retired ago

odd additional services added;

reminds me of the hawaii connection, and that big parties make it easy to make a lot of noise. ravs have been known to go on for 2-3 days sometimes. with that amount of time, you can build a lot.

far out there, but is it with all things considered? is this just random jokers having fun and being creative?

retired ago

others gathered more

eyes-wide-shut ago

Full list of paged sites:

Also note, within the links:

  • The names of people seemed to be faked
  • You will find a .pig file (2,745Bytes)
  • A (defunct) webcam link
  • A nod to the Dr Pong location in China

marvink ago


eyes-wide-shut ago

Full list of goodandplenty pages:

eyes-wide-shut ago

Yea... this leaves the realm of "artsy German shit". I wish others would dig through this too.

eyes-wide-shut ago

There is a name attached to the whois. I wont link the information, but check it out on whois

search of that IP address led me to the following sites:

**fucking hell the first site on the list is a QR code (

GermanynamreG ago says Invitation to 8th birthday-swim-party, wtf !??

eyes-wide-shut ago

I ran an analysis of the link ending with the file .pig It's an image file. Some guys face, but I need to look at the hex. I feel like something is hiding

GermanynamreG ago

Weirdest is you know nihilism? and lots of pedo-like sites on your list

eyes-wide-shut ago

i wonder if anything is compressed within that youtube video (similar to how there was a zip file compressed within the pizza.jpg image)

Rusdy ago

The connection from the people planning how to use the tunnels to Alefantis and Miller is extremely important! Archive that shit, meme the "Thanks to Alefantis for patronage above and beyond..." part. It is truly telling, the phrasing, the 3 point hinting...

spidda ago

just so you know alefantis and oliver miller are business partners confirmed by wapo

spidda ago

deeteecee23 ago is such a creepy website. There's a short conversation in German that plays in the background, a woman laughing and a man saying something like "Ich bin nicht so veil..." I can't get it all. Going through the links on the right hand side, under Mehr Info (more info) you can sign up for news and the "captcha" they have is BIG CHEESE

eyes-wide-shut ago

Also, I found out who he is:

deeteecee23 ago

Hmm. I wanna chalk this up to strange artsy Germans messing with people with a creepy website, but that Dr pong venue gives me the creeps

eyes-wide-shut ago

There is a name attached to the whois. I wont link the information, but check it out on whois

search of that IP address led me to the following sites:

Zinnsee ago

Background conversation

Female voice: 'Hey ich hab solche Mützen na.. gesteigt' -> doesn't make any sense, but I'm absolutely not sure this is correct. It's very hard to really hear what she says. Translation would be something like: 'Hey I have such hats... risen'

Male voice: 'Ich bin nicht soviel schlechtes Deutsch' -> I could hear this pretty clear it translates to: 'I am not so much bad german (language)'

deeteecee23 ago

Yes after a couple more listens I thought he was saying something to that effect. Couldn't get what the girl was saying at all

thicktail1730947 ago

Poorly compressed video talking about video compression, you say? Check for steganography.

still_evolving ago

So I went to There is some german conversation in the background. Anyone can translate?

l23r ago

Die Linke is the name of a political party, but Linken (at least from what I've seen) refers to links, like in a chain or website URLs

southartful ago

German language thrives on double meaning and entedre and I believe the below is a code:

[1] Conversation/Intercourse Participation/Groups Lesser-mitigated happiness/little death (orgasm)

The rest is possibly alluding to sexual styles and themes:

[2] Potentially simulated or dry humping style writhing and touching, some people in the BDSM community get off on not getting off.

[3] Healthy addiction - unsure could use some help?? Maybe relates to normal sex?

[4] Losing definition.. could use help here could be to do with water sports and scat..

But heres where I wanted to specifically focus [5] Gaining control/losing control - this is heavy in slave/master relationships, and this exact wording is often used in power play between dom and sub.. [6] Pre-apocalyptic refers specifically to satanic rituals. Heeding sacrifices to stave off certain events or gain some kind of leverage or power. [7] Hand eye - dont know could use help [8] Feedback play... That term play is also heavily used in BDSM circles, its important and feedback is definitely a term but Im not sure what. Potentially fluid swapping, feltching, snowballing, etc

[9] Other games - relates to optional extras like equipement ×× This gamespace paragraph refers to the fact they can move in certain equipment as needed, A frames, pulleys etc for suspension play.

[10] Low resolution alludes to not being able to see the picture properly/make shit fuzzy ×× The next paragraph alludes to the fact they are a front, they are subtley saying they work no holds barred and will accomodate your requests but you better keep your moith shut because we dont want people snopping around capice!

Full text provided below for reference (numbered) Please read through, let me know what you think you can contribute. Dont get too distracted by this but the language here is definitely constructed like an ad for something other than whats being said.


TABLE TENNIS AS A MODEL: [1] For conversation, participation, and lesser-mitigated happiness. Interests and themes that motivate our starting are: [2] - Un-virtuality (physicality) / real variability. [3] - Healthy addiction. [4] - Losing defintion between game/sport and �partying�. [5] - Gaining control / losing control. [6] - Pre-apocalyptic activity. [7] - Improvement of eye-hand coordination. [8] - �feedback play�. [9] OTHER GAMES: It is intended that the game space has the possibility to itself be played, through the use of mobilized furniture, perpetually changing d�cor, installations, exhibitions, etc. It is thought that there is an appeal to walking in to a room in which one expects to be surprised. For example, the room may be rearranged as necessary in order to suit momentarily changing needs, as in a gymnasium in which sports equipment is moved and exchanged depending upon the activity at hand. [10] LOW RESOLUTION: The organization of the organization, as well as its space, are therefore intended to be less than comprehensively organized. It should be clear what makes up the association and its activities, but less definable in what it produces in the way of a specific atmospheric quality or public image. We, like the public at large, might at times wonder what exactly we�re dealing with here, and never know.

hendaiburtu ago

In the same house as Dr. Pong there is a pizzeria called Pizzare.

Creepy photo from their facebook page.


You can buy a long summertime fuck ANDRO SÜSSKIND (SWEETCHILD) at Dr.Pong

Why would one of the most influential people in DC link to an shitty bar in berlin at all?

And how did they get that much money? From pizza and ping pong?

Spooncooker ago

I found weird Facebook pages like pizza posse and "cheesepizza cp". Look em up. Then a twitter pal showed me this maybe those accounts hide chold porn in plain sight

voatcaesarpizza ago

I'm going down the links.

Blottodesign looks innocuous. It's ran by the site designer.

Jolyongreenaway the DNS can't be reached.

Blockmachine has a 403 Forbidden response

Tanzinsicht requires a username and password (strange for a publicly linked/endorsed site)

Tontransfer is just bizarre. It links to graffiti of a guy holding a mug of beer with the website header saying "YOUTH CAN KISS MY ASS", which it also says on the brick wall by the graffiti. The site appears to be advertisement for an album release. Archive link.

Casaelectronovo appears to be a musician's portfolio/home page

Ruidorojo looks like a dead/unclaimed domain name

Bettinascheibe is the portfolio of an artist that draws some pretty wild stuff, but none of which are nearly as strange as the Podesta stuff. I actually like some of the art.

Roots2fruits gets stuck loading for me, so I can't tell what's up with it.

And that's the first column. I'm going to bed. You guys get the other?