Gbuggers ago

Somebody should tail the Podestas, the clintons, Alfantis and bush family during this satanic season of Sacrifice probably catch them in the act that would be all the evidence needed.

Truewarrior ago

Here is a calendar from a post 6 days ago:

keeper1 ago

Thank you!

adam_danischewski ago

The primary culprits are the Orthodox jews, adam the jew bounty hunter (his orthodoxy group), Rothschilds cornball (the guy depicted in the movie The Wicker Man) - Rabbi Larry David (yes, he's a rabbi). This is not a joke, I have been battling these idiots for a few years now, I'm finally gaining in strength and they have been hit hard this year going in. We'll see what happens, if you want something "to try" to help thwart the sacrifices try this vector: first ask them (if you can or can't hear them it doesn't matter convey the message addressed to them) - does a ritual have to be precise? what happens if something is off? when you botch a ritual should you continue? if its not going to work isn't that more like murder? <<--- then target them to botch the rituals, the more data you have the more you can target <<-- e.g. make them have the wrong type (not a virgin, not the appropriate age), held in the wrong way, highlight any little problems, tell them to read the wrong text, tell them to skip around, for the words to change around, then to quit immediately and resoundly for not less than 3 hours (when everyone has left and gone home and decided not to return). Best of luck, this isn't a joke - we're in a "magical" world (really it's simply high technology + permissions).

ArtificalDuality ago

It really takes off in the times of Ancient Babylon. Babylon is known for the times where men abandoned God and wanted to build the Tower of Babylon to rule from the skies and become gods themselves. King Solomon, the son of David in fact was not so much a nice guy. He was into Babylonian Occultism. The books describing this sinister side of Solomon were never bundled in what is now the Bible. However, the Vatican houses these and other books which are kept secret from us. The Babylonian Occult (School of Satan / Lucifer) throughout history made it into what is now known the Vatican.

Similarly, during the 8th century, the European region Khazar housed a malevolent King who was posed by the Russians of that time to pick one of the 3 primary religions and abandon the occult. They had to choose from Christianity, Islam and Judaism. They chose Judaism and still sprinkled it with the Babylonian occult and continue their practices. These are the ascendants of those who today call themselves "Jew" but are in fact followers of Babylon and Lucifer. Examples of these are today's Rothschild bloodline, the Rockefellers and Soros. But there are many more that have sworn allegiance to the Babylonian cult. The Khazar region of the past is today's Ukraine. That is why the Ukraine plays such a big deal in today's events and why many of these modern day politicians have a direct link with the Ukraine or otherwise have an affiliation with it.

This Babylonian cult is witnessed in so many cultrue and structures today. The European Union parliament building in France represents the Tower of Babel. Even its architecture shows an 'unfinished' tower, referencing the fact that God intervened during Ancient Babylon, where the tower got never finished and unfaithful people were dispersed. The whole of EU is riddled with this Babylonian, Luciferist occultism. It has 666+13 = 679 seats in the parliament building. Seat 666 is always left empty. The building sports a statue at its entrance that displays a woman riding the beast. And last year, they celebrated one of their biggest feats, connecting Switzerland with the the rest of Europe through the Gotthard Tunnel, whose Grand Opening was nothing short of a pure, evil display of Satanism / Luciferism. In the ritual you can see references to the future outlined further down this article.

What is referred to as the "New World Order" is in fact, the Babylonian World Order. The western world and notably the European Union is, in actuallity, "New Babylon". Basically, ancient Hebrew Jewry (following the Torah) had been hi-jacked a long time ago by this Babylonian cult. The Babylonian Khazar created what is known as the Babylonian Talmud, which was an artifically created (by humans) scripture that embeds these Luciferist phylosophies. Amongst one being the creation of the supremacy concept (which is found in parts of other religions as well), giving rise to terms like "goy" and "gentile".

Those Babylonians owning and conquering the world are NOT semites. This was proven by an Israeli scientist that did DNA research into Jewish heritage. Those Babylonians are not Jews (inspite of what they say, they use it as a mental body armor). They are Babylonian Luciferst scum fucks. Babylonia is very alive today and it is the greater evil we face. The importance here is to realize though that this cult keeps it occult evil hidden from its low tier, insignificant members. Whoelse would want to follow a cult of evil? The evilist are going to need followers for their agenda. (Meaning, judge the individual and don't go broad-brush on anything that smells "Jew").

