Narcissism ago

Trump is totally compromised. The only person who is going to do anything is YOU!

nomorepepperoni ago

I privately pondered awhile ago that it may take some time for an AG to build up a case, convene a grand jury, etc. etc. Could probably take several months from swearing in. I was hopeful, however, that something may turn up earlier.

I have my doubts now that I see Sessions barking more about weed than pedos, and Howdy Doody Comey STILL seemingly running the FBI roost as a police arm of the Clinton crime family. This, AND Chaffetz.

The "swamp" is only getting worse, and I fear our best chance and candidate at actually draining it was lost long ago, in the mud and hell of the primary races.

Just my 2c on the matter. I hope Trump proves me wrong. I really do.

Followthecash ago

it not trump who needs to do something. ITS US! We need to take advantage of him holding the prez spot. we can move around in ways we were not able to before!


Aloha808 ago

Fuck you pussy libtards, Trump is Awesome!

Aloha808 ago

Hillary Clinton's classified emails were printed out by Carlos Danger, talk about the incompetent dumbass award of the century!

Commoner ago

Dump Trump for who?

DonKeyhote ago

Lol you people are fucking morons. I love Trump for what he was elected for. He insisted his daughter work directly under a notorious pedophile. Who's the biased one here LOL

I repeat: morons.

anonOpenPress ago

Sad to see we have political bias involved in our investigations. Let's stick to the investigations and help to expose the ring.

  • There's been serious rise in pedophile arrests during this year
  • There's NOT a significant rise in arrests of high profile pedophiles, however

Neither Trump or any earlier president has managed (or been willing / been able) to expose pedophilia in large scale among the elites. This job has been done, so far, by independent journalists (see for example "Conspiracy of Silence"). The elite ring has realized this, and they have taken control of the media to prevent the exposing also in that front. Undercover journalists are still doing a great, and sometimes dangerous, job.

People posting here about Trump or any other politician should not be voted for political reasons, not up or down, but instead for the value of the post itself regarding investigations. Should we give clearance to any politician, considering what we've found so far, until they've shown efforts to get some high profile child rapers in jail.

DonKeyhote ago

The fuck are you talking about. This post does expose Trumps daughter as member of the ring, and it's not even complete. And the media has always been a handful of jewish education corporations and has always been an utter sham since before that NYT asshole got a Pulitzer for saying how awesome Bolshevik Russia was. so thanks for that circle. Like the blind leading the blind y'all are.

anonOpenPress ago

I found your post as good peace of investigation and wrote my comment after seeing too many down votes.

DonKeyhote ago

Guess what the dailykos piece is the great research despite its source, see how unbiased I am whereas others assumed I'm a liberal and downvoated HAH

Intheknow ago

Yeah, that was a mouth full of nothing.

ArthurEdens ago

what a rant, gotta sift through this

pimpinainteasy ago

Trump or Hillary, makes no difference who is President at the end. The President is never the one truly running things at the end of the day....

ReyaPhemhurth ago

Exactly. They're all bumping elbows while we hate one another and remain divided.

DonKeyhote ago

Lol precisely zero addressing the evidence put forth. As if you must know the exact circumstances and motivation of Trump's election to say his commitment to fighting human trafficking, as a former trafficker of humans, is dubious at best.

ReyaPhemhurth ago

I hate Trump. I also hate Hillary. They're all shit and they're all a part of this problem. So...yeah..just because we're not addressing evidence still does not tackle the issue of this post's relevance to PG. No matter what you say here...there are those that realize Trump is just as complicit as all the rest of the elites (which i where I lump myself) or you have a hard on for Trump still, you bleed MAGAnation and you believe he's the savior that is going to drain the swamp (Which, if you're woke'll realize it won't happen); and again, no matter what you say, the latter will be quick to hate you.

Cigarette5mokingman ago


I downvoted. Explanation: this has NOTHING to do with pizzagate.



pimpinainteasy ago

Most of the people here do seem to fit that demographic profile though.

It is strikingly obvious when you see what the majority of the topics and responses are like.

ReyaPhemhurth ago

My thoughts exactly. I'm definitely NOT a Trump supporter. They're all in cahoots and they're all complicit. Every last one of the power hungry, money hard elites. And I'm also definitely not a Christian.

Stop trying to divide us!

thisHoCwilltumble ago

I'd say I am a trump supporter, yet still skeptical as one should be, and am a Christian. TBH I don't care what else you believe as long as you are trying to help fight the pedos. An enemy of my enemy is my friend. Divide and conquer is the motto of theses sick fucks and we CANNOT let that happen.

ReyaPhemhurth ago

Nicely said. really doesn't matter in the long as people can get past ideologies and help these kids.

SChalice ago

Trump appears to have a lot of hatred in his heart. How can you be a Christian and support him?

SterlingJB ago

Was never hardcore MAGA, so this wouldn't be shocking to me. Actually thought T was being used to run interference for HRC. Now that he's in, and since I don't believe any president has been really voted in, sure seems like a classic double cross. There's also just so much occult significance, if you're into that, of Trump getting into office. The trump card is the fool card, which is the foundation of the tarot occult system. There's also the issue of predictive programming which is everywhere in relation to T getting into office. It also fascinates me that T was made to eat in the kitchen with the help when he'd come over for Epstein's dinners. Weird, since that seems like the Epstein group thought of him as the help too. Anyway, I get the resistance to this idea, and I'm hoping for the best, but the owls, as they say, most times are not what they seem.

