hafen ago

Sorry, if I'm slow and you already knew this, but I just realized that many of the dead sli.mg image links on the executive summary were archived. Next update you should update all the sli.mg links with either reuploads or links to the archive. :D

Millennial_Falcon ago

Not sure what you mean. All sli.mg links were replaced with another image host months ago.

hafen ago

I still see sli.mg links on the executive summary. https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1497611

Search the page for "sli.mg" using "Ctrl + f"

Millennial_Falcon ago

That's someone's comment, not the actual summary.

hafen ago

Ah ok. +1

Turns out I am slow...

Psalm144-1 ago

When will you be re-sticky'ing the Executive Summary again?

Millennial_Falcon ago

Soon. It's linked at the top of this sticky...

Gbuggers ago

Good work

Smyrtz ago

It would be great to have an area to list events that need follow up. A reminder area if sorts. Like the boy who was found dead in a lake with his organs missing...which was ruled a drowning. The thousands of pentagon employees caught with cp and nothing happened.

The older the event, the more likely a successful FOIA request.

MSM reports these stories before an "investigation" is complete. While everything is still a question. Then we never hear about it again. We need to start asking for answers. There are tons of these cases.

I have opened a few eyes by describing some of these cases. People can't believe that this shit goes nowhere. Great red-pilling for those who make their way over here. It would also provide some great info for those who are making videos for public release.

Konran ago

One thing - why are the AMA posts there?

As far as I'm aware nothing ever came of the claims from the alleged 'victim'. (Please correct me if I'm wrong).

It was also pointed out that in the Reddit AMA the 'victim' explicitly stated that they did not have Photoshop. However, looking at the email 'evidence' one can see a Photoshop Shortcut in the tab bar.

If nothing else, this shows that the 'victim' was economical with the truth, and in my opinion we should be wary of including this type of 'evidence' from the summary.

Millennial_Falcon ago

It was also pointed out that in the Reddit AMA the 'victim' explicitly stated that they did not have Photoshop. However, looking at the email 'evidence' one can see a Photoshop Shortcut in the tab bar.


Konran ago

Millennial_Falcon ago

where's the pic showing photoshop shortcut?

nevermind, found it: https://archive.is/SHacU

UglyTruth ago

Tamera Luzzatto was chief of staff for Jay Rockefeller


pbvrocks ago

REALLY good list...might suggest you add Silsby info as that ties directly back to US gov under HRC WJC (NM..just read closer...). Would also suggest that SOMEWHERE we have the other subverses listed..I know there are several and would be nice to have quick links etc...keep up the good work...watch discerning dis-allowing :-)

Psychanaut ago

Go fuck yourself SHILL.

Psychanaut ago

Go fuck yourself you stupid asshole. You're a fucking loser and your "executive summary" is ridiculous.

DriftingDevoid ago

Every second the original summary is not stickied on the subverse is a loss of potential new people that visit this site and not see the summary. I'm all for improving it, but please keep it there.

neverobey ago

What I would like you to notice about Dr. Pong is that two voat useres planned on going there. One never came back, the other didn't mentioned it again.

1. @Sportsfan1234

in this thread he talks about visiting Dr. Pong this day (4 month ago). He never came back. But he hasn't been a member before anyway. So I really don't know what to make of it. I wrote a mail to this guy around 3 weeks ago. Never got an answer. Here you can see his comments about visiting Dr. Pong and talking to the staff. On this thread the same comment about visiting Dr. Pong.

2. @nnfx

unlike @Sportsfan1234 this user doesn't say he will visit Dr. Pong right away and unlike Sportsfan he/she came back after claiming it. User made this post where he commented that in the near future he would go visit Dr. Pong.

Hello, @nnfx I never dared to ask you but now that it is a public request so to say: Have you been to Dr. Pong already? And why did you only post about one subject after that? I am not trying to accuse you of anything. I just wondered why you posted the same thread (Monarch mind control survior Serenity Rayne) 4 times, I guess?! To be honest: That scared me.

nnfx ago

No, I haven't been to Dr. Pong yet. I'd still be willing to visit Berlin, but as I said, I don't live exactly close to Berlin and it would cost me quite some money to get there. Also I'm not sure if I should do this as a solo mission, considering the last person who said he would visit Dr. Pong never came back... ö.ö Not sure how much it would benefit the research anyway. I guess I would take some pics of the place, ask some weird questions and that's it. Don't think I'd get invited to a "private pizza party"... But if anyone comes up with some good reason to go there, I might do it anyway.

About my Submissions: Don't be scared. lol I just focused on researching voat posts and supporting other researchers. I never submitted many posts, not before and not after my Dr. Pong post. The reason I posted about Serenity three times (one time was a x-post to v/pizzagatewhatever and v/pedogate) was simply, because I was pretty passionate about supporting her. I was hoping to make some people aware of her, her bad situation and her need for support. Sorry if that spooked you out. xD

neverobey ago

thanks for your answer. :) Thing is: I live in Berlin and planned on going there but went quiet when I saw both of you. But I don't know why I shouldn't trust your explanation. My most paranoid thought was that maybe you had been kidnapped and soemeone has taken over your account. :D Glad you're alive and well and just concerned about Serenity.

