1223344556677888 ago

DonRocks said: And here's your first question! What's the story behind these pictures?

Thank you, Don, for coaxing me into this forum. Certainly i will learn more from your savvy readers as a participant than i could ever glean as an observer.

As to the photographs, they are from the first canning of Comet sauce, the tomato sauce i made for the pizzas at Comet Ping Pong. Attached are some newer images from this year's batch.

So the story begins with Mark Toigo, a trusted friend and co-conspirator, who tried and tried to talk me into buying all of his tomatoes at the end of the season to make the pizza sauce.

"No no, no" I protested, I'm gonna make the sauce myself every week!"

"But", he countered, "the tomatoes are different from can to can, delivery to delivery. buy all of my tomatoes, make sauce, and have it done for the year. you will have complete control over it, and it will save you the chore of worrying about it."

So I thought about his idea, and all of a sudden it made sense - I could have the same consistent sauce for an entire year, made from tomatoes that I had seen, worked with, tasted- and of a quality and consistency I could manage.

So I drove to Punxatawney, Pennsylvania (yes, the same place where the groundhog sees his shadow) and labored (in a hairnet no less) with my friend and colleague - chef David Hagedorn, now a columnist for the Washington Post,

to achieve something that would satisfy my idea for the pizza sauce - a pure flavour of tomato. It was strange to can something on such a large scale - cases and cases rolling out of these seemingly antiquated machines. But the end product was indeed the perfect foil for Paul Stephan's creamy mozzarella and my salty, crispy crust.

Mark was right all along - I was wrong.

The sauce is amazing.

It distinguishes Comet's pies.

cakeoflightylight ago

If he is a troll, a liar, or a faker, then he has no conscience in interfering with this investigation against child traffickers. I don't know if I believe him or not but it's not out of character so let's give him the chance to talk. I'm a rape survivor and I hate to see people lying about rape but it's a brave thing to do to tell what happened to you. If nothing else at least he can get that off his chest. The SOL may not be expired yet, he should look into it.

cakeoflightylight ago

I use Photoshop sometimes too. But not to edit screenshots other than redacting info like addresses etc.

1223344556677888 ago

Why is your name a reference to Spirit Cooking? @cakeoflightylight

cakeoflightylight ago

To remind people that Satanists eat human flesh. It's something I learned about on this board, and I doubt that it's even still on here anymore. They keep deleting everything. My real name is Amy and I had a profile on here with my entire name. Phobos_Membership blocked my account from the Pizzagate board when I called him out for removing my post without cause and I had to make a new username.

1223344556677888 ago

In which way is an oblique reference a reminder?

cakeoflightylight ago

What difference, at this point, does it make?

1223344556677888 ago

It is indicative of your will.

cakeoflightylight ago

Ok, 12233445555667788 is not very indicative of a will other than randomness. Mine was the first random pizza related hankerchief type of term I could think of that popped into my head when I was picking a username. Would you like me to change my username? How is this a good use of your time, 122334455667788? Shouldn't you be making some marinara sauce or something? Maybe a nice walnut.

1223344556677888 ago

It's 888 to you, you second rater.

cakeoflightylight ago

Ok. My bad. Have a nice day, 1223344556677888.

WindowsInJudgement ago

Hmm mmmmm. At least we got a day out of the MSM. Thanks

WindowsInJudgement ago

I will do. Can't find anything about where this story went. All about Ben swann which is great etc etc.

Any info?

WindowsInJudgement ago

Almost exactly 24 hours. I've no issue with someone disputing it even for the sake of devil's advocate. I knew the site wasn't down because I could see new posts. I'm looking for the other users now. I'm no investigator I have lots archived and I ask the dumb questions when they need to be asked. I think I'm going to quit.

Edit: I used two androids with multiple browsers , tunnel bear vpn. Used 4g network and dsl fibre both at home and work. Not a bug that I've ever experienced.

WindowsInJudgement ago

I got something went wrong every time I tried to log in. Mid conversation with a mod called carol. Mid responding to the post and to the replies I had gotten. I had said that the forum was compromised and encouraged the OP to contact a trusted authority.

I was able to browse without logging in but every time I logged in its got the something went wrong goat. I tried on vpn, different devices and over different networks.

The penny dropped when I deliberately entered the wrong password and got an incorrect username or password error instead. Convinced I was blocked from logging in.

WindowsInJudgement ago

Any idea where this went. I got blocked from voat after saying the forum was compromised

eiggaMAD ago

Thats super telling to the mindset people like that have. This is another control tactic, they fuck with your emotions. Being someone with PTSD (not from anything related) I completely understand the false attachment that shows. The mind try's to cope with trauma in weird ways. It's not my place to call anyone a liar without the ability to gather definitive proof. I hope op seeks the help needed. As well as proper legal help, which is infinitely harder and will test you in every way but so worth it in the end.