What really happened in WW 2 is that the Babylonian filth calling themselves "Jew" in fact mass-killed Jews that follow the Torah. George Soros is known to have turned in Jews to the Nazis. That were Torah Jews. While today he's using the "Anti-Semite" mental body armor meme to divert away attention from his evil doings, past and present. This is why Putin called him a "dragon". Referring to the Babylonian Serpent cult. Here you can hear a radio interview with a Babylonian rabbi, Abe Finkelstein. It's gross.

Well this piece provides plenty to start further research. Don't turn this into a Jew (or Christian, or Muslim) witch-hunt. Don't fall for these artifical (evil humans created) dualities. Turn the duality-disk 90 degrees, meaning, look at everyone by whether they are truely good or evilish . There's only one duality. The absolute duality that's Good and Evil. Neither look at race, religion, color, whatsoever. They look at wether one would let in or not either. Your religion does not matter as long as you align and follow the absolute good.

Therefor it is important all us humans build the Global Unified Truth to uncover how we all have been divided by opposing truths. That is the solution to fixing this bump in the road mankind as a whole faces. On to a better world. So we can stop them from (their planned agenda).

archons ago

Are they any books you can recommend to read more on all this?

adam_danischewski ago

The historical stuff isn't as relevant to what's going as WHO it is now in contemporary times who is actually running the main sacrificial rituals. The power structure is hierarchical top-down, magical power is really permissions codified. Those that have the "power" are those with permission to use it, and that power is trickled down/peddled to useless idiots who are willing to do "dirt". They have set it up this way to cover themselves from culpability, the snake eating its tail. They don't want to encourage people to remain clean, that makes they who run this world SADO system all the more culpable. So they reward idiots who embrace thievery, yet its organized. That's what this is about, encouraging institutionalized erasure of culpability in exchange for some little privileges and benefits. The fact that they are made to jump through hoops is simply a way to make their "dollar"/power offer go further by nullifying the efforts of certain (usually unliked) segments of thievery participants. If you want to put a dent in what goes on on a daily basis, you need to trip up the main power brokers. If you trip them up, they may lose what power they had to offer to their flock of minions, then they won't be so interested in continuing. Its like funding for a budget, if you knock out a large portion of the funding then you get deficits and programs get shutdown (or in this case more like hideous little witches and ghetto wizards going without "magical" powers when they expected them).

ArtificalDuality ago

The historical stuff is very relevant as, with the history, one can extrapolate trends into the future (which I did leave out in this post). That is what is the big deal of getting history right and synchronize our Global Truth across the time-line of history. But yes, the rest of your post describes in practice how they retain their made-complicit members and loose affiliates by things like extortion. To some it may become something like a point-of-no-return. Full exposure, bringing everything involved into the light of day will be a good way forward.

adam_danischewski ago

I agree that it's possible to extrapolate/interpolate your way to the truth. Yet it is better if you don't have to, if you can find people who know - people like me know what's going on now although it does take a little bit of a leap of faith - I generally try to put the data that is provable out (except if people will be getting hurt if I were to remain quiet about it). As for it being a point-of-no-return, once they accept the Satans Mind interface whereby a certain device (usually a home laptop/pc) becomes another interface, they become a quasi-zombie of the queen and its very difficult to break out of. My recommendation is that they color up resistance, if they are commanded to go to Satans Mind and they cannot resist ultimately to put in a delay, okay I'll go yet I'm first going to count to 3, then 5, then 10 etc. This is picked up by the system and will usually open up additional remedies/opportunities. Generally speaking, its important to keep a little LEAN where you want to go at all times, and "vote" not only on what others do, yet what you "yourself" ostensibly do (e.g. watching tv, a sudden burst of "laughter" at a fat guy falling down the stairs <<--- no, that wasn't me - i do not laugh at other peoples misery/hardships). Define yourself in a document and stay on the definition with the way you live your life.

WeCanDoThisThing ago

Everyone should get Ruzz Dizdar's guide to SRA. He is a foremost expert....

ArtificalDuality ago

Crime severance levels of babylonian luciferists (satanism):

1) No qualms doctrinating different truths to different people for personal gain. This is the base level. No procecutable crimes involved yet, yet very impactful results.

2) Corporate / monetairy fraud for personal gain using aforementioned techniques.

3) Sexual exploitation (adult level still) for personal gain, blackmail purposes. Again with impactful results.