Vindicator ago

What about a summary of the massive and ongoing organized efforts to censor Pizzagate news, with links to the salient posts?

Millennial_Falcon ago

Yeah, good idear.

Orangutan ago

Historical references of precedent... From the Catholic Church, to the Franklin Scandal, Penn State, Dennis Hastert, Jimmy Savile, DynCorp, Australian cult, Mark Foley, Larry Craig, etc.

Historical context puts it into a more rational perspective.

UnicornsAndSparkles ago


Are_we_sure ago

THIS 10 YEAR OLD VIDEO OF A SCREAMING CHILD OUTSIDE CPP is one of the dumbest conceivable possible pieces of evidence. The guy shooting and editing the video is not concerned, don't you think he would be in better position to understand what the kid was screaming about? His concern is solely on the ping pong table probably because the screaming kid has nothing to do with Comet Ping Pong. Listen how loud it is when the cars go by. See how they are way louder than the screaming child? That indicates the child is far away.

This is as relevant as cars outside of Comet Ping Pong.

UnicornsAndSparkles ago

Maybe you weren't shilling around here when this was discussed a while back. Low and behold the untrustworthy voat search site brings back zero Pizzagate results to source.

THE GUY KNEW ABOUT PIZZAGATE BACK THEN. You think that video was really about parking outside a pizza place?

The camera is on the floor. Picking up screams everyone can't hear. https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1572297

UnicornsAndSparkles ago

Proof of JA at Rothschild event with Brock

UnicornsAndSparkles ago

Same judge for shooter used for brock blackmail case.

Shillary ago

How about a link to all the deleted spam you've been editing out of the subverse, so users can see the massive amount of disinformation that we've had to deal with

Millennial_Falcon ago

LOL. That's actually not a bad idea.

AssFaceSandwich2 ago

Just to the right of this comment is "removed submissions" and "removed comments"(lol, and about 600 JA accounts as PGIz in the "banned users" section)

wecanhelp ago

I've said this before, but I really feel that instead of fragmenting this effort, you and @RebelSkum of pizzagate.wiki (and possibly others as well) should cooperate to build the mother of all summaries that can then be kept updated by more than a single person, and shared as the "canonical" link of Pizzagate evidence everywhere. A wiki is inherently a better platform to build such a collaborative summary (with its peer reviews, versioning history, easy reverts, and familiarity to regular internet users), and the resulting summary could be posted and stickied here as a Link post so that the Voat community can still vet and discuss it, which is pretty much the best of both worlds, I think. Just my two cents, but I would certainly like to see an "official" site for all this that is not pizzagate.com (here's why). The only downside I see to this is putting all the eggs in one basket, but to my knowledge RebelSkum has made sure that there are robust backups of the wiki, and the summary article can (and should) also be backed up by independent users for redundancy.

RebelSkum ago

Fantastic idea and you mentioned just about all the reasons Wikis can help with that. I could set up an Executive Summary page and include bits or all of it to the front page as well so it's all compartmentalized.

Vindicator ago

This is a cool idea!

wecanhelp ago

@Millennial_Falcon, how do you feel about this? Could you guys set up a small working group of trusted editors, and maintain the summary collaboratively on the wiki?

Millennial_Falcon ago

Not a bad idea. I don't think I personally have the time for the deliberation/discussion that would be involved in a fully collaborative effort right now, but I would be glad to include a link to a good wiki at the top of my summary.

PizzagateBot ago

I agree with this. We don't want to create 'silos' of information where to get the best full picture you need to straddle between two sites.

but I would certainly like to see an "official" site for all this that is not pizzagate.com (here's why).

Could decentralize it with https://zeronet.io/ It is on my fatassed bucket list to try and make a turnkey image for a raspberry pi to host zeronet/maidsafe content. (ie you burn the image to SD card, boot it and that is it you are seeding the site through a VPN/proxy).

wecanhelp ago

ZeroNet is not directly accessible to 99.9% of the population, so I wouldn't bother with that. Redundant backups should do the trick in my opinion, and I also trust that RebelSkum knows what he's doing.

PizzagateBot ago

ZeroNet is not directly accessible to 99.9% of the population, so I wouldn't bother with that

That's not true, if you have internet access you can access zeronet hosted sites through gateways and .bit domains, you just won't be able to host and help propagate them without using their website torrenting application. Without the app you are like someone who just downloads a torrent without seeding and becoming being another redundant node.

This is pretty much a general feature of emerging web 3.0 technologies, accessibility and backwards compatibility with web 2.0.

Redundant backups should do the trick in my opinion, and I also trust that RebelSkum knows what he's doing.

Yes, secondary, tertiary backups, even a USB stick wrapped in an anti-static bag and boxed, padded and buried. Can't have too many backups.

wecanhelp ago

What I meant is that this is beyond the knowledge of regular internet users, and the summary should be optimized for accessibility first and foremost, since spreading information is its primary purpose. You should be able to find it through search engines, pass the link to your friends on Facebook, and start reading it in a single click. ZeroNet is great for, say, a research group, but is way too hidden for your retired neighbor.