VainFaxJax ago

Mods, you better get your fucking shit together.

tjarco ago

hahaha that's suggestive, thanks for capturing

WindowsInJudgement ago

Yup, the whole thing has been compromised for a while but there was hope in some of the research. Some really dedicated solid diligent researchers were operating here. I just hope the research continues in earnest somewhere away from the shills, maybe returning with updates of major developments. Hopefully the OP will contact authorities ( if it's real) I don't know if the person(s) debunking are shill or the OP a troll. It's confusing because there is a powerful enemy. It's hard to stay on the right side of it all

tjarco ago

did you happen to screenshot the deleted comment above?

tjarco ago

who has/had this?

tjarco ago

Were there ever any private parties? Were there ever children of all ages at the events? Did all the regular staff work at events? What happens in CPP during daytimes?

Dressage2 ago

Now your are starting to sound like Anthony Werner ". . . emails are a hoax."

tjarco ago

did you make a screenshot of the deleted comment above?

Dressage2 ago

No, should have. I see I have a typo in Weiner.

ConcernedParent2 ago

He says right here:

I took the job. After a little while when it was nearing the final exams, I was stressed out, exhausted and let my guard down and went out for some drinks with James a few times after work to get stuff off my chest. James would drug me up and then take advantage of me. When I threatened to go to the police he implied that he would harm me physically and said he would sue me.

Seriously, don't be an ass and scare off a (potential) lead just because you're a homophobe.

iamthepizzanow ago

Needs more proof. Something is fishy about this guy.

iamthepizzanow ago

Hey James. He is pretty ugly, just sayin.

ConcernedParent2 ago

"Butt buddy"? According to OP, if he's telling the truth, he was drugged and raped. Don't be an ass to someone who is (potentially) being brave enough to tell us their story.

ConcernedParent2 ago

This stupid. According to OP he was raped.

Phobos_Mothership ago

rule 2, no discussion posts without sources. this will be deleted

ploppy ago

Streisand mods?

kekistocrat ago


ploppy ago

All saved. We spend months trying to find a possible victim and the mods delete it. Whats the story FFS?

kekistocrat ago

Did Alefascist preside over the front of the house or the back (FOH OR BOH)? In other words, did he manage everyone when it got busy or just foh/boh or what role did he play when busy? In country clubs around the world, a majority of prostitution is done by servers essentially pimping themselves out to the 'customers.' Did you ever see anything that would be similar to this from your coworkers? (Transactions are made elsewhere usually, and it's just a meeting place usually, as well you'd see some familiar faces leastways.) Was Alefondle an active manager/owner there? Meaning, did he show up and fill shifts or was he just admin or both, etc? Were there ever any sketchy 'keywords' or simple phrases exclusive to the employees that would somehow distinguish between pizza customers and pedos or potential pedos? (I'm not suggesting 'what's the secret password, friend?' phrase was used, simply, if CPP is a meeting place then there must be a way where potential clients can signal (through an employee -- this is key because Alefornicatis can't be everywhere at once) that they have a deeper meaning behind there visit whilst remaining a customer in everyones eyes.)

WindowsInJudgement ago

Somebody back this up now. Voat and reddit have blocked the disclosure within 30 mins, OP came here because of reddit censorship and he is censored within 30 mins. This forum is compromised.

Hopevoats ago

I do have to ask why you told James Alefantis, on reddit, that you don't have photoshop?

Also; didn't you say that you were mostly in BOH? Because this post says that you were a server. Not trying to discredit you; but those are fairly big inconsistencies.

FriesischShipping ago

Thanks for sharing your story. Expect a grilling here, since we here must do what we always do: Think critically, evaluate evidence, and trust no one. FYI - most statue of limitations on sex crimes is 10+ years, so you have a case that you can win if you have some prima facie evidence you saved (like a handkerchief with a map on it that seems pizza-related).

downwithpizzaelites ago

What made you decide you wanted to come forward against Alefantis?

Konran ago

When did you realise you wanted to do an AMA?

When did you discover the citizen investigation Pizzagate?

Do you have any solid proof that can be used against Alefantis?

Would you be willing to testify now even if there is no evidence other than your word against his?


S3m8o3 ago

This is an interesting development. This might speed up things in the good direction. Please keep us updated and stay safe. Be ready for what's coming.

