Mrs_Ogynist01 ago

Do you have a link to photos of the CPP computer? Also, if there is a real investigation by the DC police into the shooting, shouldn't they (the police) have the computer now as forensic evidence? Would there be a list somewhere available to the public of the evidence they took from the crime scene?

DarkMath ago

The CPP computer with bullet hole is here: . Note the impact looks like someone stood in the doorway and fired in a horizontal motion. That's very sketchy. If Edgar Welch went to Comet Ping Pong looking for children he wouldn't fire randomly into closets. There could be children hidden in there. ;-)

As for an investigation sadly there was no investigation into the allegations that CPP has ties to child porn. Worse the DC police implied there was: .

So let's call a spade a spade. The Edgar Welch dude didn't really go into CPP looking for kids. The whole event was staged. And that means a conspiracy to silence an investigation which is exactly what happened 20 years ago with the Franklin scandal.

Mrs_Ogynist01 ago

I'm completely on your side here. I'm just wondering why the computer wasn't taken as evidence for the case against the shooter. And Welch would have to be like 11 feet tall for the angle of the bullet to go thru the lock and then the computer.

DarkMath ago

"wondering why the computer wasn't taken"....Why would they need the computer if the hole thing was staged?

Mrs_Ogynist01 ago

They would need it IF they were actually going to build a case against Welch, which I don't think they had any intention to do. I think they were hoping this would all just die down and they would quietly let Welch off on some "technicality." We need to keep this active and call their hand.

AreWeSure ago

We're only here because of clear evidence a crime has taken place.

Nobody here has clear evidence of that. At best there is a lot of circumstantial evidence, but nothing proving a crime.

  1. Who says that computer serves up their web page. I have seen PG people claim that, but that seems ignorant of how most business put up a website. Most people go with a hosting service and it's the server's of the hosting service that serves up the webpage.
  2. The bartender is also also a drag performer and that is a picture for Halloween. My guess was he was doing Carrie.
  3. Where's your evidence for this? I would have thought Buck meant a strapping adult man. (Which would still be gay reference.)
  4. Replace traffic with "thread" and it fits perfectly. The quoted email that Podesta quotes (your link) is not the only email that talks about a reunion of old friends

Search WL for rknipp and and you find there's a handful of emails involving these folks who all studied together 50 years ago in Japan. The thread is a long lost friends getting back in touch. Dennis Hastert was part of this group.

[email protected] [email protected]
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

The warm part is these folks are reminiscing about the time they were all in Japan together and the folks in Japan probably haven't heard about Hastert yet.

Once you realize that, Podesta's comment makes perfect sense. "This traffic is really warm and weird in the light of Hastert. Boy that's sad."

DarkMath ago

AreWeSure where's 4, 5 and 6? Why didn't you address 4, 5 and 6 AreWeSure? I thought you want to be sure. Someone who wants to be sure would want to be sure 4,5 and 6 aren't problematic.

Regarding 1,2 and 3 this is why we have Law Enforcement:

1) No one has investigated so we don't know.

2) No one has investigated so we don't know.

3) No one has investigated so we don't know.

"Where's your evidence for this?"

In Pedophile lingo a "Buck" is a child a pedo want's to **** on a camping trip he takes them on.

You don't want to investigate? I thought you want to be sure? ;-)

gopluckyourself ago

any chance you have another source for the panda bit? I've not been able to find something outside of the cpp twitter crap.

DarkMath ago

The way it was described to me is that panda or racoon eyes has something to do with child abuse either through physical trauma or putting a child on drugs. Remember we're talking about potential Satanic Ritual Abuse of children. And remember Nick Bryant wrote a book on the Franklin Scandal which involved some highly disturbing SRA of children.