PizzagateBot ago

Well that is moot and its moot to argue it at this point, especially if you are going to argue like you just formed an opinion by doing a google search and quickly read the top results LOL

wecanhelp ago

I did not form an opinion based solely on this, I've used ZeroNet myself in the past. Ultimately I'm not making any calls here, I probably won't be involved in the making of this summary, so just adding my two cents.

Are_we_sure ago

You can remove the part about the Arch of Hysteria having anything to do with Jeffrey Dahmer.

That is conclusively debunked. We know the inspiration for that sculpture and we know when she first came up with the idea.

Her inspiration was the Charcot, a French Neurologist from the 1800s. He studied hysteria and had patients who would arch themselves into what the called the arc de cercle. https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/af/da/48/afda484112e16bcd3315ead9da6a2e88.jpg

She started working on this idea in the late 80's. This is a sketch of the first in the series. The sketch was made in 1989 https://www.moma.org/collection_lb/browse_results.php?object_id=70922

Millennial_Falcon ago

I will look into this.

JrSlimss ago

It actually isn't debunked. There's enough evidence to leave it up. http://pizzagate.wiki/Louise_Bourgeois#Arch_of_Hysteria

Also, Are_we_sure/Arewesure is always shilling.

Are_we_sure ago

The Pizzagate Wiki entry is nonsense upon nonsense.

Arch of Hysteria Bourgeois' work, Arch of Hysteria, is prominently featured in Tony Podesta's art collection. It bears a striking resemblance to a Polaroid photo of a victim of the cannibal, Jeffrey Dahmer

This is if you completely ignore the placement of the arms and legs.

Arch of Hysteria is often suspended from a ceiling by a cable in its pelvic region, but it also may be presented in a recreation of a cellar, with a large saw and the sculpture lying on a bed.

These are two different works from a long term series she did. The one next to the saw is female is called Arched Figure. The pizzagate wiki doesn't not seem to know that she did a lot of these some with heads, some without. Some with arms, some without, some male, some female. She even did a little sketch of herself as the arch in a Self Portrait show. http://www.moma.org/collection_images/resized/768/w155h170crop/CRI_263768.jpg I don't think she wanted to be a murder victim.

According to Bourgeois, the work's name and inspiration is a reference to a classic view of "hysteria," a traditionally female malady as it was originally linked to premenstrual syndrome.[2] An 1824 engraving by Charles Bell provides one illustration using a male.[3]

Neither link 2 or 3 show Bourgeois's inspiration, it is specifically Charcot's work on hysteria and the contortion he called the "arc de cercle." The Bell engraving does not show a hysteric, but someone suffering from tetanus. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Opisthotonus. Either way, Bell's illustration is irrelevant as it was an illustration from Charcot's work she used.

However, there is one key difference between Bourgeois' work and all other portrayals of "hysteria" - no other portrayal has the subject's head severed.

This is just lousy art criticism. When Rodin sculpted hand of a pianist? Are we supposed to think this hand was severed from a body? Or does Rodin just want us to focus only on the hand. https://boutique.musee-rodin.fr/96-1796/hand-of-a-pianist-rodin.jpg The Arch of Hysteria does not show a figure with a severed head. It never had a head. It's a sculpture, an abstraction. It doesn't breathe, it doesn't bleed. the fact that it never had a head is no indication of violence.

Discussion Over Whether Dahmer's Photos Influenced Bourgeois

Hint: They did not.

The Pizzagate Wiki then goes into a convoluted discussion about when these images of Dahmer's victims were first seen by the public. This section is oddly written because it doesn't spell out what it's responding to. It's responding to a specific charge that Louise Bourgeois could not be influenced by that photo of that Jeffrey Dahmer victim in 1993 because that image was not public in 1993. But it doesn't want to say it that plainly because that would undermine the accusation it's making. Look how oddly this written and how long it take to get to the fact that the first documented appearance is in textbook on murder in 1996.

Arch of Hysteria was first released in 1993.[4] Jeffrey Dahmer was arrested on July 22, 1991.[5] On February 15, 1992, his first trial concluded.[6] The Polaroid photos he took of his victims provided key evidence against him in his criminal trial. The adjoining photo is one of 74 others.[7] Evidence in criminal trials is often made available to the public after it is shown in court or after the case has concluded. "[T]he public's right of access to judicial records is protected by various legal sources. After-the-fact access to evidence, however, is less certain, although some courts have adopted the view that the public has a right to access such evidence, absent exceptional circumstances."[8][Archived Version] Needless to say, the Court in the Dahmer trial showed no attempt to conceal the proceedings from the public. In fact, the Jeffrey Dahmer trial was televised publicly on CourtTV.[9][Archived Version] It was arguably one of the 11 most-watched trials in history.[10][Archived Version] While it is unclear what Polaroid photos, if any, were shown on television, the photos were made publicly available. That is how Vernon Gerberth was able to acquire them for his 1996 book, Practical Homicide Investigation, for example.

Do they really think they were going to show these gruesome photos on TV in 1992? In fact, we know that they did not because the pizzagate wiki links to the evidence when they talk about the most watched trials. There is no support whatsoever for this sentence. "Needless to say, the Court in the Dahmer trial showed no attempt to conceal the proceedings from the public."