4) Sexual exploitation (child abuse) for personal gain, blackmail purposes. Again with impactful results.

5) Ritual exploitation, actual murder and subsequent decaptiation of victims (any age).

6) Ritual exploitation, blood drinking, eating of organs.

7) Murderous exploitation of human trafficing victims at a much larger scale to supply for 5) and 6).

The people commiting crimes of type 1 - 2 are the many. Littered through out our corporate as managers, CEOs, low-level government personel. Many may not know of the existence (or are still in disbelief, yet are useful idiots in the hierarchy) of the higher level crimes from 4, 5 and up.

The higher up one gets, the fewer amount of people committing them.


Oh.... did I just turn Free Masonry inside-out? Harmless on the outside, rank 1 free-mason level, yet maximally satanic at rank 33 and the hidden ranks up to 36? Oh lol ;)

Further more, the concept of without qualms doctrinating different people with different truths is in fact the Free Masonry Unholy Grail .The low levels employ it for personal gain. High-level masonry uses this at a mass population scale through their owned media / entertainment / broadcast industry. Hence the blue-pill illusion we've been living in for a long time.

Building the Global Unified Truth is what will thwart all their work of having doctrined people with dis-synchronized truths. It will expose them in full, so they can be procecuted and brought to trial in bright day light.

Truthseeker3000 ago

Excellent post thank u. I've been very interested in freemasonry and figuring out the levels and what they mean. I know it is nothing good, just a bunch of psychopathic men with no empathy sitting around bullshitting with one another on ways to beat the system financially, taking out opponents, child exploitation and other nefarious personal gains. I feel like it's a giant pyramid scheme where the lower levels are blinded by the sense of belonging and the uppers take advantage of them doing the bidding for the organization itself. Their websites always claim so much disinformation etc, and how they help charities but we all know it's all smoke and mirrors. Do u have any more information past what u laid out in number 7? Are these the summaries of the actual ranks? Do u have any additional information u could share? Thank u your posts are great!

zunar ago

Know Your Enemy: These are short videos, around 80 of them. If you start from the beginning like I did, you get a good perspective of lucifer's role and influence throughout the ages beginning with Baal. Info on the Free Masons starts at about video #40.

artfullyours ago

These are very good I watched a few but will continue to see them all. Very interesting.

zunar ago

I also thought they were very interesting. I learned a lot.

ArtificalDuality ago

Thank you! I don't know in detail what each rank would represent other than that each rank carries its own compartmentalized truth version. All that I know is the gradient from the bottom to the top as described here. It serves as one of their main infrastructures for intelligence and job distribution across a hierarchy wise in our global society. If you would imagine the node distribution ratio in this tree to be 1 to 10 (1:10), one would reach 10 million with only 7 hierarchical levels!. Now imagine even wider ratios, the fan-out will explode with only few levels, allowing to 'claw' themselves like everywhere into our societies.

The smoke and mirrors are the "necessary good" to cover up the "intentful evil". Unsuspecting good folk will remain in the lower levels, glass ceiling and such. Basically the willingess to become analogue levels of evil (and skill-mastery at making evil look good) dictates the glass ceiling to members.

You see, I am an information scientist for one, an engineer for second. I know about logic and data; processes and information. A human can be seen as a process. Anything that happens due to humans and nature itself can be seen as information. Processes that act up on and produce; modify information. The human psyche in large part describes the 'process' in light of information science. As such, the workings of a human at the psychological level have been very important. I've been studying the human psyche at the metaphysical level for near 30 years to figure out primary workings.

By looking at history, leaning about all the things in the world that I could get my hands (eyes) on, I then, being the engie that I am, reverse-engineered the information through history, to identify the processes that were the cause of the information being the way it is over history. I call this 'dataset' a "Time-Space-Cube". What I am saying here, I've been able to identify the existence of an evil power structure on our planet and how it would actually have to be made feasable given our reality. Including how it manages to stay hidden for the most part. It also allowed me to crack a number of their codes which are in actually essential communication means to them. Again, information between them, seen as processes. This abstract information model of humans and other creatures on our planet with all its physics I then began to overlay on our concrete world. Beginning to isolate and identify concrete persons, organizations, platforms etc. adhering to the abstract model. So I now may have just painted a target on my arse.