(because of my timezone I can't look at all the emails and I don't want to start questioning when I can't finish it)

Phenomenonanon ago


probus ago

It seems to be legit, [email protected] is also in the wikileaks emails. https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/58301 https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/19761 Even the "...sent from handheld..." is the same

tjarco ago

easy photoshop

gopluckyourself ago

FVITEGO rule 2, 4 also you need to contact mods before posting an ama.
If this is actually real as well I would suggest contacting a lawyer and going from there. stay safe.

tjarco ago

I support this reasoning @FVITEGO should contact a lawyer

if any forum has the power to debunk his statements it would be here. AMA in v/pizzagatewhatever aimed at finding out if this is true or why this person chooses to spread this lie would be very supportive of the goals of this forum, finding the truth. Either his statements supports things we have found or is set up to discredit as another false flag if people jump aboard the accusing train. Either way this man is looking for a podium and am sure he will find one anyway, so i'm fine with you (VOAT) not wanting to take responsibility but I think this treat can be turned into a strength if handled correctly..

WindowsInJudgement ago

Too late. He got spooked by mods within minutes and vanished

downwithpizzaelite ago

I verified the man's identity 100%. This entire /v/ is fully compromised. PS- anybody can identify him the same way as myself, he gave you all the information. And you FUCKED it up!!!

tjarco ago

WindowsInJudgement ago

Is there a ban for 24 hours thing the mods can do. I was locked out of Voat for almost a day. Could not log on at all to reply to these. I was so fucking mad I was going to post an obituary for Voat and say fuck them on the terrible decisions made here.

Somebody please update me on where this went

redditsuckz ago

Contact a jewish lawyer right?...like Andrew Kline of Veritas perhaps?

WindowsInJudgement ago

The Ama is a copy paste from reddit. He is just discussing at the moment. Can I politely ask you to relax on the modding until the OP gets support he needs and then act if you must. Leave this up for a while please

TruthIsMyReligion ago

You need kicking off the mod team.

R4WX ago

Rule 2 she provided in the comments and rule 4, are you serious? This belongs right into this sub here.

TruthIsMyReligion ago



Please elaborate! Tell us f.ex. what you know about the after hours activities at CPP & Buck's!? What's your personal impression of James? Would you describe him as a predator or just a bully? What "business partner"? Anything related to Pizzagate.

DontTreadOnMemes ago

Why does James identify with Antinous?

WeWillWin ago

Why didn't you stop seeing him after the first time he drugged you?


Q: why would a private party invite at Comet, instruct people to "Enter Through Bucks"?

thank you so much coming forward, much respect

TruthIsMyReligion ago

You can test by asking a question, that's why he's here. Instead you just troll!

TruthIsMyReligion ago

What can you tell us about Siiri?

Meerika ago

Is she a Finnish lady? (The name is.)


She was james' personal assistant. Big lady, young. Went to the bank, organized the events and that stuff. I think she just liked james as one of those hopeless romantic things. She was totally googly eyed over him

Jem777 ago

You are couageous. Keep safe


I will try but I really don't think he is going to cross the country to do anything.

jangles ago

Let your local sherif know about your public disclosure, and get a number from them you can send a text if things get fishy.

WindowsInJudgement ago

Absolutely do this. It's just a box to tick for your own safety. Voat will support you and encourage you but just tick that particular box either locally to you or to a person in authority whom you trust. Don't be afraid either, you have the truth and evidence and the authorities knowing will make it safer for everybody.

Alpo ago

Many people here will be skeptical of your story. If you are telling the truth you are very brave.


I really should have gone to the authorities a long time ago, but I was scared. Oh well.

VieBleu ago

May I ask something?

Let's assume Alefantis is a lot of things but is innocent of the worst pizzagate accusations. Can you provide insight as to why he would share so many creepy pictures of children and babies on his instagram, babies chewing money, girl in a basket, baby cuddled by man with yellow beads which are pedo symbolic, etc?

Pizzatemp420 ago

What university were you attending?

When did you work for JA?

Were any co-workers/subordinates also abused or abusers that you may be aware of?


worked there 08-09, I don't think its a good Idea to put the uni I was attending on here. Dylan was the only other employee that had any sexual conduct with james that I know.

Aaanndgo ago

I support Pizza gate research but I really think you're trolling. High-level trolling ala Dom Tullipso. Sorry if I'm wrong. Spez: you posted this on the ama subreddit originally.


Ok, good for you, suppose you wont be asking any questions then, great!

Aaanndgo ago

What's your opinion on "fake news"? Seems James' culture censored pizzagate and tried to make us look crazy and gullible.



abortionburger ago

Wow. These are worse than I expected. Alefantis already deleted his reddit acct, if that was really him. You have gigantic balls, sir.

Pizzainmyass ago

Hm. Any proof he works for him would probably disclose exactly who he is but if he could somehow be safe and prove it that'd be big for us


Is this working?

TruthIsMyReligion ago


TruthIsMyReligion ago

Thanks for doing this.