VieBleu ago

Hi 1ew -

Are there any livestream links that you know of by now? Is there any web page or link with a poster and information?

I want to spread the word on other forums with some links like that thx!

Fightforright ago

I live in Colorado and am unable to travel to make it. Anyone who is able, would you take photos and video and upload it to voat and YouTube so I can see the turnout?????? PLEASE!?!

VieBleu ago

This has got to be one of the most condescendingly malignant, self-satisfied expressions of a twit that I have ever witnessed in writing from a supposedly real person.

I tried to nicely encourage Vindicator again today to just admit a mistake on the first protest and edit the post to reflect that. I said there is a chance of a redemption moment in just resetting before the next protest march. There is something about this person that brings certain associations to mind - Nelly on LIttle House On The Prarie, cat that ate all the cream, Frank Burns from MASH, Alefantis' self-satisfied smirk, butter wouldn't melt in her mouth. A certain elitist fatuousness wrapped in an ivory tower mentality. Wouldn't care in the least if this character wasn't drunk at the wheel of this forum. Even KevDude told her "Mods aren't gods on Voat" with no discernable impression made except a small "edit" celebrating negative attention. Anyway this was the response:

[–] Vindicator 0 points (+0|-0) 15 minutes ago

LOL. That's pretty funny. My redemption does not come from anyone on Voat, and it's already been taken care of.

I spent a week of discernment before making that post, it contains nothing inaccurate, or wrong. In fact, the marketing of the March 18 event changed quite significantly after my evidence was presented first by wecanhelp, and the two organizers got involved with each other. So no. In fact, I feel quite vindicated in the decision we made.

Furthermore, the unprecedented mod-bashing by dozens of brand-new and some old but previously unrecognized shill accounts all week long further confirmed that we are being monitored and attempts at manipulation are being seriously made. I was deeply gratified to be able to send a message that smart people here are watching the watchers and watching out for each other and will not be intimidated by poorly orchestrated smear efforts. I am completely at peace, despite scores of nasty messages and comments. I was my honor to be able to serve, even more so to do it infamously.

VieBleu ago

let's not give it our attention and see if that works lol

VieBleu ago

I linked your post to this post of mine - he heh snuck in an "ad" for you, but also it was relevant.

Don't you think the Dr. Phill show really helped pave the way for more public acceptance of the protest?

I think protesters should mention that show a LOT - Dr. Phil does not go on the record with unsourced claims. Everything on that show was pedogate to a tee and verifiabe. Dr. Phil + Protest = Red Pill

YingYangMom ago

May it be a beautiful, peaceful and very successful event. God Bless and Protect All who will attend!

newworldahead ago

Too bad the mods decided to not support this event. I understand their reasoning but don't agree with it. There will always be a risk that some people try to hijack a movement and derail it... it's not a reason to discourage good and honest people to attend this event.

I don't live near this area at all and it is physically impossible for me to attend, but I wish there will be a huge turnout.

Oh and by the way God just called and confirmed his presence.

WolvesAndSheeple ago

I don't think the establishment will do anything to derail it. Why would they need to? All it takes to discredit all of PG is to have David Shurter speaking and shown on the MSM and NO ONE will even consider PG again. Or, they can just insult Neil Wolfe and have him get butthurt and start screaming and chasing people around. This is going to be a farce...again.

VieBleu ago

ok we get it, Can you help organize the next protest and find a better speaker? Offer to help make it better.

