vanievilgenius ago

Nice contribution.

vanievilgenius ago

I suggest you check out Wall Street and The Rise of Hitler. Seriously. I suggest anyone lapping up the Jews are responsible for all evil propaganda to read it. There is a free copy on I believe. Easy to find online anyway.

Germany relied on technology transfers that were given long before WW2 started to have the necessary tools to wage war. The National Socialists received money directly from a number of Wall Street figures and their entire warchest was a result of Wall Street money.

You operate with a view that Jews are all actively conspiring with each other as a large group. They are not. It doesn't take many to move an entire group of people in a certain direction.

Quite frankly, the leadership did not care about what could or would happen to Jewish people because their people are actually devil worshippers. Not Jewish. And those people are out and around all over in various colors. Including but not limited to a large number of "Jews". The holocaust provided great insulation for Jewish power at the top who as we know are not really Jewish. Or as I'm sure you'd say, Holohoax. I do not believe it was a hoax. I believe the numbers are somewhat fictitious but that is irrelevant to me... if it's 1 million or 1 person, it's too many.

And Hitler is notorious for his love of the occult. Because he was part of the gang the entire time. And those who created the conditions for German's to be upset knew full well what the result would be. They are much smarter people than you or I.

smudgepotforever ago

I think he's saying that going down the Alefantis road isn't going to lead to the biggest fish within or closely tied to gov't (which is his focus). I also think he's misinformed about Alefantis. I wrote a comment to him telling him that I think Alefantis and surrounding issues are real, but may not tie directly to the way he is going. Might be more DC insider and some overlap rather than the broader thing he is working on. I really don't know, but I'm glad he took it down. Of course he could be psy-opping us. Ugh.

4_InquiringMinds ago

He lurks here/pretty obvious from comments he slid in today.

4_InquiringMinds ago

Exactly, why not say with all this bounty it will be put into a trust fund for any traffic victims so they can get the help they need for life if need be? After all the money came off their backs~ Not that the bounty will ever exist...just sayin.

4_InquiringMinds ago

this guy is getting his information from some very powerful people or groups who know what the score is and where the bodies are buried.

So now we just have to watch to see who is going to be thrown under the bus...there is no honor among these thieves.

4_InquiringMinds ago

Update: George Webb deleted this video this morning

Very interesting/just listened to today's vids/he deleted #5 82 bc ppl misunderstood what he meant about satanic things plus it was on a low quality laptop. Well, if he ever wants a copy/bc he doesn't backup right/ I have one lol. Took him till part 3 today to correct the Egyptian mansion is in NYC/his ah ha moment lol. Poor Abby kept asking him to correct it in earlier parts today, he was still pushing the Muslim Brotherhood meeting at the mansion slightly revised, not really them but the dyncorp police who then met with the MB (something like that anyway) And he's still pushing the IRS Lottery but he won't take any of the money/what a guy eh. He's going to turn it over the facebook ratline to distribute it accordingly. Graphic included of how much you get for what highlighted in yellow. Let's all be millionaires!!!!! When I take off the blinders from a limited hangout it looks like a whole different world/catch little things that slid past me before.

Well that's it for me today/beautiful fog in the woods...I'm going to go play with the animals. Thanks EVERYONE for your comments and enlightenment's. Such a nice group of folks and fello seekers.

Ciao~ Oh, and hey George...waving to you :p Do stay safe since your life is on the line :p

4_InquiringMinds ago

Ah, just scanning comments for today part one and this comment...

Also, unless something has changed, the Muslim Brotherhood people are not popular with Sisi in Egypt.

Which would explain why he changed his tune part 2 about MB didn't actually meet at the mansion in Egypt which by part 3 was oh my gosh, it's not in Egypt. A quick, like first page search, verifies what the commentator said/sheesh. Not sure what the point would be steering in that direction unless it's a sloppy limited hangout. Then again something I'm not seeing. Could just serve as a distraction from this ritual stuff/have not a clue.

4_InquiringMinds ago

Oh, here we go/the plot thickens. Caught wind reading comments part 3...

*Sad to see you make a deal with the devil but I do understand. Thank you for all you have done!

another...Mr Webb, you can try to make a deal but we're fighting over the shark pit and if we lose the sharks get fed. You maybe able to make a deal, but we, the people, can't.

* dont have too explain yourself m8, you've got 2 make sure you & your family are ok , your not being selfish , be safe *

The deal is he's telling the fbi if they will just release the emails and drop him off the JTTF target list (he supposedly got on it a few years ago) and leave him alone he will drop the dyncorp thing. He knows it's terrible for his listeners to hear and girls are being murdered (yeah that does suck) but he 'believes' it's had enough exposure they will have to clean it up. In the mean time sucks be to you if you're one of the girls right? He knows he's being selfish for himself and his family. Is this the family that is clueless he is risking his life daily???

You can catch this part at the 7 mark. Hey a man's gotta do what he's gotta do.

Something is up~

Oh, and at the first of the vid he mentions someone commented on his case comparing it to ufo's. I'm pretty sure I saw that here? But his case was more like a stinger and ppl pointed him in the right direction and he would strike.

throwaway345678 ago

Did anyone mirror/save this video? REALLY shady that he deleted it, then re uploaded it specifically without the mention of this MKULTRA/ Ritual abuse being a psyop bit.

4_InquiringMinds ago

Yes, I have it but can't upload right now. I'll try tonight.

4_InquiringMinds ago

Plus he probably wanted to delete a few comments I made last night lol.

Yates ago

Make a screenshot of the comments if you can. I would upload it to the PG sticky on 8chan. I can make a webm of it after you upload it to YT and post it there.

4_InquiringMinds ago

Comments are gone and I didn't make a screen shot.

hanknut42 ago

if you take your whole world view from one person whom we know not who he really is then you should buy this beach front proptery i have available. Its torture these people are witches and alot of witch ritials involve little childern sacarfices. Hell MK ultra with the teddy bear is a prime example they give this bear so much power over the child then it psychally breaks the child when they destory it.

4_InquiringMinds ago

Oh shit/I don't know about the teddy bear thing. Link that I can read later? Shit shit shit :(

hanknut42 ago

look up MK artwork by the girl who lived through it warning its graphicish mentially also the strands you see are the victims hair they weave it into the teddybear

4_InquiringMinds ago

the strands you see are the victims hair they weave it into the teddybear

SOB!!! I'll look for it later/prob tomorrow. I need to take a blue pill and chill :(

Alpo ago

It seems like he painted himself into a corner with his recent remarks regarding Pizzagate and Satanism. There doesn't seem to be any way out without admitting he was wrong about something.

Yates ago

Update: George Webb deleted this video this morning

I'm not surprised. I have a feeling he won't be around much and we'll son get a new hero to watch be upvoted into the stratosphere.


4_InquiringMinds ago

Uploading as we speak/ Slow internet/I'll post the link here when finished.

4_InquiringMinds ago

Here ya go...short, sweet and to the point (little over 4 min) where he completely discounts pizzagate and the illumaniti/it's all just a psyop/don't fall for it.

Day 82 - Where is Eric Braverman Part 5

What is the agenda? Inquiring Minds wink

Yates ago

OK thanks, I'll be looking for it.

4_InquiringMinds ago

It's up smile. Pretty much a mind blower imho.

Yates ago

I can't find it, can you please link it? Thanks, much appreciated.

4_InquiringMinds ago

yes, see reply above. What would be the best place to upload/it's not something I do/have had no need for. Vid something or other?

Yates ago

Mega or YT? Webm is the safest and most permanent form and if we post that to the 8ch thread people can easily save it.

4_InquiringMinds ago

He said it in one of his replies last week sometime. Someone suggested connecting up with David and he said disinfo.

cantsleepawink ago

Seaman looks like a classic gatekeeper to me.

4_InquiringMinds ago

And what does a classic gatekeeper look like?

Yates ago

Proven? Where are his sources for all the arms deal statements he's making? Or for anything he says?

lawexaminer ago

Update: George Webb deleted this video this morning.

Violets-Are-Blue ago

Meet the Kakistocracy

Corbett Report Extras video about the use of child abuse as a way to create a pool of potential new initiates of pyscho- and socio-paths. Very good stuff with guest Tjeerd Andringa.
noun, plural kakistocracies. 1. government by the worst persons; a form of government in which the worst persons are in power.

Word Origin and History for kakistocracy Expand n. 1829, "government by the worst element of a society," coined on analogy of its opposite, aristocracy, from Greek kakistos "worst," superlative of kakos "bad" (which perhaps is related to the general IE word for "defecate;" see caco- ) + -cracy.

