Xiaol1n ago

By the way.. did you guys know De Postcode Loterij (the national postal code lottery) is one of the biggest donors of the Clinton Foundation? Their official site states it has donated over 25 million euro's. Link can be found here

Google Translate: "The Clinton Foundation has been supported since 2005 by the Dutch Postcode Lottery. Since the start of the cooperation organization received 25.9 million from the lottery. The unearmarked contributions is issued from the Postcode Lottery: .

As the Netherlands is well known for their elite pedophila, this is making me uncomfortable.

andrevandelft ago

Here is an opinion piece about the relationship between the owner of the TV channel (RTL-Bertelsmann) and George Soros:

Piscina ago

https://wearechange.org/dutch-tv-broadcaster-cancels-dr-phil-episode-exposing-elite-pedophilia/ Good on Dr Phil. I hope he keeps up the fight. The Netherlands seems to be the epicentre of disgusting old fart rich men and women pedophiles abusing and killing children.

3141592653 ago

Netherlands is a Safe Haven for pedos. This can't be a coincidence.

sunshine702 ago

Reminds me of when Dr. Drew's show was cancelled after questiining Hillary's health. We see behind your OZ curtain.

MolochHunter ago

Hang on minnie before we jump to conclusions. It wasn't canned after THAT episode played in the Netherlands. Dr Phils sow is syndicated to hundreds of channels around the world. Some renew their contracts, some dont. With that many stations around the world, what are the chances one just happens to cancel within a week of Dr Phils American screening of Pizzagate?

Pretty fuckn high I'd say

move along

Xiaol1n ago

Where exactly do you see me jumping to conclusions? Please quote me. Why is there no explanation for cutting the show off after being broadcasted for more than 10 years ánd having a steady fanbase in the Netherlands?

I like how you think the chances are "pretty fuckn high", please prove me wrong with some sources so I can educate myself. When done I will definitely move along.

MolochHunter ago

no need to be so snooty, Im not saying yours is an invalid post. Its a fair question to ponder whether there's a connection. I'm just saying in the absence of direct evidence the chances are it is incidental happenstance.

Im just going by the numbers: He is syndicated in so many countries and channels that in any given week somewhere around the world some TV Channel will drop him and others will adopt him. If I wasn't Netherlands it could be New Zealand or Botswana or Laos dropping his show

Now, if this particular pizzagate episode aired on a station and that same station dropped him within a week, ok I'd be suspicious. But just running the numbers I think the onus is on the accuser to demonstrate that the dropping of the Dr Phil show is linked to a pizzagate topic aired on another continent altogether.

Newfind ago

Where do you think Dutch ovens are made?

Lowbatt34 ago

Dr. Phil hit a nerve with Dutch elite child rapists. They aren't used to being targeted and they don't like it one bit. Tough sh$# you sick bastards. We're on to you and we are going to continue alerting the public of what you are really up to.

Mbailey63 ago

The EU is run by Satanic Pedofiles.

l23r ago

I guess it sucks for the people who don't speak English, but most people in Europe just watch it on sites like Daily Motion or Youtube. They're posted pretty much right after they air in the USA (Todays episode was posted at 6PM CET or 11AMEST) Though probably the people who don't watch stuff online are the people who are most in the dark about Pizzagate. Like just think of the stereotypical person who actually watches television on TV.

GeorgeT ago


Cleareyes ago

Guess i will go to netherland sites and pages, post links and give them a heads up that their leaders are likely pedos censoring their knowledge of it.

Micheal84 ago

You could do that, but here in the Netherlands 99 percent of the people would laugh about it.

The amount of brainwashed people here is huge, they just watch the news at eight oclock and thats it.

They dont even know Voat is here, or even other site like this.

Believe me, im like the one person among my friends here, and knowing about PG. Its really annoying.

Cleareyes ago

jeez that is bad

FindingTruth ago

We are making a list and checking it twice. The picture is getting more clear.

SannleIkurrin ago

Agree with Kristina_Gilliam. Was wondering what Dutch would do about that episode. Now we know. Major ritual abuse in Netherlands and Belgium.