WolvesAndSheeple ago

Sure, as soon as we have enough evidence that can prove a lot of this stuff beyond a shadow of a doubt It has to be enough to where even a sleeping "normie" is able to grasp it. Unfortunately, instagram pics that say suspect and nasty thing are not enough to convince most people. There honestly just isn't enough. People are still so brainwashed that it is next to impossible to reach them. Here is what I would do: 1. Get rid of Pizzagate and Pedogate hashtags. Rename it all together. Americans United Against Human Trafficking? Americans Against Child Abuse? Something sanitized. Something catchy. I would have to think about it. 2. Get reputable mainstream advocacy groups involved. Anyone invited to speak, would not be "fringe". They would need to be everyday normal people. We aren't trying to convince ourselves. Having David Seaman speak will be nice for us, but the media will just slander and discount (like they already have.) 3. No mention of SRA. No mention of God/Jesus/Religion. Not everyone is a Christian, and the message needs to appeal to as many people as possible. 4. No politics. Period. No one ever needs to speaks of politics when discussing these events. This is NON partisan, period. This is the one thing we should all be able to set aside our differences and come together for the common good. 5. Create a simple and easy to digest website. It must be 100% factual and to the point. No theories. We can theorize here, not in public.The site would be officially branded. Marketing is extremely important. 6. Create a simple, unified message. Every person fighting for this cause would be well versed. No straying from the message. This is about getting as many people under our umbrella. We have our bullet points backed up by facts and data. All of us can then speak about it and sound knowledgeable and respectable. 7. Organize. Create volunteer positions and fill said positions based on a persons experience and desire. Good at twitter? Twitter relations manager. Good with email? Email communications manager. Everyone knows what their role is. The messaging comes from the top, and is spread throughout the entire organization. 8. Treat this professionally. This needs to be taken seriously, and treated seriously. I would focus on getting everyone to focus. 9. For financing, offer to take donations, as well as selling shirts. I would have everyone wear one solid color, and have t-shirts created with the "slogan" and whatever hashtag we choose. All of the proceeds would go to setting up the event. Anything left over would go to expanding operations, or else donating the money to another advocacy group. No one gets paid, ever, period. 10. Have volunteers run security. Find someone with security or law enforcement experience that could then do a small on the spot security detail training. Get the volunteer security team t-shirts that say EVENT SECURITY on them in bold white letters. 11. Write all of this into a structured business plan. Planning is supremely important. If you do not plan and organize, the results are poor or even damaging. 12. Create a short 1 minute professional looking commercial. Spread the commercial to as many content creators on Youtube and Facebook as possible and have them all released on the same day under creative commons license so that they can be freely shared. This way, you create a social media blitz. 13. Press release. Write a professional sounding press release, and get it spread out to all of the MSM and alt media platforms. Make sure that EVERYONE knows about it.

That is a start. I am sure if I put more time into it I could think of many more ways to go about it. We need to take the stigma off of PG, not add to it. The mainstream public already thinks we are a bunch of nutbag conspiracy theorists, so why would we want to show them that we actually are a bunch of nuts? If we keep ACTING like we are fringe, we will continue BEING fringe, and no one gets justice if that is the case.

Fightforright ago

I disagree with you. I also am in marketing professionally and have been with a multi-billion dollar national corporation for many years. The important thing for us to do with pedogate is to have large numbers, so big they can't be ignored, showing up in public places peacefully to demand accountability from our government. There needs to he a direct connection to politics, and it needs to be stressed that pedogate is bi-partisan. Then signs with information on where you can do your own research should be numerous and present. Like....."WHAT HAPPENED TO JOHNNY GOSCH?"......ETC. We should get someone like Dr. Phil to speak about the effects of this type of abuse (I agree that the SRA term needs to be avoided and that the satanic aspect needs to be avoided altogether to be taken seriously by as many people as possible) and we need to document it ourselves, since MSM is not reliable to do so. People there need to film abd photograph everything. The speakers, the crowd (size, demographics, etc). It needs to be huge.

WolvesAndSheeple ago

I agree. If the protests are to take place they need to be as large as possible. Regardless of the size, it still needs to be well panned and coordinated. If we give the MSM any chance to make us look like fools, they will. If we want to see how this upcoming event is going to be reported, look at the "Westboro style" protests that took place near the inauguration. They are trying to tie us in with Westboro, which will reduce credibility drastically. These events need to be a well oiled machine.

privatepizza ago

And who are you, rocking up here, only with negative posts about the March, and saying we'll all be reported? Where were you before this, because I haven't seen you here before?

WolvesAndSheeple ago

Nope I am new to voat. I have spent my entire life speaking the truth. You don't have to listen to me. If your mind is so soft that the first thing you think when someone disagrees with you is "shill" or threatening someone, then I probably won't be able to help you. If you don't find it suspicious that multiple new articles, the Alex Jones apology, AND the FBI stating that they are going to investigate Pizzagate threats, then I think YOU might be the shill. How long have you been aware of how the world works? If you think something about my comment is crazy, you might be the "new" one. I know that pizzagate might be your first fun little conspiracy and all, but there really is no need to act like a little dickhead.

Fightforright ago


VieBleu ago

Your message is SO MUCH stronger when it is about positive steps forward like this. I haven't read it all but I liked what I read. I will give it further attention and read the whole thing.

