bopper ago

Yes, just as when "the devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain, and sheweth him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them." This can only be done on a flat earth.

"And the sun stood still, and the moon stayed, until the people had avenged themselves upon their enemies. Is not this written in the book of Jasher? So the sun stood still in the midst of heaven, and hasted not to go down about a whole day."

Obviously for many this is a spiritual/Biblical thing ... the flat earth reality validates their belief in the scriptures, particularly as it relates to cosmology and creationism and Genesis. There are many atheists and agnostics who have had some serious second thoughts after researching this.

Etc. etc. This guy (below) has a lot of good stuff from the scriptural standpoint. If you're "still not sure what to believe" then I suggest start researching, you will find a lot of good company, and though you may initially be called a fool, you will find that the joke is on the other side. If it's not true, you have nothing to lose, but some time. If it is true, your world will change.

bopper ago

You couldn't have watched every video, there's literally hundreds. I certainly haven't and I've studied it for two years now. But stick w/ Eric Dubay mostly for a while. The seasons have been explained, it's just the sun rotating above the earth hugging the northern hemisphere initially and then widening its orbit as time progresses so as to illumine the southern hemisphere more. I've seen multitudinous videos about this.

The moon "chases" the sun in its own orbit and eventually surpasses it. This is where the tortoise and hare fable came from. The ancients knew all this. The tides have been addressed but this may still be a mystery as some other things, such as the phases of the moon (half-moon, crescent, etc.) They appear to be self-generated.

"We" don't understand all of it, but it's coming together fairly nicely and rapidly. There is so much to it.

"Eliminate everything that is impossible, and whatever is left, however improbable, is the truth." I use this maxim for 911 and other hoaxes. Australia is not upside down. Airplanes don't curve downwards to adjust for a "curve" as they travel ... they fly in a straight line. Etc.

Cold_Guinea_Pig ago

I don't believe in that tyrant god. Neither do pagans, they believe in gods.

blind_sypher ago

I saw this prior to being clued into pedo-gate. I had no sense of its satanic overtones when I watched it, although it was weird as fuck to me, I chalked it off to a shitty sense of art. I doubt most people would see it any differently.

Piscina ago

Accompanying this chilling name, is an intriguing folk tale from historian Meinrad Lienert which details how the people of Uri, Switzerland recruited the Devil for the difficult task of building a bridge across gorge. The Devil requested to receive the soul of the first thing to pass the bridge in exchange for his help. To trick the Devil, who expected to receive the soul of the first man to pass the bridge, the people of Uri sent across a goat by throwing a piece of bread, and the goat was promptly torn to pieces by the Devil. Enraged at having been tricked the Devil went to fetch a large rock to smash the bridge. While taking a break from exhaustion from the task of carrying the rock back to the bridge, a Christian women secretly marked the rock with a cross. The Devil was then unable to pickup the rock, and was forced to abandon it and flee. This 12 m tall, 220 ton rock was named “The Devil’s Stone” (Teufelsstein),  and on 1 September 1972, the stone was moved 127 metres and is now situated on the ramp of exit 40 (Göschenen) of the motorway, at the entrance of Gotthard Road Tunnel

remedy4reality ago

hahahaha ... yeah... find out what the Swiss people thought of that bullshit narrative

remedy4reality ago


con77 ago

Sweden is the same way

YingYangMom ago

Nobody knows the answer to this, because we don't know how many Satanists are raping children out there.

stellarcorpse ago

there are many "supposed Satanic Cults" so, I'm betting the latter.

stellarcorpse ago

tunnel probably sits on ley lines.

bopper ago

You too.

I mean, the "have a nice day part," not the "completely nuts" part.

Cold_Guinea_Pig ago

Something well done has the effect of feeling it's power. Doesn't mean it was Satanic. Everything I saw there is pagan, rather than Satanic, but I know that Americans have difficulties understanding that horns doesn't immediately equal Satan and eating babies. I am quite embarrassed at a) how many people upvoated this thread and b) how many here have the mindset of medieval peasants, shouting at something they have no idea about and asking for 'burning' or 'killing' them [whoever they think it is].

You lot have the same backward thinking as some extreme muslims, they also have no clue why they want to kill X,Y or Z. Only that it is somehow against their book. Those who value performance art, paganism and know about high production values rather that think everything is ju-ju-scare-satan stuff are ashamed of you.

I am not saying there isn't some rich people's satan-worshipping going on somewhere [I am sure it is!], but at least be able to recognise the difference before foaming on your mouths and running around with a torch and a pickaxe everytime you see European paganism or something with horns. Jeezus, effing christ.

SynapticRevolt ago

Look at me, I'm smarter than you....REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE........

remedy4reality ago

Have you ever seen a linkage of pedantic platitudes in your life ! hahaha reeeeeee !!!

