Sentastixc ago

If you click on more info

you get a captcha thats always the same: BIG CHEESE - holding company for Alefantis diners is BIG CHEESE LLC.

marvink ago

marvink ago

Link between comet ping pong and Dr. Pong: Süßkind means a ping pong bat maybe.

Jedi-Knight ago

Can someone click on the pictures or another galerie?

marvink ago

I found this article:

Interesting part:

"Hier wird Tischtennis als "gesunde Sucht" und "vorapokalyptische Betriebsamkeit" angepriesen, bei der man gleichzeitig die Kontrolle gewinnen und verlieren kann: "Wie die Leute auf freiem Fuß konnten wir uns von Zeit zu Zeit fragen, was wir hier genau behandeln und es nie wissen."Wem das nicht griffig genug ist, der kann sich zusätzliche Haftung mit dem "Andro Süßkind"-Schlägerbelag besorgen, der auf der Getränkekarte für 10 Euro und mit dem (lieber nicht übersetzten) Slogan "Sticky as a long, slow summertime fuck" angeboten wird."

voatcaesarpizza ago

I just spent the past half hour making a post on this. Wish I had seen this first. I even used the search function, which appears to be just as bad as reddit's.

This is what I wrote on the subject.


There never was a Ping Pong Rubber named "Süsskind" selled by Andro Company (Tabletennis equipment producer). Süsskind translates to Sweetchild. Süss=sweet Kind=Child

This lead was found by me personally in the beginning of comet pizzagate

Great work to all

marvink ago

wesofx - "If you click on the button that says Click HERE for more super hot shit you get a really weird youtube channel with videos that I'm 99% sure are nonsense jibberish. All the comments and descriptions are jibberish too."

brightestyoungthings - "Damn, this "Sticky as a long, slow summertime fuck." is so obvious. There's a goat on /

This paragraph if extracted directly from their site:  

TABLE TENNIS AS A MODEL: For conversation, participation, and lesser-mitigated happiness. Interests and themes that motivate our starting are:

  • Un-virtuality (physicality) / real variability.

  • Healthy addiction.

  • Losing defintion between game/sport and �partying�.

  • Gaining control / losing control.

  • Pre-apocalyptic activity.

  • Improvement of eye-hand coordination.

  • �feedback play�.

OTHER GAMES: It is intended that the game space has the possibility to itself be played, through the use of mobilized furniture, perpetually changing d�cor, installations, exhibitions, etc. It is thought that there is an appeal to walking in to a room in which one expects to be surprised. For example, the room may be rearranged as necessary in order to suit momentarily changing needs, as in a gymnasium in which sports equipment is moved and exchanged depending upon the activity at hand.

LOW RESOLUTION: The organization of the organization, as well as its space, are therefore intended to be less than comprehensively organized. It should be clear what makes up the association and its activities, but less definable in what it produces in the way of a specific atmospheric quality or public image. We, like the public at large, might at times wonder what exactly we�re dealing with here, and never know. "