Look I've been there - I used to go nutz on all the "LOOK HELP STARZ = SATAN!!!" posts trying to tell them they made us look ridiculous. But eventually you just have to put on your boots and wade into the mud.

I agree that a speaker like James Woods for example why not? or someone else is better than that guy and his video. but I am not organizing it. I use dto be afraid here every day that allowing all the anti semitic posts and other bigoted stuff was going to do this place in (it would have been easy) but it never did. I even get that when the mods saw that they professionally didn't want to be looked at as sponsoring an unknown but they are cowards too and went way overboard with all that propaganda sounding smear stuff and now won't back down and take at least all the stuff that was wrong about the first protest off - I asked Vindicator today about editing that stuff very nicely - Crickets. KevDude also suggested she poll about that freaking nightmare sticky - haven't heard a thing.

So with all your ideas maybe if you can't execute them you could just pick one or some to execute, write a post about it, do something positive. Just picking at the upcoming protest is a waste of your energy. It is going to happen and if you live only for I told you so, you are wasting your obvious talents.

Hope that helps even a little. It's not that we don't get your point or where you are coming from, it's that we have to just do that dam protest anyway. The more good people there the better.

Fightforright ago

Also I think there is plenty of evidence. Any normal person who had this type of serious allegations agaisnt them would be investigated. Someone in a position of power on the subject would be investigated simply on the grounds of an accusation of a serious nature. There is evidence showing collusion between Comey and the Clinton's, that this network has been exposed and covered up many times in global history, that victims in the Franklin scandal who were to testify all died under suspicious conditions, evidence of money laundering, evidence of Democrats and rebulicans, of lawyers and doctors and psychologists......there is evidence of children being raped (Daniel Pye's arrest in March is huge since he has ties to Silsby, the Clinton foundation and Alefantis). There's so much evidence that there needs to be an equally large presence of people DEMAND ING accountability. More people have lost all trust in MSM than I think you realize. They might not have done their own research yet, but once they do, they too will see the HUGE amount of evidence that is being ignored. The more people who are loud about this, the harder it is to ignore. Child sex abuse gets perpetuated by DENIAL. When enough people stand up and are loud, the quieter sheep le I'll eventually begin to do research for themselves. This bigger and louder it gets, the harder it is to ignore. I don't condone any violence and I anticipate there will always be the tool od trying to discredit individuals but there is so much evidence out there that it is substantial proof. People who don't believe that this child sex trafficking network exists just don't know how much proof there is yet. When someone disagrees or attacks you, be cordial, but show them the links. Give them tons of them. Show them how many times this has been covered up. Show them the documentaries Clinton cash, why Johnny can't come home and conspiracy of silence. Show them the proof that this is being censored on sites like twitter. Show them all the suspicious connections between politicians and powerful peoples charitable organizations----many of which are supposedly there to help trafficking victims-----and then show them all the board . members who have suspicious involvements or are swimming in allegations of sex assault on kids. There's so much evidence you could drown in it. Show them the Clinton death to them about Ben Ghazi. Talk to a marine who served in the Iraq war and ask them what the war was actually about...........most people in the military are aware of pedogate and the issues of corruption in our government. They are usually willing to talk about it and most of them are knowledgeable about the FACTS.

VieBleu ago

It's true - such an irony. People are so used to saying "no evidence" while they are literally swimming in a polluted pool of it! It's like saying "there's no air, because I can't see it."

Fightforright ago

I agree!

WolvesAndSheeple ago

I am a positive person, but I am also realistic and base my beliefs and thoughts on objective truth. We need to question EVERYTHING, including our own thoughts and actions. The biggest thing I hate about the truth community is that it has become more like a religion, instead of rigorously going after the truth. Look how pissed everyone got in response to my disagreement. Never called anyone names, never disrespected anyone, yet I still got called a shill. It's the same thing with all the shooting false flags. If you do not say that every single event is a staged nobody died false flag, you get called a shill.

The first step to personal wisdom is to be able to question your own thoughts and actions, including when you are wrong. Truth is truth. If we are to vocalize our support for the truth, we must be loyal to the truth and ONLY the truth. Even if it means your opinion of the truth is unpopular.

VieBleu ago

you have to be honest the way you went about it was irritating and you know it. I didn't see it all go down, but I've gone and done a lot of reading through the posts and you weren't some maligned sweetheart that just tried to get some reasonableness going, so let's not play games okay. You have made your point, it isn't getting through, and at a certain point it becomes almost like trolling. Don't jump down my throat for saying what it looks like, yes you have every right, etc, but you approach isn't working so you need to rethink it. Again I am only trying to be helpful and if you keep right on as you are fine by me everybody gets to do as they please. Good luck and carry on.