SynapticRevolt ago

No....but I have seen the linking of sausages and it ain't pretty............Reeeeeeeeeeeee!

bopper ago

Science is a religion and you're the one that needs to wake up, honestly.

going on a killing spree and raping everything that moves

That's kind of what happens when men do violence to their conscience. They bloody it until it becomes seared, as if w/ a hot iron.

Ihatepizza2 ago

Have a look at the 'popes audience hall' and realise you are describing two facets of the same thing. Have a look for Fr. Malachi Martin / lucifer enthroned in vatican

YingYangMom ago

I've seen it and it's true. The Audience Hall at the Vatican is an exact replica of the inside of a snake's head. You couldn't make that shit up, I swear.

thomccc ago

This is the last thing I'm ever going to say on this subject. This is one of those videos that shos you that jesus is baphomet. Everybody who does a video of that event tries to spin it that they were mocking jesus instead of being honest even though they were honest in every single other thing they exposed.

jesus is not the Christ that moves everybody's heart. He is the anti-Christ, even though he is in the bible to.

He is that homosexual pedophile that the book of revelation says is going to rule with an iron rod.

The true Christ built the tower of babel

heywhatsgoingon ago

lol sure, the true savior leading the babylonians who rape and murder children... You're frankly a retard and completely lacking in any semblance of reason. I see now how Satanism spreads so easily.

If anyone else was wondering how people could be so demented, here's your answer.

YingYangMom ago


ArtificalDuality ago

I've got a check-up for you: It's the individual's choice that matters. The choice between good and evil. Let their alignments relative to this absolute choice be the ruler ;)

bopper ago

Sorry, but the individual's choice is what supremely matters? Their alignments "relative" to their "absolute choice" is the rule?

So the individual and their choice is the supreme arbiter and judge of moral absolutes? I don't think so. Maybe I'm misunderstanding you.

Truthseeker3000 ago

I recall seeing this in part of a tv show a little while back. They talked about it as though it was great. I recall thinking it was satanic and really fucking wierd to do that for a tunnel opening ceremony. Do these people, and it's hard to classify them as "elites", but do they realize how STUPID they look? I mean really, that is what u think is so artistic and spiritual? A made up bunch of bullshit of evil. Some idiot walking around with a goat head thinking he's the king of humanity and everyone else is a zombie in a trance worshipping this retard? I seriously don't get how people have evolved sometimes. And everyone thinks Trump is the enemy? How brainwashed have the masses become?

YingYangMom ago

Do these people, and it's hard to classify them as "elites", but do they realize how STUPID they look? I mean really, that is what u think is so artistic and spiritual?

You hit the nail on the head with that sentence. They DO look STUPID and they don't know it. PMSL

Anonymous_User_69 ago

Time to burn some witches perhaps

redditsuckz ago

These "Satanists" love underground tunnels...

"DUMBS" Underground Tunnel builders connection to Comet Ping Pong area and McCullough Residential. Owner = EDWIN S ROCKEFELLER;

"The Rockefeller connection to McCollough//CONNEB I LLC, (the construction and residential companies with subsidiary offices still on this Nebraska Ave NW side of the block), however, is very interesting, and should definitely be looked into; especially since this 5039 Conn.Ave.NW is the Chevy Chase Art Gallery & Custon Framing, because I have started a sub ( ) on the ART CONNECTION between CPP, Buck's, Terasol, Transformer, which may dig up info on an elaborate money laundering or black market facilitization service utilizing 'art' as a payments front. McCollough businesses were started by Tom McCullough, who used to work for Bechtel, which has to be one of the biggest and spookiest construction companies on the face of the earth ... they do all of the US Govt. DUMBS bunkers (Deep Underground Military Bases) and covert and super massive Government infrastructure projects, and it is owned by a guy who is a kingpin at Bohemian Grove (the Bechtel Company ... still privately owned I believe, which is amazing based on its size)."

YingYangMom ago

This is it. The Artisan Connection is it. I didn't know that Tom McCullough was doing DUMBS bunkers for the Gov. at one point though. Very interesting find!

remedy4reality ago

Pretty sure those were Banthas, not elephants.

sugarskull ago

Does anyone know what the actual description for the show was? How did they justify the demonic show?

cantsleepawink ago

The Swiss have a fairy tale called 'The Devil's Bridge' about a goat in the mountains that is trying to get across the bridge. But I can tell you not even the Swiss were fooled by that excuse.

sugarskull ago

Yeah I heard that one too...its flys like a lead balloon!

bopper ago

You guys sure it's not high-level hi-tech aircraft of some sort?

Ihatepizza2 ago

If you take the time to watch the full thing, keep and eye for the illuminati hand signals on the train, and also watch for the faces of the people in the choir in th3 second half. Looks to me like they were duped into participating and they know it.

