Severin ago

Another jew false flag, just like 9-11, and all the jew movies and media that "predicted" that. This "prediction" tells me all I need to know that this event was another attack staged by jews that they will blame muslims for in their obsolete discredited "news media", just like they did on 9-11 and every other false flag.

norobotono ago

Most Sun readers would be too stupid to know that IP's can be changed to look like they come from anywhere in the world if you know how.

keepthefaith ago

You'd be surprised at who reads the Sun.

norobotono ago

Well since they stopped putting topless models on page 3 in most don't have a choice but to read it instead of looking at the pictures lol.

keepthefaith ago

So gross. I still can't believe Brits did that. I think its the reason they grow up with fcked up ideas of sexuality. A lot of those girls were 16 (age of consent in UK.)

norobotono ago

The UK isn't the only country that had them (The Sun just moved them to their website anyway). Some countries still have them.

Scablifter ago

Just the same as the Sun journalists.

meowmix56 ago

the /pol/ board shows a flag on each post based on the ip of the user. It is in the screenshot.

Touchdown50 ago

I guess nsa is working overtime

keepthefaith ago