Court TV was there—but on a 10-second delay, in order to carefully edit out those exhibits and discussions that might be too disturbing to viewers.

The section ends with sheer speculation because they know they don't have any evidence these images were available in 1993. They seem to first show up in a specialized textbook on murder 3 years after her sculpture is completed.

Given the high-profile nature of the Dahmer case, the occasional portrayal of the Arch of Hysteria in a scenario reminiscent of a slaughterhouse, and Bourgeois' previous works showing her interest in cannibalism, it is not unreasonable to think that she may have taken an interest in the case, seen the Dahmer photo, and allowed it to influence her work, which would be released a year later.

Let's put this a statement that can be discovered to be true or false.

In addition to the fact that Bourgeois, started her arches in 1989, the Bourgeois/Dahmer connection is false because Jeffrey Dahmer crime scene photos were not public in 1993, they were first shown in a 1996 text book on murder.

JrSlimss ago

In addition to the fact that Bourgeois, started her arches in 1989, the Bourgeois/Dahmer connection is false because Jeffrey Dahmer crime scene photos were not public in 1993, they were first shown in a 1996 text book on murder.

Nope. They would be available right after the trial concluded. Good waste of time though, shill. Why don't you even use a new account? Like why would someone even believe you after crying wolf so many times?

Are_we_sure ago

This is absolutely false. They would only be released if they specifically were used as evidence in the trial. it's not at all clear the photo we are talking about was entered as evidence. There was tons of evidence to convict Dahmer, not all of it needed to be used at trial. I had never heard of Dahmer posing his victim this way until pizzagate.

JrSlimss ago

Haha of course all photos would have been entered into evidence at the beginning of the trial! Are you seriously that dense? You can't bring in new evidence during the trial unless you have a very serious reason, like obstruction by the opposing party.

Are_we_sure ago

There's fuck-all evidence. There's a shit ton of conjecture. All it false.

The statue Podesta owns is one many Arches she did. She conceived of an Arched Figure as early as 1989 as I just documented. It was not in response to Jeffrey Dahmer, who no one knew about in 1989, it was a response to the work of Jean-Martin Charcot, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jean-Martin_Charcot He was "the founder of modern neurology." who studied hysterics and found they sometimes contorted themselves in this way. https://ratandravendotnet.files.wordpress.com/2016/05/1843-delahaye-et-lecrosnier.jpg

Of particular note, a person in an Arch of Hysteria is alive. They are not a cadaver. Again this link conclusively debunks the idea that Bourgeois's sculptuer is related to Jeffrey Dahmer. It shows the date as 1989 and contains the following text. https://www.moma.org/collection_lb/browse_results.php?object_id=70922

Background:The source of Bourgeois's imagery is an illustration from an early twentieth-century textbook on psychological illnesses, which she photocopied, traced, and then scratched on the plate. She rejected it because it was not her own image and she was not satisfied with it. She would later create Arched Figure, seen below in Related Works in the Catalogue, on the same theme. Artist’s Remarks:"This is a feminist statement. It is a document which proves the prejudice of Charcot." (Jean-Martin Charcot [1825-1893], considered the father of modern neurology, was also the teacher of Sigmund Freud.) "For Charcot," Bourgeois said, "the arched body... the hysterical woman... was a subject of entertainment... she was made to be ridiculous and laughable. And hysterical people were always thought to be women. But that is a superstition! This document shows that men were also hysterical. I am trying to prove a point here. Charcot made fun of women... like my father made fun of me." (Quote cited in Wye, Deborah and Carol Smith. “The Prints of Louise Bourgeois.” New York: The Museum of Modern Art, 1994, p. 244.)

Here's a few of her works in the series. The first image is one she conceived in 1989. This figure is a female-another difference with Dahmer. http://www.moma.org/collection_images/resized/674/w500h420/CRI_311674.jpg

http://www.moma.org/collection_images/resized/689/w500h420/CRI_329689.jpg http://www.moma.org/collection_images/resized/692/w500h420/CRI_329692.jpg https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/0d/6b/ef/0d6bef7d6e9a15b8fb4dceb1c2259f69.jpg https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/6d/02/10/6d02104bee777b8c05e03311a5ef7ad4.jpg https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/88/d8/94/88d8949312f03e0cad300f2ba950cb21.jpg https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/2d/54/32/2d5432c322bd53d6854c3cfff911fb0d.jpg http://www.tate.org.uk/art/images/work/AL/AL00229_8.jpg https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/4b/46/1e/4b461ee06790473cdee45c3e27095964.jpg


UnicornsAndSparkles ago

I thought it was just one of them and they copied the name to throw us off. A long played out shill must be reading through this shit thinking .. were fucked.

kestrel9 ago

I'm wondering about whether you might expand the Edgar Maddison Welch (CPP 'shooter') part to include the so called 'secret plea deal' http://themillenniumreport.com/2017/03/why-the-comet-ping-pong-shooter-was-just-given-a-secret-plea-deal-video/ (some people have said this site is controlled op, I don't know if it is or is not). Also the moved street cameras (I seem to recall posts about that), the inconsistent reported accounts of what really happened: One, two, three shots? (even NO shots I think), floor, ceiling, door?... And the fact that the NYT reported the 'conspiracy' as debunked, then stating that there never was any investigation (I guess Welch's 'investigation' was enough to confirm). Also wasn't there people mentioning that CPP computer had pictures that were encrypted or contained hidden information? I don't recall, just mentioning things off the top of my head.