WolvesAndSheeple ago

I wasn't jumping down your throat ?

VieBleu ago

no no you were definitely not - it was a pre-emptive move because I said "it becomes almost like trolling" I didn't want that to upset you and then have you take a position of, "how dare you call it trolling when I'm just saying my piece." I didn't see this comment till just now, sorry not to clear that up earlier.

No it was a good discussion.

WolvesAndSheeple ago

Gotcha. I am not trying to troll or disrespect anyone.

Jakestr ago

Why do you believe that about David Shurter? Just curious he seems very credible to me. The guy I don't trust on the other hand is David Seaman. He is an attention whore, his book is A testament to his character.

WolvesAndSheeple ago

David Shurter? Go watch a couple of his videos, he sounds like a nut. He says he is the anti-Christ and uses magic to put evil spells on people. He also says he travels to heaven and hangs out with Max Spiers and a bunch of other dead people. David Shurter is literally a way bigger attention whore than Seaman. He just released his proof of life video to drum up his book sales. His first comment on his video was talking about his book. I also guarantee you he will be trying to sell his book on the mic at the protest this weekend. The media is going to eat it up. There are also plenty of accounts of his behavior online. Go research this guy, he is either a total liar, or completely insane/mentally ill.

Jakestr ago

Ugghhh not another one! I have no idea I just saw the one video where he talks about his father and how he was raised.
See this is what I'm worried about I don't want these attention whores to hijack the narrative! That's why we need talking points and everybody needs to just without the phone and lifestream and touching all the points do you want to catch up don't let them lead this protest!

newworldahead ago

You talk like MSM mattered. Let them spin their fake stories, they don't have the influence you think they have anymore.

carmencita ago

It's not our people so much. It is THEM that I am scared about.

privatepizza ago

Wishing you all God Speed

thomccc ago

I pray to God that there is a huge turnout. If not, there will be the next one. We can't stop

Fightforright ago

I pray there will be a HUGE turn out. I am in Colorado and cannot go. Please document it and upload it here so that I can see how many people do turn up.

carmencita ago

Please keep it sane & peaceful.

bikergang_accountant ago

Lafayette Park is the best location we could ever get. Let's fill it.

carmencita ago

Someone that is good with logistics needs to check into whether people have a way out if trapped by LE or fakers. Plans must be in place ahead of time. Go with every intention of peace but also be prepared for the worst. Remember how much they hate us. I am not in favor of the March but wish you all well. Stay safe. Peace

Fightforright ago

Why would you not be in favor? There need to be more marches. Larger groups demanding accountability and drawing attention/creating mass awareness of this common pedophilia/child sex slave practice.

carmencita ago

I have been going back and forth on this. One day I think it would be a great idea and then the next day I think, no, this will be hijacked by Soros supported groups and they will make us look like crazies. That is my main concern. I am also worried about some of our people that are so very much at their wits end (and rightfully so) that they may just fall for their bait to fight back. That is what is my main worry. If we did not have to contend with instigators that just want to get us on tv and let the MSM have at us I would think it is a great idea. I wish for a really great and organized March that will be a great success and peaceful.

