Jem777 ago

Upvoat. Any further questions regarding wikileaks motives to help child victims? Provided different spellings

pby1000 ago

Damn! I did not think of the alternative spelling. Good catch!

paulf ago

I remember the Gert Van Rooyen case very well. Six young girls disappeared and were never seen again. When they caught up with this guy, he shot his partner and his wife before they could be arrested. At least, that's what we were told. I never knew there was a link to the authorities but it does make sense.

sensitive ago


SturdyGal ago

This is a wonderful pedogate/pizzagate find.
Does a DOMA church mean a 'Defense of Marriage Act' church? I guess we don't have to worry about Gert van Rooyen; looks like vanRooyen and his mistress committed suicide while pursued by police

lump ago

Clinton signed DOMA!