Yates ago

If anything Corbett and Sybel Edmunds vids about this should be dominating this board every day. They've been working on this for over ten years and have loads of vids that are both professional and sourced. Sibel was FBI and became a whistleblower. Instead we get Uncle George from CIA.

4_InquiringMinds ago

George is doing great work, though.

He certainly is...for the CIA. If you review his vids it's easy to see how his adoring fans are being steered. I know, it's a bitch to see this, but, it is what it is.

throwawaa ago

I wouldn't say that most jewish people follow the Talmud.

There may be some freaks, and of course it's possible there's a larger proportion of jewish freaks than say, christian or muslim or hindu freaks (I have no idea), but let's avoid generalizing.

4_InquiringMinds ago

Yesterday when he was making the case for where all the million$ will go

That whole scam was laffable. Right, IRS bounty will be billions, some of you will get 10 million, some 1 million and others 1000 for each tweet. One lady posted she did Instagram, did that count roflmao. To top it off we only have 7 days to do this bc once Trump is installed game over and we have to wait another 13 years for some brave representative like Cynthia Ann McKinney to start the process all over again. First, what the heck is this 13 years? Second why do we have to wait/bc everyone in congress is compromised/not asking tough questions? And my god, Feinberg is an advisor, not cabinet. But let's all hit the panic button (fear controls so well) bc if we don't pull it off in 7 days doom doom doom. And btw, you could be rich someday, millions even.

So all the folks are tweeting up a storm to Trey, Jason, Trump, Fox and every other damn twitter they can think of plus writing emails, making calls (all together now panic 1, 2, 3) and THAT is what makes the investigation look stupid. He has done his best to make everyone look like friggin fools and quite possibly derailed the movement. Let's hope the awake ones in congress don't fall for his bs.

We need to spread the word he's cia and stop this shit in it's tracks.

4_InquiringMinds ago

I think what George wants

You are seeing thru your bias (no offense intended I promise). I like to believe the best in ppl too. But if you listen to his latest vids he hammers away at certain key points, inconsistencies and down right false and/or misleading statements. He tries to paint Stephen Feinberg (dyncorp) as in cahoots with the Muslim Brotherhood. When I saw that I'm like wtf? He's Jewish.

Yates ago

I like to believe the best in ppl too.

They know this about us and exploit our empathy and trusting natures to their advantage. Sometimes we have to temporarily close our hearts to protect ourselves from predators.

ArthurEdens ago

I don't know if he's in denial or what, but it seems like implying there's ritual abuse and murder is counter-productive. Murder threats alone would be enough for anyone from talking to the public, it's unnecessary to put the occult satanists in black robes slant on it. I could only see the boogie man angle working on powerful criminals, like kingpins, who fear nothing else. He has changed his tune before, he might do so on this too.

4_InquiringMinds ago

George, you've got it wrong. But if you're saying this for your own safety or reputation, then more power to you. We don't have have heroes, so it's fine if you're only on point 97% of the time :)

IMHO we are being hoodwinked. He keeps talking about willing to die blah blah. Someone asked him if he has told any family so if he is suicided they can let his followers know. He said he hasn't told his family bc he doesn't want to scare them. So are we to believe that his family doesn't use the internet? Or if they do they are so 'limited' all they know is fakebook and the likes? Nah, I don't buy that at all. He's very dramatic about laying his life on the line for the greater good/ppl praying for him daily. If he was exposing something so dangerous he wouldn't be around today.
I think the plan is to focus on child trafficking and steer folks away from the satanic stuff. Lately he keeps saying (he's so altruistic) that he doesn't care if immunity is given to all, just stop the child trafficking. Now, if you and your co conspirators were facing serious prison time wouldn't you want that idea to be planted into mass consciousness? Just let them all go, it's okay, just save the children. You can keep your fancy homes and lifestyle (Hill transferred 1.8 billion to Dubai). Save the where have we heard that thru out history? Including all the draconian rules here with forced vaccinations just to name one.

Yates ago

Lately he keeps saying (he's so altruistic) that he doesn't care if immunity is given to all, just stop the child trafficking. Now, if you and your co conspirators were facing serious prison time wouldn't you want that idea to be planted into mass consciousness? Just let them all go, it's okay, just save the children. You can keep your fancy homes and lifestyle (Hill transferred 1.8 billion to Dubai). Save the where have we heard that thru out history?

Good point.

he said he "just wanted the child trafficking to stop". That was when my hair stood up - it was the first (besides claiming Hillary isn't into the occult) blatantly ridiculous thing i'd heard him say.

I think he's mirroring us or how he thinks we think, building rapport so we feel a connection to him and trust him. He cares so much about the children! Yeah right.

4_InquiringMinds ago

I think he's mirroring us or how he thinks we think, building rapport

That's another good point I missed. I'm learning so much. Is he really disinfo or plagiarizing stooge/who can say. throwawaa just posted they did a search on him and thinks he might be legit/I replied. None the less, mirroring is a good thing to remember. Yates suggested George served to scare ppl from researching. That kinda fits too. Geo latest vid where he goes on about his years of harassment by the fbi. How many want to take that one on? Oh what the heck, my millions will be waiting for me/now I just have to learn how to tweet lol. I appreciate that we can have this kind of discussion, mods haven't busted us yet grin bc we all learn something/least ways I certainly have. Even if it's just learning how to spot black holes so we don't get sucked in and waste time. Better to spend time doing what you want right? Upvotes to all if I could but I'm on restrictions. It's the thought that counts right?

Yates ago

He's trying to scare the investigators into quitting. It's all theater.

4_InquiringMinds ago

He's trying to scare the investigators into quitting. It's all theater.

Oh, good catch!!! I didn't see that angle.

Yates ago

Yes. Another thing, I am certain his Braverman vids started weeks after Eric went missing. I paid very close attention to that story and he started the vids around the early 20's or so. CIA always lie.

throwaway345678 ago

I think Webb is wrong, there are black ops using children. The documented history of this is overwhelming.

Denial of it is misguided at best, cointel at worst.

4_InquiringMinds ago

And of course what is the 'other' meaning of chicken...inquiring minds. Hint...chicken lover.

4_InquiringMinds ago

Well, this certainly explains all the slaughter I see of Palestinian children, like young, and some babies (couple that was burned in their home with infant). Of course no blood libel in these cases but still the total disregard for children. Not to dismiss it also occurs on the Arab side. Mercy, the slaughter that goes on between the groups is absolutely mind boggling/horrifying. Regardless of individual beliefs I still can't wrap my head around how anyone anywhere cannot see the innocent in children's eyes, I just can't fathom it AT ALL. I would up-vote you too (and some others but I need more contribution points). I'll return in 24 hours to up-vote you all. Thanks so very very much for sigh further red pilling (does it ever stop?).

islandofdelight ago

It is a solid strategic move, whether he believes it's truly psyop or not. It is best for him to stay focused on what is most legally factual and understood. The dark occult aspects that we know to be true will emerge as time goes on. Let's keep supporting George in his investigations because they ARE having an impact.

Yates ago

You can support him if you like but I'm tired of people gushing over his shit videos to the extent that important threads are shoved down the catalog. What, you want to hear more about arms sales? Really? This is a pizzagate sub and he is off topic. Too many damn cheerleaders for George and it's very suspicious. Same people squeal with delight when his vids are posted and I'm not buying it, it's a contrived audience and he is manipulating everyone here. Remember it's the CIA that is intimately involved in this, so now we have an "ex" CIA guy that lies about it and yet has become the focus in the sub. He is the very description of CONTROLLED OPPOSITION. He needs to have his minions post his vids in another PG sub that is less strict about submissions. Fuck this spook downplaying the most important aspects of this mess. Look at his twitter, he follows several dozen self admitted MKUltra survivors, targeted individuals(TI's), victims of the deep state, abuse victims, yet he downplays it here? No man, not buying what he's selling.

4_InquiringMinds ago

It is a solid strategic move

Yes it is but not for the reason you think...

Yates ago

He's "ex" CIA see my other posts in this thread.

Toogi23 ago

As an aside but interesting 'game fake' storyline. There is a Ted Gunderson in Fallout New Vegas (Obsidian games) wiki info here >While accompanying his father to the Ultra-Luxe, Ted Gunderson was mistakenly kidnapped by the faction of the White Glove Society loyal to Mortimer, who intended to serve him at a special dinner designed to convert the society to cannibalism.

When Ted's identity is discovered, however, Mortimer voices his new unwillingness to serve Ted, and requests the Courier to find a new "main course" to continue on with their plan. Mortimer also gives the Courier the option of killing Ted, and framing his father for the murder .

