fogdryer ago

All I can get is page one and two

artfullyours ago

Is satan a follower of Jesus Christ? Does he have him in his heart? I think not...

MattHelm ago

Here's the amazing part many of you won't believe but it's all true - the Pentagon now has the power to trigger earthquakes artificially anywhere in the world with the press of a button it's done through the HAARP network and it works perfectly. They can cause man-made quakes if they want to destroy a place then go in and grab hundreds of kids and Dick Cheney's Halliburton and other companies get the rebuilding contracts to make a lot of money. Many earthquakes in 3rd world countries are man-made.

PubMaster ago

This is a link to a report of USAID blocking visas for witnesses to come to the US. Included are a string of emails with names, dates, etc. in which Paul Kendrick accuses government officials of blocking and interfering with an investigation into one Michael Geilenfeld, Director of St. Joseph Family of Homes in Port Au Prince, Haiti. Originally brought up in 2011 the last email by Paul Kendrick is 2/5/14

I am providing a link to more information about Michael Geilenfeld as of October 2015 Then a resolution on the defamation case from yesterday

artfullyours ago

In my humble, simple view I've always thought of God dwelling in a highest heaven.

Jeremiah 23:24 says "Can any hide himself in secret places that I shall not see him? Saith the LORD." "Do I not fill heaven and earth? saith the LORD?"

God also dwells in each of his followers. 1 Corinthians 3:16 "Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?

Satan roams the earth. 1Peter 5:8 "Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour."

UnicornsAndSparkles ago

Yes, I often have a liitle cry.

When I find myself talking about PG I literally hear how cray I sound, sometimes I have to re read articles and research to confirm my own sanity!

bopper ago

Racine guy is the only one I know of that mentioned it ... I have no idea what he's talking about though.

bopper ago

We're talking about the Racine guy right? If you go back and read his comment he mentions something happening on June 10.

bopper ago

That's the million dollar question. I'm not ruling it out. He's been talking about this for four months. We'll see what happens June 10.

srayzie ago

I know. I can't even imagine. These poor babies didn't ask to be here. Yet, they are brought into this world, so innocent and defendant on others to even survive. To think that a person could take these children, that have already gone thru so much, would then abuse them for their own sick needs, is beyond my comprehension.

Can you imagine being a child and taken from all you had ever known, being scared from whatever hell made them end up in an orphanage in the first place, to then be taken by new people and have no choice but to totally dependent on these new adults? Then, to be tortured, raped, sacrificed, etc..?

What a waste of life. Every baby is a miracle, no matter where they are born. A person that could hurt, torture or kill a child has no soul. I hope they burn in hell for eternity. It breaks my heart.

I think so different now. No matter how much my day may suck, I honestly now think of these children, as well as the ones living in these war torn countries, and realize how lucky I really am. So many are born into horrible circumstances and never even had a chance. It makes my trials so trivial.

bopper ago

Yeah, he's mysterious. We'll see. He never came back and answered my question (about Trump) ... he usually does ... I think he knows I'm one of the people here that doubt him.

bopper ago

I agree, haven't lost hope in him, I was waiting for the Racine guy to chime in, he never backs up anything he says but still gets a ton of upvotes.

LostandFound ago

Ty, yes that whole thing was suspect as fuck. So many theories so little investigation..

henryleelucas ago

RIP Terry Yeakey

LostandFound ago

OKC.. not ringing a bell what was that again ?

equineluvr ago

OKC bombing - April 19, 1995 (Satanic holiday requiring death by fire)

Interestingly, the day care had been open less than a month.

21 children -- 15 dead, 5 wounded, 1 sent home w/ broken leg

OhRutherfordBehave ago

I being forced into seeing a psych and therapist because of pizzagate, and everything else, just seeing that the mainstream reality is a total lie. 911 was an inside job, sandy hook was fake, cia did the boston bombings, etc...

GuannaRue ago

It is extremely important to be careful with what you say around certain peoplevel. Some people are never going to accept this as real even with irrefutable proof.

No, we're not crazy but, we have to be smart about protecting ourselves from the system we're fighting.

Stay safe.

artfullyours ago

I am also trying to give up being so obsessed with all of this and just live my life. I will continue to do what I can to try and open other eyes to these things. I've seen where some are rededicating their lives because they now see Satan is real. And if he is real so is God...that is a good thing. God IS in control.

fogdryer ago

a well versed well educated person said something "people do not want to know" they will listen for a short while then tune you out. there mind cant get their head around the fact this evil exists and exists right next door. Guilt comes----they looked just like us------I didn't know-----I would have done-----etc etc then the shut down. the earth is inherrentaly evil We are given free choice when we are born. Look what we choose.

pby1000 ago

It is funny that most people would never imagine that this would be an issue.

