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DarkMath ago

I'd go easy on the Jew bashing. You need to remember George Webb is Jewish and he's the one that broke this story wide open.

More importantly though, I saw a WaPo article from 1987. The WaPo is the CIA's press office. So whatever the WaPos says the truth will always be 180 degrees in the other direction.


"Carl Shapley, a Washington educator who said he worked closely with Finders leader Marion Pettie during the past year, said the group's ceremonies involved the slaughter of goats, but he warned against associating such activities with satanism or pagan rites.

"They believe in games and this was just good fun, a very Alice-in-Wonderland kind of fun, dressing up in white robes or whatever," he said.""

These sick fuckers were butchering goats and they thought it'd be a good idea to have the human kids pull out several dead goat kids from their mother's womb.

Let that one sink in. Shapley called pulling dead goat kids from their recently deceased mother "just good fun, a very Alice-in-Wonderland kind of fun".

Full Stop.