Truthseeker3000 ago

Who were the idiots who signed up to rehearse and perform this trash is another question? How could u be so stupid as to want to partake in it knowing what it was? I don't know if I'd use the word duped, more like DUMB. It's comically idiotic rather than spiritual and art. Wherever there are occult elite in these countries there is pretty much always child trafficking and pornography sadly enough so there is nothing good about it.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Me 2

bopper ago

Empirical and anecdotal evidence, the same stuff that puts criminals behind bars by persuaded jurists who have seen no real hard facts.

bopper ago

In a moral sense ... surely you are aware of your "conscience," the sense and understanding of right and wrong. Where did that come from? The soul of a man is a created thing, and has been described as a "bundle of faculties," conscience being just one of these. It takes more "faith" to believe in evolution, big bang (nada proof unless you bow to the psuedo-scientists). Check into the flat earth that's blowing up the internet - you might change your mind, as thousands have after researching it. I can't continue with this. God is a big problem for many because the concept gets in their way of their fun and "self determination."

OttoMaddox ago

Reminds me of the PAGANS from the movie "Dragnet"

remedy4reality ago

The story of the ritual was suppressed in the MSM, bigly. They focused on the tunnel's design aspects and had very limited video of the ceremony, which was called 'unusual'.

remedy4reality ago

Who knows? I bet it's very close in fact, I'd say they are one and the same.

bopper ago


lynn1314 ago

They could all be false, that is true.

I think you're talking about the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster. As for Satanism vs. Islam and which is worse . . . I guess since Islam wants to take over the world it may be worse, but it's a toss-up.

sponiatowski ago

Unfortunately, we can't condemn anyone for worshipping their "God" of choice. But they must be held accountable for the evil that they do and the laws that they break. Still, very odd symbolism indeed. I can't find anything sensible or uplifting in that video.

YingYangMom ago

We can condemn them because their God encourages murder, lying, torture, abuse, selfishness, et al, everything that goes against good human morals and values. They are getting more and more audacious and 'in our faces' with their rituals and evil agenda. It's absolutely disgusting.

sponiatowski ago

First they must be exposed for who they really are...then they must be stopped.

YingYangMom ago

You're right. We're working on it.

sponiatowski ago

All I have to offer is my support.

YingYangMom ago

Same. And it's greatly appreciated, trust me :)

remedy4reality ago

This was a massive publicly funded infrastructure project, 18 years in the making. They had no right to co-opt the event into a blatant Satan worship session. Every attendee needs to be held to account. THESE ARE WORLD LEADERS !!

sponiatowski ago

If this is the EU, which government should be blamed? I'd almost prefer a Muslim event because I don't understand what they are doing or what they are meaning, but we have to assume they are showing us a One World New Religion. That's the upsetting part for me. Nothing in that performance resonated with me at all. It wasn't even particularly sexy! Nor uplifting. I suppose it's a good thing that it leaves me absolutely flat.

Ihatepizza2 ago

It's Switzerland = not EU, just a trading partner. The trail of the Khazars ends up in Switzerland.

sponiatowski ago

And all the laundered money, tax sheltered, too.

DeathToMasons ago

Pagan celebration without a doubt.

Timberwolf1 ago

Maybe it was a real ceremony or they are trying to subconsciously condition people to it. It sure made me uncomfortable watching it, and it seemed unnecessary, wouldn't a ribbon cutting ceremony with a few drinks and canapés be more appropriate? 🤔 Makes you wonder what is behind it all that's for sure?

49-louie ago

reminds me of super bowl 1/2 time shows-lotta ritualistic symbolism there too

Gorillion ago

Also note, that this tunnel is under the Alps. Switzerland's natural wall against ground invasion, allowing them their privileged "neutral" state in war. And they just punched a hole through it, with EU funding.

DeathToMasons ago

This is old news but yes, they did it in plane sight in grand fashion. People that were not part of the truth community probably did not know about this because they came into this world via PG. Welcome folks, we have known about this agenda and this Cabal. Beyond obvious to those that are awoke.

remedy4reality ago

DTM << Always putting himself above others.. sheesh...

pizzaequalspedo ago

They're all bad. Any child rapist needs to be hanged publicly whether they're Catholic or satanic

lynn1314 ago

Lack of proof is not evidence. That I don't see groundhog trails underneath my lawn doesn't mean they are not there. I can prove that they are by digging up the ground, but my proof of their existence didn't change that they did exist. I think pizzagate fits this model.

Our understanding or knowledge of anything does not affect reality. We only "discovered" that gorillas existed in the 1800's. Before that, they were mythical creatures. So what we do go by in researching this spirituality realm is that human beings since the beginning of time have worshipped things. There is no reason for us to do this, but it appears we do. You take that behavior and then see that we act certain ways based on these beliefs. Even if you are an atheist, you must acknowledge that religious belief affects people's actions. Greatly.

And even if all religions say there are the "truth," since they all contradict each other on major principles, they cannot all be true. They can all be false, but they cannot all be true.

