Jakestr ago

I like train of thought. Why wouldn't there be connections if you think about it. Great post

Verite1 ago

It calls to mind the fact that Osama bin Laden had been hiding out in Pakistan for so long before we supposedly killed him. Pakistan is indeed our ally and now I understand better why. Because there is so much money being made. A very lucrative mutual relationship for elites, but not citizens

putinhimself ago

Jihadis fund operations all sorts of ways including child sex trafficking, the drug trade, illegal oil sales, organ harvesting, antiquities theft, or anything else that makes money. Osama bin Laden, who used to work with the Pakistani ISI, was a narco terrorist according to a congressional fact finding mission that went over there to look into terrorist funding. Boko haram kidnapped hundreds of school girls a few years ago to use as sex slaves. These people blow up historical sites and think they are honoring the almighty. These are some of the worst people in all of history and the CIA, ISI, Mossad and other similar organizations love working with these jokers because they create chaotic money making opportunities wherever they go. Ordo ab chao. The problem is that these chaotic puppets keep turning on their masters all the time. McCain said we need to fund moderate jihadis to overthrow Assad. Hillary thought we needed to give them stinger missiles and sarin gas. I don't get it. It all seems way too risky even for the supposed beneficiaries.

Jem777 ago

Yes this has to connect to Webb's evidence thus far. He has just put together the Awan Spy Ring Pakistani intelligence that had infiltrated the democratic congress up to the whitehose were using rice inmports as a way to smuggled heroin inside Mangos. If anyone remembers the emails between HRC, Podesta, Jake Sullivan in the Whitehouse discussing Mangos often it was about heroin smuggling. That has been proven.

Rice was used as a way to hide the true shipment. Also different smell to throw off narcotics sniffing dogs. Webb has the Rat Line traced flying into Chicago & paticulary Gary, Indiana a small airport. There are pictures.

Yesterday he tracked them to Texas. Waco was of several cities mentioned Encourage you to share with him he gives credit to all contributors.

Bluebirdsolitude ago

Posted it to the comments section of yesterdays vid though not all of this info. I follow him everyday but never really posted research info. Should I post in the comments section or directly to him?

Jem777 ago

Directly to him. Send the information directly. He will connect and add include you in the way you wish.

Bluebirdsolitude ago

Ok. Dumb question: How do I send directly to him? I dont see a pm option on youtube

Jem777 ago

Go to feedback send direct feedback personal message.

Bluebirdsolitude ago

Gosh, Im such a dumb bunny. I sent by Google hangout. The feedback button looked like it went to Google and I was afraid to send it there. Hope it gets to him

iamthepizzanow ago

You can reach him via Twitter or Youtube, looking forward to it.

Bluebirdsolitude ago


carmencita ago

Bingo. The small airport. Is the hospital near the airport and the rice fields or not very far? Perfect scenario. Who works those rice fields? Possible missing people that would not be reported, taken to hospital and the airport facilitates as well. Just a few thoughts. This is definitely a place to dig, and dig deep.

jstayz44 ago

Yes!!!! Good thoughts...linking locations/destinations as Webb has in his video. He wonders aloud about a Casino being near a hospital...within walking distance. Would be easy to grab a few Deplorables here and there harvest organs, etc without many noticing, and sure the local news won't cover it.

carmencita ago

Yes. Thanks. I have to say that Wolftrail7272 taught me most of what I know and reading posts as well. After hearing Webb's video I looked around a little and found out the Casino is across from the hospital it was watershed moment. A lot of poor people down on their luck go to casinos hoping for that one win. A few free drinks and they are whisked away across the street. What a set up.

jstayz44 ago

No doubt. It is seriously taking advantage of the unwitting, the unknowing, the down and out, etc. I can't stand it. I even walk around now each and every day with a different mindset...the "what's really going on here" mindset. So many people aren't even remotely aware of the true scope of this nefarious activity, and I would venture to guess that we don't truly know the scope.

carmencita ago

Every time I think I have heard the worst of this, there is more. I am so glad I am part of this and getting half the news ahead of time, for there will be a horrible coming out later when the dam bursts. That is how I got my friend to listen, by telling her she had better open her eyes and mind to it now, because it is happening and she will not be able to absorb it when the truth comes out.


This is kind of a global thing. It's connected to governments of pretty much every nation. I'm sure that fucking Pakistan is no exception lol.

ronnyCPI ago

National foreign leaders are supported by the US state dept and intelligence for the precise reason they are willing to play ball "the American way," which means they will gladly exploit their own nation's resources (including its children) for a piece of the big pie. This is how presidents and prime ministers get to be presidents and PMs (read John Perkins' books). And most national leaders are compromised themselves which means they no choice but to follow the greater agenda as laid out before them. So national leaders & intelligence agencies are all involved to some extent, but can vary greatly as to how deep they are in it. Drugs, weapons & child trafficking are the three most valuable "resources" that leaders can trade on for personal profit.