There is a catastrophic event, and the vultures start circling.

artfullyours ago

Oh I believe there are millions of good people! There is tons of good in this world! I just didn't know how much darkness was I definitely do know as much as I care to...what I have a hard time with is that innocent children are living through it. I think God is tearing the cloak of secrecy off of the people involved. The devil always does things in the dark. God says there is nothing hidden that will not be revealed...for some reason now is the time. End of the ages?

Mbailey63 ago

Great work L&F!

JohnnySkidmarx ago

These psychopaths need to die a slow painful death. It would be great if a group of mercenaries started extinguishing these people.

TippyHome ago

I've posted before that our family cardiologist had all this dropped on him at a conference in France. I remember kind of "pooh-poohing" what he told us.....then, the Weiner laptop hit the fan and everything changed for me. Maybe things won't get completely sorted out, but, we have the Internet now, and we will never stop trying to stop this evilness preying on these poor kids.

YingYangMom ago

Wow, wow, wow :)

Blacksmith21 ago

That's the redpilling process. Just when I think I am 100%, I realize I am only about 50%. Everyday is a wake up. Everyday is a learning experience and a lesson in coping. It's also a lesson in keeping the brainpan wired tight.

Unfortunately, if you think this is the is not.

HillBoulder ago

You're probably asking yourself the same question I have been since I got here. WHY OH WHY DIDN'T I TAKE THE BLUE PILL -Cipher

unbiased_researcher ago

Love you guys.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

This all connects to MIT (see Aaron Swartz), Knights of Pythias, the Pilgrims Society, DNC and RNC, secret societies, the mafia, corrupt nonprofits and foundations, John McCain, Ashton Kutcher, the Catholic church, Satanic groups, United Nations, and Racine, Wisconsin. They know something very big is about to be exposed, and some of those involved are paying off local media and law enforcement to silence and target the victims and witnesses that know the truth. More is being developed now. Stay tuned, and help put the spotlight on Racine. It begins June 10.

fogdryer ago

Payoffs were here from the beginning Racine is on my radar

Dressage2 ago

Ok, buddy. I am counting on you to come through.

Harpua33 ago

Wait is June 10th? Why give hard dates if info is to come out? Just release. There have been so many dates thrown around then nothing.

bopper ago

He does this constantly and gets upvotes, for no reason.

Harpua33 ago

There was a thread that kind of validated his view

bopper ago

I've seen all his threads. He's provided nothing. Oh, the mayor was busted for sex with a minor probably is what you're thinking of. Whatever. I've argued enough with him, as have others here.

bopper ago

What's up with Trump?

Dressage2 ago

One day they are going to think you are brilliant when this comes out because you had it all figured long before. Yes, these kids think someone is saving them and their hell is just beginning. Add on they can't speak the language to tell anyone what is going on and they don't even know where they are because they were probably drugged as they were transported to the US or wherever highest bidder lives.

fogdryer ago


artfullyours ago

Great article. To think of all the money that was given to help these people who have never had anything...that someone who has everything would think so little of them as to take their help!!! God help those people because I fear for their souls! Poor people can die and go to their rest in heaven...but there is no rest for the wicked. Now or for all eternity!

fogdryer ago

The Red Cross also kept a ton of the money donated for the Haiti issue. When the authorities asked where the money went They said" we don't have to answer you " Omg !

artfullyours ago

It seems that no one is held accountable...that's part of it being scary!

fogdryer ago

That's half, the other half is we allowed it

fogdryer ago

Society can hold them accountable Peer pressure District attorney prosecuts according to the public opinion ????

artfullyours ago

Is that the problem? That we the public are complaining but not actually doing anything like calling officials, writing letters? Seems like maybe we should make a concerted effort to do these things all at the same time as to make it look like a more serious effort. Something needs to be done or else we are wasting our time and emotions thinking about these atrocities everyday.

Mad_As_Hell ago

HRC and her cronies raped and pillaged that country (literally in some cases) - aside from child trafficking even, the damage she has done there (and money herself and her friends have made) is untold

fogdryer ago

You say Hrc and her cronies etc. what about Obumer? The Katrina funds from George sr and killary never got to Louisiana either !

artfullyours ago

Plus now good people are more afraid than ever to give money to help those in real need.

InnocentAngels ago

Yes, the Haitians will never forget what they did to them.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

I do not see anything the same anymore! Just unbelievably hard to digest!

UlyssesEMcGill ago

The real world is sickening.

Anyone who travels a lot and only stays in resort areas can stay blind to it.

kestrel9 ago

It's true, unfortunately far too many otherwise good people, those who mean well and were trying to do good, will go to their graves swearing that Hillary was a godsend for families, babies, children, and mothers.

