texasdan ago

Maybe we should see what his sentencing is. If it's light, it may suggest that he was a paid actor. We know the DNC paid agitators during the presidential campaign.

PizzaGatinOnYa ago

Links are updated guys with archives to show how things have been changed since yesterday to continue to reiterate the points that are being made in this post. Boomp

WotTheFook ago

This stinks of 'crisis actors'. Are there any in the videos of this incident that can be identified and traced to other 'crisis' incidents?

quantokitty ago

Meanwhile ...

SETH RICH IS STILL DEAD and nothing much is being done about his cold-blooded murder.

MONICA PETERSON IS STILL DEAD and nothing much is being done about her being suicided.


PizzaGatinOnYa ago

Guys The @DcPoliceDept Twitter has removed the tweet about a suspect arrested with assault rifle! There literally is no police source stating that they found any gun at all! This is so obviously fake please let every media outlet know!

Baconmon ago

These pedos are scared shitless..
This false-flag is either to 1: shut down CPP's current location and move to a more secret place and/or beef up security at current location, or 2: make it seem like pizzagate people are crazy "terrorists" and are just making up fake stuff..

Pizzagate is proving that armchair warriors can have some amazing fucking power.. What are the chances some "gunman" would go in and start "shooting" just at the same time pizzagate is uncovering some deep dark shit..

CandyPanda ago

Agreed. There is absolute inconsistency in all accounts. Not to mention watching Jake Tapper start yelling at random people with doublespeak with the "what makes you think there wasn't (an investigation)?" A news reporter who doesn't report the news who basically responded with "I know you are, but what am I?" https://sli.mg/muABKV

And here's the witness who gave the CNN account also contradicting the narrative about shots fired. https://web.archive.org/web/20161205044956/https://mobile.twitter.com/bayreef/status/805593857744310272

So we're to believe a gunman with a rifle came into the place (narrow surroundings too), walked by everyone, found the owner, pointed a rifle at him, and he ran out and called the police, but somehow the servers who knew too calmly walked over to the tables and told people there was a guy who walked past with a rifle and they all calmly left while some took their food and drinks, and everyone hung around outside to see how it all worked out, some with kids, because you know, keeping people nearby an active shooter situation is normal protocol now.

That's the story. What a story. No holes there.

OpBurnTheCrust ago

What the actual fuck? The one guy says that a family that had been in the restaurant came into the restaurant he was in across the street. The family said they didn't see anything but that the managers told them they had to leave. I'm sorry but you didn't see a guy walk in with a rifle???

pizzagate2 ago

wtf.... is going on here

llm2016 ago

This Politico guy is spreading #pizzagate shooter news to build the narrative already. They come with a plan. Seriously, they are desperate!!! http://archive.is/Ufu6R You can go check other MSM reporters. They come out in full force today. They are fighting hard!

YouaremeandIamyou ago

got him! first tweeted the story at 1:18pm. A story about an incident, that had not yet occured!

Skyward ago

@Ramerieznews twitter account listed above is already deleted.

YouaremeandIamyou ago

Benjamin Freed in damage control already. https://twitter.com/brfreed

YouaremeandIamyou ago

The article about it was written before it happened! in the washington post. It says a gunshot fired into the ground, but no one said anything about hearing any shots. In fact, I heard people specifically saying no shots were fired. The article also says police were huddled behind cars, not knowing what he would do. It was written by this guy, who usually "covers the arts, among various other topics": http://dcist.com/2011/12/meet_your_new_dcist_associate_edito.php

PizzaGatinOnYa ago



Save all data guys this is not a drill.

gopluckyourself ago

This is an excuse for them to permanently post a plant officer in the area so that no one can go in there to get pizza and investigate.

HarveyKlinger ago

That would legitimately hurt sales. NO restaurant wants a full dressed police officer standing outside.

gopluckyourself ago

yeah with open hours of 5pm-930pm their sales probly don't cover their costs anyways

MAGABoomer ago

So an out of work actor has his worst-role ever. LOL

HarveyKlinger ago

EVERY FUCKING PERSON IN THAT PLACE HAD A CELL PHONE yet nobody inside got video of him with a gun?

