YingYangMom ago

What I don't like about this, is the fact that she only brings up the worldcorp video as an argument to say that she believes Podesta is a child torturer and then she says THIS:

"Know that you will not “see” child abuse in the videos, but you will most definitely see a very large man’s silhouette who is most definitely abusing a child who is screaming in terror.

A very large man's silhouette??!! I don't believe so. The man seems to be on the skinny side. Plus, John Podesta is short and skinny. What is she trying to do?! And why not bring up the other suspicious evidence found so far such as the cannibalistic painting in his office, the fascination with pigs, the pizza related map and pillows he left in the Field house, the Chicken restaurant he owns and is situated in an isolated place which looks like a bunker (google earth view images found of this location) and all the other evidence? Why bring up the only piece of evidence that can't be 100% verified? Nah, this doesn't seem legit but, if it is, it's another poor attempt at helping the PG investigation. Sorry for the negative feedback guys, it just seems weak and a bit awkward to me.

Psychanaut ago

Wow, looks like you need to take another look, bro. Did you not bother to click the link at the bottom? Check again and then get back to me...

YingYangMom ago

You mean the link in the original article, the one that asks us to sign in with a FB or Google account to access? Sorry, no. I didn't. If you could transcribe or maybe archive it and give me the link, I'd appreciate it. The webarchive link posted by pizzabot doesn't work... This is what it says:

This page may be out of date. Save your draft before refreshing this page.Submit any pending changes before refreshing this page. Hide this message. 429. Too Many Requests. Please email [email protected] if you believe this is an error. Please include your IP address in your email.

Judgejewdy ago

Not surprising. Lame attempt to doxx investigators. Psychanaut is on their side.

PizzagateBot ago

Hi! I used Google to find related Voat posts using the URL(s) in your post and created the following link(s):

OriginLinkFromCurrentPost RelatedPostTitle PostDate LinkOrigin
www.quora.com/What-is-the-most-unpopular-political-opinion-you-have/answer/Kim-Holleman no biggie: quick list Linking Pizzagate Articles together 4/15/2017 OP
www.quora.com/What-is-the-most-unpopular-political-opinion-you-have/answer/Kim-Holleman /v/pizzagate 5 OP

awakenaware ago

She also answered this question..

Why has the MSM not brought forward any legitimate evidence against Pizzagate?

She actually answers this question very well.. its good for newbies to read.. https://www.quora.com/Why-has-the-MSM-not-brought-forward-any-legitimate-evidence-against-Pizzagate/answer/Kim-Holleman

Psychanaut ago

OOOOH!!! NICE ONE! Very good one re: Ben Swann, really good work there. Poor Ben

ArizerSolo ago

I responded to some Pizzagate questions on Quora a guy on a thread called 'Karl Manner' a 'Professional Skeptic' obviously didn't like my well thought out concise comment and deleted it.

Godwillwin ago

Wasn't Aaron Schwartz MIT?

The_Crux ago

I haven't even seen any pedophile or child abuse red flags on John Podesta. He's a horrible person, that much is true, but you haven't convinced me of any pedo or child abuse involvement. Alefantis is a different story.

AngB23 ago

You do realize that all this broke open due to Podesta's emails, right? All the code words that he uses are on the FBI list...same code words for Pedos.

GrislyAddams ago

Ang, You do realize that, most likely, zero people would be talking about this stuff if they hadn't read those emails, right?

Your message hits me as extremely condescending.

To the point where, if I could, you would have been my first down voat.

Chin up. Try harder next time. Game on.

AngB23 ago

I guess I don't understand you at all. That was my point calling out a Podesta's emails....it brought to light people talking about this corruption of these Pedos. It started with Podesta's emails. Not sure what you don't understand or find so "condescending" about that fact?

GrislyAddams ago

I may have misread your reply. If so, I apologize. It looked to me like you were trying to explain to the OP about the emails as if it were new information.

AngB23 ago

No, I wasnt saying that at all. No,problem, miss understanding

nomorepepperoni ago

Maybe they concluded this upon watching the awful Fatherhood video. Some do believe it's JP, after all (though I believe otherwise, but would like law enforcement to flipping run an analysis for the final word).

The_Crux ago

Some voice? I give that less credence than anonymous douchebags pretending to be FBI agents leaving bread crumbs and cryptic clues for dumbfucks to follow.

katsmeow ago

Park your darkass. Awww.... you are defunct. Kinda, like false echoes. Listen.I am.I am.

katsmeow ago

G h o s t    I   a m   a   g h o s t  t h e   o n e   y o u   h e a r  w h e n   y o u   a r e   y o u n g  b e f o r e   t h e   f e a r .    W e   s u r p r i s e   e a c h   o t h e r  a n d   w e   c o n v e r s e  i n   a   d r e a m   w o r l d  s a f e ,   n o t   p e r v e r s e .    I   a m   a   g h o s t  a n d   I   h a v e   b e c o m e  t h e   a n s w e r   t o   m y   q u e s t i o n s  t h a t   I ' d   b e g u n .  Thank you for your contribution to truth. The most unpopular opinion you have is denial.

Psychanaut ago

Fuck off.

The_Crux ago

I don't understand. What do you mean by that?

Psychanaut ago

Whoah. Never gotten to the tippy top before

privatepizza ago

🎈 🥂 🍻 🥂 🎈

You SO deserve it : D

Psychanaut ago

So great. Really can't tell you how much that's appreciated.

privatepizza ago


V____Z ago

You deserve it

pats on back

Psychanaut ago

thanks so much! feels great.

privatepizza ago

Awesome : D This woman is rockin it !!!

