elgindelta ago

Because of the utter movie esque way that it "happened". From a "shooter" who didn't shoot.

pipo44 ago

"25. After WELCH was detained, MPD officers entered and searched the restaurant. During the search of the restaurant, officers recovered an AR-lS (which was loaded with one round of ammunition in the chamber and twenty-two rounds in the magazine) as well as a .38 caliber six-shot revolver (which was loaded with six rounds in the cylinder). Officers also recovered spent shell casings and observed other physical evidence that was consistent with the audible evidence that WELCH had discharged the AR-l 5 multiple times inside the restaurant.

30- WELCH stated that, at one point, he encountered a locked door. When he was unable to open the door, WELCH became suspicious and attempted to force it open with a butter knife, and then by shooting the lock. WELCH said that he fired shots at the lock using his AR-l5. WELCH said that, when that also proved unsuccessful. he climbed furniture to look into the closed-off room, and found that it was unoccupied.

Assuming that is fact, the close-off room was unoccupied/empty and shots were fire to the lock. So there was no computer at the moment of shooting.

STEvoats ago

My questions include: 1) Sharif Silmi, Esq (@bayreef on Twitter) did an AMA somewhere as he "was one of the last 3 people in the restaurant" and said he did not hear any gunshots, not one. 2) The two gentlemen with British(??) accents interviewed outside CPP immediately after the Welch incident allegedly occurred told the reporter they never saw anyone with a gun, never heard shots - they were told by their server that someone came in with a gun and that they should leave. They even took their pizza & beer with them, they were so not terrified. The place isn't that big & certainly isn't so wide that someone with a long gun of any kind could walk by anyone with a table & not be noticed. 3) How does Welch end up in the middle of the intersection without being shot? Tasered? Taken down? Where is his gun as he's standing there in the middle of said intersection with his hands on his head? I cannot think of any other shooting situation that would allow for the shooter to make it out of the building, much less out into the middle of the street for a photo op. 4) If that computer was in the closet as Alefantis is trying to say, is there a corresponding bullet hole in the door? The wall behind the computer?

That's just off the top of my head...I'm sure some of these have been answered..?

IlluminatiKing ago

I question how a computer was conveniently shot in the first place.

Psalm100 ago

Why would a man who is concerned enough about children to try to rescue them shoot into a room blindly, a room where he believes children might be locked up?

And why would he just not go into the restaurant first to scope out the place, before going back to do his "rescue" operation?

It really is a bizarre story. It either was a false flag operation, or he was unstable at the time of the incident.

SChalice ago

Maybe he shot the lock to look for a basement entrance behind the door.

asdfghjkl123456789 ago

It either was a false flag operation, or he was unstable at the time of the incident.

Could be both. Sometimes they mess with people's psych meds, or do other stuff to make them fly off the handle.

arrggg ago

Or he was blackmailed into doing a favor for the 49th most powerful homosexual in DC. It was reported that he did just run over a teenager recently and has pending charges, and there are rumors of him being related to a pedo associated these pizza restaraunt people. Seems ripe for a "do this for us or we will destroy you" kind of phone call.

Tomioka ago

It's easy to take a computer outside and shoot it. Easy "evidence" of a gun-related incident for "show-and-tell". Doubt the police will care if they lie on television, I'm guessing that he's just implying the culprit shot it anyway.

unfuckitup ago

Notice Alefontis' smiley face when he shows the bullet hole in the computer. He's laughing at us.

shooglenifty ago

It has been discussed several times. Search the threads.

VioletHeart ago

Wait a minute. .why is the computer still there..isn't that evidence of the shots being fired?

BlackSwordsman ago

I got spammed with "ONE PERSON SAID HE DIDN'T SHOOT ANY BULLETS" when I mentioned this incident. Some people on here are insane.

arrggg ago

Let me FTFY

Some Lots of people accounts on here are insane paid to distract and disprove anything on the subject.

anonymousgate ago

wow. you're right.

arrggg ago

Best question so far.

arrggg ago

It did not destroy shit. https://i.sli.mg/F9wAhn.jpg

The bullethole and angle it went in can clearly be seen in the stupid video, and it only hit the DVD or power supply. The hard drive can be seen through the drive mount slot with a white label on it like a standard western digital hard drive. There is no damage anywhere near the hard drive.

This was an obvious faked event, with a fake interview and tour showing what they wanted everyone to see, a shot computer. Too bad they are too stupid to understand the location of what's inside a typical Delll tower pc...

I am surprised that no one has gone after that drive.

DefenderOfTruth ago

Would you provide a link? I can't seem to find any "news" (edit: meaning MSM article) article with that picture. The best I could find was this article that actually said one bullet hit a computer tower: "The restaurant suffered at least $1,000 worth of damage to a door, door lock, computer tower, and barrier wall."

All the other Fake news (edit: taking about MSM) said that three shots were fired and "may have hit" a door, wall, and computer. I wish they'd give an absolute on this. Some sources (edit: in the MSM) say no shots were fired.

arrggg ago

OK mr 21 day old account.