This is some serious B U L L S H I T

DesertRat49 ago

Agree - truth is in short supply these days

davemcgowanwasright ago

"It appeared to us he had a long rifle with him. We scattered," he said."

Nobody talks like that. Every hoax always has a mention of a long rifle. Definately a false flag.

MAGABoomer ago

He apparently forgot to mention that there were shots fired...seriously...only tards who have never heard actual shots fired in a closed space...would forget to mention...shots fired. Inb4 silencer was used.

CrackerJacks ago

James Aletantis smiling http://www.wusa9.com/news/local/dc/suspect-carrying-assault-rifle-arrested-near-comet-ping-pong/362524922 around the 40 second mark in the second video.

Gorillion ago

Standard pedo psychology. They have a pathological need to rub what they do in people's faces. The more "safe" they think they are, the more obvious they'll be about it.

MolochIsAFag ago

http://www.imdb.com/name/nm2625901/ https://archive.is/ZRbbP The "gunman" is an actor in several movies and recently hit a 13 y/o boy with his car, seriously injuring him, in October. My guess is that they had leverage over him from the hit and run and offered him a crisis actor/false flag gig in exchange for the charges going away.

Fateswebb ago

Sometimes kidnappers and rapists hit their victims with their car to initiate the attack. Not saying that's what happened here, but puts an interesting viewpoint of the information out there.

OpBurnTheCrust ago

From what I can tell he hasn't been charged in regards to hitting the 13 year old. I've reached out to find out why no charges and waiting to hear

quantokitty ago


Please post a separate thread so your findings don't get buried.

scvoon ago

Yes, this is it exactly.

And they always have an imdb page, don't they?

stickittotheman ago

Most of the FFs are done by washed up actors, just like Orlando hoax, full of actors

AreWeSure ago

Correction. Missed one of his credits. He did act in one move, the Mill.

Not an actor. Check his actual credits, he's behind the camera. Edgar Maddison Welch ... production assistant These two are on the same film Edgar Maddison Welch ... storyboard artist Edgar Maddison Welch ... production assistant

This one is a 9 minute short. Probably not commercial. Writer: Edgar Maddison Welch

warrior_of_light ago

Wheres this Edgar Maddison information coming from? Source? Cant believe anything till i see a source.

MolochIsAFag ago

Check the links I posted one of them is an imdb page and the other is a local paper covering the car accident.

warrior_of_light ago

yeah i get that, but where are you getting information claiming this guy is the same guy as the comet suspect?

DarkMath ago

Anyone find it strange old Edgar Maddison Welch is an actor and a writer of screenplays? How many red neck's do you know who enjoy writing screen plays? And he's in low budget movies? http://www.imdb.com/name/nm5025616/?ref_=fn_al_nm_1 Kind of like James Alefantis is? http://www.imdb.com/name/nm2625901/?ref_=fn_al_nm_1

AreWeSure ago

He is not listed as an actor on IMDB. The one movie he wrote is a 9 minute short.

DarkMath ago

If he's on IMDB he's an Actor. He's just not a very good actor. Until PizzaGate came along. lol

AreWeSure ago

You don't need to be an actor to be IMDB. Thousands of nonactors are on IMDB.
Here's the IMDB page of one of my favorite people on IMDB. He's not an actor.


To be clear E.M Welch does have one onscreen credit., but his first two credits are for production assistants jobs. Believe me, you do not need any acting skill to be a production assistant. This is an entry level "gopher" position. I was a production assistant in college on a few films, even got on camera once, when they needed extras at a party around my age. My scene ended up getting cut.

DarkMath ago

"You don't need to be an actor to be IMDB."......I'm not sure why you consider this important. Edgar Maddison Welch has done work as an actor. He just wasn't a very good one. And his other credit are just as damning, storyboard artist and writer: "The Mill (storyboard artist) " "Writer, Mute (2011))" This is where I point out you're either a CRT shill or have tin ear when it comes to measuring people up. An Artist/Actor/Writer doesn't lose his mind and run into a restaurant with an assault rifle looking for Pedophiles. It's just not possible. Sorry. I don't make the rules.