BeezleyBillyBub ago

George is new to the whole devil cult thing, and not comfortable with the terminology. He'll improve as he learns more about it. Know the enemy.

4_InquiringMinds ago

George is new to the whole devil cult thing

Not as new as he pretends to be. He has very skillfully painted the picture he didn't want to go there (kids) but now regrettably has too and then starts the spin. I know I know, he comes off as so sincere, can't help but feel sorry for him (life in danger ya da)...but listen to what he is saying and the direction he is leading ppl into.

BeezleyBillyBub ago

I will consider that

4_InquiringMinds ago

I picked up on George somewhere in the late 60's or early 70's vids/can't remember. He had me hook, line and stinker (grin). Few little naggins here and there that made me go um...but I wanted to 'believe'/bias works like that. Day 82 series was so over the top STUPID my bias crumbled. It's a bitch when you believe in someone but even more of a bitch when cognitive dissonance keeps you from seeing thru the ruse (been there and done that way too many times grin). He's CIA and somewhat skilled at pulling a limited hangout. He just lost his focus and rushed it. The question is why the rush? Inquiring minds~

BeezleyBillyBub ago

Once you're caught up in your own success it's hard to balance the work with quality. I always work on the premise that if you throw shit at the wall and it doesn't stick 9 times out of 10, then that 1 time out of 10 is often worth the listen. I find his videos informative as much as tedious, only small doses for me.

blind_sypher ago

If anything is a psyop its OPs post. Theres most definitely a sprawling satanic cult thats the root cause of this abuse. No matter where you look its what it leads to and it appears to involve the international banks and the elite political cast of nearly every country. To say otherwise is nonsense.

4_InquiringMinds ago

blood libel~this is the first I've heard of this/and geez I thought I've heard of everything. On search mostly claims it's propaganda (to be expected). Can you direct me to information that is not speculation or best guessing? Something concrete I can dig into? thank you~my inquiring mind wink

redditsuckz ago

Jewish Ritual Murder...@38 minutes in

4_InquiringMinds ago

Thank you...downloading now. Search kept bringing up blood libel is a hoax and instead of wading thru this and that (bc I do take responsibility for searching) thought what the heck, go ahead and ask. Much appreciated :) I would upvote but apparently I can only upvote 10 in 24 hours till I have more contribution points.

Yuser_Manuel ago

I have read too many accounts of ritual abuse from victims to believe it is just used as a threat.

vanievilgenius ago

While I won't disagree that there are a disproportionate number of "Jewish" (I use that term loosely) people involved in this, I wonder what your thoughts about WW2 and Hitler are then? Because I often see those who attempt to pin everything on Jewish folk worship Hitler as some kind of savior. But the truth is he was run by the bankers and wouldn't have existed without them. He basically did what they wanted him to do. You can read Antony Sutton's work on that. It's pretty well done IMO. I even went through and independently verified a bunch of the documents he used.

Which brings me to my next point - Trump kind of scares me. I see a lot of people getting on board. That's fine, I have some hope for him too. But then he brings in some real scum along with him that makes me raise my eyebrows. Because to me, it would be way too easy to get the general population to vote for a populist anti establishment demigogue if they really wanted that to happen. And all the free air time etc that he got... it just feels too perfect to me. The folks responsible for this nightmare have been running the world for a very long time and they are very intelligent people. Some of the most intelligent in the world (whether we like to admit this or not). They would not be in the positions they are in if they were not - regardless of their willingness to break laws etc.

They controlled their biggest opposition the last go around (Hitler). Why not this time too (Trump) ?

BeezleyBillyBub ago

Extreme WW1 reparations caused a Jewish backlash in Germany. But the greed of Zionists outweighed consideration for their own people.

vanievilgenius ago

They lacked concern because they knew what was going to happen to them. They now use this as insulation for criticism as a lot of them are in fact of Jewish ancestry. And they still basically run the Nazi side of the equation because it's real easy to discredit all of this when you start to blame everything on a single group of people.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

That's an aspect of this which will indeed be a bitter pill to swallow for many. World view alterations are usually difficult, and the more radical they are, the more difficult they are.

Yates ago

I'd say he probably knows much more than he's admitting. Question is what's his agenda? his old blog

4_InquiringMinds ago

That is very interesting. Yes, what is his agenda? Day 83 part 4 see Abby's comments. George says Feinberg has an Egyptian mansion in Egypt that is the hub for the Muslim Brotherhood. A quick search says Feinberg bought the 103 year old Egyptian mission to the UN/renovated it/complete with interior pix. Abby points out a few other 'errors' in reporting. Either he is not that good at fact cking or what???

Yates ago

I think he's typical CIA. He's here to do a job so his agenda trumps facts. He seems to be flooding the investigation with too much info, muddying the waters. So many here are new to the red pill and can get lost in all the stuff he presents and end up straying far away from PG.

In his early vids he discounted the trafficking and said pizza meant arms which is why I stopped watching his vids and probably why he deleted them. Who the fuck doesn't save their YT vids to a memory stick or something, c'mon, he had to rework his strategy because with that tactic no one here would listen to him. Funny how he's slowly coming back around to that in this vid but after he has flooded this sub with his daily vids and earned the trust of some here.

His twitter follows many ex-cia and also quite a few people who are MKUltra survivors and gangstalk/deep state victims so his attempt to minimize that is suspect. CIA created MKUltra, you can read the declassified CIA docs online. His blog interesting reading, he seems to be sowing doubt that Trump can battle the rogue intelligence agencies but he's subtle about it, yet that attitude is consistent.

Also he speaks positively about Obama in several past vids yet his timeline in late 2016 was all pro Trump

WTF we have CIA in the house he even looks like him

He needs to come clean or stop spamming his vids here. Fucking hell, a CIA guy has become one of the most prominent PG YTers but it's the CIA that is so intricately involved in this and they're dirty as hell. He presents himself as a retired entrepeneur with time on his hands, just some regular guy with life experience, wants to help. This is called CONTROLLED OPPOSITION and I would bet that he's also a mod.

4_InquiringMinds ago

In his early vids he discounted the trafficking and said pizza meant arms which is why I stopped watching his vids and probably why he deleted them.

Ah see, I didn't watch his early vids. Sure, he deleted them and restructured the narrative. He says he releases a bit each day to monitor the reaction/too much too soon ya da. How about CIA operative seeing how well the story-line is going?

Again, right, when I heard his vids had mysteriously disappeared I thought everyone keeps backups unless they are noobs/which he obviously is not. Note to self, quit ignoring red flags.

Yeah on Obama, keeps saying he voted for him twice, likes him. Sure, Bama is just a nice guy potus who is clueless how to control his SOS and all the other war mongers/drone, who me (children no less)? I guess in his frustration the multi-million dollar vacations and golfing help relieve the stress. Poor guy. Let's not forget 65k for hotdogs. Or that his mother in law will get 160k for life as former staff/wtf?

I had serious concerns when Trump shifted on the Israel situation. I did not realize all his family ties until one poster enlightened me. The good news is that it's bought the masses some time. Hill would have trust us into WW3 in a flash. Consciousness is shifting/the pendulum thing. Ultra liberal to ultra conservative but eventually balance will prevail (I really do believe this). I'm seeing too many signs globally and even in the animal kingdom... Major Shifts in Consciousness Observed Throughout the Animal Kingdom

And of course Trump could also go rogue/a long shot I know but I don't close the door to any possibility.

The important thing is we keep steady to the course. Not buy into the fear matrix/bc that gives it strength. Remain true to our hearts and do whatever we chose individually to keep raising our consciousness. There are so many lovely 'tools' out there to facilitate the process.

To coin a variation on a trumps trump grin.

throwawaa ago

Wait how do we know he's CIA? who is this picture of?

And if he is/was CIA, does that prove that everything he's saying isn't true? Or how do we figure out what side he's on.

(I've been following all his videos, so I want to figure out the truth here -- I'm not attached to the idea that he's genuine)

Yates ago

That pic is a little joke, sorry, it's a cia dude from a Batman movie, never mind. I remembered his twitter profile said ex-cia from many months ago. See he changed it right before he started with PG. It's the CIA that is involved in this so why did he hide it? Why would you trust them? Christopher Hitchens explains why you should never trust the CIA (or other intelligence agencies) 1791L

Glenn Greenwald explains why you shouldn't trust the CIA (or other intelligence agencies)

4_InquiringMinds ago

Day 82 is what blew it for me/5 parts. Since George is so fond of storyboards/look at day 82 like a storyboard and see how it leads you. Read Abby's comments day 83 part 4/George's fabrications. For someone who is so supposedly meticulous those are glaring errors. But ppl keep wanting to give ol'George the benefit of the doubt, make excuses for him (I was one of them). It had to smack me in the face to drop my bias. When I did it was clear as day. Reason I came here looking for 'more'. Boy oh boy, did I find MORE lol.