And here is where the worry about Satanism takes hold. Regardless of whether you believe in it or not or think it's real, there are millions that do, and because the religion promotes and celebrates evil, it is something to be aware of and to fight against. You can do that without believing in the supernatural aspect of it at all.

Timberwolf1 ago

Space fascinates me, it is beautiful and our earth is but a speck in it all. I would love to see the advancement in my lifetime of being able to travel much further into space. The EM drive propulsion system may make that a reality, if it does indeed work. I hope that if this happens that humanity will flourish and we will evolve past wars and be part of something that is so much bigger. It is sad that NASA holds back info and cuts feeds when something that they deem we are not ready for appears. Now that the private companies like spaceX are going into space I think that some of the information suppression will end. I want to add that most amazing thing of my sighting (when I saw it a few meters above my house) was that although the light was big and bright it did not illuminate my roof or anything around it, I have never seen light behave in this manner. It defies physics, It makes me scratch my head at the thought :)
Thank you for posting and replying to me, I am planing on getting a telescope very soon so I can see and learn more. Hopefully I will quit smoking soon too as its a bad habit of mine :)

ArtificalDuality ago

It does not matter what YOU believe. It matters what THEY believe.

Here a recommended read; I've been studying the human psyche for 30 years and the document below describes one part. It describes what 'Truth' is and how humans deal with the concept of truth:

Human Psyche Project

Silverlining ago

The Opening Ceremony of the World’s Largest Tunnel Was a Bizarre Occult Ritual June 3, 2016

GreatWhiteLodge ago

Pedo Priests are NOT Catholic, they are Luciferian pawns inserted under a well stablished secular agenda.

If you don't follow the rules of a pointed religion, you can't be called as a Follower.

It goes straight to the TOP of all Religions if the leadership is compromised, they are USURPERS.

But, if the Catholic Church is compromised, Justice must be done in Tribunals. Nothing can defeat real Christians as the Romans learned quickly. Losing the Vatican is not a Big Deal for us. We can rebuild everything with Joy.

Never forget that our Humanist Western Values were hardly conquered through the millennia over the blood of uncountable killed Catholics and many other real Christians in other denominations. Against the will of the Vatican, of course.

But POWER always attract the rotten souls. That's our actual, very human, evolutionary bottleneck right now: How to survive our own greedy psychotic leadership?

Two thousand years of Religion, Philosophy, Magick and Science failed on that.

The approaching rupture point in this ancient crisis will prove the above statement, once and forever.

All of the above fields of knowledge conspired to serve death, sorrow, destruction and tyranny, not the opposite, under the corrupted interests of the Higher Hidden Echelons of our Kind.

IF USA / Europe and the Vatican falls, can anyone realize what expect us all?

Fishes, as Humans, dies by their mouths.

JesusRules ago

The Satanists believe in Satan, the Illuminati believe in Satan and they are responsible for the deaths of 100's of millions of lives in the last 100 years +

bopper ago

Absence Of Evidence Is Not Evidence Of Absence.

smokratez ago

Posted this on voat when it happened. No one believed it.

remedy4reality ago

posted the same link and title in v/politics this morning, currently at ( +4 -3 ) lol

smokratez ago

These people watch tv to tell them what is going on in the world.

bopper ago

Explain conscience then.

lynn1314 ago

Lack of proof is not proof of anything. The atom existed before we "discovered" it.

Believe, don't believe, but realize that every single civilization since the beginning of time has worshipped something. It seems to be in our DNA. What that something is, is the only thing that has changed. And history has proven (if you want proof of something) that what a civilization worships determines whether it is good or evil.

madhatter67 ago

If you believe in Luciferians and the spritually inclined of all stripes do (and I include myself as the latter)....then you basically believe that consciousness can create changes in the just maybe the atom didn't exist until it was postulated?

I've been finding myself more and more drawn to this thought in relation to pizzagate.....that this evil has been created, not only by the sick minds of those with too much money and power....but also by those of us who are trying to fight it....we are almost willing it into existence even though we wish it wasn't so....

I haven't worked out what the answer to this is....because ignoring it won't make it go away....having seen the problem we have to use our will to address it I suppose

lynn1314 ago

I believe that pizzagate/pedogate, this evil, has existed for a long time. We just "discovered" it. I think Moloch Hunter (I believe that's his name here) put it well. This beast has been under the surface for years and only with the Wikileaks which pointed us to Comet Ping Pong did it raise it's head for a moment for us to see it. I see your point in that maybe too much focus on this sickness, breeds more sickness. Especially when all the Instagram pictures are shared, etc., but to kill the beast we do have to expose what it has done.

Since the Podesta Emails came out and all the Pizzagate knowledge, I have been depressed and it doesn't get better. I guess I was living outside the Matrix, and like I said to the other person, my awareness of what is going on didn't change what was happening. The ONLY thing that has changed is my knowledge of it.