AreWeSure ago

What is a CRT shill?. My point is there are tons of people in film credits with zero acting skills. If this is someone playing a role, the set dresser or the lighting guy may not have the skillset.

If you think that people who have acted don't commit crimes, that doesn't hold up. See Robert Blake or OJ Simpson, etc.

DarkMath ago

"who have acted don't commit crimes".....Robert Blake and OJ Simpson committed very personal and selfish crimes of passion against women in their lives and anyone unfortunate enough to have been with them at the time. Running into a restaurant to save children from suspected abuse is just about the antithesis of what Blake and OJ did. Trying to save children is a SELFLESS crime. It's in no way excusable, far from it. I'm just talking about what type of person would do something like that. You'd expect maybe a very religious person or someone who suffered sexual abuse themselves. I'm not picking that up from Edgar Maddison Welch. Old Edgar seems like a happy go lucky guy, artsy, writer of screen plays, anything goes kind of dude whose never been in trouble with the law before besides a car accident. What's a much more believable explanation to me is Edgar being involved in low budget movies in the mid-Atlantic region of the U.S. probably knew James Alefantis who DING DING DING is also involved in low budget movies and also lives in the mid-Atlantic region of the U.S.. So he get's a call from James Alefantis asking for a favor and maybe a lucrative paycheck to help fight Homophobia and a new generation of Deplorable shit lords unleashed by Donald Trump. Who knows what happened. All I know is there's an epidemic of Hate Hoaxes on the left. They never seem to end. And this fits right in with the meme don't you think? http://moonbattery.com/links/Hate-Hoax-List.html

AreWeSure ago

A. This a giant, giant leap of logic

What's a much more believable explanation to me is Edgar being involved in low budget movies in the mid-Atlantic region of the U.S. probably knew James Alefantis who DING DING DING is also involved in low budget movies and also lives in the mid-Atlantic region of the U.S.

B. There is evidence you're closer to the mark on this one.

You'd expect maybe a very religious person ......

The Charlotte Observer reviewed his Facebook postings

*Religious zeal drives N.C. man hoping to free rumored child sex slaves from D.C. restaurant *“Remove your dark deeds like dirty clothes, and put on the shining armor of right living,” Welch urged others on his Facebook page, citing a Biblical verse from Romans.

One of his more recent Facebook postings talks of higher authority

“We are not able to plan our own course,” Welch said, quoting Jeremiah. “So correct me, Lord, but please be gentle.”* *


Also Welch has been in trouble with the law before.

Welch, who spreads a message of religious zeal, the imminent Second Coming and Christian teachings through his Facebook account, emerged Monday as a study in contrasts.

He posted online about adventurous mountain-climbing expeditions to the N.C. highlands, upbeat gatherings with friends and uplifting affirmations. Occasionally he posted puns: “Sometimes I wonder ... ‘Why is that Frisbee getting bigger?’ ... And then it hits me.”

But his criminal record includes convictions for an underage driving after consuming alcohol and misdemeanor drug possession charges in 2007 when he was 19 in Cabarrus County and a 2013 driving while intoxicated conviction in Rowan County.

DarkMath ago

"criminal record includes.........underage driving after consuming alcohol and misdemeanor drug possession charges.......driving while intoxicated".....LOL, looks like old Edgar is a real hardened criminal. Please. The only hint of credibility is Edgar's "religious zeal" which sort of reminds me of his "criminal zeal" which is about in line with any other red blooded American male.....No, religious zeal would be like attending Seminary or setting up a website like badselfeater.com , that kind of religious zeal ;-)...........And to be honest that's an awful lot of quotes to have on hand just minutes after I made my comment. That's not good "AreWeSure". That points to you being a paid shill for a new "industry" which DING DING DING James Alefantis' old boyfriend's is very familiar with and his service to will forever live in infamy.......Oh and I almost forgot David "Bat Shit Crazy" Brock's motive here. He's been acting "Bat Shit Crazy" a lot lately. Ever ask yourself why? Just maybe old David wants to stay out of jail? Are you with me?.....muahahahahaaaaaa

AreWeSure ago

What on Lord's green earth are you talking about? I'm paid ?