44NJ9 ago

Look up Dutroux affair in Brussels, it was a big pedo sex scandal. http://aangirfan.blogspot.com/2014/04/child-abuse-networks.html

Tetromino ago

Here's a fixed link:

Original article in Dutch: http://www.ad.nl/show/rtl-stopt-per-direct-met-uitzenden-dr-phil~a4f277a6/

Protip: put [ your text here ](http://example.com/url/goes.here)

TrishaUK ago

TOO CLOSE TO HOME? Tick tock tick tock elite-peds. Clink clink clink, slam slam slam, lock lock lock ......FOREVER! - Great work guys on blowing this subject WIDE OPEN...Proud of all who have contributed.

GeorgeT ago

Don't waste opportunity. Target women. Tell them to watch DrPhil episode then direct them to pizzagate. DrPhil is their authority - he validates pizzagate.

Pixel_loves_Polygon ago

I don't trust Dr.Phil, or should I say, I don't trust the people and the company he works for. The truth is that not one second of that interview would have aired if it wasn't pre-approved by a horde of lawyers, producers and network executives. That should make you think. He's not some defiant lone wolf hero. The media will do two things about pizzagate. Deny, and when that doesn't work, steer the narrative in a direction away from something they don't want you to see or into a dead end. You may get small local stories that crop up and cover it faithfully, but the big networks are not going to take any chances on it if they are being told to squash it. Which I think it's rather clear they are attempting to do. I remain highly skeptical of corporate media even when they seemingly do us a favor.

Pixel_loves_Polygon ago

Well I'm glad I put this out there since it seems many agree. My comments have been black-pilled as of late but I can't hide the feeling that many in the community are falling for appeals to emotion that aren't sincere. I don't think it's anything as complicated as re-selling a slave though. I honestly just think it's an actress. I'll probably get shit for that but I look at the ridiculous "disguise" and body language and don't see it any other way.

As to the question of why would they expose it if they were hiding it.. well considering there's hundreds of thousands if not millions of people online already being exposed to or directly involved with pedogate it's only a matter of time before they have to throw us a bone to get the heat off of themselves. What has this Dr.Phil episode achieved? Well, for one, it's got people (even on Voat!) convinced that he's "our guy". That's the reason they do it.

These daytime talk shows are highly scripted, pre-recorded and edited. In my firm opinion we didn't see anything we weren't meant to. And it's usually a classic case of watch what the magician is doing with this hand and pay no attention to the other behind his back.

hels ago

I honestly do not know why this episode was ever approved if they want to hide the issue. If we think about the election all hillary did was talk about Donald Trump being a misogynist, racist, prejudiced hateful white man. It is known that you should only focus on your strengths and refer to the opponent as little as possible. Let your opponent talk about you first and counter as they have showed their hand.

Back to PizzaGate, I am curious as to what direction you think the Dr. Phil episode is going to direct the narrative. I don't know what channel he airs on in the US but what if some of the execs of that company (and possibly Phil himself) are guilty? A guilty conscious often thinks talking about the issue proves their innocence. "We here at network XYZ want to talk about this issue as we have nothing to do with it and think it should be talked about."

I don't know, just trying to talk about different reasons.

42times5 ago

I just logged in to say that I agree. They are simply starting to guide the narrative. Steering it in a way that will eventually outmaneuver us. I guess at the very least we have further clarification that we are heading in the right direction.

AssFaceSandwich2 ago

Maybe WeCanShill is a moderator for the channel.

Ciscogeek ago

Former MTV VJ Adam Curry was a Dutch Radio DJ prior. He brought up the issue back then and the next day the station was was burned down.

The Dutch don't fuck around.

hels ago

Do we have a post talking about this here on Voat? I think this is a very important topic.

It would be another 'coincidence' that is difficult to ignore.

3141592653 ago

Yes, I want to know more about this

Tetromino ago

One hopes that a day comes when people wake up, in the morning, and realize how fake the news is. Corporate funds = No integrity. Citizen journalism is the only way.

GeorgeT ago

Ben Swann, now DrPhil! Surely public has to wake up!!! Unless masses have receeded into coma!

Fobiet ago

Have you spoken about pizza/pedogate to people outside of your immediate social circle or family? The masses are most definitely in a coma right now.

Summer is coming, so attention of the masses is going to continue to wane, the fall is back and school is in session, so everyone will be too busy. Football also starts in the fall, so you then no rage to be had because people funnel it into their "team" results.