And regarding the NYT 'debunked' claims (NO investigation) they state that people mistakenly took the abbreviation of Cheese Pizza 'CP' to mean 'child porn'...as if that was the dumbest mistake on the planet. Didn't FBI sources cite that 'cheese pizza' was pedo code? At any rate, I had this post recently which demonstrates that some people know full well that 'Cheese Pizza' is code when 'CP' = 'Child Porn'. The Cheese Pizza is just plausible deniability imo :

"LET'S INVESTiGATE: Pizzagate related Artists / Bands by blablah in pizzagate [–]kestrel9 1 points (+1|-0) 1.3 days ago

...Anyway from another band there's also this: https://tlaymap.bandcamp.com/track/i-like-cheese-pizza In the short declaration the artist says: "I like cheese pizza...it represents CP...CP represents Child Porn...." First I was reminded of the NYT laughing at PG as "Fake news" because they claimed people mistakenly took the letters that used CP for 'Cheese Pizza' to mean Child Porn. Well the Podesta emails were not out when the band, The Lamas And Your Moms A Prostitute, (of Edmonton, Alberta), put out the album 'Make Kids Cry, With My Fists' in 2011...

dougG ago

That's a big mistake people make, the FBI never released any reports on "code words" just symbolism. All of the code words came off a random 4chan OP. Most of the research I believe was done through Urban dictionary which is User submitted content therefore not that credible. There had been evidence of the CP acronym actually being true as a dark web site was found selling child porn as cheese pizzas. In my opinion the encrypted back page on the CPP website was a hoax, one guy posted a blank header page that any child could make on Photoshop. He said he sent the child porn files to DC police but they couldn't use them because they were hacked. At the time, this guy was doing a lot of you tube vids about PG, so I think he was just trying to gain traffic. Why didn't he block out the cp on all those hidden pages and post that to the community if it was real?

kestrel9 ago

'Why didn't he block out...' good point. My reason for bringing up the coded language is because the NYT reported it as if associating the Cheese Pizza to CP to Child porn was just the most ridiculous notion in the world, and therefore PG must be the most ridiculous story, ridiculous enough for the MSM to mint a new genre to label it, not just in America, but across the Globe: 'Fake News'. Since I ran across this: https://tlaymap.bandcamp.com/track/i-like-cheese-pizza (which on hearing again sounds like a clip from Beavis and Butthead) it's clear that associating Cheese Pizza = CP = Child Porn is not a new notion. The album is titled "Make Kids Cry, With My Fists"...clearly not a theme having to do with real pizza.

Are_we_sure ago

And regarding the NYT 'debunked' claims (NO investigation) they state that people mistakenly took the abbreviation of Cheese Pizza 'CP' to mean 'child porn'...as if that was the dumbest mistake on the planet. Didn't FBI sources cite that 'cheese pizza' was pedo code?

The FBI did absolutely did not cite this. The "pedo code" is fake. There's no law enforcement sauce for the claims of cheese, pasta, sauce, walnuts, etc.

The Cheese Pizza is just plausible deniability imo :

The Podesta emails contain extra zero references to "Cheese Pizza."

Also code is intended to be secret. Code is not code if someone else can undertsand your references, that would simply be slang. Chickenhawk or piece of chicken are known references going back decades. This is not code, it's slang.

kestrel9 ago

It's what the NYT reported (the CP topic not the FBI topic). And regarding the FBI, yes they did not cite it, I wasn't sure so I phrased it as a question. Again, my point was about the NYT reporting. Okay, CP is slang for Cheese Pizza or child porn (or cerebral palsy for that matter). The recording link I posted indicates that for some people, the term Cheese Pizza may be slang for child porn. NYT said PG was debunked without an investigation... so it was debunked because the idiot with a gun didn't find a basement?

Konran ago

Good find.

What the fuck kind of 'music' is that and who in the hell would choose to listen to it for pleasure?

Rhetorical question. I imagine we can all guess the answer.

kestrel9 ago

Perhaps the psychopathology is that it's the Leftists' audio version of "cutting" one's self.

Vindicator ago

Yes, Kestrel9, the Millennium Report is not a reliable source. For example, they had an article undermining Wikileaks by claiming photos sent to John Podesta attached to an email about a trip to Antarctica showed evidence of alien presence there (which may be what set David Seaman off down that silly-ass rabbit hole about elites being about to reveal aliens to distract from Pizzagate). I personally downloaded and examined all the photos in question from Wikileaks and it was total BS.

I believe they also propagated the disinfo about the Atlanta attorney shooting being about "elite pedophiles" as well.

kestrel9 ago

Agree...Any website pushing the Aliens from space narrative isn't worth citing as a source, have to find other sources to confirm any News claims they post that may be true.