My fear is that the beast has gone underground again and we will never be able to find it and the depression will never end.

madhatter67 ago

I'm with you, I know it's been around a long time, I've seen it get exposed and buried before

This stuff does take it's toll if you are a good loving person....but being good and loving is also how we beat this monster

I guess the point about creating reality was a little bit devil's advocatey, though I do believe there is some truth in it, certainly on a collective consciousness level

And I do believe we can create a much better reality than the current one!

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Pure Evil!

lynn1314 ago

Because you don't believe in something has no correlation to whether it exists or not.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

On a side note! Evil Satanic Pedo News...

Judge sides with Katy Perry as nuns accuse singer of witchcraft - NME › News › Home AMP - 17 hours ago - Singer is trying to turn a former Roman Catholic convent into her new home

lynn1314 ago

It's not "supposed."

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

All major sports events are just giant occult shows. Look at the Super Bowl half time shows. They all always filled with Occult symbolism. They are just laughing at us.

Mad_As_Hell ago

London Olympics opening ceremony had a lot of messed up stuff in it as well

Baxterbaxter ago

This makes me want to go back and review Olympic opening ceremonies. Are those full of satanic references too? God help us!

bopper ago

I don't get it. What is this, the super bowl half-time of occult and devil worship? Hmm, tunnel, "underground."

remedy4reality ago

symbolizing a gateway to hell

dey loves dem sum holes in the groundz !

bopper ago

Disclaimer: Not my cup of tea though they were at one time.

Timberwolf1 ago

These sick MFers have a screw loose. They do this blatantly out in the open. Absolutely evil imagery. WTF is wrong with these people, that worship and believe in this evil crap? They really do underestimate that people are waking up to this and soon there will be a globally collective uprising. I am not religious but if I were I would be backing the good guys not this evil shit. Just looking at all that imagery made me feel sick.

Cincosiber ago

It looked very strange and not what you would expect for an opening ceremony for an engineering works. Shit like this won't get them acceptance they won't, nothing will as no one in their right mind thinks like them

ArtificalDuality ago

That is because it's not just a show. It's actual demonic doctrine. Your body and soul knows. Your consciousness however does not yet accept that. Read the following link (and the 3 contained links within) in full please; it may sound weird and not much related, but when you work through it, you'll thank me for it. Yes, I am MagicBox on that website:

I'd advice everyone on Pizzagate and Luciferism to heed my advice and read the above link.

Here an addendum that are private messages I had with a guy about the infinity science that will tell you what its core is about:

Hey mate,

Thanks for your elaborate respectful reply :) I read yours and I have to say likewise, interesting stuff to discuss :) I'm not very strong in actual physics, predominantly the basics. I'm an electronics engineer as wel as software engineer. But I've kept myself up-to-date on physics knownledge for as far as I could understand it, getting the generic gist of it, so it was interesting to read what you wrote and learn a little along the way too.

I'd figure I would leave you a PM rather than having you think I'm ignoring you.

Yes, the thing I've come up with wasn't a 5-minute thing. It's basically a sort of culumination of things I've pondered; it was never meant to disagree with established finite science. In fact it was intended to expand on it; bringing the concept of infinity into it to be able to make a number of statements, mostly on (indeed) the phylosophical side of things. It's not meant to be a replacement or an assault on existing physics calculus :)

In that sense, Time and Space as I'm using it I never felt was entirely accurate; those concepts may change when going into deeper systems. There's no real abstraction in those, as those terms relate to finite physics rather than being abstract terms. To get the abstraction, the 3 components would be:

  • The phenomena that allows things to happen
  • The phenomena that makes things happen
  • The phenomena that describe the things subject to the two above.

Energy in that aspect (i think) is no different than potential. Without potential, energy wouldn't 'move'. You were right that 'difference' applies to Space as well. As well as force/energy.

That's why I called 'difference' the ultimate abstractness of things, forming the base of it all (just not in that post itself, it's something I realized almost 20 years ago.)

Peace :)

Carniflex Jul 28, 2015 at 10:42 pm

Thanx for the interesting discussion indeed :)

From the viewpoint of how people think in terms of concepts and visualizing for themselves sometimes very abstract things it is certainly enlightening. Software engineering in itself can be quite abstract undertaking no doubt giving a bit different perspective on the world as a result.

BTW I was not quite disagreeing with you. Just trying to explain the different point of view. As Big Bang, Time and Space are fundamentally events / things beyond which hard science cant say much all it leaves us with is philosophy (and religion). At first glance what you were saying seemed like a variation of Anthropic principle.

Best o/ Carniflex


The Inifite exists and is factual. Infinite potential is factual (which gives rise to good and evil, the absolute duality). And we all look at the very same stars.


Why are people downvoting this?