Here's another on for you. George tweeted on Jan 10th...Hillary leaked Trump Epstein video to the Russians. Do you understand Putin has the Bill videos?

Some questioned wtf? His reply...Two Trump videos. 1993. Bj and full deal later on. Hillary leaked it. She won't stop.

Even tho tweeters asked for more he let it drop and that was it.

Is there a vid/I have no idea. Trump seems a little too cautious to fall into that trap/but how would I know. But why would Hill leak it to Putin/that makes no sense what so ever. And when Putin didn't release it (assuming he even had it which is a huge stretch) what's to stop her from having it leaked elsewhere/not like she doesn't have major news sources to leak too. Hill wanted her coronation. Podesta wanted to be SOS. Huma was the Muslim Brotherhood handler. Bill, ha, he was probably just excited over having new interns. Chelsea was being primed for her rise in politics. And not to forget as long as Hill was in power it means billions in donations which of course translates to extortion or pay to play. Plus steady stream of fresh children necessary for a whole host of ventures.

Anyway, George is very skilled at dropping cryptic sound bites. He leaves you hanging and there ya go, tails to chase your tales.

When he said Bundy, Gacy and Dahmer were part of a brownstone I asked how does that work/didn't make sense. Of course, no reply.

The problem we get into with George is he plays on sympathy...his life is in danger, willing to make the ultimate sacrifice. Every morning I along with many others would ck for a new vid/oh thank god, he's still alive. Now he's the golden boy of alt news.

throwawaa ago

You mean day 82 I assume?

If it's true that he's making this up, where does that leave us. It's so confusing.

I mean, it sure looks like [someone] is doing this pattern of country topples to exploit the resources. Is he just pointing at the wrong conspirators? He is demanding the release of Huma's emails, and pointing to true stuff. Is he just trying to distract us with some stuff that isn't true?

Is it possible he's onto something but is just clumsy and careless about the proof, and letting a lot of false information slip into his videos? Or is he trying to discredit us by showing 50% truth and 50% rubbish, so that when we quote him, people can easily debunk us and show us as wackos?

Yates ago

He is demanding the release of Huma's emails, and pointing to true stuff. Is he just trying to distract us with some stuff that isn't true?

Or is he trying to discredit us by showing 50% truth and 50% rubbish, so that when we quote him, people can easily debunk us and show us as wackos?

Yes, disinformation is always partly true but the effect is what I quoted. Also he's hoping to get the best and most curious investigators to start looking elsewhere. When he drops statements with no backup and doesn't reply to queries the investigator goes down another rabbithole and time is wasted or they become overloaded and confused and quit.

4_InquiringMinds ago

Right, sry, day 82. Part 4 look for Abby's comments. In a limited hangout much of the info is true (the hook). Once hooked the disinfo is subtly inserted. Steven Pieczenik same deal. George starts with a casual comment here and there (I like Obama, he's a good guy or Bill Clinton is likeable minus the rape, yes he really said that). Limited hangouts exist to control the opposition. Since there is opposition the best way to handle it is by controlling it. “The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves.” Lenin

So you give info that is already in the wild and add some more. Ppl sense the 'ring of truth'. Then you take them off course so they go in the wrong direction or make them look like fools. George's billions dollar lottery from the IRS is of the looking like fools category

Of course he's demanding the release of Huma's emails...him and thousands others/nothing new. Re the 50/50, it's not unusual to find it more like 90% true and 10% false. Plus attitudes are shaped by casual comments. George said, Bama and Bill C, good guys basically/qualifying except for Bill's rapes which is just a minor character flaw. Some stupid stories to justify such that they would go to bbq's and really get down with the voters. Okay, I'll have a bbq on bun, side of slaw and sprinkle of drones on kids, weddings, funerals etc. George saves all his vilification for Hill/the good, bad cop thing. Masses need a villain.

Steve P said Kissinger, Nixon, good guys. Chelsea C, good kid, straight up kinda gal. What I have found for the 2 most recent (bc thankfully I'm not caught in limited hangouts all that much anymore) is the absurd angle/like George with the IRS windfall. With Steve P is was, prior to the election, Chelsea is our only hope, I've known her since she was a kid. I'll talk to her and get her to convince her mom to drop out...remember, our only hope. That was another red flag, the first 2 being Kissinger and Nixon (but my bias and wanting to believe brushed those off). With this 'only her daughter can save us' I'm like oh right, mom, let's have a talk, you simply must drop out of the race. Okay daughter dear, you are absolutely right. Sure, completely plausible. Steve's last vid before the election was preparing us for the peaceful transfer of power, meaning suck it up, no riots etc. He worded it carefully enough that what he said could be taken either way (Trump or Hill win) but I know what I felt...and it was oh shit/she will steal the election. Steve had his bases covered. I'm not the only one who interpreted it as oh shit either.

The reason limited hangouts work is that for the majority of us we simply like to believe the best in ppl. So we get duped here and there, so what. It's a testament to our innate good nature. Oh, one more thing about limited hangouts. By watching them you can see who is expendable and being tossed under the bus so I'm still going to watch George now that I know what's going's popcorn time grin.

I 'think' and it's only guessing, that Hill was the chosen one, would have speeded up NWO in rapid fire (pun intended) but the momentum of Trump made it too hard to rig the election in the numbers needed bc so many eyes were watching. The very ratios of elector to popular votes that he got were the ones predicted for Hill. She would win the electoral college but he would win the popular/which would somewhat placate the masses.

I think that Trump is basically patriotic and cares about this country. He loves money, likes being the big time builder, loves attention and adoration. He's a narcissist and they like to be perceived in a good light. So is Bama but his hands were tied by his handlers so he had to do really stupid and unpopular things. How much Trump's hands will be tied is yet to be seen. The other thing with Bama is he is a NOC, created by the CIA, Communist radical Muslim so he really didn't give a flip about any of us/but he still wanted adoration/must have been a real catch 22 for him. Honestly, look at the way he's acting out now, giving himself some Medal of Honor (yep gave it to himself) and all he can talk about is himself in the farewell address. I 'think' Trump will be more susceptible to popularity polls (I think he would love the popularity Putin enjoys) and ppl do expect delivery on promises. This could create some 'come to jesus' moments in relation to his family.

Hill couldn't give a flying you know what about any of us.

I went from not liking him but anything better than Hill (nuke war and baby eating were more than I could handle) to growing quite fond of him. I have friends who think he's an answer to prayers and others that express caution. With the shift in Israel and his family structure, plus the strong influence of Ivanka and her crooked hubby, well, unless he goes rogue, she was the one who got him to soften his approach on Israel... Or has a plan to play them all, but I just don't see that with his adoration of Ivanka and praise of his son in law. With Trump it 'seems' like his first loyalty is to family. Still it seems logical we can expect some improvements bc this country is a hot bed. The masses need to be calmed, business thrives better in a functioning economy rather than digging out from nukes and radiation. It 'seems like' the neocons have figured out how to make lemonade from lemons.

And who knows, what if he is being played by his fav child and if that is the case and he sees such (if he's being played and not playing along) then I go to an older interview I saw with Ivanka last night on Jimmy K's program. She said she was listening to the radio and the interviewer asked Donald if he would fire any of his kids if they blew a job. He said absolutely and fire them like a dog. Jimmy asked if Ivanka thought he was sincere and she said oh you bet.

The other thing to factor in, so don't lose hope, is there is presently a mass consciousness awakening. It's a reflection of the 'times' and has nothing to do with who is POTUS. Trump is not and never was the solution, he's the wake up call and frankly I think he does a damn good job at that grin. This is a time of transition of mega (ha, unintended pun) proportions.

It's also a perfect time to sharpen our skills so we don't go around in hero worship of fill in the blank, whether youtube poster or government figure head or one of my friends that keeps sending me 'the space beings are going to save us, any day now, really any day'.

The beauty of the internet is the narrative cannot be controlled any more. Already there is web 2, Zero Net, bc ppl have been expecting censorship and constant surveillance. Bright young minds are making new avenues as we speak. This is train that cannot be stopped. Stay strong, find joy in your everyday life, learn to spot false avenues. It's how we learn to think for ourselves. I personally lean towards meditation (I love guided meditations, makes it easy to quiet my mind) and come spring will incorporate yoga once again. Martial arts another good one for centering and finding balance. If I didn't have esoteric 'stuff' I'm sure I would go completely mad. It helps me to see the expanded picture and not get lost in the daily details which other than my personal life, are out of my control. The contribution I make to the 'out of my control' stuff is the more balance and harmony I manifest is added to mass consciousness/that is my part to play. I wish Trump the very best that he can reach his best whatever that is for him/lots or little doesn't matter. It's much more productive than sending him negative vibrations.

