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srayzie ago

Here is more information on this subject.

FBI Reportedly Investigating Stolen Body Parts Trade In Detroit

Body parts investigation that began with search of Detroit business stretches to Phoenix

I found this shocking...Sources say in many cases, bodies that were supposed to be buried or cremated were instead sold to the black market unknown to family members. Can you imagine how you would feel if that was your loved one?!

ArtificalDuality ago

And the baby-burning-as-fuel is THE perferct coverup for this:

Systemic Pineal Gland Farming (Scroll down a little to the first reply)

I bet you a MILLION bucks that all these burned babies have had their pineal glands REMOVED.

Jem777 ago

Which of course leads us right back to Madeline McCann. The coloboma condition which is genetically linked to Pax2 mutation involving the Pineal Gland. @jangles

ArtificalDuality ago

Exactly! I implore you to please read this post (comment link below OP), notably the 2nd and 3rd bullet-point.