Timberwolf1 ago

Thanks for the links I agree with a lot of what you have put forth, I have an interest in space and have had some sightings of UFOs I would say that they are already here but I was terrified when I saw them as I couldn't say if they were good or bad. They may just be as curious as we are of them. I spend around an hour outside at night star gazing as I have to smoke outside. One time one hovered over my house for about 5 minutes a large car sized round orb changing from red to green. It may have been human operated or alien, I guess I will never know. I have seen things I cannot explain away. I am not delusional and have a high IQ. I know many people will ridicule me so I keep it to myself. I think religion holds back science to a large degree and that we could be more advanced if we focus on science but mankind is probably not ready, baby steps I guess. It is good to see that you are an enlightened person as there aren't too many around but with time and technology we may see more likeminded views.

cantsleepawink ago

How does religion hold back science ?

bopper ago

How do scientists believe this:

"That there was nothing, and nothing happened to nothing, and then nothing magically exploded for no reason, creating everything, and then a bunch of everything magically rearranged itself for no reason whatsoever, into self-replicating bits which then turned into dinosaurs."

Makes perfect sense.

Saibra ago

I too have seen, what I believe was a UFO. In 1981, hovering over the Potomac River, near Old Town, Alexandria, VA about 50 yards off the shoreline, hovering about 20 feet above the river. It too had red, white and green lights that changed colors as it took off in the blink of an eye, sideways. I don't talk about it because people think I'm crazy. A friend of mine who was with me, refuses to talk about it now, but she is mixed up with Hollywood and film production, so who knows what she knows. Ive often wondered if what I saw was because of her, because the path life would take her that is very different than mine. I've chalked it up to government technology, being so close to DC and Andrews AFB. But there were people standing there looking at it and not a peep in the media. So I just keep it to myself. Bad enough people think I'm crazy because I believe in Pizzagate. But I learned a long time ago that nothing is impossible with our Government.

ArtificalDuality ago

You have not to worry my friend, so long your heart and soul are just. It's about intent. Us humans are not on their own. It's just that the evil filth doctrinated us over the centuries to completely detach from the universe and otherworldly life. Cherish your experience. For I will tell you, my mom has witnessed visitors as well. And with what I know, I can tell that they were here to tell us we're not alone in this fight. They just can not show in force because:

  • People on the large are not receptable to other worldly life, and as such would not call out for help. People would just panic and go ape-shit, attacking those that would want to help.

  • The ones that are here to help are portrayed to be the evil ones by the ones that have mankind captivated and are, in actuality the evil ones. Any "disclosure" that's talked about in the MSM will lead towards exposure of our capturers in which they will present themselves as the good guys and set us up against those that are willing to genuinely help us overcome this evil.

This is a good link that gets it as right as it can in regards to good/evil alignment:

Our future has been laid out; evil WILL be thwarted on this planet. It just depends on ourselves whether there'll be few blood (of evil people) or a lot of blood (ignorant, asleep people that unknowingly serve evil):

The opening of the Gotthard Tunnel was on June the 1st. What is June the 1st? It's the date the Pleiades Star System is at its apex on the Northern Hemisphere.

The Babylonian World Order, through this date is totally mocking the good guys. And here more mocking of the same kind:

Timberwolf1 ago

Great post, I will check out the links in the morning as I have to sleep and get up early. Thank you :)

bopper ago

Um, you need to watch a few Eric Dubay videos, it's not that complicated. Your choice.

There is though indeed a spiritual world of "wickedness in high places." Some of what we see is for sure demonic and spiritual:

"But I say, that the things which the Gentiles sacrifice, they sacrifice to devils, and not to God: and I would not that ye should have fellowship with devils."

Other "satanists" are just hucksters who are fooling around with that which they should not.

notArobott ago

You talking about the same Eric Dubay who published this video?

200 Flat Earth Proofs in under 2 hours!

I would be hesitant to take anything he says seriously...

ArtificalDuality ago

Thanks for sharing!: DO NOT INDULGE INTO ERIC DUBAY. Flat-earth is a CIA Psy-op to yet again, keep the populace busy AND at the same time, dumbify them. Don't engage in discussions in regards to flat earth. You just proved that 'bopper' is a shill 100%.

strix-varia ago

So can you prove it then? That the earth is round and spinning? That they keep showing the same dam photos of the earth over and over and over? That they can't get through the Van Allen belts but keep saying that they can? Also that NASA is a joke with all their pronouncements and claims!? It's not too much to ask, seeing as though you brought it up.

ArtificalDuality ago

Updated. After analyzing 'bopper's replies to others he fits the pattern of a shill. Don't engage. I can prove it but won't indulge into discussing it. I suggest you don't either and filth this thread with this shilled nonsense.

bopper ago

You're exhausting yourself. I normally do not discuss this unless it's buried deep inside a long thread such as this one, and mostly only when others ask questions. To derail the pedophilia investigaiton is the last thing I wish to do (I have personal reasons why I'm interested in pizzagate). Nobody here thinks I'm a shill (they may think I'm a bit nuts for imbibing flat earth but other researchers that I respect here say some pretty crazy things themselves - and I give them the benefit of a doubt). If you check my stats/submissions maybe it will put you more at ease. (Just take a look at your own post goofy-btw!)

bopper ago

“For he looketh to the ends of the earth, and seeth under the whole heaven."

