Vindicator ago

I'm mainly here on the night watch, and sometimes I miss stuff. Other times I can't remove unless something clearly violates the rules. Was there a particular thread/user we are missing? Lemme know.

Jem777 ago

Awesome respone

MyNameIsLuka ago

Every time I hear about pineapple I think of the mysterious pineapple found in Jon Benet's stomach.

44NJ9 ago

wonder if Dr. Phil is going to have a heart attack soon?

44NJ9 ago

And no one is talking about the missing laptop or the Anthony Weiner case.

sugarskull ago

I wish I could remember the YTers name but he also said he got that date as a prediction on DMT in his third eye...pure gold! Johnny something or other I think

DopeandDiamonds ago

I can take a video with my phone of you can point me in the direction of a video host that is anonymous. Not very tech savy.

Edit: If you'd be willing to help me with it I will gladly post. I don't like being called out as not being truthful.

DopeandDiamonds ago

Ok. What is the preferred picture hosting site?

survey_girl ago

last year, the Brussels bombing took place on 3/22

remedy4reality ago

don't forget... his son Jett died under very mysterious circumstances at the age of 16

Newfind ago

This week has a lot of news like N.Korea firing a missle that failed to keep people distracted from the protest tomorrow.

VieBleu ago

wonder if their is any idea how many are expected. I am relieved it will not be around CPP. I personally dont even like being in that neighborhood virtually on the internet!

Newfind ago

I don't know but due to the new cycle they hey must expect a lot.

VieBleu ago

that's quite a hat you got on there cowboy - is it "with wolves"?

VieBleu ago

no, not hardly. you have to have somewhere to leave your banana peels ๐ŸŒ

VieBleu ago

๐ŸฆI'm blushing

huhhh ago

They're youtube videos, not viruses lol. Just click and see.

VieBleu ago

it is in there now

Northern_Soul ago

IT JUST GOT REAL..!!! Quintin Tarantino is world famous for this....

NOTICE how HE intentionally spells "A JOHNS"......CODEWORD FOR "CHILD SEX DEN"

Northern_Soul ago

You may be right ya know, you've spooked someone into a downvoat and we all know how Hollywood is a black book for pedophilia culture

I'll release the hounds and bring home the bacon :) Thanks boys, you've roped me in "either way"

Fatsack ago

Also RT was finally reporting on the Pakistani spy ring in the house intelligence committee's. a.k.a. the Awan Saga via George Webb

DeathToMasons ago

Of course. Also yesterday, It was confirmed that Obama had wired Trump, although the Propaganda Press tried to suggest it was an accident. So yeah, they are fighting for survival, they constantly do hoaxes and false flags. And anytime you hear a story with a Muslim blowing up people and saying "Praise Allah" You know it is CIA/Mossad production. That nonsense is played out. This is a distraction as is the North Korea psyop.

VieBleu ago

well said/

dougG ago

Are you kidding me vie blue?

VieBleu ago

๐Ÿ‘‚๐Ÿฝ I'm listening

(but not for long)

kazza64 ago

wow.... we are just pawns in these paedophiles games. they will kill us all so they can f*ck children.

VieBleu ago

Correction: ; ) they (think!) theywill kill us all.

They will not! We will win this. There are way more of us than them. We will beat this.

Clinker ago

Their plan is absolutely devastate the US: Here is's population forcasts for the year 2025: They predict our population will go from 320 million to 66 million. Our average earning will drop to less than 1/5 of what it is now. That's their plan.

VieBleu ago

Deagle says it is forecasting predicting an economic fall in the US and a shift of populations to South America and Asia. They have a big paragraph at the bottom = "Sorry to disappoint many of you with our forecast. It is getting worse and worse every year since the beginning of the pre-crisis in 2007. It is already said that this website is non-profit, built on spare time and we provide our information and services AS IS without further explanations and/or guarantees. We are not linked to any government in any way, shape or form. We are not a death or satanic cult or arms dealers as some BS is floating around the internet on this topic. Take into account that the forecast is nothing more than a model whether flawed or correct. It is not God's word or a magic device that allows to foresee the future."