Marketing has to continue, awareness has to continue to be pushed... Long long way to a tipping point IMO.

Narcissism ago

A comma they want to be in.

Death2Masons ago

More evidence that this is the global establishment's Achilles heel. James Achilles Alefantis? More pridictive programing? Weird weird.

sugarskull ago

The Netherlands HAS to be a hub for human trafficking...I mean look at the vices they are known for. The two in my opinion go hand in hand.

44NJ9 ago

Search pedophilia on wikileaks and there are quite a few pages. One says that most of the CP is coming out of Germany and I think they are using something like block chain to spread it without making it traceable. I guess there needs to be some looking into Dutch/US connections. I wonder if her owner was dutch?

neverobey ago

This is unbelivable. Thanks for sharing! I don't think it coincidentally. Dr. Phil runs succesfully for decades. Ok, to be fair, don't know this about the netherlands but one would imagine. Even the time it aired tells me that people watched it. So does the Dissapointment on twitter. To us it seems obvious, doesn't it?

GeorgeT ago

London terror hoax coincided with DrPhill show airing. Here in Australia as I have previously commented Dr.Phil is bigger than Oprah among women. Millions tune in every time. Men are into Sports. But that episode has whole country talking. My sister is a DJ, and she told me how young girls and guys were asking her about pizzagate - all because their mums saw it on Dr.Phill, web directed them to related topics - Pizzagate videos. They told their brothers - Ausie men are ruthless toward pedophilia. They are in pubs now discussing how to change the world.

wtf_is_happening ago

Australians are lucky to have one of the best witnesses/survivors of criminal child trafficking, Fiona Barnett, who grew up in the Sydney suburb of Engadine. There were many points in common in her experiences and Dr Phil guest Kendall's. Eg. being kept in a cage, being flown overseas to be trafficked, having to service prominent politicians, being forced to act as prey in child hunts, seeing children murdered, etc. It's pretty confronting, but Australians need to learn about the VIP satanic child rape and child sacrifice scene that exists here. There is an excellent documentary on YT called Candy Girl about Fiona's experiences. She also has a podcast called Pedos Down Under Radio in which she interviews other victims.

GeorgeT ago

She held a press conference, I was there. I remember audience's expression. They were bewildered. It was too fantastic to grasp. She started name dropping - Two Australian Prime Ministers, 6 State officials, foreign affairs guy, four media personalities! List was long and bizarre. She named Anthony Kidman - Nicole's father who was alleged to belong to the elite satanic pedophile club known as the 9th Circle. Kidman dies while under investigation in 2014. Rabbit hole leads to a labyrinth that circumvents every continent.

banenya ago

Me too! Thank you for great insight and an uplifting post.

l23r ago

That's awesome news :)

I didn't watch the whole episode, but I don't think he used the word "Pizzagate". It seems like the related hashtags (using both DrPhil and Pizzagate in the same Tweet) are working!

GeorgeT ago

We can red pill them by directing them to DHS add - remember the pizza place!!! Why was that placed in the add? Coincidence? Also the recent amazing Ben Garrison cartoon with the Deep State monster and its minions loitering in the swamp - podesta depicted as a slimy octopus with glasses, holding pizza, hot dog, Abramovic's satanic pentagram and children in its tentacles - all a coincidence.

remedy4reality ago

I love hearing that !!! What part of Aus @geogeT ? I have business relationships in Melbourne.

GeorgeT ago

I am from Sydney!

Xiaol1n ago

The show has been aired since 2002 I believe. Same as when it aired orginally in the US. This guy and Oprah have a huge fanbase, I don't see any reasons on why to stop.

neverobey ago

I guessed so

equineluvr ago

Bad link. "Sorry, that page does not exist." (in Dutch)

Xiaol1n ago

Use your brain and copy the entire link.

anonOpenPress ago

Is there any english discussion going on on this topic in the Netherlands?

RSi ago

yes. This is very strange indeed, it has been aired on RTL channel for years, very strange cut off indeed if you ask me.

