funny CTR did the same thing just last summer - posted CP to a Bernie site to get it taken down

PrideOfOshtekk ago

They aren't even trying to hide it at this point are they?

srayzie ago

They feel very threatened and are using "operation mind control" right now by getting everything planted in the stupid ass ignorant liberals minds that this is one huge conspiracy.

reasonedandinformed ago

Very good post.

madmanpg ago

One way or another, something is about to drop about them and they want to head it off.

What if pizzagate wasn't true...but the interest made them so paranoid they got nervous about whatever IS true and ended up exposing themselves? I'm still of the opinion that the reason Milo didn't talk about pizzagate was because those "washington area codes" he mentioned may have been FBI or other LE who are going rogue and looking into this shit. We already have confirmation of civil war in our government due to the disagreement twixt FBI and CIA regarding Trump/Russia.

Innocent_Bystander ago

The blatant lying. The chuffing and guffaw make me sick. Shit like this makes me ashamed to be American.. But then I see free speech is making an impact, just the fact that we are here reading these posts is an amazing win in and of itself. Go independent researchers! Blaze this trail! Fuck shit up as is your God given right!

it_was_foretold ago

welcome to being redpilled

shortymcbossypants ago

The way they are going on about Russia now when they were picking on how ineffective and backwards Russia was in recent months, I feel like they see Earth as a Game of Thrones Parallel and somehow Russia is the Walder Frey of the whole damn Earth, at least to these pedophile assholes. Which I guess would make the pedophiles the Lannisters, and I guess all of us pedocrushers are the Starks or maybe the Targaryens since everything is stacked against us, but we come out blazing every.single.damn.time.

shortymcbossypants ago

To quote my sassy as balls grandmother, Bless their Mississippi educated ignorant little hearts. They dont't have enough sense to know if the actual news bit them in the ass and stole their wallet.

voatcaesarpizza ago

We're seeing the narrative shaped before our eyes. Holy shit.

Jillian25 ago

So Russia hacked emails about politicians having pedophilic relationships and gave it to Wikileaks? That would have to mean that someone in Russia owns all those pizza places in DC, and Alefantis is Russian. "Oops. Someone PLANTED CP on my computer. Oops. Now I'm going to become a pedophile and purchase thousands of dollars worth of pedophilic art. But because Russia". Yeah. Nice try.

Amoffthepizza ago

Maybe they have, maybe they have it all, just maybe they are waiting for trump to take office!!! We can only hope....

RedGreenAlliance ago

I wrote about this guy

He is anti-EU and proved in documents he got access to at the fall of the Soviet Union, that the EU has morphed into a socialist project for a new EUSSR. Interesting stuff.

He is anti Russia for sure, but i think him being set up may have been a double bluff - the EU or UK gov, to stp his anti-EU crusade and speeches, but making him blame Russia. That way they win twice. Its not as if Bukovsky is that dangerous to Putin but who knows.

All i kow is the Media is suddenly interested in Bukovskys plight after all this time... to set myths in place. So if paedo material is found (Weiner or whoever) - "da russians did it"? !!!

Baconmon ago

Damn.......Every day russia gets more powerful.. Controlling our whole election, stealing hillary and podesta's emails, and now putting cheese pizza on tons of computers owned by federal employees.. /s

crystalclearme ago

Makes me think of pesky kids

smudgepotforever ago

I posted that same NY times "blame Russia" article yesterday as a comment in another thread. I was thinking the same thing. Glad you made it into its own thread.

Pllatinum ago

Perhaps expect much more of this as we beam closers and closers to more. Maybe in anticipation of massive arrests in early feb.

jangles ago

The only planted cp is the stuff downloaded from John Podesta with hidden steg files.

Jem777 ago

Yes the Russians are so powerful....why they have until this election everyone including Obama mocked Russia and Putin until is a Joke! Now we are allegedly on our knees at their mercy. If our cyber security sucks so much and Russia is so bored watching the Middle East burn to the ground that they are placing CP on government computers that just happens to be revealed to us when citizen journalist actually find not only random CP but the entire pedophile playbook, code words and a giant scheme that just happens to connect known convicted pedophiles all together in media, at the Whitehouse, on AirForce 1 (Terry Bean) in government going back decades, in countries across the world, mixed with overt Satanic symbolism, Luceferian Worship, Occult practice (Marina Abramovic, spirit cooking, John Podestas hands remember the #14 and the fish symbol Osiris research it) art work not only depicting ritual child sexual abuse decorating the walls in your home Tony, that was created by a known victim of ritual child sexual abuse and torture who was diagnosed with DID.... and has statues depicting serial killer Dahmers headless victim posed (who was also involved in cannibalizing his victims). Then while the Russians were at it they got James Alefantis involved in this elaborate set up convinced him to take on the ridiculous name Jimmy Ping Pong, just a guy running a random pizza shop in Washington D C in one of the most expensive areas,who happens to invite music entertainment for children that openly insinuates pedophile activity etc., who has murals on his walls that say things like Go Fuck and Pray....and instagram, social media, etc. I could go on.

Poor pizza guy being picked on he is only the 49th most powerful person in Washington DC, personally visited the Whitehouse at least 5 times, likes to play pong pong with the most powerful people in the world including signed letter from Hillary Clinton(who he allegedly never met) Barack Obama who had phone banks at his Pizza Place and who he visited.

I could go on we can just put together a list of known convicted pedophiles involved with them all , with nothing that I mentioned and no CP pictures just their own actions and personal posting. It screams GUIlLTY!!!! Sorry NYT your CEO Mark Thompson from the BBC who covered up the horrendous crimes of Jimmy Seville. Sorry Carlos Slim owner of the NYT ,your history leaves all of you not only no credibility you have actually become worse than RT at this is disgusting and you are complicit and all of you know it!!

