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PizzagateBot ago

Is there a reason why you frequently post Quora articles featuring Kim Holleman of MIT Media Lab?

Has Kim added any unique insights or research because right now all I can find is just copy-pasta information from her.

It says that she works in Social Computing Group at MIT Media Lab. It sounds very fishy.

Can you comment on the claims of Yoichi Shimatsu that Aaron Swartz was killed by members or those connected to MIT for uncovering a pedo ring and related data on MIT-JSTOR and that MIT Media Lab is a product of MKULTRA and similar mind control/propaganda programs? MIT Media Lab has come up in various posts including this one -

There are too many suspicious things that have happened involving MIT, MIT Media Lab to be specific, for me to trust anything they say about pizzagate. It has signs that it could be controlled opposition.

Please everyone remember that just because someone is speaking out against pizzagate, it does not mean they are friend. This thing is so huge that you MUST expect there to be controlled opposition meaning people who will speak out against it while harboring nefarious plans related to the investigation.

Please be wary when trusting MIT.

Laskar ago

I agree wholeheartedly.

MIT is host to DARPA, MKUltra, pedo Negroponte...

willofthewarrior ago

Her summary is one of the best that I've seen.

AngB23 ago

Totally agree with this. MIT is an arm to Tavistock. Pyshological mind control machine.

redditsuckz ago

There are too many suspicious things that have happened involving MIT, MIT Media Lab to be specific, for me to trust anything they say about pizzagate. It has signs that it could be controlled opposition.

Please everyone remember that just because someone is speaking out against pizzagate, it does not mean they are friend. This thing is so huge that you MUST expect there to be controlled opposition meaning people who will speak out against it while harboring nefarious plans related to the investigation.

You seem to be intelligent enough to know what "controlled opposition" is yet you cant see the forest for the trees with Alex Jones...seems legit...

V____Z ago

Pizzagatebot is totally full of it. He also claims Becki Percy simply wants to be famous, and seems to think she's lying about being an abuse victim.

PizzagateBot ago

Keep on beating that dead horse :)

redditsuckz ago

Infowars boss Alex Jones is a 'performance artist playing a character', his lawyer reveals

Lawyer Says InfoWars Host Alex Jones Is A 'Performance Artist'

Alex Jones is a great actor

2b1ask1 ago


MIT is about as nefarious as it gets.

Casey Neistat was invited to study at the MIT Media Lab, too. And Casey is propaganda central. For example, he posted a bunch of tweets about the United Airlines "incident" - that is just Agenda 21 (now Agenda 2030) conditioning.

Look into the Nantucket Project. It will blow you away. I bet you PizzaGate is tied in a big way to this under-the-radar NGO.