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wecanhelp ago

I've said this before, but I really feel that instead of fragmenting this effort, you and @RebelSkum of (and possibly others as well) should cooperate to build the mother of all summaries that can then be kept updated by more than a single person, and shared as the "canonical" link of Pizzagate evidence everywhere. A wiki is inherently a better platform to build such a collaborative summary (with its peer reviews, versioning history, easy reverts, and familiarity to regular internet users), and the resulting summary could be posted and stickied here as a Link post so that the Voat community can still vet and discuss it, which is pretty much the best of both worlds, I think. Just my two cents, but I would certainly like to see an "official" site for all this that is not (here's why). The only downside I see to this is putting all the eggs in one basket, but to my knowledge RebelSkum has made sure that there are robust backups of the wiki, and the summary article can (and should) also be backed up by independent users for redundancy.

RebelSkum ago

Fantastic idea and you mentioned just about all the reasons Wikis can help with that. I could set up an Executive Summary page and include bits or all of it to the front page as well so it's all compartmentalized.

Vindicator ago

This is a cool idea!

wecanhelp ago

@Millennial_Falcon, how do you feel about this? Could you guys set up a small working group of trusted editors, and maintain the summary collaboratively on the wiki?

Millennial_Falcon ago

Not a bad idea. I don't think I personally have the time for the deliberation/discussion that would be involved in a fully collaborative effort right now, but I would be glad to include a link to a good wiki at the top of my summary.

PizzagateBot ago

I agree with this. We don't want to create 'silos' of information where to get the best full picture you need to straddle between two sites.

but I would certainly like to see an "official" site for all this that is not (here's why).

Could decentralize it with It is on my fatassed bucket list to try and make a turnkey image for a raspberry pi to host zeronet/maidsafe content. (ie you burn the image to SD card, boot it and that is it you are seeding the site through a VPN/proxy).

wecanhelp ago

ZeroNet is not directly accessible to 99.9% of the population, so I wouldn't bother with that. Redundant backups should do the trick in my opinion, and I also trust that RebelSkum knows what he's doing.

PizzagateBot ago

ZeroNet is not directly accessible to 99.9% of the population, so I wouldn't bother with that

That's not true, if you have internet access you can access zeronet hosted sites through gateways and .bit domains, you just won't be able to host and help propagate them without using their website torrenting application. Without the app you are like someone who just downloads a torrent without seeding and becoming being another redundant node.

This is pretty much a general feature of emerging web 3.0 technologies, accessibility and backwards compatibility with web 2.0.

Redundant backups should do the trick in my opinion, and I also trust that RebelSkum knows what he's doing.

Yes, secondary, tertiary backups, even a USB stick wrapped in an anti-static bag and boxed, padded and buried. Can't have too many backups.

wecanhelp ago

What I meant is that this is beyond the knowledge of regular internet users, and the summary should be optimized for accessibility first and foremost, since spreading information is its primary purpose. You should be able to find it through search engines, pass the link to your friends on Facebook, and start reading it in a single click. ZeroNet is great for, say, a research group, but is way too hidden for your retired neighbor.

PizzagateBot ago

Well that is moot and its moot to argue it at this point, especially if you are going to argue like you just formed an opinion by doing a google search and quickly read the top results LOL

wecanhelp ago

I did not form an opinion based solely on this, I've used ZeroNet myself in the past. Ultimately I'm not making any calls here, I probably won't be involved in the making of this summary, so just adding my two cents.