Xiaol1n ago

Sorry, just seen the double sentence and youtube link. edited! Also would like you share some of the history of Holland (and neighbors) regarding child abuse, former secretary Joris Demmink, Narcotics, Dutroux, Bernhard. It is very little information but an accurate (for as far as I know) timeline nonetheless. http://aangirfan.blogspot.nl/2012/12/demmink-child-abuse-narcotics-fortuyn.html?m=1

40yearsoftrees ago

How to target the dutch with this video, so that they can learn why? Exclusive dutch social media?

ArtificalDuality ago

Targeting the Dutch, my fellow countrymen and women will be VERY difficult. For the following reasons:

  • Language dispairity. This is a 'vertical' segregation the Babylonic filth exploits to the max. Personalized truths.
  • All major MSM sites and even not so major sites ALL have their COMMENTS sections REMOVED! This happened during the U.S. presidential elections.
  • Facecrap neuters any information sharing.

It's a serious issue getting things known. And in my work I've already been seriously harassed for attempting to spread the truth. The Babylonic filth sits EVERYWHERE literally. Again, using Dutch Freemason lodges as their intelligence and mission infrastructure.

By now I can safely state that they're watching my every move. But I can walk in 'the light' so to speak, not having to fear because my actions are righteous. They've gotta hide in the shadow. They must "Illusion Craft" (creating false, opposite truths and cleverly 'integrate' them into other truths). I don't. We don't. That's our win.

Just check out my full comments history and you'll gather I am not talking bullshit. (Little adage: Former AIVD (BVD) made recruiting attempts on me. When I realized a bunch of them were into cocaine and other luciferan lifestyles I decided to fully ignore and play 'dumb'. This was almost 20 years ago. About 2.5 years ago, Freemasonry attempted to recruit me. Again I played 'dumb').


These Babylonian fuckers are anything but Dutch. They fraudulently got themselves into power here a LONG time ago. Our democracy is as pure an illusion as they come. Here are earlier comments of mine over at ZeroHedge:

http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-03-22/dijsselbloem-must-go-solves-nothing#comment-9240901 http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-03-16/populism-parties-politics-european-instability-1-simple-map#comment-9204963

Soros has spoken out his fancy for The Netherlands. It was his favorite. That's not strange considering the fact that, besides earlier mentioned reasons, this country's citizens are mentally caged maximally. Work. Watch entertainment. Sleep. Rinse. Repeat. Being shoveled full of crap ware during "The News" on pick your poisonous MSM channel. So yeah, a Dr. Phil episode about child abuse and trafficking does NOT fit the narrative here. Go figure.

EXTRA NOTE: Nope I am NOT suicidal! If for whatever reason I stop posting longer than a week or so, consider me neutralized. Although that may not happen too quick because there's also good guys having eyes and ears out. Multiway cover. But, it's just a just-in-case..

bdiminishedminor7 ago

Most of the Dutch people live in the illusion that they are amongst the most well-informed and well-educated people on the planet, and that their tiny little country is mainly really cute and droll and a little weird, and that the only impression we can expect to make on the world's stage is by either soccer, Rembrandt, water management (we do kick ass in that department) and weed. Yes, the Dutch are kind of aware that their country plays a pivotal role when it comes to drugs trafficking, weapons development, child pornography, oil trade and setting up tax evasion schemes, but somehow we fail to draw the conclusion that the deep Dutch involvement in all these shady areas of business implies that, behind our cute and benign facade, the Netherlands is actually a hard-run, fancy banana-monarchy.

And speaking of monarchy, the Dutch Royal family is still held in high regard, despite the many many scandals they have been involved with over the years. This has a lot to with they way they"framed" themselves after WW2. Especially Prince Bernhard managed to sell himself as a great hero of the Dutch resistance, when in fact, he acted as a spy on behalf of the Germans, betrayed the battle at Arnhem (you know, the one in 'A Bridge Too Far'), and it has been rumored for decades that there exists a letter he wrote to Hitler, offering him to arrange a full merger of the Netherlands with Germany, provided he would be allowed to act as governor. Prince Bernhard also founded the Bilderberg group (yes, them!) right after the war, took bribes from the weapon's industry (the Lockheed scandal), tried to seize power of the throne by having his wife committed to an asylum (the Hoffmans scandal), helped Nazi art collectors to get off the hook (the Pieter Menten scandal), hunted elephants, and, apart from littering the country with a slew of illegitimate offspring, couldn't keep his hands of any women or girl. He truly is one of the sleaziest motherf*ckers to ever crawl out of the sewers of European nobility.