Find the avenues that bring you inner peace. Don't know where to start? Ask and unseen friends will light your path. It could be a chance encounter, a book you stumble on, so many magical ways the path starts opening up. I've been at this over 50 years and never once has a path failed to open up once I asked. Sometimes it hit me on the head when I wasn't asking stumbling around in my illusion, delusion and confusion lol...hey, you...see 'this' and the magic begins.

throwawaa ago

So I took a break and then came back and researched george webb some more. I'm not certain of course, but I think it's possible he's legit or at least not intentionally working for the bad guys, even if his stuff isn't all accurate.

I'll admit that: - he's tossed out false leads, like the Rahman connection that has no proof - his whole bounty thing is ridiculous - his thing for obama and bill clinton is odd, but honestly I half liked obama myself until I got into pizzagate - he's said a lot of things that might intimidate people or scare them away from researching

I think it's possible to chalk these up to some level of ignorance/delusion/carelessness. We don't all see the same set of information so we don't all see things the same way.

His linkedin shows that he's had a lot of jobs and been recommended by a lot of people: So if he was a fake person, that would be a very long con.

He seems to have started talking about FBI informant stuff in mid 2015 based on his youtube channel and social media / blog / forum posts I've found from him.

It is possible, sure, that he was taken control of by the CIA at some point, and they got him to start doing this stuff in 2015.

But it's also possible he's just a mid-fifties guy, retired in 2013 apparently, who got interested in this stuff until it became an obsession.

I'm trying to judge whether the whole "regime change investor club" he talks about is legit, even if not all of his details are correct. All the other information I can find leads me to believe it is generally accurate or at least completely plausible. Then again, the CIA is probably a large odd number of reverse psychology layers ahead of me. :p

4_InquiringMinds ago

I never thought he was a fake person. Didn't consider CIA until coming here, seeing his previous twitter handle and some of the folks he follows. I don't have linkedin so wasn't able to see that w/o signing up. I don't even tweet grin. It's like Steve P...I didn't know about him till late October, his famous we are here to save you black and white vid (using b and w has certain qualities for imparting an intended message). Heck, at that time I would grab on to anything/I was in a panic about the election. When the choice is between an entertaining, rabble rousing narcissistic megalomaniac and a narcissistic child eating psychopath hell bent on WW3/the choice was easy. So Steve sucked hub and me both right in. Catch a few breaths. Shortly before the election he does the Chelsea vid that was absurd and frankly 'felt like' he was preparing us for the big let down. Toss in praise of Kissinger and Nixon, more bitter mind candy. Started digging around on ol'Steve, ex spook, lots of questionable information.

True I haven't researched George as much/enough tho to have doubts. As far as liking coke head Bill C...he's a violent rapist for christ's sake. I have to wonder what kind of man 'likes' that kind of vile creature. Says a lot to me about character. Add to that the trail of dead bodies, it wasn't all Hill's doing/they are a team. So yeah, I don't like murders and rapist/call me old fashioned. Bama, he has been behind so much murder/take just the drones he has ordered/on teenagers none the less/US citizens. He's gay, which is fine, but having one of his lovers killed (that we know about)...that just doesn't sit right with me. Having Briebart off'ed, that sucked, and the other kinda coroner. Is this really necessary? Libya cannot be blamed on Hill alone, or Benghazi. He's POTUS, he's supposed to be in charge. Add to that bummer care that has ruined so many lives (I know some personally). Again, maybe I'm the odd one out, but I just don't like murders, destroyers of families and pathological liars. Don't like destroyers of countries either. Maybe I just don't mix well with psychopaths.

As far as George is concerned/why did he change his twitter handle/but perhaps it was a joke.

The thing about limited hangouts is they hang around till needed. Alex Jones, limited hangout. Plenty more I've stumbled on over the years. Ones not as known as Alex just show up as needed/like Steve right before the election supposedly showing his face for the first time. Lots of the limited hangouts are kinda like sleeper cells.

Or, he has a flare for drama (they're coming to get me any day), has some good information that others have written extensively about (he mentions such) and throw in erroneous information bc well, he is kinda stupid. I saw too many errors in his ramblings not to take notice. Finding out his original explanation for pizza was arms...he's either an idiot or trying to frame a narrative. Maybe cia is to generous, how bout paid troll?

One thing that does catch my attention, just like with Steve P, or Alex who scared the living shit out of ppl with the fake 2000 scare, not to mention Bill Cooper, who was imho the real deal, explains how Alex is disinfo, is when someone like George who has a growing following comes up with this we only have 7 days to pull this off or we are doomed for 13 years. Maybe he just likes to spread fear porn/that is a distinct possibility.

And now we are to believe that he's offering the fbi a deal to back off dyncorp in exchange for the 650 K emails if they agree to take him off the harrassment target list? If he seriously believes this then he deff is stupid.

I'm just not comfortable with someone who has so many holes in his narrative. CIA, disinfo, limited hangout or idiot/doesn't matter in the long run I guess. Do consider tho the govt has a huge multi million dollar budget to keep trolls on the payroll. They seem like ordinary ppl and do ordinary things. Thats the beauty of it, they walk among us.

I also question when the throws out things like Clinton leaked a tape of Trump having a bj and later full deal in 93 with no follow up even tho his twitter fans said what? Can you say more? What would be the purpose of such a statement? And why in the world would Hill leak it to Putin instead of leaking it to one of her news buddies? Somethings not right is all I can say. Dots don't connect and when they don't I get suspicious. I'll keep watching to see how this plays out. I appreciate your research and input. I think this discussion, while straying from pizzagate is beneficial/we are formulating new ideas. Expansion is a good thing. Thank you~

throwawaa ago

All good points, thanks.

His proposed deals with the FBI are of course nonsense. The "pizza is arms" thing was so obviously wrong that I assumed he just hadn't really looked into pizzagate yet... if he's really a clever fake, you'd think he wouldn't try something so silly. But I dunno.

I can't really make up my mind whether he's a kind of delusional ego-maniac who has some good info (I know that type exists), or a paid shill of some kind. But you're right it doesn't really matter. I guess what I should do is try to find other sources around the "regime change investor club" and see if that narrative holds based on other sources.

4_InquiringMinds ago

I see the regime change investor club mentioned few times but have not a clue what it's about? Maybe before I started watching or my mind was on snooze lol?

throwawaa ago

But my point is to figure out things like:

  • did hillary / sid intentionally do the private army topple in libya and all the other countries for a profit motive, and what sort of hard evidence do we have for that in each country
  • did they knowingly let ISIS get the sarin gas and use it in syria
  • is the whole brownstone thing real, is that what Jeff Epstein is doing
  • is it actually CCC and petrofac (and whoever else) that are making the money off the oil and resources in each of these countries, and how do we prove that

4_InquiringMinds ago

I followed Libya start to finish. It absolutely broke my heart. Cried more than I can remember. Horrible what they did/inhumane does not begin to describe. Libya was as close to paradise that I have seen in a country/and the most democratic, Jamahiriya, which is true to Islamic law, equal rights for women, illegal to charge interest on loans, so much more,amazing doctrine. Check out The Green Book online if you are interested. Even thinking about it and I feel a thud in my heart/I'm still not over it. Did Hill bring in a private army...I watched it happen. Did they knowingly let ISIS get the sarin gas and use it in Syria/absolutely/it's the reason she off'ed Stevens/the Libyan ppl loved him, held candlelight services holding beautiful signs saying he loved Libya and they loved him which is stark contrast to 'at this point what does it really matter'. The story is easy to trace on reliable foreign news. Brownstones, you bet. This is a matter of record. Epstein, absolutely. CCC and petrofac, again all documented. The big Allepo thing going on/there was a push to get there before the Russians to move the gas. Russia got there first, discovered an entire warehouse, can prove it's from the US and plans to present it to the world court/reason bama is trying to stir things up with Syria, Israel too bombing the airport out of Damascus. Reason the fake news is once again trying to blame the sarin on Assad (who is highly regarded by the majority of the population by the way). The biggest complaint about him is they call him 'soft heart' and wish he was tougher like his dad. The first lady is an amazing woman/true servant of the ppl. They live in a simple apartment, no special guards or anything. Kaddifi road around in an open car waving to the ppl and they followed him adoringly. Never see anything like that happening here would you?