Commoner ago

It would not surprise me at all if there is a child trafficking connection to Pakistan via Hillary Clinton.

If you ever look at the list of countries that Hillary visited, many, many of them have some of the highest number of child orphans and many are known for being heavily involved in child trafficking. For instance, Romania, Nigeria, Tanzania, Rwanda, Zambia, Malawi,

Here is an example of a Clinton Controversy in Nigeria when she did not designate Boko-haram as a terrorist organization, even after they kidnapped nearly 300 girls.


Hillary also visited Pakistan:


She has been connected to scandals related to the muslim brotherhood and Pakistan



It just seems she visited countries where she could promised them something in return for something.......many of the countries she visited had "a surplus" of orphans to deal with: and there were people she knew would take some of them. Could it be she was brokering deals in child trafficking all over the globe?

Verite1 ago

Well, FBI Anon DID say she sold everything, including humans.

senpaithatignoresyou ago

To answer your question: yes




Goes all the way up to their government, and the Clinton/obama state department. The pakistanis may be the big link between rotterham, the US state department, and the heroin epidemic.

There is a lot of shit down that rabbit hole. people have been following that for 3 years now.


We literally run the Pakistani government. My friend from Pakistan said that a significant % of the population wants to see a military coup because of the corruption.

Commoner ago

Must be why Hillary was met by violence when she visited



The "normies" in the Middle East have good reason to want to expel our influence. We literally eat their children, and run their countries as puppet states. A lot of them are going to die soon, as the next step for NWO is the creation of greater Israel. There will be a false flag attack and Trump will initiate a ground war on behalf of Jewdom.

AngB23 ago

Very good info and thanks!

Interesting read about Silsby http://harvardhrj.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/09/King.pdf

yourtruthseeker ago

I wouldn't be surprised. I know someone who had an arranged marriage for 20k to bring someone over.

DonKeyhote ago

Lol the word is dowry

equineluvr ago

DOWNVOAT for linking to SORCHA FAIL's website.

Sorcha FAIL is total FAIL!

Commoner ago

Wasn't that the website which first noted Obama running to Tahiti to hide out after visiting the judge in Hawaii and Buffet in Omaha. This was immediately after a big drug bust on the Lady Michelle. I believe that website was the first to make that call and everything checked out.

equineluvr ago

Sorcha Fall = David Booth. If you read the "disclaimer" on the site, he admits that he posts FICTION there.

I have no knowledge of that site EVER reporting anything truthful or accurate. It is the bane of conspiracy forums because idiots like what they read there and run with it.

Bluebirdsolitude ago

Ok, thanks. I have no idea who is Sorcha Fails.

1NationUnderAGroove ago

Came across this stuff following some leads from a post about a weird 'MKULTRA' encrypted website -


(deleted VOAT OP - https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1719962))

So along the searching was led to this -

George Soros has bought shares in Syntel Inc (SYNT) on 30/06/2016 and 30/09/2016

screenshot -


Link here -


A company ran by Indian born billionaire Agrawal Anil

(details of his wealth/pulling power in India/Pakistan/Dubai etc here) http://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/company/corporate-trends/vedanta-groups-owner-anil-agarwal-will-not-crown-any-kin-to-top-posts-prefers-professional-managers/articleshow/47682804.cms

Then was lead to this -


And was also led to this Washington, DC business - POSSIBLE TRAFFICKERS OF CHILDREN AND ORGANS ETC...

Browser searched - "what is synt.us?"

Came across this Washington DC business -


Synthus Inc

Innovation Consulting

About Us

Synthus, Inc., is a Woman- and Military Combat Theater Veteran-Owned Small Business geographically based in the Washington DC area. We have more than 50 years combined experience in national security, cyber strategy, defense, and industry (IT), supporting large and small geographically distributed organizations with global operations and customers in highly volatile environments.

Our focus is on finding creative operational and technology solutions to complex problem sets. We combine a security mindset with passion, creativity, and a Big Picture, integrative approach to help our clients re-frame their business to anticipate and embrace change, and to incorporate innovations made possible by emerging technologies, from mobile computing and the Internet of Everything to synthetic biology and new manufacturing technologies.

The Synthus, Inc., team comprises persuasive advocates who excel at defining a vision and leading stakeholders--internal and external--to visualize, understand, and embrace it.

Contact Us For more information about our team or services, please reach us at:

[email protected]

Could be nothing.... But who fuckin' knows anymore??!!??

I haven't had time to look any further into these leads

Benkitchen105 ago

Excellent research, keep it up. I'll do some more digging on this

Dressage2 ago

OP this is a great post with lots of info packed in a small space! I love Garrison's cartoons. I tweet them all the time. He has definitely redpilled quite awhile ago. Worth digging into this cesspool.