Fightforright ago

I too hope for peace. I would be there if I were able, but that is too far for me to travel. In America we are watching a dictatorship try to take back their groups (NWO) control since Trump was elected president. Do I think Trump is the best ever and he is some.amazing great guy? I'm not sure, I only have hope he will help to unearth some of this corruption and begin the cycle of change. I like to think he is a patriot who loves America because of his families success here. That he does not need to be president but wants to be so he can help,the American people. I KNOW that if Hillary Clinton (or Jeb Bush for that matter) were to be elected to offfice, America would have seen its last ever free election. The pedogate child sex network is unbelievably exposed and incredibly real. We are no longer disputing theories, the is tons of hard, substantial, concrete proof that these crimes are being committed. The criminals involved in this who have infiltrated our government, hospitals, non-profits and schools.....are all scrambling like mad Men to try and stop Trump and his administration from being able to do anything. We had heard once that maybe as much as 30% of our government mentioned is involved and that is why it's hard to weed everyone out. I believe the number of those involved to be much, much, higher than 30%. So how do we fight? WE STOP CARING ABOUT OTHER PEOPLE THINKING WE ARE CRAZY. When I came out about my own abuse when I was 16 I had no support. No one believed me and in fact I was treated quite cruelly. During trial and prosecution I found my character attacked.and had to justify that as a child I had not deserved to be raped or wasn't "asking for it", my experiences were scrutinized to determine if the abuse was "bad enough", etc etc. It was super damaging to me and I really had to go to bat for myself. Even after the purpotrators of my abuse plead guilty he only received and served 4 years in a federal prison. The system is setup this way. We are fighting an agenda for the American people to accept pedophilia. There are jokes in our media shows all the time that are really not funny. As a culture the way we treat women and children is.often times unacceptable. There.are countless.examples of sex crimes going through our justice system and perpetrators being given slaps on the wrists or nothing at all..........what about the case of the swimmer who was caught by 2 foreign exchange students at his college last year, in the act of raping an unconscious.woman who he had drugged.behind a dumpster? That guy got sentenced to 6 months in jail and I bet he won't serve it all. The court process took longer than he will spend in jail and its.coted.because he is "too affluent to be able to handle jail and it might damage his life".........uhhhh......WTF?!?!? I am sick of people being able to rape and sado-sexual abuse others and get away with it. Because of my own traumatic experience in our court systems I know that anyone talking in any context for any duration in any environs about these issues is going to be called "crazy" by lots of people. So ask yourself, are you crazy? Or do you trust you to know right from wrong. I trust myself more than I trust anyone else. I know how pedophilia own life negatively and that no adult should be having sexual relations with a child at any time for any reason, no more details neccesary. I know how vastly my adult life was my childhood abuse. I don't care if anyone calls me crazy. I am an adult, a strong woman, who is deeply concerned about exposing this on a mass level so that as many people as possible do their own research into it. Once you see the proof tour perspective begins to change. I don't mind sticking up and fighting for what is right. I have nothing to lose. My experience with abuse made me question why I was even born and struggle with suicide. The people being trafficked need our help to be their voices. Let's be loud. As loud as we can. Talk about it. Use the Dems favorite Salinity tactic of turning it around on them.......if someone calls you crazy,.show them the facts, give them the information they need to teach themselves about the subject and then call them crazy for protecting pedophiles instead of children. Call them,crazy for being blind to the blatant disrespect these corrupt politicians have for American people. They think we are dumb. Show them how smart we are. Trust in you and be strong enough to stick up for the underdog.......who in this case, represents all the kids being born into this life, kidnapped and held.captive in it, who are being fed this existence and made to normalize abuse. Remind yourself that the truth always prevails. Remind yourself how valuable.your voice is to some poor Haitian kid locked in a cage, dangling from some sick fat, rich old white guys ceiling somehwhere. Challenge the dictators who want to impeach our elected officials who swore to us they would investigate. Fight their resistance to this administrations leadership and demand accountability. Who cares what the sheep le ho don't know how to read all the evidence for themselves say, who cares what the pedo run MSM say is know.the pills they cite are totally made up, the opinions they present are bought and paid for and bias, they are tools for a dictator style leadership that is trying to enslave the American people. Fuk that. Be strong. Be loud. Being loud is our best chance.

carmencita ago

First of all, let me say that I am so sorry for what you have had to endure through our lifetime. I did not vote for Trump but am willing to give him a chance. There is no other hope at the moment. I am doing research every day many hrs. a day because of the Posts of Wolftrail7272. You must check them out. I have found and so has he that in St. Louis Mo. the Archdiocese is involved in many nefarious deeds and deeply. There is Tenet Healthcare whose hospitals are implicated and there is organ trafficking and child pornography being produced. The West Lake Landfill has an ever burning fire in it and contains dumped uranium. There is a reason the EPA does not want to put out that fire. I have read some of the most disgusting things I have read in all my life but must keep doing what I can for the children and to end all of this for their lives have been horror. I want our country to have the type of life that we all dreamed we really had. Of course, yours was not the way you wished it was. That is another reason that we, involved on here, must continue doing what we do everyday, for people like you. For I know in my heart, by what you have poured out to me, that you too wished the best for the children. I hope you check out Wolftrail7272. Thank you for your story from your heart.

WolvesAndSheeple ago

You should contact David Shurter and see what type of plans the guy has. He is super sharp and on top of things. PG will look worse than the Westboro Baptist Church after this event.