What George did, and he even says such, is put it into storyboard form where it's easy to connect the dots. It's an effective approach. When George stuck to tried and true info all cked out. It's when he went off script that things got strange. Did he get carried away with his delusions of grandeur or have an agenda/I really can't say.

throwawaa ago

George Webb used that expression a few times on his posts here on voat, IIUC it's basically the people who are blackmailed via brownstones or whatever, and knowingly support the topples, and make a profit off it. e.g. all the people who got a chunk of Gaddafi's money in return for their support on libya, etc.

4_InquiringMinds ago

That sounds like a Soros enterprise.

throwawaa ago

Maybe you're a psyop trying to make me not worry about this stuff and just go meditate. :p

Honestly I don't know what to think.

I don't trust any of them. What I'm trying to do now is put together a collection of pretty reliable facts that ought to wake up anybody in America. Mostly not pizza-related. I started drawing from George Webb's videos, but some of his key points don't have any proof I can find. So yeah... I dunno. Maybe I should just go meditate.

4_InquiringMinds ago

Maybe you're a psyop trying to make me not worry about this stuff and just go meditate. :p

That gave me good laff, thanks :p I know it sucks at first. I've been thru this so many times, every election looking for some signs of life. I never thought I'd have the privilege to see another cultural revolution like the 60's. Imagine my utter shock when I discovered that movement was a CIA brainchild. But still I grew from that revolution. Lot of my friends morphed to yuppies/I said screw it and moved to the woods and here I've stayed ever since. Revolutions go thru a lot of shifts/this one is just coming out of the birth canal. These things take 'time'/time of course being an illusion so we can experience this matrix. Just hang in there, really, you'll be fine. I used to read from so many sources that we wanted to come at this particular time/a hot topic so to speak. Friends I would commiserate with we'd go oh yeah, what the fuck for? It's all pretty clear to me now. It's as Ed Sullivan (that dates me doesn't it) would say 'we have a really big showwwwwwwww'. This is the big show/enjoy the ride. I love Bill Hicks...he and 2 friends went out to the country to experience the harmonic convergence and he had an epiphany/very cool story (I watched a docu on his life).

maybe this will cheer you up :p

Bill Hicks- It s Just A Ride

This one is pretty cool too...CIA tried to discredit the anti war movement with psychedelics. Problem was it opened our minds and we saw even more the horrors of war so they shut the movement down. Few suspicious deaths rapid fire, Hendrix, Joplin, Morris and the mind expanding drugs disappeared virtually over night. I never understood how until my discovery several years ago who was pulling the strings. But we made lemonade out of lemons wink. The cool thing with meditation is I can hit that expanded state without the psychedelics/which is good bc I don't trust anything offered on the streets these days, haven't for over 30 years. I gave up trying :(

Bill Hicks - Positive Drug Story

throwawaa ago

Yeah I've seen those bill hicks clips many times, thanks for the reminder. I know it's true, but damn I got sucked into this over the last couple months.

4_InquiringMinds ago

but damn I got sucked into this over the last couple months.

Only bc of the goodness in your heart~

throwaway345678 ago


FriesischShipping ago

Just because you think it's a psyop doesn't mean that's it's not happening.

MolochHunter ago

Whatever the accuracy of Webb's take, it's a good opportunity for us all to take stock of the DIVERSITY within the paedo community. Yes, there is Satanic Ritual Abuse, on the periphery, and the rich-boys-club ‘initiation rites’ and re-commitment rites. Then there are despicable Intelligence agency blackmail programs to entrap powerful people. Back in the 60’s they used to use extra-marital affairs and homosexual encounters for coercion, but since these activities became widely accepted, the programs had to ‘change up’. Then you have ever larger successive generations of survivors-turned-perpetrators. These are the type that are more commonly prosecuted – and reported on, as these underlings do not have the resources of their progenitors to keep their activities as well hidden. But they will keep being spawned until the media at large has the courage to defy the establishment, stand with the children and the parents of the world, and demand a stop to this holocaust of innocence.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

You had me until "the media". They are property. What you want them to do/be has nothing to do with what their owners want them to do/be.

MolochHunter ago

right you are, my false hope :)#)

BarryOSeven ago

Calling it a psyop is just a cover for the large scale satanic religion

IlluminatiKing ago

The ritual abuse could easily be a scare tactic by the CIA or whatever to scare the victims into submission, but think he was a bit off about the spirit cooking. Those type of people believe in that crazy shit it seems. He hasn't done too much research regarding pizzagate I'm guessing though. The side of satanic rings seem fringe to the average person. He referenced in his earlier videos how they are overwhelmed with this information and will not believe it at all, so he breaks it down like he does. It's a lot to take in. Same strategy we need to do. We got lots of stuff that seem "fringe" to the average person, but once you get to reading, it starts to make sense. Of course, if you starting throwing around satanic rituals and illuminati, to a general audience you would lose them. His advice is to stick to the child trafficking stuff. At least that's what I gather from his last video. Also of note, he does not absolve Alefantis from his crimes, he thinks there might be something there.

4_InquiringMinds ago

The ritual abuse could easily be a scare tactic by the CIA or whatever to scare the victims into submission, but think he was a bit off about the spirit cooking.

After reading all the comments I think he knows damn good and well what he is doing/controlled opposition.

TruthIsMyReligion ago

I doubt he has looked into the Hampstead case in the UK...

4_InquiringMinds ago

I doubt he has looked into the Hampstead case in the UK.

I don't doubt he has!

Don-Keyhote ago

A substantial number of victims would probably welcome death over further rape and torture, making this a truly bizarre theory

archons ago

Anonymous5 from 4chan claims Webb is a honeypot due to him saying that the gas leaks are related to child trafficking when they are really linked to ISIS attacks. I do not personally know what the truth is but after hearing this about Webb I think both Webb and Anonymous5 have their own agendas they are pushing to the public. We must be vigilant in our hunt for truth and decide for ourselves what the truth is.

NonexistentNihilist ago

The purpose of isis was always to destabilize regions in the middle east in order to get oil and kids. It's very possible the gas leaks could be related to both.

DarkMath ago

I wouldn't read too much into this. George Webb is just saying the easiest crimes to get convictions on are in the Clinton Foundation and not at Comet Ping Pong.

4_InquiringMinds ago

We must have listened to different vids then. He said it's a classic psyop & some bs story about how it's used to keep victims silent. Listen again. I am basically trusting & give the benefit of the doubt but something isn't right, imho. He also said David S who focuses on pizzagate is disinfo. I'm not familiar with David per se/but that is a rather condemning statement. Just because someone has a particular focus of research (which George seems to encourage) doesn't make him disinfo. Is there something about David I'm not aware of (since I don't know his research)?

Whome ago

Your right I believe George is thinking about the endgame now, how will all this end?

Through his entire series he's been very very careful. guiding his viewers on what to investigate and keeping himself credible.

He wants this to end! As said above the quickest way to get convictions is via the Clinton foundation not at comet ping pong.

People shouldn't take it to heart that George appears to be dismissive of the occult ties, he's just playing it smart.

We have to always remind ourselves to look at the bigger picture.

ArthurEdens ago

He maybe thinking that, and it solves the problem of the moment but to me the endgame is exposing satatists and occults and making society understand their existence, then hunting them down like post-war nazis, for it is the only way for this to be tamped down for generations. Otherwise, if you cut off the head of just CF and associates, you'll get more heads growing in its place.

BallsDeepInReality ago

I get where you're coming from.

But there are two views here.

  1. We go straight for creating a narrative of torture and ritualistic socities.

  2. We advocate for the criminal prosecution, and likely far reaching investigation, into traitorous/treasonous acts that have a paper trail.

Is there a good reason to go off the deep end right off the bat, or do you have some kind of bombshell evidence? Why wouldnt you start in the kiddie pool? ( no pun intended)

This whole thing is a huge mind fuck.

ArthurEdens ago

Not saying "right off the bat" saying endgame. CF is the pregame.

This has to unfold in a piece by piece manner or the public will never believe any of it. It has to be a rube goldberg type reveal.

redditsuckz ago

He just called James Alefantis James Afelantis...I doubt he knows anything about pizzagate besides the word pizzagate and spirit cooking.

joey4track ago

I believe George is doing great work but also agree that he obviously hasn't looked into pizzagate in any relevant capacity if he can't even pronounce Alefantis' name properly. Satanic ritual abuse is most definitely real and has been documented for centuries. I find when it comes to a lot of this truth stuff, most people will have a limit on what they can actually swallow.

4_InquiringMinds ago

I find that illogical.