DarkMath ago

"disguise themselves"

Got it. I understand now. Yes they love to be the fox guarding the hen house. Here is one example where the police in Haiti arrested a bunch of sex traffickers and "johns". Some of those arrested were working for children's charities. The worst part is the perps were let go. It's pure insanity:


Fortunately this cluster fuck will be coming down soon. I'm not quite sure these people know what's coming their way.

Payback's a bitch.

Dressage2 ago

More people keep waking up and I agree, this cluster fuck is coming down soon.

Fightforright ago

I hope so. I have written letters to every single representative in Congress asking this be addressed and investigated. I'm sure they are sick of me bothering them by now, but so far I have received no replies.

dookiehowzer ago

doesnt india have the highest birthrate in the world?

Noraa ago

I will leave it here for investigation if anything can be found. There was a Child sexual abuse scandal happened in Kasur in 2015 involving the whole village

link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kasur_child_sexual_abuse_scandal

DarkMath ago

"now the possible connection to pizzagate/pedogate"

Ok, I'm with you.

"The Congressional Missing and Exploited Children's Caucus is credited with nationalizing the successful AMBER Alert system."

Ok. What's next?

"I find this strange because same source says"

Ok (expecting something that doesn't jive with nationalizing the Amber Alert system).

"Lampson sponsored legislation to fund law enforcement efforts to stop child pornography and exploitation on the Internet."

You lost me here. Lampson sponsored legislation to help stop child pornography. Why is that inconsistent with nationalizing the Amber Alert system?

It seems like both dovetail nicely in fact. Could you explain in more detail what you're thinking? I'm sure it's valid, I just have a hard time understanding the specifics.

Thank you.

Bluebirdsolitude ago

I guess that was poorly worded. It was odd to me as viewed by the questions regarding his other connections. I was trying to reconcile his actions. His whole congressional career and elections, although nothing overt, always carried a whiff of impropriety. The missing childrens caucus and Amber Alert seem noble things, so why would a former Republican congressman, if an honorable man, be employed by a man of highly questionable character? Why would he schmooze with Hill with all her baggage? Birds of a feather flock together. At who's behest, if any, did he formulate the Missing and Exploited Children Caucus and at who's behest did he pursue nationalizing Amber Alert and is it in anyway connected to the Pakistani ties he has now, since Hill seems to be so deferential to the Pakistani ties? Those ties go back some years. Or was it all completely as it seems, concern for missing children. I have not had time to look at the legislation nor at the 120 caucus members. I guess my suspicious mind is questioning if his intent in the caucus and Amber Alert is true or is nefarious.

By no means am I saying Lampson is involved in pedophilia, but that kind of crime cannot be practiced so openly, and it seems, with so much public knowledge in high places, without aiding and abetting and turning of the head from others, and to what gain would others aid and abet? By law, they are just as culpable as the actual perpetrator.

truthdemon ago

i dont understand why aga khan and the awan brothers that george webb looks at ..but doesnt make a connection ...aga khan is present in every crisis economy ...his books are beyond investigation by authorities ..how come... he is more global than clintons andbush crime families .. utube : agakhan money laundering google : the american red double cross the ismailis have connections to the heroin towns in afghanistan and pakistan google : aga khan + kensington u can see a bunch of ismailis ..well heeled ones ..roaming around kensington in groups marching to thier ismaili centre they are very close to the windsors..pakistan is a mi6 satellite..a mountbatten invention .. the hanovers are connected viamaternal bloodlines to the house of orange...templar connections to the house of orange are recorded .. the system of bills of exchange was a technology transfer of the ismailis to the champagne markets ...controlled by templar families ..moved to burges , amsterdam , then london they now how to farm human cattle for their energies , human parts and blood...guaranteed by a system of banking human credit into their system to provide liquidity for their further human farming technologies...next stop human augmentation google : aga khan money laundering google : Prince Karim Aga Khan in Beverly Hills connection of rockafeller to templars ..hugunot royal jews ..

equineluvr ago

"royal jews"

That sums up your entire post. :)

Truthseeker3000 ago

Interesting because Canada's PM Justin Trudeau is very close with Aga Khan and vacationed with him at Christmas as I recall in the newspapers. Canadas fucked.

DarkMath ago

I totally understand what you're saying. Yes anyone working with Hillary Clinton on anything is suspect. They're either a victim or a co-conspirator. There are no exceptions. The woman is the purest form of evil I have ever seen in my life.

Fightforright ago

I agree. She is cruel and I am sick of her getting away with so many crimes.

Bluebirdsolitude ago

There may be no Pakistani ties to this but it seems daily with more and more coming out about the Awans (Pakistanis) infiltration, Nick Lampson is a link in the chain between Hillary, Amber Alert on one side and Pakistani ISI on the other side. I'm just ruminating that possible connection.