But yes, that's the how and why =)

ArtificalDuality ago

3/22 is indeed the date. This date is special to them:

Here's the signifficance of 3/22:

Another occult date is coming up real soon: 22th of March, in US date format that would be 3-22, which is 322 = Skulls and Bones = Yale Secret Society = Hillary, Lynn de Rothshield and many more.

  • 3/22/1980: Opening of the Georgia Guide stones, outlining the Babylonian World Order plans. 500 million people is the target.

  • 3/22/2016: Terrorist Attack false-flag in Brussels, the 'heart of EU', also called 'New Babylon'. Gotta get the Euros to fight the muslims right?

The difference is 36 years: 3x6 = 666.

AliensInParis ago

Skull and Bones is Yale

ArtificalDuality ago

You're right; founded at Yale, though loosely linked with other universities (Harvard) as well. But yes, predominantly Yale. I've updated myself =)

rivercontrol ago

Also: Genesis 3:22 "And the LORD God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever:"

ArtificalDuality ago

** HEADS UP: @racoonbite is a disinfo and marginalization agent: **

I have noticed this guy pushing disinfo and marginalization in a good number of threads now.

The only tool is you, @racoonbite:

It is the belief system of these evil people. The stuff isn't out there for nothing. If it was a non-phenomena, satanism would not exist. Because it is these evil people's primary belief system, they wil ACT UP ON their belief system, regardless of whether YOU believe it or not.

Stop being a tool, stop being a fool. Anyone actively attempting to dismiss satanism (babylonian luciferism) is ONE OF THEM. Are you going to be showing yourself as one of them?

racoonbite ago

Oh, I belive there is a giant pedo/human trafficking ring and they are all very connected(thats why im here) I will also belive that many of them are into symbolism....and other "depp truthes " that they hold dear(much like any other religion). I read the bible (king james anyway .....which you can thank Fransis Bacon for) i could read a harliquin romance and get the same trash

racoonbite ago

the more this "satanic panic" thing comes up, the less you make yourslef credible to non-religious types, im just saying. we are an the same team...look at it realisticly, you want awareness? bring up the rampant pedo shit.....the religious stuff can come later.

trust me, its better that way

ArtificalDuality ago

WHAT exactly don't you get about "THEY WILL ACT UP ON THEIR BELIEF SYSTEM" ??

racoonbite ago

some Christians say that being gay is ok, some say its an abomination, some of these people act, some dont, which are you? Its hard for me to tell, there are sooo many people who claimn to be godly people, yet all have diffrent ideas what the intended word is

ArtificalDuality ago

I align with the absolute good: Love, compassion, life, benefit (and I use these terms in explicit, positive logic).

I have a question for you, which I'm sure you could easily answer. If you would have to choose between living in an exclusively good world, or an exclusively evil world.. Which of the two would you honestly want to be living in?

I'll take the lead. I will choose the exclusively good world in a heartbeat. Without second thought. What about you?

racoonbite ago

sound like you played a lot of DnD, i did too, no worries bud.

ArtificalDuality ago

Your inability to answer such a fundamental question is telling. I see a lot of 'wiggling' oneself with all kinds of counter statements, trying to claim all sorts of things. But no simple answer to the question. Which of the two worlds would you pick?

racoonbite ago

Do not mistakr your apparant dislike of my possible abuguity to mean that i Have the saME CAUSE AS YOU.

sorry, "do not"

racoonbite ago

I had to drink a 66 tonight to look at these fucking forums......I dunno how to cope with it otherwise. but I will, and I will again. we can do this, we may not agree about useless trivia, but who the fuk cares?

racoonbite ago

there is a right answer

racoonbite ago

One thing that is great a bout morality, is you can ague it form a couch.....

ArtificalDuality ago

Which of the two worlds would you pick? Your inability to answer such a fundamental question is telling. I see a lot of 'wiggling' oneself with all kinds of counter statements, trying to claim all sorts of things. But no simple answer to the question.

racoonbite ago

Fuuuck, that was unfair, I dunno, maybe your a cool cat, my half asked responses do not help. maybe the do. such existential questioning are for another time, we are here for a damn purpose,

ArtificalDuality ago

Are you running back to the dark? Answering the posed question is part of the purpose =)

racoonbite ago

what possible question can you pose? your a soldier of light, i get it. lol,

racoonbite ago

Fair enough, I apologize, i should explain myself at least a bit...

