VieBleu ago

Sorry but this doesn't help. If he was 18 and wanted to have gay sex, that's how it is. I have better information about why she turned away from CPP and I'm putting it Here and downvoting this link.

herbertbakunin ago

if he was "fucking" a supposed friend son when they were splitting up form their partner.they are in a vulnerable position looking for guidance it shows about his character. doesn't matter if they were 18 but the OP of the info suggests that it could of been younger. why shut down other avenues of possibility.

VieBleu ago

Because I'm a psychic that can detect amateur hour misdirection heresay BS with one touch of my antennae - this is a time waster. Dismissed.

herbertbakunin ago

"psychic"not an argument, don't be facetious. what is the reasoning she left then "temperament" issues fits well with this scenario. if she does she have a son then following up would be crucial to look into.

pizzathrowaway ago

Well, geez, that's hard to believe. if they wanted to fuck why wouldn't they just go to the "basement"?

MeatballPizza ago

Even years later if the boy was under 18 criminal charges could be brought over this - and big time lawsuits.

Jehosefat ago

Can someone try to find her or the kid and get an eyewitness account? At this point we really, really need some hard evidence.

herbertbakunin ago

Agree, if anyone is good at outreach to follow up on this could be important. It would be a delicate situation though, if it happened its not the sort of thing they would want to talk about. it surely would be an indictment on James alefantis character though, as the media is pushing a squeaky clean image