No "ends of the earth" on a ball.

I am related to the guy who hires the astronauts. I know Gene Kranz. I know a Shuttle captain (who died).

A guy who played a role in Apollo 13 movie. And on and on. I've worked for these guys.

Irony can be so ironic sometimes.

strix-varia ago


bopper ago

See my edit if you haven't. Funny my situation. Thanks and take care.

bopper ago

Great Scott man! I feel naked before the world! (Um, it's a bit more complicated than that, but thanks anyway.)

ArtificalDuality ago

Updated. After analyzing 'bopper's replies to others he fits the pattern of a shill. Don't engage.

bopper ago

Okay, thanks for your thoughts.

ArtificalDuality ago

Updated. After analyzing 'bopper's replies to others he fits the pattern of a shill. Don't engage.

bopper ago

I understand. No worry. Heh, I'm arguing w/ you again ... watch out below ... not the flat earth. But I'm really needing to take a break so I'll let you have the last word :)

bopper ago

Yeah that one. I used to think he was off the chain and unhinged (and myself for watching him). But I kept an open mind, as thousands of others have, and am thankful for it. TPTB sure talk a lot about it nowadays. But at the risk of being called a shill and an idiot I heretofore will shut-up.

srayzie ago

Hi Bopper 😁 I will check him out. But, do you agree with the flat earth theory?

bopper ago

Ah, I sense a trap! Well the best way to think about it is, do we really live on a spinning ball? Do you FEEL like you're spinning when you walk outside? When you say 'flat earth' you're immediately deemed insane, which is understandable.

Do we really orbit the sun, or does the sun actually circle us (actually around and above us), just as it appears? Why are the sun and moon the same size? If the earth rotates at approx. the speed of sound, why can't we hover above it in a helicopter and watch it turn? The reason given is that the atmosphere along with gravity spins the helicopter 'round with the earth, same with planes etc.

The only proof we have that the earth is a ball is from NASA. So try to prove the earth is a round spinning ball WITHOUT citing NASA and their photos. All who SERIOUSLY attempt to do this, cannot prove (scientifically I might add) that the earth is a spinning ball, they suffer serious cognitive dissonance and even mild depression, because we have been taught all this from a child. It is hard to believe we’ve been deceived on such a grand scale.

There’s much more to it. “Why don’t we fall off the edge?” Good question. “I thought ships circumnavigate the world?” Another good question. They can circumnavigate a flat circular earth too. This has become a spiritual awakening for many, it is burning up the internet and some “celebs” are talking about it now. What map does the U.N. use as its logo?

I have taken great risk here to talk to you, I will get burned at the stake 😊 You owe me 😊 But this argument, flat or ball earth, has never been settled, throughout history, there are many books about it … never been settled until NASA.

Okay, start the downvoting.

strix-varia ago

Yah, believing in NASA is like believing that Stephen Hawking is really talking and is who they say he is.

Absolutely anything is possible.

bopper ago

Is that another rabbit hole - Stephen Hawking? sigh

strix-varia ago

Well, think about it. He hasn't uttered a word for years, a computer does that for him! His lips do not move. He is still alive from ALS and most people don't last that long, I don't think. People believe him because his a "scientist", like all the "scientists" at NASA. Many think this is a double! And, look at this pic from Epstein's island. Wth is he doing there?

strix-varia ago

Way to go Shaq! I agree with him about Columbus too!

bopper ago

Incredible, a lot of people gonna be eatin' crow 'cause this whole thing is about to blow! (That rhymes.)

strix-varia ago

I'm hoping. I really am.

Hey, have you seen any of Trey Smith's vids? Just curious. Watched one last night on Nephilim and was intrigued. He has a particular style to his videos, which was slightly offputting at first, but then realized it's part of his gig. Learned a lot of things about ritual abuse too. It's been going on sooooooooo long.

bopper ago

I might have, can't recall just now. I'll check him out. Yeah even Dubay is a little crazy, who isn't?

bopper ago

That's a good voat post there, it has very much to do with the mathematical nonsense lies that "scientists" throw at us. Thanks again.

bopper ago

Wow very interesting. That's creepy, thanks. Never thought about it because I've never cared for him (nor most of the others).

Epstein's island ? Weird, makes no sense.

strix-varia ago Well, think about it. He hasn't uttered a word in how many years? Most people with ALS would not be alive. A computer talks for him and again, we all believe everything that is presented to us because he is a "scientist", like the people at NASA.

srayzie ago

I can see why you would feel that way. It doesn't hurt to have an open mind. It's true what you said about it being NASA that says the earth is round. ALL that we know in this world has been taught to us, so we trust the generations before us to know what's true. In reality, what is the truth about a lot of things? Much is mystery so you don't sound crazy to me.

bopper ago

Thank-you I appreciate that. I would stick with Eric Dubay for a while at first, the internet is exploding with the subject so it's a mess.

