YingYangMom ago

WTF??? What I wanna know now is WHO are ordering these body parts? WHO?????

Jem777 ago

Many have asked me to provided the links of the body part snatchers discovered on the CIA heroin Rat Line from Pakistan into Chicago packed inside mangos. Then delivered to the streets to cause addiction.tThis led to fear of young people who have gone missing in Holman Square in Obamas hometown run by his buddy R. Emanuel. There is an estimated 7000 victims onaccounted for. Assumptions are that many shooting wictims by gangs furnished the bodies for trafficking.

Heroin was founded yesterday being shipped into Chicago & other places packed inside mango Fruit. Then the recovers got the drugs and released them to their sources for money. All while Child sex trafficking & organ trafficking was going on. Sick bastards.,

Watch whole tape and all the character the outs. He has videos on them, a team of whisteblowets. Just hear him out! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=lzVCyg0cVQk

Jem777 ago


Watch it before you judge. All I ask you may hate the messenger but listen to the message. 7000 missing in Chicago Holman Square CIA like black ops site. FBI MCCabe also implicated. HRC/R. Emanuel

srayzie ago

That is just shocking! Right here in America.

Jem777 ago

Yes this is happening everywhere. Aborted baby parts are harvested. Children are harvested. Please help spread the truth. Most posts about this are scrubbed away. Watch his YouTube channel or spread the info everywhere we have to stop this.

GhostOfSwartz ago

This makes me leary of being an organ donor too. How quick are they to seem you brain dead. Does the hospital get paid for the organs?

srayzie ago

I know. I've changed my mind

equineluvr ago

HUGE MONEY for hospitals in this racket. I worked in a major university teaching hospital that had a huge transplant department.

After hearing what they said in the hallway, reading the medical reports, watching how they pressured distraught family members in the ER to sign transplant authorization, seeing the "celebration" ceremonies, I promptly changed my donor status. That was in early 2000s. I'm sure things are 10000x worse now.

GhostOfSwartz ago

Do you have any insider knowledge of how much money they get? It breaks my heart because I can remember my 19 year old nephew was in an auto accident in 2008 and after days of being on life support they suggested we remove him and he could donate his organs. My family agreed and we were allowed to be with him as he "died". Later, my father and I went in to the ICU to discuss what we needed to do about the body. I pointed out to my dad that my nephew was still breathing. His chest was moving, very slightly, but it was. I brought it up to the attending nurse and she tried to play it off as involuntary movements after death. I don't know what the truth was, but I'll go to my grave with this before I tell my brother and sister in law what I saw.

Jem777 ago

Sad..unfortunately this happens especially with young hearts. They say now a body is worth millions. They can harvest bone marrow many days after death now. Check out RTI surgical & Clinton Foundation if you want to be sickened.

bopper ago

Sorry to hear that, sad.

bopper ago

I do know that they euthanize people, with morphine, to hasten end of life, some family members know it and are all there as the person "naturally" dies. I've seen it twice.

GhostOfSwartz ago

That is heartbreaking. I can remember back in 2001 my stepmother claiming that the nurse was purposely giving my grandmother too much morphine to hasten her death. I did not believe her then, but now I wonder...

bopper ago

Yes, I now believe it to be true and that it happens all the time. Everybody sort of subconsciously accepts it and internalizes it I guess, something like that. Don't know why it's not talked about more. I watched them do it to my own grandmother, the dr. came out to the house, family gathered round, the dose was given and she breathed her last. Sister-in-law too, morphined to death, was dying of cancer, in the UK.

nafisnaf ago

I think we have to grasp the number of missing children. In the US it's 800,000 a year! That's 10 stadiums like NRG Houston full of children. Now take a moment to think about that. http://www.slate.com/articles/news_and_politics/explainer/2007/01/800000_missing_kids_really.html

neverobey ago

and their office is placed on the 6th floor …

Jem777 ago

This is the This is exactly where George Webb was the past few days. In Rosemont Chicago (HRC home town). He exposed massive drug trafficking link involving filling hollowed out mangos with heroin and shipping them from Pakistan to Chicago. Part of massive heroin epidemic in the country and crime in Chicago. Associared with this drug Rat Line by the CIA was child sex trafficking, organ harvesting, murder, etc. Obama/Podesta/HRC & CIA involved. FBI McCabe has taken bribe and been helping Clinto with crimes 20+ years.

JournalismIsDead ago

No wonder Chicagos body count is so high. They could be paying thugs to murder people in the street!