Millennial_Falcon ago

I'm wondering about whether you might expand the Edgar Maddison Welch

good idea,

kestrel9 ago

One of the older related CPP shooter links: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1461897

Also this in the suggested topic of "Are the D.C. Police too compromised to conduct a Child Trafficking investigation?" https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1745638 "Linwood Barnhill Jr., a veteran of the D.C. Police Department, was exposed by the Free Thought Project for running a child sex ring out of his house. In 2014, in an early morning search warrant issued for his Southeast D.C. apartment found a 15-year-old girl who had previously been reported missing by her parents. When police rescued the girl she told officers that she had met six other girls inside the Southeast D.C. apartment who told her they were also being prostituted, including with ads posted on backpage.com. Barnhill also took naked photos of the girls, purportedly for use in advertisements for sex."

"Edit: @shizzle_mcbobblehead brought this to my attention. There is a 3rd cop in Washington DC who was accused of child porn. He committed suicide. http://www.nbcwashington.com/news/local/Police-Search-for-Missing-Person-at-Hains-Point-235329281.html" http://archive.is/H7NSe

But hey, if the D.C. Police are too compromised, the NYT would be doing some hard nose journalism and leaving no stone unturned to protect children...unless they're just "Fake Journalists".

And what's up with this? http://yournewswire.com/pedophile-epidemic-police/ Is it a true report?

Millennial_Falcon ago

And what's up with this? http://yournewswire.com/pedophile-epidemic-police/ Is it a true report?

it seems like I've heard (from @Vindicator) that "yournewswire" is poorly fact-checked at best, and quite possibly deliberate disinfo, but I don't have time to read the article at the moment.

kestrel9 ago

That's what I seem to recall too...thanks, that's why I asked.

Psalm144-1 ago

I would suggest adding more on Heavy Breathing. Particulalry the video where Majestic Ape talks about doing drugs and "meeting Satan" etc. This is the same video that has the grown man dressed as a little kid skipping rope on stage while Ape talks. VERY BIZARRE BEHAVIOR!!

MolochHunter ago

can i say, there's been such a purge of alefantis instagram it would be good to make a 'worst of'

remedy4reality ago

I know everybody hates Google, but Google Images has practically every JA IG photo of relevance.

Psalm144-1 ago

I second this ^

anonOpenPress ago

Quoting /v/pizzagatejournalism Welcome section:

We KNOW that the problem exists. More than 20 million humans are trafficked every year. Part of them are children. 400,000 to 800,000 are suspected to be trafficked in the U.S. only, but the problem exists in your country as well.

We KNOW it wouldn't be this serious without the high profile persons and organisations involved. International trafficking in this large scale would be simply impossible without them. This is our evidence #1.

Psychanaut ago

Remove Roberta's Pizza and the artist associated. there is zero connection or evidence other than a single Hillary event in 08 and you are Doxing a young artist for no reason. Very much against that part. Not cool.

PizzagateBot ago

Again, are you going to answer my questions and top comments in your other posts? Why are you avoiding those questions? How many MIT Media lab submissions is that now? That is almost all of your submissions. I'm starting to suspect you are affiliated with MIT Media Lab.



Is there a reason why you frequently post Quora articles featuring Kim Holleman of MIT Media Lab?

Has Kim added any unique insights or research because right now all I can find is just copy-pasta information from her.

It says that she works in Social Computing Group at MIT Media Lab. It sounds very fishy.

Can you comment on the claims of Yoichi Shimatsu that Aaron Swartz was killed by members or those connected to MIT for uncovering a pedo ring and related data on MIT-JSTOR and that MIT Media Lab is a product of MKULTRA and similar mind control/propaganda programs? MIT Media Lab has come up in various posts including this one - https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/comments/1767291 http://rense.com/general95/swartz.html https://steemit.com/pizzagate/@gizmosia/was-aaron-swartz-killed-by-an-mit-satanic-child-porn-ring-pedophiles-at-mit-media-lab-pizzagate

There are too many suspicious things that have happened involving MIT, MIT Media Lab to be specific, for me to trust anything they say about pizzagate. It has signs that it could be controlled opposition.

Please everyone remember that just because someone is speaking out against pizzagate, it does not mean they are friend. This thing is so huge that you MUST expect there to be controlled opposition meaning people who will speak out against it while harboring nefarious plans related to the investigation.

Please be wary when trusting MIT.

Millennial_Falcon ago

LOL. First of all, I didn't say the artist is a suspect. I included him only for informational/research purposes. Secondly, I didn't "doxx" him. This is info that was gathered months ago by the community. All I did was link to his instagram page. Finally, it clearly states at the top of the summary that all suspects are considered innocent until proven guilty. I'm not going to go to extremes to censor information that could lead to new evidence. The evidence I mentioned on Roberta's seems sufficient to justify looking into them further. I plan to include it in a "places/persons of interest" section, or something like that.

dougG ago

I third that notion, Please remove Roberta's. This is an amazing chef run pizza place doing some absolutely spectacular work. The only thing they are guilty of is having too many hipsters.

Psychanaut ago

oh it's you. thats all I needed to see. no wonder.