VieBleu ago

It's not very abstract actually. there's even a wikipedia page on it.

lawfag123 ago


vanievilgenius ago

First post, but I feel like he's a bit off base on this one. I've been watching his videos pretty closely and I feel like he still has some level of internal denial going on in regards to this stuff when he talks about the State like it actually can work for the people.

Anyway all this PizzaGate stuff has me seriously rethinking many things. Including but not limited to my support of homosexuality. Webb brought up a very very strong point about these operations. In that it used to be easy to blackmail homosexuals. This is no longer the case. And with the nature of power, it's not a slippery slope argument. It's just a fact that if you normalize something previously abnormal than those who blackmail the folks in charge will be forced to go even darker.

It's also a highly hedonistic self absorbed lifestyle where you live for no one but yourself by and large. Kids are a rare thing in these couplings. And even when they do have kids the kids do measurably worse than they would in a normal heterosexual family (by all studies... even ones designed to show support for homosexual pairings, when you examine how carefully crafted they are they fall apart completely).

Anyway this is just my little piece about that. But it seems pretty clear to me that this is all being done in a blatantly satanic/occultish way. Putting it out in the open for all to see. And then if they do nothing well, you just gain more power - don't you? I also think this could be a proverbial gun being put to a lot of folks heads who have been involved with this for a very long time who do not want to go to nuclear war with another superpower. But yet, this is on the agenda it would seem...

All of this shit is way too biblical for my tastes but yet there it is.

SpikyAube ago

So perhaps our aim should be to make some really benign thing utterly taboo to ensure that the evil fuckers in our society will only blackmail people with pictures of them getting their toes licked by a baby sheep or something?

That is not true, what you say about studies showing children of same sex parents faring worse than those with heterosexual parents. The vast majority of research shows that there are no differences between children raised by same sex vs heterosexual parents. Here are some meta-analyses of various studies and reviews of the literature that demonstrate this fact.

Really I think what we need to get rid of is the kinds of people who do all this unimaginably evil stuff. They all have certain neurobiology in common, so it should, with enough research, be possible to eradicate sociopathy from the species and then we won't have to worry about what kind of hideous unimaginable horror they will cook up next for their nefarious objectives.

vanievilgenius ago

See, the problem is, most of the studies they are referencing are tiny self selected sample sizes that correlate roughly with average results on larger studies done in heterosexual populations. In other words, they don't really show what they claim to be showing. At least the ones I've actually read. Those are all paywalled.

throwawaa ago

I have to jump in and say I have a lot of gay/lesbian friends, one couple has adopted children who are doing well. Anecdotal, but my point is that I don't think homosexuality is fundamentally wrong.

I don't think there's anything inherently wrong with it. I think it's fundamentally different from pedophilia, where there's a built-in power imbalance between the people involved.

No doubt there are people (straight or gay) who engage in homosexuality just because it feels more perverse to them and they're into perverseness. But let's not demonize the millions of legit gays who are doing no one any harm.

vanievilgenius ago

In a world without government there's nothing wrong with it. A world with government and we normalize it and kids become the victims. This is not something you can just dismiss IMO. It's not the same as pedophilia, but it is not the same as heterosexuality either. A large majority of gay folks never have kids and live predominantly for themselves. This isn't me making stuff up.

Society has one primary function though above all others. And that's the raise good children so that society can continue. We have lost the plot on this completely. 100% completely. And the ideology behind this is the same one that's raping these kids. The whole subjectivist movement is basically a denial of anything bigger than oneself. It's an ideology that is polluting minds left right and center and a lot of folks aren't even aware of it. Further... there's nothing more rewarding than having children. Not that you would know it watching television. Everyone seems to think owning a cat or a dog is somehow equivalent... it's not.

And it's a mindset deeply rooted in the LGBTQ community as well. I too have friends who are gay. Most of them are party animals. That's fine for them, but I actually believe this is pretty destructive behavior for society as we have it setup currently. Anyone who expects to get government handouts but who isn't having kids... well, that's just another level of selfishness right. I mean, it's the future generations who are on the hook for all of this stuff.

Sorry, kind of a rant but I feel like this is a topic that needs to be explored with all of this .

When homosexuality no longer works as blackmail then the kids come out to play.

vanievilgenius ago

Weird replying to myself also, but since most people don't realize government also has one function and that is to maintain power. With that dynamic, of course blackmail becomes par for the course. Without power, no longer government by definition. I think perhaps in a world without government homosexuality is just fine. But with government I think you can make a strong argument it is not and never will be. And I don't see a counter argument that is obvious and I am pretty good at finding those.

throwaway345678 ago


4_InquiringMinds ago

It's also a highly hedonistic self absorbed lifestyle where you live for no one but yourself by and large.

I completely disagree. Good ppl and not so good ppl exist in all aspects of life. Broad generalizations like this only serve to divide us. United we stand, divided we fall.

vanievilgenius ago

If you're not having kids willingly to pursue your own interests, you're pretty hedonistic by definition. There can be some exceptions if people devote their lives to charity or some such thing, but that isn't the case most of the time.

4_InquiringMinds ago

Well, I guess I'm hedonistic bc I chose not to have kids. I now run a non profit but that wasn't why I originally decided against having kids.
Some ppl want to be parents and some don't. Where is it written we are required to reproduce?

vanievilgenius ago

It gives cause greater than oneself. You certainly don't have to, although if you support government force taking money from people you should certainly at least have your own kids to contribute to the bottom line. Should also add that continuing the human species is a good thing in my eyes. Like I said, sometimes people do charitable work in lieu and that's noble. But most don't.

unbiased_researcher ago

Webb said that ritual abuse does exist, but not because the Clintons are satanic. It's more of a side effect of the child trafficking. It exists mainly because people need (psychologically) to remove guilt from the abuse they partake in.

His point being he thinks people get lost in the satanic stuff, and art stuff, like spirit cooking, when we should focus on following the money, the kids, the oil, etc.

He has also said in one of his videos that he could be totally wrong, but that's his opinion. So maybe he is just reiterating to stay focused on things that are easier to prove.

4_InquiringMinds ago

Webb said that ritual abuse does exist, but not because the Clintons are satanic.

I don't know about Bill, he may just be a generic violent pedo and rapist. Hill, another story entirely.

4_InquiringMinds ago

Or maybe he's steering ppl away from the truth...

Whome ago

Exactly this! Don't get distracted by the parts of this story that you think are "juicy"

The term "Pizzagate" is ridiculous, can we just call it what it is? A Brownstone operation.

these operations clearly didn't pop up over night, they have been running and evolving for god knows how long. becoming these disturbing entanglements of rape, black mail, fear and any other fucked up shit they can throw into the mix. You don't have to disbelieve that some of it may be "satanictic" or appear to be, it's just not the driving force for this cluster fuck. Or at least the public will find it hard to ever truly get onboard with this topic all the time people talk of "pizza" "satanism" it's too easily disregarded as conspiracy theorie by the majority.

Snailracer ago

I think replacing the term Pizzagate with Brownstone is a bad idea. We have no proof that intelligence agencies of any country were involved in this particular pedo ring in DC. By using the word you are saying it was.

Whome ago

Yes your right but can we assume it's more likely to be a "brownstone" style operation with the goal of blackmail etc. Rather than a satanic thing.

My main point is I don't think the term "Pizzagate" or the talk of occult is helping.

Snailracer ago

I'm not convinced it's a satanic thing either, although there's some disturbing art that appears to back that somewhat. I'm just not ruling out that the high prices, pizza codewords, and one time use phone apps involved were to prevent blackmail, not to cause it. If anything, if the CIA is involved, it seems to me it might be "anti-brownstone"... providing the "service" to keep the pedo's in power from seeking "service" elsewhere. Straight up pimping or drugs sales hasn't been ruled out. I'm hoping for some real evidence and less speculation.

vanievilgenius ago

The satanic shit is real. Make no mistake about it. Whether it's just cover for an intelligence op is irrelevant if the people involved believe it at all. I also think it can be useful in recruiting Christians as pretty much all of this is straight out of the bible.

LeChevalBlanc ago

"...he thinks people get lost in the satanic stuff, and art stuff..."

Yes, and that's why satanism and art are useful, although "psyop" may not be the right word. The "cool" satano-pedo subculture which emerges in current research willy-nilly serves purposes. Art - outside purely aesthetic consideration - is PR. There could be also functional needs like creating dreamlike/scary environments so that victims burry memories which could later get triggered at will... How far it goes on in reality everyone is speculating here. Has to.

Alpo ago

George Webb does not present a convincing or logical argument here. Who created this psyop, and why do so many people in the public know about it? Is he saying that Satanic ritual abuse does not happen, and that it is only something invented by the captors of trafficking victims to be used as a threat against them? That simply does not make sense. This does not in any way explain the hundreds of victim testimonies of ritual abuse. If the psyop were against the public for another reason, it would be different, but he is not saying that.