DarkMath ago

You never even acknowledged the Hate Hoax list or the possibility Edgar is putting on a show. Normally adjusted people don't rush into restaurants with an assault rifle. People who do that don't generally come out alive and if they do someone's dead inside. I've never even heard of someone doing that and then thinking better of it and politely walking outside with his hands up. Maybe you're young and naive. I'm not. Edgar's whole story doesn't make sense. Someone that mad would show sings of, duh, being so mad they're on the edge of sanity. People like that are by definition not rational. ;-)

guwopthegod ago

Bro, I'm from the same county that Edgar is from. Salisbury is largely considered urban, albeit it's still a very small town in conservative NC. I know dozens of people who write, do stand up, and all variety of creative stuff. We're not all rednecks.

DarkMath ago

"dozens of people who write.....".......You built what's called a Straw Man. I never said those people don't exist in your town. The point being they're not rednecks. Make sense? In other words people who write, do stand up and other creative stuff aren't so bigoted they grab an assault rifle. Only a knuckle dragging red neck would do that. A much more likely story is Edgar was HIRED to play a redneck. Edgar isn't a redneck he just plays one on T.V..

guwopthegod ago

How many red neck's do you know who enjoy writing screen plays?

You're making a straw man that red necks can't be creative, or that creative people can't be rednecks. He most likely exists somewhere in the middle of the spectrum. It's naive to assume that he is purely an "actor" just because he has a single writing credit on IMDB for his dad's video production company.

Furthermore, he didn't have an assault rifle, and NC is an open carry state.

DarkMath ago

"he is purely an "actor"".......Anybody who had an acting credit on IMDB is an actor. Edgar just isn't a very good actor so he doesn't get hired. Until PizzaGate came along! Bee tee dubs, now this is a Redneck: http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2016-11-28/delta-bans-disruptive-pro-trump-passenger-life

devnulll ago

Very interesting, look at the twitter account info of the guy who posted the picture of the alleged gunman:

Sharif Silmi, Esq @bayreef Attorney with SPLG-DC | familyman | intl business, movement of people & goods | Free Palestine

Freemasonsrus ago

Look at his time stamps! The first mention is 9hrs ago. The first article by The Washingtonian was exactly at the same time. So either Google and Twitter have the same time stamp or the coordination of this is off. A guy who rarely tweets suddenly is there to debunk Pizzagate, post a pic of the "suspect" that every news media is asking his permission for using, and talking about how wonderful a place it is. I think he said the food was "delicious" about 10 times in replies to people asking why he was there. I'd start looking into his tie ins to these people.

awakenaware ago

exactly, lets get digging!

cantsleepawink ago

Silmi works for something called Immigration Law Help. Have a look at the logo https://www.facebook.com/immilawhelp/videos/vb.1122129227849830/1173616102701142/?type=2&theater

pizzathrowaway ago

What eyewitness said there was no gun?

Baluga ago

Not following your logic fully. Two consecutive tweets by DCPolice, doesn't this mean they nabbed a guy with a gun?

DC Police Department ‏@DCPoliceDept 6h6 hours ago Police Activity: Connecticut Ave between Fessenden St and Nebraska St NW Closed in both Directions. Please seek alternate route. // 10735

DC Police Department ‏@DCPoliceDept 5h5 hours ago Update: suspect armed w/ assault rifle taken into custody.

PizzaGatinOnYa ago

Right but it does not specifically claim to be the comet ping pong "shooter" it only links a tweet that was tweeted at them from a follower.

Baluga ago

What are you talking about. It doesn't link a tweet, it is its own tweet, and it follows its own previous tweet. Context is important.

