Narcissism ago

Aliens/ Entities/ Religion is just a clumsy way to describe a psychological condition knows as Malignant Narcissism. If you study Narcissism you would see that it fits these people exactly. Narcissism, while it may have a genetic component, develops in childhood as a coping mechanism due to an adversarial environment. It’s very likely that these people suffered abuse themselves in childhood/ adolescence. To mediate tensions cause by their environment while growing up they developed a FALSE SELF. A bit like a child who thinks they can fly to the moon or is all powerful, these people live in a fantasy world divorced from reality, where their fake concocted personality called the “False Self” reigns supreme.

The False Self is based on feedback from others kind of like a hall of mirrors. They need constant feedback from others to maintain the false beliefs about themselves, and their mental stability. Attention (known as narcissistic supply) is an essential component of the Narcissists personality – without it they would collapse. Like a junky, they don’t care if they are liked or hated so long as they get their fix – in this case “attention” Through time the False Self supplants the real self - the ego/ super ego in a health individual. The False Self replaces the executive function carried out by the EGO in a normal person which mediates between the inner landscape and the outside world. Because the False Self is a concoction, a fake construct, it is not grounded in reality it fails the reality test. Hence, it fails the Narcissist – it’s not working most of the time!

All Narcissists operate within what is known as a Narcissistic Pathological Space this is a geographical area in which they derive Narcissistic supply (attention, accolades, even to be hated). They need attention and like to be hated because to be hated means feared and fear means attention.

The child abuse occurs because Narcissists are “AUTO-EROTIC” in other words they are primarily attracted to themselves. A child who is a blood relative is the closest thing genetically to themselves and hence seen by the Narcissist as an extension of themselves. Because narcissists view others as mere extensions of themselves, like an organ or another limb, when they have sex they are essentially masturbating inside another person.

Malignant Narcissism is a syndrome characterized by a narcissistic personality disorder (NPD), antisocial features, paranoid traits, and egosyntonic aggression. Other symptoms may include an absence of conscience, a psychological need for power, and a sense of importance (grandiosity). Essentially they have the GOD complex – Omnipotent (unlimited power), Omnipresent (everywhere), Omniscient (all knowing/ all seeing eye).

Malignant Narcissists require constant attention to validate themselves and are pathological liars because subconsciously they are always lying to themselves. The “False Self” is adapted to whatever Pathological Narcissistic Space they currently inhabit. Ask them about something bad they did in their past and they will react with disbelief/ indignation, because that’s the actions of a different “False Self” which operated at a different time/ in a different pathological space. This is why they appear to have been taken over by entities, but in reality it’s just a psychodynamic of Malignant Narcissism.

Hitler for example was remotely diagnosed as having Narcissistic Personality Disorder by Erich Fromm. Malignant Narcissists are intrinsically irrational and dangerous (especially to children). By comparison Psychopathy is cold logical state, where the motivation is the best logical outcome from any given set of parameters (except when threatened or not in control). Psychopaths like Money and to an extent power but are not interested in attention. Psychopaths are not narcissistic unless being so makes it easier to achieve some goal. Psychopaths are not interested in people unless they have some purpose for the Psychopath. "Either you're or use OR you're in the way". Whereas Narcissists NEED people and their attention to mediate their precariously balanced "False Self" personality.

The Malignant Narcissism have a desire to destroy and hurt people that goes way beyond any logical benefit/ gain to themselves. In fact as Dr Steve Pieczenik states Hillary and Co are very self-destructive people. Who in her position would allow even the hint of pedophilia near them, let alone the people she has close to her?

Malignant Narcissists are the last type of people who should ever be put in power…. The idiots who vote for them are Co-Dependants stuck in a cycle of abuse.

Check out the work of Sam Vaknin on YT for more info.

IgnorantBliss ago

Also, for the survivors of these heinous crimes,imagine how it affects their future and the people they become. They steal their innocence when they commit these evil acts and create a vicious cycle. Like family violence, these kids may grow up and do the same to their children and so forth. I think this is the most evil act a human can commit. In my eyes this is worse than murder. Preying on innocent children. If this was to continue in the numbers it has been imagine what it would be like 50 years from now. It seems like the easiest way to create a race of pedophilia and sadistic tendencies.

lump ago

Powerful people have no need to get into organized crime. It must have happened in reverse: criminals rose to power.

smokratez ago

They believe in demons. The so called elite who rule us are mad at God and want to suck satans dick. That's all.

roundhouse1776 ago

It's power and perceived superiority/elitism. These rituals and way of life is passed down generation to generation. It's "normal" to them even if its taboo and a horrible crime to regular people. Anyone who wants to join their club must partake, and this is how they make sure they can control them. No one can incriminate someone else, because it would mean also incriminating yourself.