So being Dutch myself, I have to shamefully admit that you are probably right. Secret societies regard the Netherlands as their perfect low-profile-but-still-well-connected hide-out. Also, Dutch Freemasonry is very powerful and very well-connected. I'm convinced they arranged the assassination of Pim Fortuyn, who was kind of like a Dutch Donald Trump, rising to power because he addressed the worries of the common man, but was shot weeks before the 2002 election he was bound to win. That Pim Fortuyn sought to address the problem of the failing integration of Muslims was of course not in line with Soros' agenda, and cause for great concern amongst the elite, but what got him killed in the end is that he wanted to cancel the JSF-project (to be built by Lockheed. Coincidence?), thereby jeopardizing billions worth of business' interests.

But the average Dutch civilian literally has no f-ing clue what is going on in his own country, and, even more importantly, how all this relates to world events. For example, there's the case of Joris Demmink, a high-ranking official at the DoJ, who is well connected to pedo-rings and is blackmailed by the Turkish government of some minor-related antics he got involved in, but the Dutch Joe Average is completely unaware of this story. If you talk to people about this, they look at you as if you're insane. They simply cannot comprehend such gross injustice is allowed to continue in our over-regulated and over-legislated little country.

But even though the Dutch are mostly unaware of any of this, should this story break, and should it be revealed how the Dutch elite has set this up, and how they are still playing a major role in all of this, I can assure you there will be hell to pay for those involved.

The thing is, the average Dutchman doesn't like pretentiousness and doesn't like the idea of "an elite", of a group of people pretending to be "elevated" over all else. The average Dutchie considers himself a decent, upstanding, God-fearing citizen, and we only tolerate "the elite" as long as they show themselves to be like us: modest, law-abiding, frugal and socially concerned taxpayers. History has proven that should this trust be violated, the anarchistic side of the Dutch will rise up and burn, without any consideration for status or privilege, anything that offends them.

So if we manage to blow this case wide open, we can leave it to the Dutch to organize some ruthless precision cleansing.

ArtificalDuality ago

This thread of 3 comments might interest you as well

The link in the first comment and the link in my reply to the guy I reply to. DMT, PAX2 related.

On a side note, Chris Klomp, CEO of one of the MSM Dutch papers surely happened to know what DMT was NOT. (And thus differentially knowing what it actually is).

bdiminishedminor7 ago

I know what DMT is :D ... but thanks for the extra info ... what would be the difference between DMT yielded from plants and from fetuses? Extraction DMT from plants is not that difficult, and even the amount of DMT you get is from a modest extraction is more than sufficient to accommodate even the most hardened psychonaut. Or is it just the "symbolic value" of consuming a fetus that adds perceived value/meaning?

ArtificalDuality ago

Yes, the added symbolic value. To them it represents the consumption of that being's soul.The DMT from a human pineal gland is regarded to be the "materialized soul".

bdiminishedminor7 ago

OK ... clear. Kinda makes sense, since pineal glands loaded with DMT won't have any hallucinogenic effect when you eat them. DMT doesn't work if it is ingested orally, as it is broken down almost immediately by amino acids in the stomach.

ArtificalDuality ago

It of course retains its effect fully when it makes its way into the bloodstream directly, like, through snorting.

bdiminishedminor7 ago

Yep. Or smoking or injecting. Or, when combined with an MAO-inhibitor, DMT will become orally active, as is the case with ayahuasca. But you suppose they snort a fetus?

ArtificalDuality ago

No lol, skipped the step of extracting the molecules and process into a powder form first. But what you say, adding the MAO enzymes and keep the compound in the mouth, surrounding the tongue is the most likely way. Much like LSD paper strips.

bdiminishedminor7 ago

OK ... how cumbersome. Also, the resulting DMT-experience would be absolutely dreadful and harrowing to them. DMT has no considerations for the vanities of the ego, and will confront you with even the smallest impurities of the soul; people driven to consume a fetus out of sheer lust for power will have the most epic bad trip imaginable. DMT is unforgiving that way.