Anyway thanks for pointing this out to me it is interesting.

Clinker ago

It is a very odd site. Zero advertising. I could not find an 'about us' page. It doesn't seem like a site run by hobbyists. Why have a page predicting populations in the year 2025?

VieBleu ago

it hardly counts as true evidence of what "they" are planning. It appears to rely heavily on predictions of Ebola running wild.

Clinker ago

I don't recall making a claim that it was hard evidence. I think what i said is that it is a very odd site. Tons of very specific information. You can go to the map and zoom into see where military forces are - all around the globe. And no, what it said about the US was about a an economic catastrophe, such as the banks suddenly not willing to loan any more money to the treasury. They did mention Ebola too. It seems to me that the only reason for having a page that shows population in the year 2025 is to highlight what they think is coming soon. I note that it is entirely consistent with this account: which outlines the economic collapse of the USA, and she mentions the year 2020. So yes, no proof of anything - just like all pizzagate stuff. Just things that make you go - huh, that's odd.

VieBleu ago

This was the original comment:

Their plan is absolutely devastate the US: Here is's population forcasts for the year 2025: They predict our population will go from 320 million to 66 million. Our average earning will drop to less than 1/5 of what it is now. That's their plan.

So it sounded like you were taking it pretty seriously. It is definitely an odd site. If you read the blue print down below the forecast charts, they say the forecast relies heavily on massive Ebola deaths which then causes an economic crash.

Clinker ago

Yeah, I should have been more careful. I was stating what I believe, not presenting proof. As for why I believe what I do, I'll provide some links below. This is an amazingly detailed account from a Illuminati cult member that isn't addled like most of the escapees: This particular page describes that she was told that they would reveal themselves in 2020: Certainly Hollywood has been coming out more and more. For example, the 8.5 foot tall bronze satanic statue placed in Detroit: An 8 foot bronze statue isn't the kind of thing that 19 year old teenagers who wear all black and have nose rings can afford. Then we have the Arch of B'aal put up in Trafalgar Square in London: and another one in NYC: As I understand it, B'aal liked child sacrifice. As for the reduction in population, we have the Georgia Guidestones which announce that the world will have a population held at 500Million: And we have the Denver Airport with the super-creepy murals depicting death of children with a Nazi soldier holding an Arabic sword, followed by some kind of utopia: (And gigantic Blucifer out front) And finally, there's Deagel predicting a massive die-off in the States but not in China or Russia: So no, there is no proof, but I think I'm getting the picture. I think they are responsible for our crushing national debt, for getting us into the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, for the social change away from families and towards homosexual and transgender culture to lower our birth rate. I think they have been in control of both political parties for a very long time. Things are going nuts now because Trump is not one of them, or was one and betrayed them.

VieBleu ago

This is a good write up, except I believe the Arches didn't go off as planned, or 1 of them didn't I like the Vigilent Citizen site which I"m sure you are aware of and has covered most of what you linked. They might very well be planning, and may believe they can do all that BUT they are flawed and frankly if they cannot even pull off rigging a US election I don't think they are going to see any of their major plans realized.

It is one thing to fund a movie or erect a statue, it is quite another to actually pull off eliminating half of humanity - a species that fights tooth and nail for it's young and for survival when threatened. I really do see a historic shift happening and am hopeful. The Deagle site is the weakest link in the whole thing, I really wouldn't put much stock in their website or their particular forecasting when you put forth your arguments. Just my opinion. I always am a bit of an optimist despite my deep cynicism. There is also a whole lot to be said for inertia - it takes real cataclysms to disrupt massive systems. The worst thing I've seen get pulled off is that massive movement of people they flushed into Europe and upwards from South America. That is the worst face of the elites to me, trying to force populations together using war, starvation and violence.

VieBleu ago

that's pretty nuts. - what is I went and looked and see the figures, but who is forecasting this? thx

Dressage2 ago

Well said! Upvoat!