the wording did not concern me. What does is an unsubstantiated (based from a sketch website)claim toward .....i dunno, halloween is satanic? DO you even know the orgins of halloween or christmas? or any other fucking bastardized holiday that religion shoves down your throat? you know that picture of Jesus that eveeryone warships is actually the bastard son o Caesar Borgia(dont have to get into what those wierdos were into) also known as Pope Alexander VI. (pope pretty much made his sons likeness very popular.....guess "legacy" and shit

I totally belive that kids go missing more often on halloween, the same as I believe the same statistics would show that an increase of missing kids happen when a carnival or whatever comes to town.

racoonbite ago

lol i cant even differentiate between threads anymore....uggg...

racoonbite ago

oh, shit sorry, i meant this to be a response to the OP....dunno how i got on your comment thread My sincere apologies

rickman ago

Wait, they receive body parts as gifts at Christmas? Makes me think of the pasta/cheese gift email from Podesta. The unusually shaped box.

Devious1 ago

Seems to tie in nicely with the voat search function disappearing......

racoonbite ago

this post is silly

Piscina ago

Just a few:

communion of blood and dismemberment any age

Mar. 1 St. Eichatadt blood drinking of human blood for strength and homage to the demons any age (male or female)

Mar. 20 date varies Spring Equinox (Sabbat Festival)(Major fertility Sabbat) orgies oral, anal, vaginal any age (male or female, human or animal) 

(death of Christ) blood human sacrifice male only

Easter Eve Day blood human sacrifice male or female (adult)

Apr 21-26 Abduction, ceremonial preparation and holding of sacrificial victim         Apr 26 - May 1 Grand Climax De Meur oral, anal, vaginal

Roodmas Day blood animal and/or human sacrifice any age

And Christmas is a VERY special time, because:

Christmas Eve blood Receive body parts as Christmas gifts infant male

racoonbite ago

omfg. why is this post here?

pipo44 ago

June 24th and December 28th are important days, just keep it in mind, and look for kids disappearance days before or same day.

V____Z ago

Three months ago we set out hoping, knowing, that we could put an end to this! Armed with facts, surely those in power would be forced to behave, and we would have our day in court.

Now we are stuck knowing the ugly truth, and being able to do little more than track the numbers of missing/raped/tortured/murdered innocents.

Aaronkin ago

Don't get discouraged, Keep fighting. We have no other choice, the stakes are to high. The more we talk about it the deeper they have to hide and a hiding man has a lot less power. This is like the war on drugs. There will never be an end, but if you give up fighting, it will claim your children.

V____Z ago

I wonder if this is why we see the new push to stop using the term pizzagate. Podesta literally used this term, as did the CIA shadow group Stratfor, and so many others in those leaked emails. I'm sure Podesta would love us to switch from their proven use of the term to "pedo" which means nothing nefarious at all - it simply means "child"


V____Z ago

Thank you, we will never give up fighting. We don't have a choice.

racoonbite ago

the op has no facts, just a link to a website i have no intention of going to, this kind of shit makes us look like tools

keeper1 ago

The website is a very good independent news website. And the article itself is well sourced.

ArtificalDuality ago

The only tool is you, @racoonbite:

It is the belief system of these evil people. The stuff isn't out there for nothing. If it was a non-phenomena, satanism would not exist. Because it is these evil people's belief system, they wil ACT UP ON their belief system, regardless whether YOU believe it or not

Stop being a tool, stop being a fool. Anyone actively attempting to dismiss satanism (babylonian luciferism) is ONE OF THEM. Are you going to be showing yourself as one of them?

racoonbite ago

I dont doubt there is an upsurge in missing kids at halloween, just like there is when a carnivals hits town.

holloween, much like christmas(winter solstice) were originally pagan hollidays, but the ruling class felt it was far better to absorb the traditions, rather than erase them

11-11 ago

Bill Schoebelen from "with one accord" ministries has further information on this topic

racoonbite ago

Dude, (supposed)reptillian agents are not going to help our cause.

racoonbite ago

duno who that is, will look it up.

11-11 ago

with one accord ministries has further information on this topic

SayWhatNOWAY ago

So horrible! So Evil! Keep your kids close! Also keep your pets and live stock safe.

PizzagateExpert ago

Your submission /v/pizzagate/1730449 has been deleted by: @abortionburger on 3/19/2017 6:35:13 AM

Reason given: @PizzagateExpert: Rule 1.

Original Submission

Bumfights Pizzagate


Dr Phil kicks Bumfights producer Ty Beeson off show HD

Dr Phil, something is up