Optional-Reading ago

Follow the money

kestrel9 ago

Soros says Black Lives Matter! Body parts? not so much...

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

The Sabbetean Cult disrespects Blacks the most. They dont think they have any value except as slaves. They plan to keep most of their slaves Asians and Whites....I figure blacks are marked for total elimination in time. Might take them a hundred years or so but they aint keeping many outside of limited slums. Keep some in a park like animal reserve. Asians take orders well so will be prime slaves. Whites are dangerous. Almost as smart as Asians and much much more explosive. It is very sad really. If the Blacks could ever wake up they would make great allies in destroying this cult because they have hurt them more than any race up to this time. All the abortion clinics are in the projects. They refuse to give welfare unless the male is out of the home. They intentionally make laws that will entrap blacks and they send them to jail in their prime breeding years. If they could but see the truth they could help us.

kestrel9 ago

It is very tragic. It seems that with the last election many Black Americans were waking up to the horror of the lies they've been fed and the abuse from the 'Democrat' Political Plantation so many have been living on. (Neocons are the flip side to that SuperClass Globalist Coin pretending to be separate parties).

A real 'united' America (doesn't mean anti"Diverse" for the SJWs listening in) terrifies the SuperClass, they feed and stay rich off of division of people through any and all means possible. No doubt they view humanity as their personal chattel to herd, slaughter, and profit from all other forms of dehumanization as they see fit (promoting pedophilia, slave labor, sex slavery etc.)

Of course now it's all couched under buzz words like 'sustainability' (killing), recycling (organ harvesting), 'human rights' (degrading human intellect to the point that now 'educated' idiot 'activists' demand that people lose their right to free speech!), 'identity' (general mayhem from encouraging the degradation of humanity into simple living organisms that hyper focus on sexual gratification as the sole source of meaning for their lives...and of course 'Open Borders and Civil Societies' (meaning there is no place to go once they've finished destroying cultures and countries).

3141592653 ago

Many see the truth

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

I do think many are on to the Cult. I listened to some Louis Farrakan stuff a month ago. He still occasionally goes all hate whitey but mainly the is spot on with everything. He knows all about the Masons and the Illuminati and what they are up to. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_mAwjQpOalM&t=903s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=466NeRHc9a0&t=716s I dont know if he helped kill Malcom X....I dont know if he was corrupt and came to the true understanding....but think he is in rebellion against the Cult now. I dont remember Obama bringing him around much.

Jem777 ago

If everyone would really research Malcom X Shabazz and the last interview he gave there would be a lot more understanding.

Next research Bari Malik Shabazz born in New York City. In a car accident in Hawaii in the late 70's early 80's. SS number marked as notified death in 1994.

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

Send me links and I will check them out.....narrow it down for me and I am all in....I got lots of time on my hands.

GhostOfSwartz ago

I'm in agreement on Farrakhan. He is spot on with some things. I know he has some kooky stuff but all you ever hear from the likes of hannity is the loony stuff. When someone is demonized from either side, they are worth a closer look. People need to judge for themselves.

rippingtheveil ago

Holy shit, link George Webb, does anyone renember Chicago having black sites, also hillary made lots of visits to Michigan during election, all connected

Bluebirdsolitude ago


I think George is on Voat somewhere

Stormtrooperx52 ago

This video was published January of 2015. I never heard of this story and it makes me think that the operation was covered up and allowed to continue.

nomorepepperoni ago

From 2015. Still interesting, though.

Fatsack ago

George Webb totally called it. DynCorp is running their organ harvesting in Chicago via Homan Square.

equineluvr ago

You mean DynCorp/Raytheon. It's important to get that second element in there.

How do you know this is the SAME ring?

Chicago has long been known as: (1) A major port city; and (2) A hub of organized (Jewish) crime.

Fatsack ago

Hello shill, try again.

bopper ago

This body broker is (was) in Rosemont, close to Homan Square, both relatively close to the airport. (Chicago.)

ravensedgesom ago

He said something about the homicides or disappearance rates were so elevated because many go to a black site in Chicago. This is getting unreal.

bopper ago

The article addresses that.

ravensedgesom ago

seems like a coverup doctored paperwork still reaffirms webb's claim of a black site. This network goes much deeper.


Follow up? Article 2 years old


Thanks a lot dude!

bopper ago

Least I can do around here, I'm a pygmy :)

srayzie ago

Here is more information on this subject.

