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ArtificalDuality ago

3/22 is indeed the date. This date is special to them:

Here's the signifficance of 3/22:

Another occult date is coming up real soon: 22th of March, in US date format that would be 3-22, which is 322 = Skulls and Bones = Yale Secret Society = Hillary, Lynn de Rothshield and many more.

  • 3/22/1980: Opening of the Georgia Guide stones, outlining the Babylonian World Order plans. 500 million people is the target.

  • 3/22/2016: Terrorist Attack false-flag in Brussels, the 'heart of EU', also called 'New Babylon'. Gotta get the Euros to fight the muslims right?

The difference is 36 years: 3x6 = 666.

AliensInParis ago

Skull and Bones is Yale

ArtificalDuality ago

You're right; founded at Yale, though loosely linked with other universities (Harvard) as well. But yes, predominantly Yale. I've updated myself =)

rivercontrol ago

Also: Genesis 3:22 "And the LORD God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever:"