OhRutherfordBehave ago

I have serious suspicions they are involved. I come from freemason blood.

MAGABoomer ago

If unbeknownst to you they are involved,

from what I saw on The Tribe, that statement couldn't be more accurate. After viewing the people on that site I can't even go to the grocery without looking at people wondering...They're literally everywhere.


Eastwood350 ago

Single females and single males both win the grand prize for having the highest percentage of adoptions in those categories compared to the entire US. https://www.acf.hhs.gov/sites/default/files/cb/family_structure2010.pdf

Eastwood350 ago

Once again an awesome job connecting more dots.

PizzaGateDiscovery ago

Wow. This thread has a lot of information. Some of the comments below on ICMEC have really been thought provoking about the control of pedophilia information

SturdyGal ago

Here are some ideas on how ICMEC might be capitalizing on its unique position:

  • People are advised to send pornography to them so that they can route it to the appropriate authorities. They have been given special software to detect faces and to build a giant database containing porn libraries. Seems to me this puts them on the receiving end of porn, the ability to identify adults, and then blackmail them.

Project VIC has built a library of over 5 million unique images of child pornography, including stills and video. Through processing and categorization of the images, there now are more than 2 million quality-controlled hash values available to law enforcement. source:

  • They are under no oversight. If they receive a report, they can choose to pass it on or not.

  • They work closely with individual law enforcement units, and they know who is compromised and who isn't. They also get them software which I am guessing could give them the opportunity to install software that allows them to download from the LE computers.

I know there is more, but what? Are they coordinating shipments of children through various countries?

MAGABoomer ago

he ability to identify adults, and then blackmail them.

there's that blackmail thing again. Excellent thinking. I never thought of extending the need to blackmail to ordinary citizens...who have jobs in banking, IT, and they'd be quite useful in stealing information on their "enemies" not needing to go through proper gov. channels for it.

PizzaGateDiscovery ago

I just read your link http://archive.is/2EOx4 above. This is crazy. This one group controls all this child porn and isn't under oversight. They even get to decide what countries are involved.

YingYangMom ago

Excellent job on expanding from your previous researches and on continuing to connect the dots. The evidence keeps piling up and still, nothing is done. The authorities should already have investigated those leads and came up with arrest warrants.

OhRutherfordBehave ago

Excellent post OP, I love how the CIA Alefantis Maccoby Silsby lead continues to grow, I knew it would.

cantsleepawink ago

Agree. I sometimes think that it is a mistake for so many researchers to focus on Comet Ping Pong. To my mind, the Silsby case is much more important, as well as substantiated, as a weak link into the whole corrupt network.

OhRutherfordBehave ago

James ACHILLES Alefantis. Anything to do with Alefantis is perfectly important and relevant.

bumbleberries ago


OhRutherfordBehave ago


"Eve Branson: Mrs. Branson was a founding board member of ICMEC in 1999 and served on the first board of directors until 2005. She is also the mother of Sir Richard Branson who was ICMEC’s founding sponsor. Last month she released her new autobiography “Mums the Word.” Mrs. Branson also heads the Eve Branson Foundation which works to improve the lives of women and girls in the Atlas Mountains of Morocco. "

Kinda funny how Obama went and vacationed with this dude on his island (like 34 km away from Epstein's island) right after he got out of office. Wow these people are really just flaunting it in our faces. I'm trying to red pill people with videos and my mom, dad, and stepmother think they can somehow jail me or institutionalize me. The world is backwards right now its just so destructive on my brain, I cannot believe how entrenched people have become in the reality fed to them by hollywood, the MSM news, and the government, its just absolutely insane....

bumbleberries ago

It really is insane, considering the fact that all we're asking for is an investigation. It's really our duty to show that the elites aren't above the law, regardless of whether this turns out to be true or not. Because the overwhelming circumstantial evidence points to it all being true. Too many coincidences!

fogdryer ago

Omg. But how. How to we get people off the sofa. My own family don't even care

OhRutherfordBehave ago

Ya well if there is not investigation we need to stop recognizing our society and government, stop depending on them to do anything for us. Thats all they want, is for us to depend on them. They sit around tables thinking they own you and me, the people, we cannot allow that any more. These people are the toxic trash scum of the universe and we can no longer sit around and enable them. Start planning and figuring out how to live without societies' support. No. 1 most important goal, start farming.