Vindicator ago

Wouldn't that be great? I'd like one that sounded just like Jar-jar Binks.

Jakestr ago

322 is an important number for them, think skull and bones. Isn't it also the anniversary of the terrorist attack in Brussels ? I have to look it up. But you do make interesting observation hmmm

zlomsocz ago

the timing is also questionable being that the other main stories trending in google news that time frame was about the wiretapping allegations getting new light. everybody is using their leverage

YingYangMom ago

Upvoated, but I believe pizzaequalspedo's theory is the real reason behind the false flag attack. The Dr. Phil show was more of a 'bonus', imho.

VieBleu ago

bonus! lol makes sense as it was limited to certain markets most likely.

GeorgeT ago

ET Williams on Youtube accused Comey of being a pedophile, he would not have done so if he did not have the facts. In light of all the evidence it is clear that they are doing everything they can to supress the information. Leaks are occuring everywhere. Dr Phill show might have made the audience connect the dots and look into pizzagate. Mass public awakening dawns. Trey Gowdy is well aware if what is happening. Internal war is raging between white hat agents and satanists (metaphor). London was a false flag following the script of Niece, Berlin and Melbourne attacks - Peekay Truth and others did amazing videos exposing them. Expect more false flags, more diversions.

VieBleu ago

who is ETWilliams - link to that vid if you have the time

Slso some of those other good videos, I'll take a look

GeorgeT ago

Dr of Common Sense - Nice channel

huhhh ago

This is an essential watch too if you haven't seen it. Been posted here before but it's solid.

This dude is worth listening to as well, just a short clip

Northern_Soul ago

And i bet "You" this is a "ROYALE CHEESE".....

Jobew1 ago

yeah maybe the op was confused, the vid i watched i think says 3/21. that vid is embedded on the first page of voat. its definitely from a central pa station

Alanna1 ago

There was a geomagnetic storm yesterday that could be responsible for the outage

VieBleu ago

it wasn't an outage, it was a pre-emption by the attack news. thanks anyway.

keepthefaith ago


Vindicator ago

We're getting good at dealing with that, aren't we. :-)

nitro169 ago

Just think if any other victims were to see this, it could blow up real fast if they felt comfortable reporting it.

VieBleu ago

do you mean victims of sex trafficking and the Dr. Phil show? or victims of the London attack. I take it you mean the Dr. Phil show might help others come forward - yes, very true.

VieBleu ago

A second Dr. Phil link on YT full episode putting here for safekeeping

blackguard19 ago

The "London attack" indeed has all the appearances of another fear-mongering hoax, including a concurrent terror drill that took place 3 days ago in London.

DerivaUK ago

What's your source for this 'drill', please?

blackguard19 ago

It was a realistic terror drill complete with fake terrorists and hostages and everything, 3 days prior. Most people don't even know these kinds of drills are staged, I bet.

sugarskull ago

Same story over and would think that they would get some new material geeez.

DerivaUK ago

Thanks for this. Strange how many drills coincide closely with actual "attacks".

blackguard19 ago

I can't think of one that didn't. :)

DopeandDiamonds ago

I had TiVo tape yesterday's episode and it taped today's episode as well at 3pm. Today was a repeat from 2016 and not interrupted here. Also on the east coast.

VieBleu ago

"The Nero Effect"

keepthefaith ago

They're not my troubles...?

sorry, did not understand you response.

Dressage2 ago

It gave them an excuse for sure. Let me tell you this. The Friday before the election early morning Breitbart and Drudge put out the story of Podesta and the Eric Prince that morning. That morning Fox News was off the air until almost noon. Also, Rush Limbaugh had callers flood his phone line with people saying what was going on. Rush said they better not be screwing with us because people are going to be upset. I tried to tweet articles out that morning and both sites were blocked for tweeting. Called it error unable to send articles. Remember these articles were right before election saying Podesta was in spirit cooking and HRC was into child trafficking, etc., people were still early voting in NC. I think they thought Fox was going to say something or somebody would tweet them so they shut them all down. So in answer to your question, I believe the networks blocked it out purposely from showing on east coast. You control what people hear and see, you will control the masses.