PizzaGatinOnYa ago

Maybe I said it in a confusing way. My argument is that the tweet had no content besides

"suspect armed w/ assault rifle taken into custody"

Upon clicking the tweet it forwards you to the tweet from RameriezNews which played the video linked in this thread. How does that count as an official statement from the police?

It shouldn't and it's obvious to see this is shady journalism at least.

Baluga ago

RameriezNews is quoting to the Police tweet and adding a video to it. Not the other way around.

otoucam ago

If there turns out to be no gun, this is a huge deception and the dude that was captured is a fall guy, maybe even picked at random to draw attention away from something else.

Edit: It, however, still reinforces the "fake news" from the "alt-right" angle with the public. It's all propaganda material!

MAGABoomer ago

Could be that...but we will never know...cause for sure they won't release that information if THAT is the reason..would lend legitimacy to PG and we can't have that. NC plates on the car..cops say not related to PG, WaPo runs immediately with Tim Kaine type OMG GUNS (when it was knife) post instantly relating it to PG...no gun seen by most "witnesses" employees "deal" with him...perhaps employees recognized him. We won't be able to figure out more until his name/age is released. THEN it should be quite easy.

SlackeryTurnBull ago

I was wondering how they would be able to stage a false flag without directing people in droves to examine the shocking circumstantial evidence. I guess this is how: a relatively innocuous incident that just allows them to mention it in passing. Perhaps a bit about an outlandish conspiracy theory, repeat the words "assault rifle" in every story, and may even toss in an implication about the "Alt-Right".

Gorillion ago

I think on some level they're testing the waters, to see if they could turn the tide very suddenly against Pizzagate in the public's mind, and it failed. So they quickly backpedaled on the sensational aspects.

Now it's "Just some dude." and "Somebody thought he had a gun." Their operative can now walk away without incident and they can finish up whatever clean up operation this was all a distraction for.

SecularPenguinist ago

See this is what happens when we allow the Russians to spread fake news. Think of the children! (we know the Podestas are)

Chance903 ago

Just a side note kids, how fast did they release information on the shooter from Ohio last week ,the Somalia kid? Why no info on this guy, just vague references .

Millennial_Falcon ago

False flag as an excuse to close up shop and do a clean-up operation?

Diotima ago

yup looks like false flag... another high level psyop on the American people like Sandy Hook.

pizzathrowaway ago

DMV stands for "DC, Maryland, Virginia", frequently used by local news to describe the region. It does not mean Dept of Motor Vehicles in this context.

srayzie ago

Thank you. I'm glad you cleared that up

MAGABoomer ago

A long gun is pretty easy to spot. LOL hyped up lovers quarrel?

Chance903 ago

Yes because employees that make less than 15$ and hour always jepordize their life to "ESCORT" customers out...*bitter laugh

Chance903 ago

blackguard19 ago

After all of this, anyone who uses "conspiracy theorist" as an epithet needs to show himself out.

Chance903 ago

I so agree.

Kayzza ago

This whole thing seems like it was thrown together quickly, by a bunch of scared people. We're onto something -- Keep digging! Don't let this distract us, we have to treat it only as an encouraging sign that they're this freaked out.

MeatballPizza ago

The fact Washington Post immediately posted an article about it = fishy.

These are some nervous people to be lying this quickly and consistently.

Free_Radical ago

Washington Post immediately posted an article about it

With these words:

The restaurant’s owner and employees were threatened on social media in the days before the election after fake news stories circulated claiming that then-Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton and her campaign chief were running a child sex ring from the restaurant’s back rooms.

This is our MSM. "It's all fake goyim - they believe that Hillary and Podesta were packing and shipping kids from behind the kitchen."

You can't make this shit up.


Gorillion ago

Always nice when they out themselves. Put the WaPos on the end of the list for later investigation. See how many of them are rabid ping pong and pizza fans.

Yuke ago

Well, you can look at Alefantis' Facebook friends for yourself and see a few people who work for the post https://archive.is/08yME

derram ago

https://archive.is/3P92D :

        Gunman enters Washington restaurant hit by fake news reports | Reuters

https://archive.is/dla1g :

DC Police Department (@DCPoliceDept) | Twitter

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