FBI Reportedly Investigating Stolen Body Parts Trade In Detroit http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/12/13/body-part-trade_n_4441955.html

Body parts investigation that began with search of Detroit business stretches to Phoenix http://www.wxyz.com/news/region/detroit/body-parts-investigation-that-began-with-search-of-detroit-business-stretches-to-phoenix

I found this shocking...Sources say in many cases, bodies that were supposed to be buried or cremated were instead sold to the black market unknown to family members. Can you imagine how you would feel if that was your loved one?!

ArtificalDuality ago

And the baby-burning-as-fuel is THE perferct coverup for this:

Systemic Pineal Gland Farming (Scroll down a little to the first reply)

I bet you a MILLION bucks that all these burned babies have had their pineal glands REMOVED.

Jem777 ago

Which of course leads us right back to Madeline McCann. The coloboma condition which is genetically linked to Pax2 mutation involving the Pineal Gland. @jangles

ArtificalDuality ago

Exactly! I implore you to please read this post (comment link below OP), notably the 2nd and 3rd bullet-point.

redditsuckz ago

Sources say in many cases, bodies that were supposed to be buried or cremated were instead sold to the black market unknown to family members.

I am willing to be this happens in every major city. Then they give the loved ones a bunch of dust in a jar.

All crematoriums and hospitals should be scrutinized.

Thousands of unborn fetuses incinerated to heat UK hospitals

Thousands of unborn fetuses incinerated to heat UK hospitals Investigation finds more than 15,000 aborted and miscarried babies incinerated in past two years


Horrifying: Bodies of Aborted Babies Burned to Power Homes in Oregon

Last month, it was discovered nearly a dozen hospitals in the United Kingdom were burning aborted babies, along with trash, to fuel government run hospitals.


The Bizarrely Profitable Business Of Baby Foreskins


Foreskins For Sale

"Parents should be wary of anyone who tries to retract their child's foreskin, and especially wary of anyone who wants to cut it off. Human foreskins are in great demand for any number of commercial enterprises, and the marketing of purloined baby foreskins is a multimillion-dollar-a-year industry."


srayzie ago

Omg this world is so sick

bopper ago

More confirmation of a huge black market for "fresh body parts."

"Arms, heads, legs, kept on ice to stay fresh."

"... whole corpses were routinely sold for $5,000, arms for $750 and heads for $500." (From a different article, same business.)

googlehangoutsnow ago

Why do they want the arms? Not even hand transplants are routinely successful. Do they eat the arms?

equineluvr ago

Muscle and tendon harvesting.

neverobey ago

you can, for example, tage skin or muscle cells for reproduction.

Intheknow ago

The weak are meat and the strong do eat. Cloud Atlas movie. Has references to canniblism. Soilent green people. Is there a Mcdonalds nearby?

ThisNameAlreadyTaken ago

Bunch of transplant parts.

Skin, muscle tissue, bone marrow, nerve tissue, blood vessels for patching around bad cholesterol deposits, you name it. Not to mention stem cells for implantation or research.

bopper ago

Yeah, makes no sense, and I thought med students only worked on whole corpses. No clue. Somebody else will know more probably.

MyNameIsLuka ago

Welp, there's always this:


Grifter42 ago

Man, corneas is cheap!

Unless they're harvesting glands from the head.

bopper ago

Might be 'cause they're selling mainly to hospitals, but hard to believe so many medical facilities would be duped, gotta be selling to others too.

Grifter42 ago

250 a cornea seems pretty cheap, but I guess that's wholesale.

Freemasonsrus ago

Point them to George Webb. He covers the Chicago racket on organ harvesting for quite a while. I think he starts about 30 days back or so. Hard to keep up.

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

George FINALLY got something correct...

equineluvr ago

And you know this how? Have you personally independently verified every one of his claims?

redditsuckz ago

George Webb is supposedly Jewish and an "admitted zionist"

George Webb Asserts that Ritual Abuse and Murder of Children is a Psyop


George Webb Jewish confirmed by two voaters;



Thats why you see so much shilling on here for George Webb...

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

What do you that? I Understand the point you're trying to make... But why would you ask If I verified every one of his claims, when I didn't say "everyone of his claims are correct." Do you not understand what you're doing?

Do you not understand how that distracts from the content of your question? Now I have to automatically assume you're an intolerable person, which will factor into the tone I use when answering your question.

Even if you wanted to be condescending, you could have said;

"*And you know this how? Have you personally independently(I'm no word grammarologist but isn't that a bit redundant? Verified his claims?"