Instead of believing what "news" sources want you to believe, why don't you look yourself? That's all I did.

Find the softball Megan Kelly interview with that freak. Watch him give his fake snickering "tour" and open the orange door and gleefully show the computer. Stop video and screen shot it. If you find a HD stream you could probably get a better picture.

It is easy to see that there were no bullet holes in the door, and the bullet did not go anywhere near the hard drive. It was a big fake show to make people stop looking at their computer. Think of how much that must have cost in bribes and favors...

DefenderOfTruth ago

Okay, thanks! I didn't realize that's where you got the screen shot. I just couldn't find it anywhere and wanted a clearer pic. I didn't think to pause the video. And I did search for it.

Believe me, I am convinced the whole gunman was a false flag. The interview (if you can even call it that) was hilariously terrible. There's a reason I called the MSM fake news in my earlier post. You must have misread and thought I said PG was false by the way you reacted. I should have been more clear of my stance.

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

Dude. pretty sure they showed the computer with a bullet in it, so they have plausible deniability. They got rid of that computer. Anyone comes looking for the computer, they can say "It was shot, we threw it out, watch the megan kelly interview.

This was a two for one event.

asdfghjkl123456789 ago

There shouldn't be a bullet in there. A .556 round should go straight through any computer. They'll easily punch soft bullet proof vests.

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

Dude. They said he shot threw the wall, Into the computer. I didn't say it wouldn't go straight threw the computer... Or Did I? OHHH. I said "with a bullet in it" but meant, "With a bullet hole in it..." my bad. Even if it was stuck in the computer, I obviously didn't see that. Good catch. I'll edit that.

Headstart ago


thezodiac ago


FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

I'm conflicted... On one hand, I hate when people say "This". On the other hand, I like when people agree with me. Hmmm. I guess I like when people agree with me, more than I dislike people saying "This." So here's your upvoat, Carry On.

2impendingdoom ago

I am pretty certain that I heard that the bullet is magic, and that the Pope is going to declare a miracle!! And James Alafantis will be made a saint. There is so much fake news I can't figure it out.

arrggg ago

Probably because of fake attempted sarcasm coming from new accounts like this. /\

Godwillwin ago

It was. Poor James. A crazy alt right shot his computer full of child porn.

Reality: the left nut jobs hired an actor to make the right look violent. This "gunman" also made the destruction of the computer look legit.

They didn't want anymore knowledge of destroyed iPhones And bleached servers going around, so they hired someone to make it look an attack.

Boorasha ago

be careful- you are making claims that are factually illogical.

If you have a computer full of child porn and you know the cops are coming, why would it benefit to have it shot? The cops could reasonably use it as evidence. If you are a well-connected criminal involved in an illegal operation, you don't keep a computer full of illegal stuff in your legal business. It's not reality. That computer could have just as easily been disposed of without having to go through the ramshackle of saying it was shot. that's my take on this anyway

somegirlinnewzealand ago

the fact that the computer with the bullet hole in it is still at the restaurant and not been taken away as evidence shows protocols are not being followed. you say it wouldnt be reality to keep a computer full of illegal stuff in your legal business? Check out Dojo Pizza. a Pizza shop where they seized computers and hard drives full of CP and 7 underage women living underneath the shop.

SChalice ago

You don't need to take a 'victims' computer to show evidence of a gun being fired. A photograph of the incident would hold up in court.

Godwillwin ago

The cops obviously don't care enough to investigate and Alefantis knows that.

I don't think the computer was shot by the gunman. I think alefantis made it up to dispose of his computer. If comet ping pong is involved trafficking children, the there's going to be SOMETHING on the comet ping pong computer.

ThorTheWonderful ago

There was!

The Magic bullet was said to have gone through the door leaving an invisible hole and made a sharp turn downward to go strait down and through the hard drive and it even pretended to be point blank range.. Goto love those new fangled "smart" bullets. I think they are an invention of Google.

DefenderOfTruth ago

Thanks for the laugh! With all the sick things going on in the world, I needed it.

2impendingdoom ago

it has been brought up several times. It is the magic bullet that can hit a lock, open a door, and destroy a computer. There are many threads marveling at this wonder.

ThorTheWonderful ago

Something fishy going on here, I gave you an up-vote and it isn't showing up, the thread is showing only one comment and we both commented.

2impendingdoom ago

I noticed it was slow on the uptake. Sometimes my posts take a few minutes to show up, other times its instant. Maybe Voat is busy processing? I'm not going to worry. THANK YOU FOR THE UP VOAT.

ThorTheWonderful ago

The up arrow is blue, but the number is still zero. I clicked it again it changed back to grey arrow and "+-1" then again, (edit: it said "NaN" the second time) arrow returned to blue and number is 0 again. I refreshed and tried in 2 different browsers too.

2impendingdoom ago

That has happened to me at times, I don't know why, it might have to do with exceeding your upvoat capability? Pizzagate is my first experience with voat.

ThorTheWonderful ago

Apparently there was shill downvoat attack last night too.