redditsuckz ago

Help expose all these secret cults;

Pedophile Criminal Networks of the World Exposed

Child Survivors of Pizzagate draw Triangles on robed cultists - Hermetic Order of Golden Dawn

cosmicmind ago

Triangles is also the name given to a branch of teaching in the Lucis Trust group, which name Lucis is shortened from Lucifer. (I know this because I emailed them and asked) and is a new alternate name for the old Theosophical Society. Also, the group are (or at least were in the ate 90's) heavily associated with the U.N. I'm not alleging that they are involved, it's just that they do worship Lucifer and also are heavily associated to political groups. You should see the long list of board members on Lucis Trust.

asdfghjkl123456789 ago

Evil spiritual forces exist in the world (Satan). Some people follow these evil forces.

pizzagatewillnotdie ago

I honestly think it's a dominance thing. They might not even be true pedophiles, but just really enjoy the dominance. I mean, high positions of power attract those that want to be in control, and have dominance over others. The ones that rise to the top, often seem to be the most sociopathic. Just look at how many high power people often want the opposite in return, to be completely dominated. They will actually give over the bank account information to a dominatrix for them to have the ability to blackmail them.

ItsReal ago

The idea that these people can invoke supernatural forces is utter insanity. All of their powers are secular: Money, status, connections, etc.

Look at them, do they seem supernaturally empowered to you? Get your head straight. They do it because they are sexually aroused by blood and death.


Nazis had nothing whatsoever to do with child abuse and molestation and in fact the Third Reich would have to be counted the government that punished it most severely, usually with the death penalty. Anyone who has read the court reports in German newspapers for the 1933/45 period will know this.

cosmicmind ago

Were they only putting adults in the oven? Did I miss something?

MeyerLansky ago

Usually the Nazi reference is applied to the scientists that were brought over in Operation Paperclip especially concerning Josef Mengele.

I'm not saying it's true. I'm saying it's part of the rabbit hole.

PizzaCrowley ago

Here's a question for fellow investigators on this subject,

If you carefully read the wiki on SRA you will find that they say it doesn't exist that its all a hoax.

There seems to be at the highest levels all sites scrub any legitimacy to SRA, yet you have all these talking heads selling books and running websites espousing SRA and asking for donations.

What's ppl's opinion on this here?

MeyerLansky ago

I tend to believe SRA is real. I really believe trauma based mind control (MK Ultra) is real. I lived with a gal who grew up in Ethiopia and Denmark that seemed to be exposed to some of those techniques possibly including child pornography in Denmark. She was seriously screwed up and exhibited some behaviors I had never seen before or since. And that was 35 years later. It's partly why this subject resonates with me. I have seen how this destroys lives personally.

pizza4trump ago

Yep, I saw these things too, I lived near a site where they kept these kids warehoused, everybody knew but the town got paid off, there were no jobs at the time. It's real, and note its sixty years old, which means that these zombie-robot super-soldiers are 2nd/3rd generation psycho-paths. I think that's why you see all this cannibalism and cops killing ppl with no justification. These ppl gone through this process have no remorse, they're steel cold. U look at them in the eye and they don't even see you.

MeyerLansky ago

This is the conclusion I have been coming to and I have identified as a Theravada Buddhist for years.

PizzaCrowley ago

Well that we can concur I too follow that faith, I can't say we don't have pedo, hell theres hardly a monk that isn't bopping a younger monk, what do you expect when men aren't allowed to touch girls, U know how they stop urges? Monks are required to lay next to female corpses after a time they find women repulsive, ok, but what's odd is they never lay next to dead male children to find them repulsive,... just a thought ... But I do agree that buddhism in general is the best and we have no history of satanic sex slavery rings

MeyerLansky ago

I've always wondered about why the Buddhists didn't seem to have child sex scandals like the Catholic Church. Especially when the young boys were sent off to live alone with the older monks in the monasteries in Tibet, Sri Lanka, etc

pizza4trump ago

Note its rampant, but its accepted you know "Do Know Harm" there is no forced sex, and the main deal is don't touch a woman, I lived at famous Buddhist Temple for a long time I saw them bring in the female corpses because the monks that weren't fucking other men/boys really had to struggle with the desired of women. What I learned is that it only took a few sessions near a rotten corpse the smell stayed. Enough that no matter what kind of hottie they might see on the street no arousal at all. Buddhism is gentle, I think catholic do a lot of harm. Also everything in buddhism is by choice a monk would never rape, if a boy or another monk wants sex its all consensual. A rape would be rape, and follow with criminal investigation.

MeatballPizza ago

Power. They believe it makes them gods. Hillary and Podesta were how close to controlling the most powerful nation on earth? 50,000 votes in a few state?