Pizzalawyer ago

Judicial Watch is an honorable watch dog organization focusing on the right issues and always in need of donations if you have money to spare. They can accomplish things we can't but that doesn't mean we can't help, we can by digging up pertinent information that dovetails with their efforts. Let's bring these awful people to justice.

anonOpenPress ago

Great piece of information revealing the government was aware the there are pedophiles among foster parents.

looking4truth ago

I became a different person when the pizzagate story broke. I don't know, I just realised how naive and ignorant I was about the evil in this world.

mrsmeyer ago

Same here! I thought I understood the world pretty well. I was so wrong. Now I have some idea why the devil is called the ruler of this world. I no longer trust the mainstream media one iota.

Red4reel35 ago

Same here . I do not trust anything on T.V ( childrens shows ) and all I do is have nightmares that someone is trying to take my grand daughter and daughter. What they are doing to these innocent children haunt me every day so it blows my mind that people can do this and not feel anything . I pray we all get a turn at them in a public square just like it used to be.

Solentgreenispeople ago

Man i know how Neo felt in the Matrix i swear I am a totally different person and most of the time i cant tell my friends they think im going over the edge with this stuff. I try to do carefully and patiently. Even my significant other thinks im obsessed and makes comments. ugh

GuannaRue ago

I'm currently paddling the same boat. I think patience is vital and I realised that some people are just not interested in facing these kinds of truths so I stop wasting my time with those kinds of people.

Good luck!

RweSure ago

Where did you first learn of Pizzagate? Where did it break for you?

looking4truth ago

I don't exactly remember...I think it was on Reddit

artfullyours ago

You are not alone...I feel exactly the same way. My life will never be the same. I think that all of this was supposed to come fully out at this time...this era. It is darkness being uncovered. Thank Goodness I know Jesus Christ and believe that He can get us through anything coming before us. It's important to put our trust in Him and Him alone!

strix-varia ago

Me too, looking4truth, your scenario is mine exactly.

SynapticRevolt ago

I am deeply saddened by how many people I've tried to "red pill" about this that just don't care. Most won't even look at the evidence and still call it bullshit.

DerivaUK ago

I admit to having had my struggles with the massive cognitive shift I've experienced since learning what I/we now know. And the thing is, I'd researched; I'd read for years, and I really thought I had a good handle as to how things worked, bad as they were, but what has dawned since October has truly rocked my world.

GiantMillipino ago

same. it forces you to become a better and stronger person, training to keep focused when evil stares right back in your eyes.

ReyaPhemhurth ago

The circle of corruption becomes bigger each and everyday...smh.

kestrel9 ago

After awhile, will we, as people who condemn pedophiles other forms of human exploitation find ourselves hopelessly outnumbered? :(

UnicornsAndSparkles ago

I dont agree, all these people who refuse to listen and be red pilled are scared. If they cant bear to here about it I very much doubt they will become a part of it.

DerivaUK ago

i don't want to believe that, but will admit to the same fears.

Solentgreenispeople ago

good stuff lets see them!

LostandFound ago

Friends of haiti was the organisation that Silsby got the children from! Finding more stuff on FOH now will update post as I go. I have not looked at the first doc yet at all.

Pizzalawyer ago

Wasn't that Friends of Orphans from Haiti connected to lawyer Michael Macoby (sp??)whose son Max represented Alefantis & Brock in that blackmail case.

GeorgeT ago

That's the one! That was the giant red flag validating pizzagate.

LostandFound ago


OhRutherfordBehave ago

This is when the pizzagate triangle connected itself. I already thought it was real before, but when they connected alefantis to silsby, it really sealed the deal....

DerivaUK ago


LostandFound ago

Thank you! my eyes are getting bleary reading these badly scanned docs and trying to piece together whats relevant

UnicornsAndSparkles ago

We cant thank you enough. Keep up the good work and keep well rested - spiritually and physically. Much love x

keyboard12 ago

Keep up the good work! Investigating is exhausting for sure. I have to take periodic breaks. Go outside for a while, lol

quantokitty ago

Awesome. Upvoat for you.

fogdryer ago

Some of those kids never had a chance 😔

Grateful we have access to these documents now we got to get justice

SecondAmendment ago

Where's the justice though, guys? I'm still praying and cheering y'all on, you awesome citizen researchers who do this work. I'm pulling for you and wish like mad that those with the evidence would speak the fuck up and SHUT IT DOWN. Stay strong. I'm trying to stay patient. I just wish Assange would reveal the DNC-and-Podesta leaker, and that the white hats in the NYPD & FBI would spill it. Sigh.

fogdryer ago

those with evidence get suicuded in back of the head

I agree with you. I am crazy ready for arrests at top level

june 10 is supposed to be a big day....

SecondAmendment ago

Thanks, @fogdryer. I do understand that those with evidence get killed. I worry that the statements about upcoming dates are dangerous. I wish those with evidence would just put it out there, or upload it here or on the chans. I think of how scary it would be to have evidence, but I also think holding onto it keeps the person holding it in danger. I'm too tired to think, but I bet you get it. I just want to say thanks for giving your perspective.