xeemee ago

yep. go FOX "news"! ya bunch of establishment whores

But all of the claims against the popular Northwest D.C. pizzeria are false and unfounded.

The D.C. Police Department said they are not investigating Comet Ping Pong and are instead keeping an eye on those who are threatening the restaurant and employees.

Chance903 ago

Exactly my friend. This is so apparently obvious it is painful.

Chance903 ago

The News site is generally good but what kind of bullshit is that with PD showing up that fast? within minutes, give me a break. it takes the com-center longer than that to dispatch...

krisspykriss ago

Capital Police respond very quickly in the affluent areas. You have to remember they have politicians, lobbyist, and very influential people living in open communities in a fairly violent and poor city. Also, James has them on speed dial. They responded within minutes to a call James made for just for their presence while he kicked out two people periscoping. They are keeping patrols in the area and their SWAT is always ready for rapid deployment. On the other hand get mugged at say Benning and Minnesota NE? Pack a lunch... maybe even a sleeping bag.

DaintyBrighton ago

Would not be surprised if someone was doing another undercover video and they planted a gun on him.

KingKongisCTR ago

What about the police hanging out across the street?

Chance903 ago

exactly it stinks like rotting fish.