Dutch radio programme that he has a video of Joris Demmink, on a boat called Apollo, while Manuel Schadwald was being murdered.

On 27 November 1995, Belgian police searched premises used by the Rajneesh - Osho cult (a cult linked to the CIA)

They were looking for Eric Mattheeussen, who had been accused of taking photographs of a traffic accident. The police found many boxes.

"In these boxes ... we find hundreds of pictures of corpses of children, often in the most hideous poses.

"Many of the pictures have been made by himself; other pictures were made on order by other photographers. ...

"In several boxes we find child pornography. ... Hundreds of magazines. ... The lecture shows penetrations of often very young children by grown ups, and also some very unusual pedophile fantasies. ... newspaper clippings of prominent disappearances."

(De Demmink Doofpot Institute for the Study of Globalization and ...)


Beat Meier is Swiss.

"His name appears in the Dutroux police files."

"Scotland Yard detectives travelled to Switzerland to try to interview him in prison... Scotland Yard officers wanted to talk to him about a video they had obtained.

"This video featured a boy who was tied to a chair and horrifically tortured and abused by two masked men.

"Through great detective work Scotland Yard identified the boy, even though his face never appeared on the video. Fortunately the boy had survived his ordeal and he was tracked down to his home in Liverpool.

"The boy’s explanation was very revealing.

"Beat Meier had befriended his parents and suggested taking the boy back to Switzerland for a holiday..."

(4 2011-01-15 09:10 - Bende van Nijvel » Forum)

Dutroux victims

Zev Barkan aka Bruckenstein was at one time a Mossad agent in Brussels.

Reportedly, Barkan got Bernard Weinstein involved with Marc Dutroux's organisation, so that blackmail could be applied to Dutroux's customers.

Dutroux was at the centre of an international child abuse and murder ring.


Zev Barkan

Reportedly, Mossad operative Zev Barkan and his accomplices ran a studio making snuff and porno movies in the Mekong River town of Pen Yauin in Cambodia.


Of course, all these top child abusers are untouchable.

And it is the intelligence services who organise the system.




Anonymous said... Brazil: Neoliberalism with a “Human Face” Replicating Argentina, Brazil's Macro-economic Policy under the Control of Wall Street creditors…/374

West’s WMD Lies Fray as Syrian Army Overruns Terrorist Proxies…/5333569

12:25 PM giark65 said... Where do you get your insights? No reason to post on your board as I visit your site every day.

Sexual Deviants, Pedophiles, Hybristophilia, Murder & Entrapment · David Hawkins

12:37 PM Anonymous said... BREAKIN NEWS…/Coronation-Street-star-Bill-Ro…

1:10 PM Anonymous said... MISS X?…/Profumo-affair-Portrait-emerge…

1:18 PM Anonymous said...…/Sgt-John-Hartley-Robertson-US-…

1:24 PM Anonymous said... The controversial Qatar-Brotherhood alliance

Gaza�s gas � EU millions up in smoke…/cyprus-mps-approve-euimf-bailout-d…/

1:33 PM Carol A. Valentine said... Before the year 1795 Holland had no king. There was no Dutch Kingdom.

The Netherlands were a Republic.

How can a country go from being a Republic to become a monarchy?

The answer is that the first king appointed himself in the 1800's.

The Dutch 'Royal' Family were not Kings, they were 'stadtholders' which is like being a steward or custodian, that is all.

The Dutch 'Royal' family seized the throne like virtually all of the phony current royal families of Europe did (e.g. Swedish= Bernadotte a French General)

They took power from the people.

When will we rid ourselves of Them


equineluvr ago

"When will we rid ourselves of Them ?"

The Bible says never.

helpingabit12 ago

What was it ?