Psychanaut ago

Agree!! Mainstream must accept this info eventually. They can't "Ben Swann" every single person on planet earth, I'm sorry but we will red pill until those fuckers are in jail or hell whichever comes first. I'm not even religious mind you...

privatepizza ago

Haha, love that - "Can't Ben Swan every single person on planet earth"!! You kill me man with your passion it's infectious <3

Psychanaut ago

HAHAHAHA! Damn right!! hahaha

privatepizza ago


evademoney2 ago

http://www.pollyklaas.org/missing/?gclid=CjwKEAjwrMzHBRDW3saA88aT80MSJACbvo1TuPPTKS7w1SslGz-fjHx74IRQnCujHeAWVbsElYZ6WBoCm2fw_wcB This Master List Doesnt Allow Search For Last 3 Years And http://www.missingkids.com/poster/NCMC/1287687/1/screen Doesn't even show up. What The Hell Is Going On. Sloppy Nation Wide System Or Something Else

Psychanaut ago

TOTALL BULLSHIT SEARCH! no three years for most recent searches?! what the actual fuck. Unreal. great find, but unbefuckinglievable!

Psychanaut ago

Hey evademoney2 can you put all this into one post? You are doing great work on these missing kids searches, there are some tech peeps on voat now, would be great if you could make a discuss post about this with all your research/links so we can see what's going on. awesome work!

evademoney2 ago

https://twitter.com/MissingKidsFL <---- Florida NCMEC

http://www.missingkids.com/search <-----Twitter Directs To NCMEC Site

http://www.missingkids.com/poster/NCMC/1287687/1/screen <------ I Use Search And The Missing People Doesnt Match. Do Any Of The Sites Or NCMEC Twitters For Different States Match At All. Not To Mention Facebook. I Think It's Such A Cluster That They Can't Even Keep Track And May Be A Way To blow This Wide Open. Just A Thought.

remedy4reality ago

Cartoon on NCMEC Twitter 'Routers Birthday Surprise' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MDvhiwMwdO4

PEDO SWIRL in background, very quickly, at 3 SECONDS and also later on, during scene changes.

PizzagateBot ago

Is there a reason why you frequently post Quora articles featuring Kim Holleman of MIT Media Lab?

Has Kim added any unique insights or research because right now all I can find is just copy-pasta information from her.

It says that she works in Social Computing Group at MIT Media Lab. It sounds very fishy.

Can you comment on the claims of Yoichi Shimatsu that Aaron Swartz was killed by members or those connected to MIT for uncovering a pedo ring and related data on MIT-JSTOR and that MIT Media Lab is a product of MKULTRA and similar mind control/propaganda programs? MIT Media Lab has come up in various posts including this one - https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/comments/1767291 http://rense.com/general95/swartz.html https://steemit.com/pizzagate/@gizmosia/was-aaron-swartz-killed-by-an-mit-satanic-child-porn-ring-pedophiles-at-mit-media-lab-pizzagate

There are too many suspicious things that have happened involving MIT, MIT Media Lab to be specific, for me to trust anything they say about pizzagate. It has signs that it could be controlled opposition.

Please everyone remember that just because someone is speaking out against pizzagate, it does not mean they are friend. This thing is so huge that you MUST expect there to be controlled opposition meaning people who will speak out against it while harboring nefarious plans related to the investigation.

Please be wary when trusting MIT.

Laskar ago

I agree wholeheartedly.

MIT is host to DARPA, MKUltra, pedo Negroponte...

willofthewarrior ago

Her summary is one of the best that I've seen.

AngB23 ago

Totally agree with this. MIT is an arm to Tavistock. Pyshological mind control machine.

redditsuckz ago

There are too many suspicious things that have happened involving MIT, MIT Media Lab to be specific, for me to trust anything they say about pizzagate. It has signs that it could be controlled opposition.

Please everyone remember that just because someone is speaking out against pizzagate, it does not mean they are friend. This thing is so huge that you MUST expect there to be controlled opposition meaning people who will speak out against it while harboring nefarious plans related to the investigation.

You seem to be intelligent enough to know what "controlled opposition" is yet you cant see the forest for the trees with Alex Jones...seems legit...

V____Z ago

Pizzagatebot is totally full of it. He also claims Becki Percy simply wants to be famous, and seems to think she's lying about being an abuse victim.

PizzagateBot ago

Keep on beating that dead horse :)

redditsuckz ago

Infowars boss Alex Jones is a 'performance artist playing a character', his lawyer reveals


Lawyer Says InfoWars Host Alex Jones Is A 'Performance Artist'


Alex Jones is a great actor


2b1ask1 ago


MIT is about as nefarious as it gets.

Casey Neistat was invited to study at the MIT Media Lab, too. And Casey is propaganda central. For example, he posted a bunch of tweets about the United Airlines "incident" - that is just Agenda 21 (now Agenda 2030) conditioning.

Look into the Nantucket Project. It will blow you away. I bet you PizzaGate is tied in a big way to this under-the-radar NGO.

PizzagateBot ago

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PizzagateBot ago

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www.quora.com/What-is-the-most-unpopular-political-opinion-you-have/answer/Kim-Holleman no biggie: quick list Linking Pizzagate Articles together 4/15/2017 OP