Millennial_Falcon ago

Oh, it's you, the shitposter whose posts all get removed. No wonder.

Psychanaut ago

Why don't you change your fucking title since you obviously don't want suggestions, fucktard.

Millennial_Falcon ago

I asked for suggestions of OTHER things to ADD, and I don't mind criticism of the items I already have, but I reserve the right to disagree.

Psychanaut ago

Consider yourself reported asshole.

Millennial_Falcon ago

LOL. You lost the argument so you resort to "I'm TELLLLLLINGGGGG!!!"

Psychanaut ago

Do you think this is some kind of fucking joke, you waste of space?

Psychanaut ago

You are the only one removing my posts bro.

Millennial_Falcon ago

The removed submissions log determines that's a lie: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/modlog/submission?page=3

heywhatsgoingon ago

There are things that are easily forgotten but are actually smoking guns, I think they are very convincing. Forgive me as I can't source everything right now, but all of the below are things I have seen on this sub at some point and should be easy to source.

Pandahead Magazine / cumpanda and its connection to Alefantis

There were some photos of "pandas" as in abused kids with black eyes. This alone is proof of something nefarious. I occasionally have doubts like "maybe pg isn't real" but then I remember this. It was posted on voat, but I can't find it right now.

There is actually a precedent for pedophile murderers cooking children.

When someone says "psh that's impossible, cannibalism? Come on, as if." LINK THEM THIS:


Arnett bragged of the boys and girls he had murdered and roasted, according to the records. He took photos of a toddler posed in a pan inside an oven, authorities say; he was found with images of decapitated children that a medical doctor believed to be real.

To see a child cooked, investigators say Scarcello once wrote, "would be a dream come true."


Within online communities, hierarchies form. The people who produce the most heinous images are given access to the most desired content. "They try to one-up each other," Foucart said. "It almost becomes competitive."


"There's no end to it," Foucart said. "We just keep peeling back the onion, but that onion just keeps getting bigger."


Arnett, Scarcello and Brown, according to authorities, were not simply pedophiles. While it would seem even more difficult to determine what makes a person fetishize the murder and cannibalization of children, that question may not be impossible to answer. Dr. Park Dietz is among the world's most prominent forensic psychiatrists. He has examined more than 20 sexual serial killers including Jeffrey Dahmer, who ate many of his 17 male victims.

Absolutely confirmed that pizzagate is not something made up. Pedophile cannibals exist.

Are_we_sure ago

Absolutely confirmed that pizzagate is not something made up. Pedophile cannibals exist.

This makes no sense whatsoever. I don't even think you can believe that.

Lots of things exist. Ted Bundy owned a Volkswagen Bug. You can't turn that around say every owner of a Volkswagen Bug is a serial killer.

What's the evidence within pizzagate for cannibalism anyway? Where does that come from?

pocketfulofstones ago

Suggestions from WikiLeaks:

  • Would be good to add the context about Tony Podesta's underground vault with the "complicated videos" closer to the torture chamber email, but you mention it way below.
  • Another email to add: https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/11442 ..Jennifer Palmieri won't make it to some event with Podesta, so she will “have to settle” for months old pasta that John gave her at Christmas (email written in March). Bonus clip of Palmieri commenting on Bill Cosby donating to Clinton Foundation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6-pybeHvCno

We also really need a section on the "flying of food" and the Stratfor emails

We will have the third annual cookout at 1837 California Street NW on Sunday, December 28th and we would like you and your partner to be part of it. This year, our party will be taco themed—with fresh, handmade tortillas flown in from Mexico the previous day, an entire suckling pig as well as sides and salsas. We plan to start eating (and drinking) in the early afternoon hours at 3 p.m. Kosher and vegetarian options will be available. We will have a decent selection of white and red wines at hand as well as beer. This is a family friendly event, so you should bring all children that are available. Please let us know if you will join in. https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/26903

Are day-old tortillas still considered fresh? “This is a family friendly event, so you should bring all children that are available". Seems like a strange way to say “bring the kids!”

Obama flying $65K of dogs/pizza: https://wikileaks.org/gifiles/docs/12/1223066_re-get-ready-for-chicago-hot-dog-friday-.html

At first this might just sound somewhat irresponsible, but this article claims “You can’t bring in outside food” to the White House. Also, what does he mean same channels? Channels for flying pizza/dogs? Is that a common practice? Also notice the quotes around waitresses. What is the purpose of saying “waitresses” in quotes?

You might notice this is not from the Podesta emails. Stratfor is a “private intelligence firm”. There is a lot to say about Stratfor, they actually do seem to have channels for flying around “pizza”




Here are some emails where they discuss "The pizza pages", which appears to be a pizza ordering site that they are working on, where they even offer "international orders". The third link is to an excel file called pizza analysis which seems to be a record of transactions from that website. The URL of that website is included in the email, but it is probably not wise to go there.

Comet Ping Pong stuff:

Perhaps add a section on Monica Petersen? Here is the important stuff for that:



It mentions FBI Anon as the purported /pol leaker but doesn't explain why everyone thinks it's legit:

On Nov 1 2016, the FBIRecordsvault Twitter account tweeted about the Clinton Foundation. A couple things are important to note here.

