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DarkMath ago

That's a possibility. The only problem is the cadaver dogs signaled twice in the apartment and once in the McCann's rental car.

Have you considered the possibility she died in that apartment? And that's not saying you're wrong about the theory she was sold. Maybe she was sold and something went terribly wrong?

Your point about the police and/or private investigators putting in the Podesta images. Thomas Baden-Riess thinks they were either attempts at blackmail or used to point in the direction of who they think committed the crime but didn't have enough evidence or the perps were too powerful to persue.

Thomas Baden-Riess:

Also have you seen the Richard Hall documentaries on this?

Richard Hall

"I am nobody...I'm not answering questions."

Your account is 3 hours old so it's sketchy. You could be right. But IF YOU'RE A LARPER then you need to do some soul searching. We're just trying to help save kids and people making fun of us deserve to roast in hell.


ArtificalDuality ago

The guy is a LARPer. Disinformation agent. There's some truthful parts in (that we really can't do anything with really, like the Kenia mission fail). However, there are some hints that this dude is bullshit:

This goes beyond just trafficking. It is the idea of human domestication for the robotic future. When there is few people on the planet they must run a controlled royal society of luxury to avoid inbreeding.

It goes beyond human trafficking. But it's not "human domestication for a robotic future". However, we've seen quite well now that it is all about Babylonian Satanism / Luciferism. Again, they're trying to hide this.

  • If Transhumanism (attempting to get the human consciousness in a fully robotic body) is the full target, they would not be building already and advocate for solar-shield technology. Robotics care less about some radiation that's not an issue to begin with. Nor would TPTB want to 'surrender' to a fully robotic AI with the risk of themselves be eradicated by this entity. This also tells that the "Black Goo distributed A.I." stories are total bullshit to inject massive noise into the UFO / E.T. / Spirituality domains. Just as Flat Earth crap is the same noise injection into the amateur scientific community, also a dark PSY-OP running. And, just as the "Mandela Effect" PSY-OP which is designed to scatter our collective human consciousness and memory(see here).

  • Inbreeding hasn't been a too big of a problem for the Luciferist rulers anyways, through rejuvenation techniques. Exactly THAT what they all want- and need blood of the youngings for. Madelaine McCain is a living blood production human slave. The surrogate parents have given birth to her for that purpose and the abduction was a mere transaction. She was an IVF fertilized baby. Technology exists that enables eggs to be fertilized with DNA originating from multiple parents. Including luciferist elitist DNA. Top luciferists have, through this method, "seeded" offspring with their DNA for bloodharvesting purposes (and likely, organs), maximally compatible with their own DNA. McCain is not the only child that carries Luciferist elitist DNA. God knows how many of these 'DNA-compatible blood batteries' they've set out in the world.

  • Why don't they opt for standard blood transfusion? Because there is much more beyond compatibily issues than just the blood group (which I won't divulge in here now). Suffice to say on this is that our micro biology, every cell and microbe is an autonomous intelligent being with its own memory (it has read/write access to its own RNA / DNA strands as a means of 'private' memory).

  • And indeed, as others have said... There's nothing 'fun' about pizzagate research. That last statement has a condescending attitude. Almost like a "you just research, you can't do shit against us anyways and we will own you."

DarkMath ago

"That last statement has a condescending attitude."

I didn't think of that but you're correct. The whole post kind of stinks of condescension. It's the "This is a fact." bull shit about stuff we already know is a fact like John and Tony Podesta looking like 2 police sketches. He should have said John and Tony ARE those to men and "This is a fact".