Jem777 ago

If everyone will check Wikileaks released the most damning Podesta emails Nov. 7 th. A giant DDOS attack occurred against them preventing a stall from some getting posted. DDOS denial of service attacks also occurred on the east coast as well. And against individual companies.

VieBleu ago

I will say that the incident I posted in the submission was in NC. There's something about that state.

VieBleu ago

; )

Votescam ago

First, think we have to hear from those covering the London story to know what really happened.

Story of what "really happened" is something we usually get quite a bit later.

VieBleu ago

ha ha can not an old fag be a true believer?

VieBleu ago

I edited above - hope it answers your question.

Jobew1 ago

by the way the video is from central pa which is eastern standard time, so maybe it wasn't preempted?

VieBleu ago

must not have been, good catch.

VieBleu ago

Truly I had a more vague idea of it being evidence that points to a crime but does not prove it, hence a "mountain" of it may be enough to at least make a case in court.

For a few things, google is still somewhat of a friend - Here's a quick definition. Circumstantial evidence is evidence that relies on an inference to connect it to a conclusion of factโ€”like a fingerprint at the scene of a crime. By contrast, direct evidence supports the truth of an assertion directlyโ€”i.e., without need for any additional evidence or inference.

Jobew1 ago

watching the show now.... who knows, but there's likely some reason for the "attacks". the show does seem pretty hard hitting. hope dr phil aint targeted

VieBleu ago

actually you bring up a good point - is he going to have any blowback? He's pretty tough. If he's in our corner and his firey wife, it's only a good thing.

pizzaequalspedo ago

More likely reason for that false flag, was it was meant to deflect from the breaking Nunes wiretapping assertion. This story was picking up steam right before the London attack...

seanhurray ago

skulls and bones 3/22

MolochHunter ago

Its not a false flag. Its a jihad attack. A false flag would have the characteristics of blunting the resurgence of the redpilled right. A jihadi attack sends more people to the Right. This jihadi attack comes a) 1 year anniversary of the brussels attack 2) right after Erdogan tells muslims to attack Europeans and breed

It both waddles, quacks, and looks impeccably duck-like. use some common deduction.

A butterfly could fart in the amazon and some guys would find a pizzagate connection to it

VieBleu ago

you didn't see that thread on butterfly farts in the Amazon being gathered by child slaves and traded by elites for bootie and liquor? gotta keep up!

awakenaware ago

you/we dont know 100%, we dont know for sure.. you can assert there is no connection.. but there still could be. im guessing this episode was aired on this specific date for a reason.. perhaps to coincide with the anniversary as a plausible excuse/explanation .. Those good people working hard to get this story produced and aired are not the same people who decide when it airs and so on.. so there can be a real mix of motives and overlapping factors.. It could well be a distraction thats got a built in alibi/cover story.. these guys are more than capable of that kind of foolery. these kinds of "war games" involve a room full of people strategizing on the right measure or counter measure, they are on the defense and im guessing running a 24/7 war room kind of public relations and military strategist approach to attempt to control/manage the PG problem.

DerivaUK ago

Am I crazy in harbouring some doubt? I saw this and thought it a massive red pill gift; a story that would convince, and have shared it accordingly and I'm sure many others have done the same. I just worry about the damage of a future redaction. A later 'sensational confession' episode of some sort. I hate to doubt, especially knowing what we know, but lately trust don't come easy. It's "flag season". What can I say?

Amino69 ago

It definitely looks like a genuine attack and people almost certainly died from what I can deduce but this doesn't mean it's not a false flag. The timing of this attack is an opportune moment for the British hegemony and the 'War on Terror' as it advances the dialectic in myriad ways.

roundhouse1776 ago

They want a shift to the right. They control both sides of the right - left narrative.

They're setting the sheeple up to support a war against Iran and a larger escalation of Christian/West vs Islam war.