This is not about random CP on computers we wish it was so easy at least some of us could sleep at night. It is sinister and the more you deny it and write this BS and try to make people who should be under investigation into victims instead of doing your job as stated in the constitution to inform the public to tell the truth you are making a mockery of our country and should just be quiet so Real News can continue to do the job.

P.S. It doesn't look good Facebook when you you have a picture taken with the Pope and are granted a personal visit last year and also found to be censoring trending news this election and admitted it. Now all of this is unfolding and even the Pope jumps in to call it a sin to report on news about scandals even if true saying something about excrement and Fake news. As sites are scrubbed of content I think it might be wise to consider which side of History you want to be on and take into account that the world promised never again!!

ChevroletInTokyo ago

Yeah and I bet Russia also planted the creepy images on Alefantis' instagram and created the website for Heavy Breathing. Defo believable.

goodguy1367 ago

Hahaha fuck these people are unreal, they are going to extremes to try and cover their asses, we have them on the ropes, keep up the good work people!

Selnee ago

Wow this "fake news" shit is turning out to be so convenient for everybody!

CheeseStain ago

I don't know what would be more embarrassing, having a bunch of pedos working for the govt, or a US govt IT security so weak that the Russians can just download CP on all of the hard drives.

Both are probably true, pathetic either way.

HeavyBrain ago

Yeah, just like those fuckers planted thise sick browser history that would give my mom a heart attack on my computer just in the moment of my sudden death before I had the chance to clear it.

HeavyBrain ago

Fucking russian they just cant stop, just today some russian hacker burned my pizza because I forgot to take it out the oven.

Dame you Putin and your PSI army.

We_The_People ago

The pathetic part is that ignorant fucks still believe the NYT.

voatcaesarpizza ago

As of 3-4 months ago I respected the NYT as a pillar of the journalism community.

The amount of cognitive dissonance I've experienced since the start of this investigation is... overwhelming. If only Andrew Breitbart were alive right now. Maybe then wouldn't be such a steaming pile of horseshit.

NotANormie ago

You would think after selling us an illegal war people would see the NYT for the propagandists they are

FuckReddit69 ago

The "people' have the memory span of a fruitfly.

99luftballons ago Archived the first story Archive of second story

TAThatBoomerang ago

Hahaha lol. The Russian bogeyman is becoming so ridiculous even normal people are going to start to see right through it.

B3nd3r ago

don't laugh, my cat was stolen and replaced with a racoon by Putin.

WellSetTable ago

Don't forget where this is coming from, A publication that a few months ago DEFENDED pehdophiles .

Fuck NYT. They don't count.

BeezleyBillyBub ago

That explains how all the child porn got on the over 5,000 pentagon computers.

Monty_Cello ago

Holy fuck, they are digging a grave so deep they're going to suffocate or burn before they EVER manage to get buried.

crystalclearme ago

Wow- with the recent blast of MSM "news" it looks like they all finally got on the same page as far as a "plan" on moving forward. Unfortunately it looks like they have decided to burn the whole thing down to the ground. If NYPD or Anon or Wikileaks has the goods- now is the time. I know we can see this but there are many who only believe MSM. Those who who don't believe MSM are not just going to let this slide but may find themselves becoming embroiled and accused and thus discredited. Ugly times ahead

WhatNowFred ago

They don't have a clue just how hard they're going to BURN when Weiner-gate e-mails start getting leaked.

crystalclearme ago

Faces better be crystal clear as they've planted and nurtured the narrative it is false and planted. Should be dumped NOW as we are getting to a tipping point

TealHighCloud ago

If I was a foreign super-power and got access to US government computers I'd definitely just slap some porn on the desktop background and ruin their WoW account. The Russians are known for their love of practical jokes.

hedy ago

Putin is laughing.

GoHeadBeGoneWithIt ago


EllenPaosEgo ago

Actually didn't Snowden reveal that the government takes out those they want to be discredited by planting CP on their computer?

EndThePizza ago

I can see how that would at least be plausible within US govt, because the US govt agencies can inspect each other, so they can plant it and then say "hey you should see if there's bad stuff on this guy's conputer", and it sounds reasonable. If Russia plants CP on a US agent, they're not going to tell the US to inspect his computer - that doesn't make any sense. They'd just have to hope that maybe at some point someone would happen t stumble across it. That's not a good sabotage strategy if it would take years or maybe never get discovered.

CrackerJacks ago

Sound like someone is trying to cover their own back before something happens.

AdVict0riam ago

Methinks they're pretty fucking obviously trying to get out in front of this with some blatant #FakeNews about "planted" CP because they know #PizzagateIsReal

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

They know because many of the media heavies had spirit dinners and pizza with the Clinton Klan,.

totesgoats908234 ago

Their operations have been forced to move to the "limited hangout" phase.

remedy4reality ago

YES -- also, a wide scale disinformation campaign being streamed from the MSM

classic intelligence tactics

LostandFound ago

Completely nice get out off jail free card and blame Russia win win for the power pedos

Don-Keyhote ago

lol u guys if they find cp on my comp DONT LET THE NYT TRY TO DEFEND ME PLEASE

VictorDaniels777 ago

You are so pathetic NYT. Im going to enjoy watching your bankruptcy.

sixgorillion ago

Are you kidding me? NYT is worth a lot more to the owners than it's monetary value. It's a way of influencing people, they would keep running it at a loss if it came to that.

derram ago :

Foes of Russia Say Child Pornography Is Planted to Ruin Them - The New York Times :

Pentagon Child Pornography Scandal - CNN iReport

This has been an automated message.

MrWaldeck ago