Is he saying that the leaked emails showing a relationship between the Podestas and Marina Abramovic of Spirit Cooking fame is part of a psyop? How does this scare victims into silence? Are the dozens of images associating pizza and Satan part of this psyop, placed years ago so they could be accidentally found by us now? Is Satanism itself a psyop? George Webb's statement does not make sense.

Several people publicizing pizzagate have been threatened, and were told to say that pizzagate is a psyop. Perhaps this has happened to George Webb as well, and is the reason he can't give any kind of reasonable explanation for his statement.

throwawaa ago

I don't think he means that it doesn't happen. I think he means they're using it as a psyop to intimidate and scare people, and also to make their story sound more un-credible. It's a little easier for the public to dismiss someone as a crazy idiot if they're claiming satanic ritual abuse than if they simply claim that they were molested or tortured.

No doubt some of the people involved actually are into the satanist stuff for real. But also, there are probably a lot of people into the satanist stuff who aren't actually raping and killing kids. At least, I hope so.

Alpo ago

That isn't what Webb said, though, and he had the opportunity to explain himself in the Richie Allen interview. He said something I've never heard anyone say before, which is that Satanism is used by the abusers to make themselves feel less guilty about what they are doing to children. Does this make any sense? Would sexual abuse be any less bad in anyone's mind if it was part of a Satanic ritual?

throwawaa ago

It wouldn't be less bad in my mind, but I could see that being similar to christian crusaders or islamic jihadists. Convince yourself that you're doing it for a higher purpose. It wouldn't work for everyone but it might make it easier to get certain people to do it that way.

Alpo ago

That means that it would only work with people who really believed in Satan and that ritual abuse served a higher purpose - rendering it no longer a psyop, but a genuine religious practice.

throwawaa ago

Yup. I imagine some people view it as a psyop, some view it as a religious practice they're doing, some see it is partly both, and some probably just see it as abuse and do it anyway. All four categories are equally horrible to me.

4_InquiringMinds ago

Perhaps this has happened to George Webb as well, and is the reason he can't give any kind of reasonable explanation for his statement.>

Or maybe the explanation is much simpler...Occam's Razor??? I'm seeing (and I wish I wasn't), red flags.

redditsuckz ago

"the eye' in his background pic...

Yates ago

Thinks he's a hypno-god like that other spook Piecznik, another one trying to manipulate people.

Alpo ago

It looks like you are saying that Webb is a CIA mole or disinfo agent whose purpose is to infiltrate and misdirect the public effort to find the truth. This actually seems plausible. The amateurish presentation of his videos with the shaky camera work and cheap looking infographics seem like they could be contrived to help make him look like a "regular guy".

Yates ago

He has said himself in his vids he's just a regular guy trying to help. Yeah right, trying to help by throwing every conspiracy theory ever into the mix. This sub has strict parameters on what can be posted in it so we can keep our focus, yet his vids immediately get upvoted to the top and are posted daily, sometimes several times a day. and there is a chorus of fan posters that seem a little too enamoured with him tbh. Our savior, George here again with the facts, but where is the evidence?

throwaway345678 ago

AGREED x 10000 Thank you I hope more people get this...

Yates ago

He deleted the OP vid and uploaded a different one, no mention of this at all or the many comments calling him out on the OP vid.

throwaway345678 ago


That is shady as hell. IMHO this confirms he is a shill/CIA/working for someone on the other side of "us"

Alpo ago

You raise some very good points.

Yates ago

He deleted the OP vid and uploaded a different one, no mention of this at all or the many comments calling him out on the OP vid.

4thDaGrymReaper ago

A past few threads I read from Anonymous5 from 4chan, he states Webb might be a Honeypot. In my opinion Webb is just an investigator that uses his own personal knowledge in most of the details, then assumptions in others, but any assumption that might be listened to some people might take it all as facts, that is why I linked to his google doc with all his sources in a submission, as these are more important then him spouting stuff out.

We know that Podesta is all up in Aleister Crowley like satanic rituals that inspired the birth of spirit cooking. One of the Clintons mentioned in one of their books that they portake in VooDoo rituals as well. Cheryl Mills said she was gonna sacrifice a chicken to Moloch. As for Secret Societies it says a shadow government called the "7th Floor Group" in the FBI files for Hillary Clinton.

As for victims we might have Cathy O'Brien as a possible person that was part of this. There is a video somewhere that shows her cut up vagina. And I think in one of her books she says she got oral as a child from Hillary as Bill watched. In the book I think Hillary sees the scars from the abuse, and it makes her horny. There might be more, but I know we went through Cathys history before on eddit.

Can these things make us be portrayed as crazy loons? You betcha. But there is some proof of secret societies (7th Floor Group).

As for ritual abuse and spirit cooking, not every celebrity you see is a child diddler, and some are actually are there for the weird fucking performance art they think some of it is. Also we would need to expand off of this and research pedowood in the future after Pizzagate is near finish to see if this is actually true, and find out who are the actual fucked up people in Pedowood. There seems some connections to actors in shootouts that the media pushes (CCP shooter and father), Epstein, Marina Abramović and celebs, etc.

7th Floor Group

Part 4 of 5 page 56

Cathy O Brien's cut up vagina

I mentioned Anonymous5, might as well drop the archives.

Anon5 Archives Waco, Pedowood, CTR Pedos are mentioned in some of these archives.

Yates ago

I think he's monitoring us

redditsuckz ago

I think he is partially right...Its somewhat of a psyop to keep the kids quiet if they ever escape before they reach an age where they are killed so they make them watch the ritual killings.

I Was a Sex Slave to Europe's Elite at Age 6

Anneke Lucas was about to be killed at age 11 and there are little to no surviving victims because they are all killed...

They also teach the kids to kill so they can do the rituals later hampstead Children were taught how to cut off the babies heads...

HAMPSTEAD Satanic Ritual Abuse In #UK Return 'Whistleblowers' Children!

ProudTruther ago

Yeah it's in the same line of reasoning as making the children bond with an animal and making them kill it, or I believe they'll do that child on child unfortunately but anyways it's a way they use to dissociate people, make alters terrify and control.

But these assholes also believe that they gain power through these rapes and murders at least to degree and they seem to use it in a ritual way often.

throwaway345678 ago

There are survivors, people do not believe them.

Alpo ago

That's why it doesn't make sense to say that the Satanic ritual abuse is a technique to keep people quiet - it hasn't worked, and if this was why they were doing it, they would have moved on to some other way to silence victims. If Webb said it was a technique to make the testimony of victims unbelievable because of it being so bizarre, he might have a point, but he did not say this.

BallsDeepInReality ago

Honestly man, if you want any credibility, you have to stay away from it, people just don't want to believe this shit.

Alpo ago

I think the definition of "psyop" is being stretched here. Psychological Operations are part of military strategy - does this term really apply as used by George Webb? How would Satanic rituals keep the kids quiet, and why would they go to such great lengths and do this specific thing just for this purpose when killing or threatening them is so much easier?

I have listened to some of the Richie Allen interview now, and what George Webb says there is much more intelligible than what he says in the above video. I know there has been a valid debate about whether Satanism is used as an excuse or front for child abuse, or if it is actually the cause for it, and this seems to be what Webb alludes to in the Allen interview. In the specific case of Hillary Clinton, it is difficult to say with any certainty. It's possible too that George Webb is just not familiar with Satanism and the practices and goals of people like Aleister Crowley and Michael Aquino, and is therefore speaking out of ignorance.

VieBleu ago

I'm interested in the part of your comment about people threatened and told to say pizzagate is a psyop. Any more info or links on that? thx

Alpo ago

Reality Calls posted a threatening email on Twitter that she had received that told her to say that Pizzagate is a psyop. This lady received a similar threat:

Zorox ago

With people being threatened... Why hasnt he been?

throwawaa ago

It's possible that he has, and that's why he called pizzagate a psyop.

zzvoat ago

I have been following all of Webb's "Where Is Eric Braverman?" vids.

This doesn't have to be an "either or" situation. Rather, it's likely "both and".

Within the context of what George is discussing, what he is saying may be true. But I know few people coming at this from strictly non-geopolitical perspectives who would agree with him.

Alpo ago

MKULTRA is not abstract. Its existence is supported by extensive official documentation and testimony. If you read The Search for the "Manchurian Candidate" by John D. Marks this will be very apparent.

lawexaminer ago

In Webb's interview with Richie Allen, Allen said that he strongly disagreed with Webb on this point (He seemed to agree with Webb on all other aspects of his research).