They also want complete transition to police/surveillance state, it's essential before ushering in the Jew World Order.

YingYangMom ago

He said none of the reports he had read mentioned Russia or Russians and he was unsure whether the surveillance occurred at Trump Tower -- as President Trump has suggested.

This. James Comey's Congressional Hearing was all about the Russia narrative. They wanted to kill two birds with one stone by both getting Trump impeached over his 'fake' ties to Russia and having an excuse to 'go to war' with Russia. Something the elite have been striving for for quite some time now. Hillary was pushing that narrative very hard, during the presidential race.

The Dr. Phil Show on the trafficked victim was probably like the cherry on top. Three birds with one stone? I believe so.

goodguy1367 ago

Also Brexit is meant to happen happen on the 29th another likely distraction from that

VieBleu ago

if you have a good link on that put it in your comment. I don't know about it myself, there are probably others who don't either. It's been a busy day.

pizzaequalspedo ago


VieBleu ago


keepthefaith ago

Well considering that the 2005 London (cough) false flags (cough) Bombings distracted folk from the growing protests both on the War on Terror/Blair's reign, PLUS a dozen or so pedo-related murders (Milly Dowler, Sarah Payne, Victoria Climbie, Holly Wells, Jessica Chapman...) that had taken place, I would say today's attack did an admirable job of following suit....

Edit: Ps...hi VB

VieBleu ago


VieBleu ago

Please school me if I have made a mistake - I will edit. I may not have the proper idea of it, I am just conversant with it as it has been used around here.

EDIT: Definition: Circumstantial evidence is evidence that relies on an inference to connect it to a conclusion of fact.

So my conclusion would be - Big Ben attack was timed at least in part to knock Dr. Phil airing off of East Coast markets. The evidence is, we know it happened at least in one place. I hope other east coasters to weigh in.The 4chan image adds to the picture.

rippingtheveil ago

Yes for sure

carmencita ago

Why is 3/22 important in the realm of things today? Could you please say?

rippingtheveil ago

I think everyone should check out George Webb on YouTube, he is giving names to the ngo that pull off these sorts of attacks

rippingtheveil ago

322 represents skull and bones, cia, secret societies

carmencita ago

Thank you . So a False Flag today would make perfect sense. The Royals would probably be in charge of this orchestration or order. They are probably sick and tired of the attention we have been getting as of late. Someone as big as Dr. Phil could really gain a lot of attention and press if this thing really took off.

rippingtheveil ago

Yes I'm not saying it's a false flag, to early to tell, but it is a distraction from the SATANIC cult

carmencita ago

We have to keep the pressure on. They are getting squeezed tight, I believe. We also must start tweeting strategically. Smart and carefully tweeted.

VieBleu ago

will you tweet out the working Dr. Phil show link on YT - could do more to orange pill people than we may know.

"Shocking Dr. Phil Sex Slave Airing Pre-empted Some Places By London Attack"

That'll show em. If you tweet it let me know, I can post it somewhere else.

carmencita ago

I am sorry but I don't have a twitter account and am a real twit when it comes to using my phone. Maybe someone else can? I was hoping someone would see it and offer. I really think it is a great idea and I think things are starting to boil over and will start going our way soon.....

VieBleu ago

I don't have one either. Honestly we need to all get them for just the one purpose and retweet each other to get things going. I have seen "twitter brigades" on other sites and never joined, but for this and only for this, I would do it if others would. Think about it and tell me your thoughts. honestly we'd need I think 5 or so - there are probably a lot of people here on twitter already. if any of them see this weigh in.

You don't have to use your phone btw, you can "tweet" from your laptop. It is just an online account you sign into and send a message from basically.

rippingtheveil ago

Agreed I guess I gotta get a Twitter account

rippingtheveil ago

The elite have covered up the sra networks and now it's finally coming out, thanks to podesta, it wouldn't surprise me if they pulled off a terror attack for a distraction, but I have a feeling that this time it's different very different