Truthplease5 ago

please add the old missle silos and old bunkers in DC!

ArthurEdens ago

I'm blown away by the amount of tunnels

Catsfive ago

The biggest problem is making sure everything is to scale. Obviously, being off by 30m could mean being off by an entire building.

I worked at a construction company recently and they said they could overlay their construction maps into Google Earth's downloadable client. They had to be rendered in 3D somehow. Maybe that is an avenue to look into?

3301 ago

I believe this will help. slimg stripped all the original images out of the post but you get the jist of it from this (soz its imgur but slimg is fucked by the looks of it)

AreWeSure ago


When you directly connects, do you have any information on access to the tunnels? A tunnel can run right under my house, but if there is no tunnel entrance there, I'm not directely connected to it, it just runs under my house.

carmencita ago

Thanks. I wonder who bought it.

carmencita ago

On Map Page 3 there is Kolorama Heights where the Prez will live two doors from T Podesta. Right behind there is property labeled Mary Ord Preston who was a daughter of a General. What I have figured out is that there is Rock Creek Cemetery. I am trying to find pictures of the inside and some history but am not too good at that. I will continue but maybe someone can pick this up as well. I am thinking a cemetery would tie in perfectly to their trafficking. A pretty deserted area at night and right next to rock creek where I believe they say tunnels are underneath.

VieBleu ago

This look like it took a lot of work. Thank you for your dedication.

Friendly editing suggestion - On your map, there is this text attached "Here is a map I have created showing where the underground tunnels in D.C. currently lead today. The google map indicators show Comet Ping Pong, the "Pegasus Museum" and 4082 Chesapeake st."

The first sentence does not read well. "I have created this map that shows where the underground tunnels in DC lead to and join with one another, as of today (give date)."

When I read it the first time, and I read a lot and often and well, even to me it sounded awkward and I read "lead" as the metal element. Just want your message to be crystal clear.

I would also spell out the red lines as in "The red lines indicate the tunnels, the white lines are surface streets."

BarryOSeven ago

Where is Pegasus Museum?

anonymousgate ago

The one on the far right towards the bottom. The map key from the atlas blocks the view, so I couldn't determine whether there were tunnels under Pegasus.

carmencita ago

Someone had another post on here about tunnels that went all over and one went under Hillary's house in West Haven. I believe there are woods behind her house. Thank you for your work I believe you and others will be incredibly helpful to our Investigation.

TowerOfPizza ago

That looks insanely detailed, great work man!

Cazmir ago

has anyone done this with the original DC subway system?

whatonearth ago

Just to be clear, the things you're talking about are stream culverts and drainage conduits and storm sewers and things like that that you'll find in any built-up place, often full of water and not necessarily big enough for anyone to move around in. I think sometimes the readers of these threads don't realize that and think you're talking about big, dry, lighted tunnels that are somehow unique to DC.

anonymousgate ago

Here's a National Geographic segment where they show some of the tunnels being filled in Rock Creek Park. The streams seem to be more of a trickle since the installation of the tunnels, and the ones they showed could certainly fit human beings. To be clear, I'm pretty skeptical of the idea that these tunnels are being used for trafficking. That's why I wanted to either make connections or put the tunnel theory to bed. I'm still unsure whether this information is at all useful.

iamthepizzanow ago

Maybe there are drainage tunnels used as a convenient way of disposing certain types of waste to not be found. JA posted a picture of the end of a small possibly drainage tunnel in a forest, maybe Rock Creek Park.

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

There's a fucking sub way system. Of course there are tunnels. I'm so confused by peoples confusion about this... No one every links to any of the maps that show the subway lines. Am I not understanding something here... I understand that they are referring to abandon tunnels... But There's active tunnels... So of course there are parts of the tunnel not that can not be accessed publicly.

Can Some please explain to my retarded self if everyone is aware of the active tunnels? Because those all line up under pinpong as well as other key locations. Boom. Tunnels. done. The mystery question has been answered. It should also be worth noting,The escalators needed to get down to the subway, are the longest, and steepest escalators I've ever been on. It's somewhat intimidating the first few times.... But my point is, There's a lot of space between the roads, and tunnels below... It's not like it's right below the street.

And we obviously all know that there are tunnels from The capital building, To the white house, and all around to and fro... Right? Like, it's not a theory. Literally there, and it's acknowledged. In fact, I've been the ones In the capital building... I think, I'd have to clarify that with my mom, because I was young at the time, and didn't give a shit about any of the cool shit I was fortunate enough to experience.

Votescam ago

Thank you. There's also this Pentagon Pedophiles Using Crystal City Tunnels to Abduct Children which actually walks you through the Crystal City tunnels an there are some indications by Marlowe that there seem to be doors leading to extended areas.

The tunnels cannot be dismissed. As we all think about what is required to run operations like this obviously transporting children in groups could cause unwanted attention. We know that tunnels were used in the McMartin school case to take children away from the area of the schools and into countryside.

We all can imagine what is necessary to run an operation like this.
If you tour the Crystal City tunnels you see they are well populated in daytime. But what about nighttime? The tunnels also come very close to the Pentagon. Presumably they also need women or foster families to temporarily care for these children -- likely families who are already involved with this trafficking. Lots of things we don't know about all of this, but we should be exploring for answers so that we can better understand what these operations require in the way of shelter, money, temporary accommodations -- and probably a lot of things we haven't thought about yet. From what I recall in reading a bit about these operations, the children are often drugged immediately after being kidnapped. Sometimes fathers turn their own children over to traffickers for $$$; children they've already been abusing. And, sometimes children being transported in cars are also drugged to look like they are asleep. We are all involved in this discovery and research process together. We are all learning together.

YingYangMom ago

Ted Gunderson also explains where and how the McMartin case kids were taken, what they found in the tunnels and satanic sites in CA and puts up diagrams and pictures of all the evidence gathered in this very interesting must-see part 2.

Votescam ago

Thank you - saved it -- a lot of great detail in this one. And, "they weren't interested."

The cover ups based in turning things upside down and making enemies of heroes and attacking children and witnesses as crazy and liars are always impressive. Same patterns over and again. :(

thedreammanalishi ago

Excellent visualization.

ARC GIS would be able to line up this stuff in a very accurate manner.