pby1000 ago

but it could be wrong, I mean, it also says that bats are birds.

pby1000 ago

Maybe the Bible is wrong...

Jem777 ago

These people should leave Washington immediately. Actually they should show up at Federal Prison. Obama persecuted whistleblowers, jailed them, Hastings case (dead) he spied on James Rosen of Fox News reading all his emails and listening to phone calls etc.

They all gripe to go through proper channels. So this guy does. He does not leak it all he actually tries to go to the committee. They shut him down. They shut the attorney down. The good guys in government lose their lives, jobs, reputations, freedom but the pedophiles & money laundering rises to the top. Vomiting

pby1000 ago

I think that they consider them to be different. Look at this Wiki article in the General Beliefs Section. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Luciferianism

To me, they are both non-existent beings...

huhWHAThuh ago

Well it is widely disseminated proof that people can see with their eyes and hold in their hands that the Obama administration DID illegally surveil Trump and many other powerful individuals for what could only be nefarious reasons (does Justice Roberts incredible reversal of his vote on Obamacare come to mind?). The FBI has his statement under oath and the proof on hard drives. If the committee doesn't make this public, we will all know something is VERY wrong. I'm hopeful that the committee was giving Comey some rope to hang himself with by lying under oath. Time reveals all mysteries. We'll know in the next few days.

Devious1 ago

The title sums this fight up perfectly, them versus the rest of us.

CantWaitToGetAPizzaU ago

talk about a distinction without a difference.

pby1000 ago

They worship Lucifer not Satan. No wonder Satan is so upset. He gets blamed for everything.

Piscina ago

Whether they call him Lucifer or Satan, they think he's an alien who's coming back to rule over Earth.

pby1000 ago

Do you have a source for that? I have read a lot, but I want to make sure I am not missing something.

Jem777 ago

The elite worship Lucifer. Satan or Baal are different names or representations. Lucifer is the original fallen angel God cast from Heaven. This is where they get "enlightened" from or illuminated as in illuminati. They believe this fallen angel will win the war as seen in the book of Revelations. He will not but he wants to take as many as he can to the end on his team.

pby1000 ago

I agree with what you are saying. You explain it very well.

The last Super Bowl halftime show was interesting-The Morning Star fell to Earth.

Do you have sources? I ask to make sure I am aware of as many different sources as possible.

ArtificalDuality ago

They are metasynonymously equivalent.

pizzaequalspedo ago

I don't think you can overstate how big this is. Proof that Trump, SCOTUS, judges were spied on by Obama. Possible proof of election fraud from 2008!


Piscina ago

For people outside the US, can you please explain this?

ich1baN ago

Well where are you from and what are you asking to be explained; are you asking for an explanation of PizzaGate or the spying scandal? If about the spying scandal, it's simple... After 9/11 the Bush admin authorized the Patriot Act which enables outright "legal" surveillance of ALL US citizens with little oversight and that intel and data is shared with 5 other allied countries including Britain's GCHQ.

This is insane b/c these are sovereign US citizens that inevitably will have their identity revealed to foreign governments (as well as unnecessarily in the hands of US institutions; it goes against the very ideal of America to its core) and have exclusive access to peep on their cell phone cameras/mics.... this is what Snowden (an NSA whistleblower) revealed and why he became a whistleblower.

Now fast forward to 2016 - Obama authorized that all data collected from any electronic communication from the NSA (which is all stored in a massive data center in Colorado) can now be shared with all 16 US intel agencies... also it's well known that Obama spied on Merkel's personal cell phone along with 14 other high profile EU and sovereign states in Europe (including Italian politicians and Brussels)... Trump was spied on by Obama (as well as Bush since at least 2004) via GCHQ so there weren't any paper trails that would implicate Obama/Clinton. This is highly illegal and now another whistleblower sort of like Snowden has come forward from the CIA.

The reason this is huge is that back in the 1960s a man by the name of Nixon spied on the DNC but did it personally without the aid of gov organizations... this means that a state institution that was set up to protect Americans and the Constitution has now been perverted to be used against political opponents in order to beat to the march of the Globalists who control the Deep State media and intelligence communities at the top.

A good article that will basically explain everything is the person that Snowden used as a whistleblower, Glenn Greenwald, who is an independent reporter (not politically biased one way or the other) and his article "Deep State goes to war with Trump"... this article will explain how the spy agencies have been politicized and used unethically and against the very framework of our Republic, the Constitution:


TimeOutofJoint ago

Excellent post. But I've been wondering if the spying by GCHQ has no paper trail how do we really know it happened? Is there a smoking gun or is this just speculation?

ich1baN ago

Some of it is speculation on the GCHQ part but there are allegedly whistleblowers behind that sort of leak... hopefully the CIA whistleblower, Montgomery, has evidence linking to this to vindicate the allegations.

Piscina ago

Thanks for the explanation. I know about Nixon and Snowden. I didn't know who Nunez was, but I listened to an interview he gave, and I now understand what's going on.

ich1baN ago

Nunes is relatively unimportant other than finally someone inside the DC establishment giving credence to the idea of the unethical and wrongful surveillance of the Deep State against private citizens and political opponents.... George Webb offers the best explanation and background in his videos ... the basis of his urgency which I haven't seen at this level before is b/c Nunes flipped the switch, b/c he was previously ignoring the CIA whistleblower that has evidence of all this implicit criminality re: Surveillance .... read this article from Zero Hedge to get the inside scoop:


then watch this video by George Webb to put it all together (which brings back the Awan IT brothers who worked for dems):


YingYangMom ago

Great analysis and resumé.

palmitespo910 ago

That's a pretty good synopsis buddy

ich1baN ago

Ty, anytime ;) ... the more people that become aware of the Globalists, especially in Europe as well, the better chances we have to overcome them.

11-11 ago

thanks. i hadn't seen this.

between this and the dr phil show (see recently posted voat thread / https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e5zZHf2X650 ) the big picture is beginning to emerge.

         It is as bad as we all thought.

bopper ago

Dirty Comey.

pizzaequalspedo ago

Big, big stuff coming in the next few days I think