There's a reason for the following youtube search result stats (people are waking up):

"On August 15th 2016 the search results on Youtube were as follows:

10,800,000 : The Earth is Flat 6,930,000 : Flat Earth 6,580,000 : Donald Trump 6,450,000 : Justin Timberlake 6,060,000 : Nasa 4,660,000 : Barack Obama [end quote]

srayzie ago

Dang! I love that people are waking up. I just watched the 2 minute video showing Obama and others pushing the climate change and flat earthers. Seeing the government pushing that so hard makes me want to go research. I'm gonna watch right now.

bopper ago

You got it! That's exactly why they keep talking about it, and linking it to climate change deniers. You are a smart cookie.

srayzie ago


ArtificalDuality ago

Find "Artifical" (yes with the misspelling) on the page to arrive at the relevant user comment of mine. The picture is bigger than just planet Earth. The Babylonian World Order that calls Lucifer its 'god' is, in fact, a finite detrimental creature. Many cultures and religions, including the Bible and Quran speak of them: Snake people; Annunaki; I will write up a full essay of what's going on on our beloved planet Earth.

Ihatepizza2 ago

There's a piece on youtube called "The death of the cosmic serpent". It demonstrates that worldwide, the introduction of God deities coincides with the expulsion of "serpent knowledge" as I like to call it. Think of the garden of Eden scene - serpent Vs God. Others might be aware of St Patrick (celebrating today) in Ireland who 'banished the snakes' which is handed down orally and has no written precedent. In reality he converted the people from paganism / druidism to Christianity.

Worldwide, the introduction of God seems to coincide with the rise of 'civilization' from tribal life.

In relation to pizzagate we see that James Alefantis movie "Chapel Perilous" deals exclusively with the theme of reintroducing serpent knowledge to the character in the movie. In the movie 'serpent knowledge' means that there is information available in our DNA that can be accessed, and is useful.

It has been known worldwide for aeons, by the amazonian tribes via ayahuasca, the Australian aborigines via dream states, the European tribes via Psilocybin (Christians here should search 'Paris eadwine psalter' for fun) etc etc.

Seems to be there are two types of sacred knowledge at odds here. Ancient DNA knowledge which is just as sacred but leans towards animal / carnal / survivalist knowledge. Every animal on the planet lives by "do what though wilt" (aleistar crowley) and we will never see any inherent evil in that, or say they did wrong. However when you introduce true consciousness you introduce a whole new set of 'moral' choices. Do we kill an animal even though we can eat plants? If we ate all the animals can we kill a human for meat? I'm a meat eater BTW, so those are just examples of 'moral' choices we face when we are truly conscious and in full control of our doings.

When we reach a state of consciousness where we have those choices then it seems we do need the introduction of 'Godly' concepts to help us deal with them. Ask any man (not under some form of duress) if it he will choose to be good or evil to others and he will almost always choose good - there is absolutely no reason for this choice other than it 'feels right'. And IT IS right because it is the way of consciousness, the way of the Universe, and the path to enlightenment and God. We even see those moral choices in the animal kingdom - we know that 'hunter' animals will rescue the young of 'prey' animals and not eat them.

Finally - it seems to me that the occult practices we see associated with the elite worldwide and at the core of pizzagate is that serpent knowledge is being reintroduced at the expense of God. I believe both have their place and are equally precious, but that the doings of a conscious entity must be in line with the fact that WE HAVE A CHOICE TO BE GOOD OR EVIL.

This church is a combination of ayahuasca and Christianity

And this video scares the absolute shit out of me on so many levels

bopper ago

Eric Dubay will get your feet on the ground, give it a shot. And he's undecided on the origin of man, though he believes in a creator and in spiritual evil.

Yes, Satan is a spirit being capable of being "destroyed," but only in an eternal sense. I know of Babylon etc. One can learn more about "Babylon" in the book "50 Years in the Church of Rome," and also in the old book "The Two Babylons," than anywhere else, without going needlessly off the rails (not insinuating you are necessarily).

wtf_is_happening ago

Illuminasties and their hinty, demoralising art at it again.

remedy4reality ago

We should all think twice before letting the attendees of this Satanic Ritual run our nations.

I want to see the guest list.

ArtificalDuality ago

Add the following link to the opening post:

Here you will see the full ceremony, narrated by two investigative journalists actually explaining the whole thing as they go. There are many more occult things in there that they didn't note, but they come along far.

Oh and puhlease remove the direct-link from the topic header so people clicking will go to comments first ;)

remedy4reality ago

This satisfies PG rules because it demonstrates that Elites, who sit on boards of many charitable anti-trafficking foundations including the NCMEC and the ICMEC are partaking in blatant Satanic worship. Also, PG has uncovered a dark underworld of Satanism among the many persons affiliated with the DC pedo ring.