This account was dormant for a year before it made a post about Fred Trump on Oct 30, 2016. On the same day, they posted about Nikola Tesla. There happens to have been a very popular meme which originated on the same 4chan/pol website that the FBI Anon thread was made. Many people saw this as a subtle nod to the forum, since the story built off of the connection between those two men, which is actually real.

Nov 1 is significant because there was also a 4chan post stating that “Nov 1st at 11am the house of cards collapses”. The time of the tweet shows up differently depending on what time zone you’re in, so I’m not sure when it was actually posted. Regardless, it is significant because an official FBI twitter account should not be posting about either of the candidates weeks before the election, especially in light of the fact that this was during the time the Comey had announced the reopening of the investigation.

A video by Steve Pieczenik (served in Dept of State under Ford, Carter, Reagan, and Bush) was also released on Nov 1 11 AM, which explains this whole situation very well. He also released a video about the pedophilia connection a day later: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=12zVlaZyX3Q

Of the mainstream media, only Bret Baier ended up reporting the investigation of the Clinton foundation, claiming he had some anonymous sources. This builds credence to everything else here.

Vindicator ago

Wow. Nice summary and great additions, pocketfulofstones!

pocketfulofstones ago

Thanks, wish I had more. I wrote all this down a while ago so I'll be happy to see it used in the sticky

For what it's worth, I think would be a great idea to compile a bunch of mailing addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses that people could reach out to in order to express their concerns about this issue. We could try to get contacts from every state. The only way for them to acknowledge this is if we get loud.

Let me know if you're open to this, I'd be happy to help.

Vindicator ago

I think that would be a great thread!

rodeo13 ago

@millennial_falcon, what is going on with v/pizzagate right now? Why is pizzagatebot policing every single post? Something DEFINITELY changed over the weekend. It feels like a ghosttown here now.

Millennial_Falcon ago

I haven't noticed any change. Can you be more specific? (I would rather you PM me, though, as this thread is about the summary).

Why is pizzagatebot policing every single post?

I guess he's pretty gung-ho?

SuperJohnWayne ago

I agree with all additions, save the last three. Not that I'm in disagreement with the substance of the last three topics, but I do think that their veracity is more subjective and open to "interpretation" compared to the other topics that were first mentioned.

RebelSkum ago

Some excellent additions in there!

Oh, and seriously, f*** Dr. Pong and f*** the horrifically fake incident of the Comet computer shooting. The fact that those images were passed off as proof by MSM is so beyond insanity I get upset just thinking about it.

Edit: Add more on Maccobys. They suck. Truly.

Vindicator ago


PizzagateBot ago

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PizzagateBot ago

Note: The following is not a final draft. It's just a shorthand description of items to be added.

FINE, let me know when you have a final draft I can scrutinize.

Millennial_Falcon ago

LOL. I do appreciate your helpfulness. :D

PizzagateBot ago

Specific allegation against Alefantis taking sexual advantage of an employee's vulnerable teenage son (note that this allegation was corroborated by another alleged victim in his Reddit AMA post): https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1458488

The source of the claim is a comment on 8chan and that thread has been 404'ed. If you are going to use 8chan as evidence, I would explicitly say that this is hearsay evidence, not only hearsay but 8chan hearsay, and include the archive to the 8chan thread that someone thankfully created - http://archive.is/lOZkf - Otherwise I can't see how you can justify adding that as evidence, a copy/paste from a submission that has a 404'ed link to the 8chan thread.

There is also an instagram post from JA of a young man making some lewd comment that could be taken as a sexual reference and that is the picture that made me think, holy shit maybe JA is really just into young males and the whole baby thing is just his slice of the trafficking pie.

PizzagateBot ago

Add this and I think it would be reasonable - https://web.archive.org/web/20161122083118/https://m.reddit.com/r/pizzagate/comments/5da0kp/comet_ping_pong_pizzagate_summary/

There is a user who is the source of that claim and they linked this which I think is good corroboration for skeptics of a lone 8chan archive - http://web.archive.org/web/20161122081157/http://imgur.com/a/IXZuF

PizzagateBot ago

David Brock (Alefantis' former lover): $850,000 blackmail payment. http://archive.is/hqord

A breitbart tweet isn't proof of that, I know people who would shut off soon as they heard breitbart so a news article or something else would be preferred as a source that IMO. Theres news outlets on both sides with articles, even fox news.

Found this with a quick search https://www.docdroid.net/lIpLMAN/brock-court-documents-.pdf.html It would be great to use if it could be verified as legit (its a good fake if not).

Millennial_Falcon ago

This isn't a final draft. I didn't include the Breitbart tweet as a source.

PizzagateBot ago

No worries, just trying to see it in the eyes of a skeptic and giving feedback.

PizzagateBot ago

Comet false flag shooter just "happened" to put a bullet through the hard drive of the computer at Comet: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1504966

I watched the video and the clip at 1:40 he just says it went into their computer system. Do you know if he or any witness/police said it hit the hard drive specifically? If so, that should be directly referenced.

Millennial_Falcon ago

I definitely read that they said it hit the hard drive. Will confirm though.