Or if you were confident that I've verified nothing, you could have stepped up the condesnding tone by saying "have you verified ANY of his claims"

But no. You're going to ask me a question about something I never said.

Fuckredditfuckuspez"In and Out Burger Is basically always amazing*"

u/equineluvr "And you know this how? Have you personally been to everyone of their restaurants"

That's what you just did. So again, why do you that?

To answer YOUR question about something I never Said... No. I have not verified EVERY ONE of his claims.

I have however, verified many of his claims. Enough claims to justify my original comment... Not only have I verified most of his claims, but many of his claims, Verified MY research. So I didn't have to verify them, as I had verfied them before he made his "claims". A lot of what he said , simply reinforced the "Theories" and evidence that I had already compiled in my "personal Independent" research project.

Jem777 ago

Nice response

Narcissism ago

GW definitely has top intel, his case gets stronger by the day.

bopper ago

Oh man. I wonder who are they connected to? Good find. Chicago right in the middle of this.

Here's the executive director of the company, from LinkedIn, Donald Greene II

"I offer expertise leading established and start-up organ and tissue procurement companies, accelerating growth dramatically."

He's a body broker.

srayzie ago

Thank you. I don't know. It's just sick

Spiritual_War ago

Wouldn't be surprised if there's a market for human flesh to be consumed. Somebody people got some strange taste buds, they may even put it on pizza while playing ping pong.

AngB23 ago

Hopefully people do realize and know by now that human tissue is in certain VACCINES and medicines. I'm sure Big Pharma has big, deep pockets. I think most of it comes from abortion clinics but if PP doesn't hit their quotas for the month, where does Pharma get their human tissues from? The whole thing makes me sick

mooteensy ago

Okay maybe I'm an idiot but I did not know this and thank you for that info. I'm getting sick now too.....

MyNameIsLuka ago

You know, you might be right. When I was pregnant, several people (California folks that I don't hang with anymore,) tried to convince me to save my placenta to have dried and put in capsules to take while recovering and breastfeeding. I mean, that's cannibalism, right??

wtf_is_happening ago

Eating the placenta is "the exception that proves the rule" and shouldn't be regarded as cannibalism. The placenta separates itself and emerges from the body of its own accord. It offers itself to be eaten, like fruit on a tree. Also the baby once born continues to feed from the mother's body. (And nobody thinks that's morally wrong.) In the unique context of childbirth, things that are in every other circumstance taboo are acceptable.

Runaway-White-Slave ago

Naw.... All my bitches eat their placentas...

Like Cave-Men, they knew to eat bone marrow, and make bone-broth, utilize everything, they may not have lived quite as long, or as miserably, but allot of the available evidence suggests they were much stronger and healthier than we are now.

Common sense, when you eat you're taking what your body needs from whatever food and discards the rest along with whatever dead stuff. If your body just lost all sorts of vitamins, minerals, spent months being heavily taxed carrying another human inside you, it would make sense to replace as much as you can, probably a lot of vital nutrients in placentas.

Another way to look at it, all around in nature everything has a natural order {except humans}, certain innate traits, behavioral patterns, practices/tendencies it seems they just were born knowing to do. A bunch of other mammals instinctively eat placentas, eat bones, and a few other things humans would most likely benefit from doing........

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

I know what your doing.....mocking Alex Jones and his latest product. Either your just trying to be funny or your a part of the pedo shill unit.

bopper ago

That's a big thing nowadays, especially with celebs, they eat their own placenta or put in foods/drinks.

kestrel9 ago

I wish the celebs would just eat their own brains instead of trying to infect young peoples' minds.

bopper ago

Lol, that's next.

MyNameIsLuka ago

Yeah, these women all worked in Hollywood.

bopper ago

Here's a 2017 article about it. Warning, gross pic.


Spiritual_War ago

Yuck, that placenta grew inside of your human body, as far as I know, it is cannibalism to eat human placenta.

nnfx ago

Breastmilk comes from the human body as well and it's not cannibalism when babys drink it.

equineluvr ago

Is breastmilk HUMAN FLESH?

The idiocy on this forum knows no bounds.

bopper ago

LOL. I do know that my goat ate its placenta after birthing two kids. Um, but that was a goat :)

nnfx ago

When I go and cook a soup with human bones and blood, would you call me cannibal? No human flesh involved, so what's going on?

MyNameIsLuka ago

Right? And it's a real thing! Some women I know would mix it with breastmilk and feed it to their babies. At the time, I thought, "ok, these chicks are nuts." Now I truly wonder if there was more to it.