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Laskar ago

There's a cover up but this survivor speaks out and names big names:

A woman in Holland, a survivor of ritual abuse by her family and by elites, speaks also about child hunting parties and their locations. She names some top people, describes an initiation "fail", and claims also to have been trafficked to Scotland and a secret military base in Australia.

The introduction on YouTube:


Toos is not the only one to speak about this:

Dutch Prince Bernhardt, whom she mentions, is the founder and first president of Bilderberg.

The Dutch Royals are interesting for a number reasons beyond Royal Dutch Shell (Saudi oil). Here is a photo of Dutch Queen Beatrice with Marina Abramovic:

"Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands was the first president of the Bilderberg Group. Reportedly, as a child, Regina Louf visited Prince Bernhard's yacht Jumbo VI. Regina Louf was one of the child victims of the murderous Dutroux pedophile gang."

Source: "Child Abuse Networks - Part Two"

Here's the link to "Child Abuse Networks - Part One" :

It makes you wonder what really goes on at those secretive Bilderberg meetings.

Here's their official site:

Here's their scant Wikileaks page:

Original post:

PizzagateBot ago

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OriginLinkFromCurrentPost RelatedPostTitle PostDate LinkOrigin Video: "i worked in a dutch pedophile jail, They call them patients, There jail is basically a living room, some are off every weekend.." 4/28/2017 OP

MysticMa ago

This folks is what is wrong with the whole world "Implausible Deniability" People have trouble admitting to unpleasant things, even when the proof is right in front of their face. Whatever the situation, and for whatever reason, they will adamantly refuse to admit a situation is what it is. But also, it is Plausible as well! That name was coined by the CIA in the early 1960s to describe the withholding of information from senior officials in order to protect them from repercussions in the event that illegal or unpopular activities by the CIA became public. However this is top/down CORRUPTION at it's finest! What pissed me of the most??? In that whole hearing the subject of "MINORS" was sort of "glazed over" and the "SNUFF" part was well, SNUFFED!

helpingabit12 ago

victim/key whiteness @ 9:04

helpingabit12 ago

"Mr. Demink's private residence was registered children's day care center, we know this because of a publication in a local news paper"


helpingabit12 ago

Thanks for sharing