This whole theory strikes me as rather self-contradictory, actually, as DMT is associated with experiencing the connection with the Divine, the One-ness of creation, accepting the temporary illusion that is life, quenching the existential and narcissistic panic of the ego, and appreciating the never-ending cycle of creation, conception, birth etc. etc. All these experiences are in direct contradiction to the desires and ideas of these people, who seek to move away from the Divine, seek to divide us all, seek eternal life, thrive on their narcissism and pervert the cycle of life for their own egotistical means. If anything, DMT would be their Kryptonite.

andrevandelft ago

Like with ArtificalDuality, I just sent you a message; it is in your Voat inbox.

ArtificalDuality ago

I can't tell since I've not consumed any myself, nor do I indulge into satanism. It is known though that within satanic lore that it equals the consumption of the victim's soul, contributing to the grant of eternal life. Who knows, maybe the demonic entit(y)(ies) they've surrendered to, thrive on this and grants a different experience to them. There are entities whose power goes beyond what we know, on both sides of the line between good and evil. These entities are not compatible with our regular perceptional windows (5 senses) and thus not make them visible to our eyes.

My research is entirely from the perspective of "knowing thine Enemy".

The fully back-ward bent humans you see as statues, drawings in artwork represent the full surrendering to demonic possession.

andrevandelft ago

I sent you a message; it is in your Voat inbox. I look forward to your reply.

ArthurEdens ago

Woa, never would have thought Dr Phil

AssFaceSandwich2 ago


Kristina_Gilliam ago

The Dutch royal family is ground zero for elite pedophilia so it's possible.

FriesischShipping ago

Not 🇧🇪 ?

Xiaol1n ago


GeorgeT ago

From what I found on Alifantis trips to Europe, he does his main business around Ped-capital of the World - Scandinavia/Belgum/Holland

Drnoway ago

Scandinavia is not a country.

GeorgeT ago

Can you read? What mark did you get in comprehension? What did I write? Read carefully! I wrote he Does business around THESE LOCATIONS (assumed by not specifying = Scandinavia (Sweden, Norway, Denmark.... it's assumed knowledge) If I had written: Alifantis does business in these COUNTRIES - and listed Scandinavia that would be in error since my list (Specific - countries) does not = Scandinavia, but since I wrote around these ""(broad list unspecified) it includes specific as well as group. I don't have time giving lessions in comprehension. If you are on Brock's payroll that's another matter.

mooteensy ago

Hey @Drnoway nice name! Leave @GeorgeT alone

GeorgeT ago

Thanks bro for backing me. I get these a lot lately. (a lot) Brock and Soros have plenty of $ to afford shills. As Trump would Say SAD!

mooteensy ago

Of course! I've noticed you around here making rational and informed replies so that doesn't surprise me. VERY SAD! Keep up the good work!

GeorgeT ago

Thanks mate. I just posted CowboyJoe calling out Alex Jones. I cannot believe the trolling I got, calling Alex a freedom fighter. Do these trolls know that I was Alex's devout follower since 2002. Alex has sold out. He is basically Glen Beck. Thanks for the support.

fartyshorts ago

The dutch host many a pedo, so it makes sense.

AssFaceSandwich ago

Wow, it is great to see rats scrambling. This needs to be shared around.

shachalnur ago

There's another reason for Dr.Phill 's show being cancelled in the Netherlands.

Most Satanic abuse victims don't really remember too much,it's like it's there but foggy and unreal.

Part of the torture of children is that they will create a blank page in their head, a separate identity.as you will.

Many of these victims start remembering their ordeal at a later age,over 35.

By transmitting Dr.phill's episode the chance that many former victims in Netherlands and Belgium will be "triggered"is big,and will start remembering.

Well, the amount of (Satanic) child abuse victims in NL and BE is huge ,and they really don't want victims to wake up and come forward.

Mainly because just as in the US and GB ,the powerbrokers NL/BE in Politics,TV ,MSM are basically childabusers,or at least brownstoned,blackmailed monsters who raped some kid somewhere in the past.

Dutch are amongst the most ignorant,controlled and uninformed people in the world if it comes to the Matrix they live in,while living in an alleged liberal and free country.

Also pedophilia is big here,because it's always party time,and treating children like shit,low birth rates,and hating children is part of the culture here.

They were taught at school,through TV,and the Media,and are brainwashed sheep.

Very dangerous for any kids here.