Le_Squish ago

I haven't seen this shill in a while. Must have been busy renegotiate shitpost rates.

DonKeyhote ago

True I always get fleeced in negotiations. Just ask your slut mother.

Le_Squish ago

Keep posting. I hate shills but I hate the Jews that fund then more so get to racking up them shekels faggot and post moar.

Bluebirdsolitude ago

Demoralization post right here ^^^^^

Nana66 ago

This isn't a necessary subject to our may go ahead and dump him if you like. I will personally hold out hope that he is at least not one of them even if he isn't getting our desired results...maybe he is using the info to blackmail them to get stuff done for now till they have what they need or maybe keep on using it but at least he is trying to cut off their supply of immigrants and refugees.

shizzle_mcbobblehead ago

How do you folks not get dizzy from all that spin you put on his actions?

ReyaPhemhurth ago

Haha. I know. All politicians before him, especially the dems were all evil pedophiles. But Trump? Nope. No way, no how. He's their savior.

Gah. It drives me crazy seeing you Trumpsters still thinking he's your knight in golden everything. All of these crazy elites, be it dems or repubs..they're all in on it! They're all complicit.

jstrotha0975 ago

I agree, but the temporary budget passed is total bullshit. Republicans aren't getting a damn thing.

jstrotha0975 ago

I'm going to give Trump a little more time. But seriously the wall needs to be built and tax reform has to get done before his first term is up. This backtracking on NK is BS. Trump is too concerned with comparing dick sizes with Kim Jong. We need a cruise missile strike just like in Syria and special forces to take out the nukes. I'm watching this BS Comey questioning on TV, they are so concerned about the "Russian" hacks and nothing about the contents of the email. This whole thing is trumps fault for taking his foot off the gas pedal and not prosecuting Hillary. I don't give a shit if the whole government goes down with her, this shit needs to stop. Trump has under 4 years to at least attempt to fix this shit or he has lost my vote.

dougG ago

They will just use rope and jump the wall or find other ways of getting across such as tunnels, by sea, river or air. They will ALWAYS find a way. We desperately need that money for Americas infrastructure. There is no way every inch of the wall will be able to be patrolled 24/7. It will take 15 years and 20 billion tax dollars to build and you know that years later there will be a social movement to tear it all down. The wall is a horrible idea that will go down in history as a " huuuuge" mistake.

ReyaPhemhurth ago

In a world where politics, your 'vote' and democracy are an absolute illusion to us plebs...I cannot believe I'm even bothering to say this..but LRN2POLITICS.

shizzle_mcbobblehead ago


The fact you even for a second believed he was is indicative of his ability to manipulate people.

jstrotha0975 ago

I never said Trump could personally prosecute anyone. He can bring the issue up and force the DOJ or whoever to do that.

shizzle_mcbobblehead ago

No, you can't. Recommendation for prosecution has to come from law enforcement.

The brain trust of every national intelligence and law enforcement agency in the country are carried over from the previous administration.

There's no reason to think he had any influence in their decision making.

jstrotha0975 ago

i don't think it's time to dump him yet. I'm going to give him the few years and then make my decision. I do not regret my vote for Trump at all, he was the best candidate. Could you imagine if Hillary, Bernie, or Jeb Bush got in? I'm not sure about Ted Cruz, all of a sudden he is kissing Trumps ass.

shizzle_mcbobblehead ago

Someone with little to no understanding if macro economics, one of the worst business records in American history, and 30+ year ties to individuals involved in some of the largest sex scandals in American history was the best candidate?

ReyaPhemhurth ago

This, this, 100% this. No such thing as a good candidate in a world where they're all in on the corruption together and only give us the illusion of a choice while they continue to have sex with kids, line their pockets in gold and stay at the top while we stay numb and dumb.

Let those that aren't woke enough on the left continue to fight for 1000 new gender labels and on the opposite side, let the poor Trumpsters continue to wipe the MAGA hell out of their red little panties.

SterlingJB ago

When HRC's the other "choice", it amazingly was.

shizzle_mcbobblehead ago

Personally, I wouldn't give that guy the nod over Jeffery Dahmer.

SterlingJB ago

Understandable. I didn't vote for him, but I understood why many were convinced he was a better option since I wouldn't give HRC the nod over Dahmer either (yet her base was unaware of her war mongering). They're all psychopaths in my book. The only positive that I could see of T getting into oval is that the HRC pop, the ones that think HRC is some sort of peacenik, might actually criticize regime change foreign policy. Was dead wrong about that though. Instead, the "libs" celebrated the missile strikes and only criticized him for not dropping more bombs, not leveling out damascus, and not immediately clearing the way for al queda, isis, and the muslim brotherhood to rule syria.

shizzle_mcbobblehead ago

Those democrats aren't liberals.

Democrats in America seem to be gaining a larger portion of the neo conservative movements than Republicans are.

The way I see it dude ain't anything more than Bill Clinton 2.0, except instead of disguising his attempts to bloat corporate treasuries as "rural and inner city investment" he's just going to push for full on privatization of social services.

SterlingJB ago

It's a shame. Honestly, after 2016 and now 17, I'm really disappointed how easy gen pop, all of it, are manipulated and how much BS they're willing to believe just because CNN tells it so.

shizzle_mcbobblehead ago

It's a process.

I think recognizing how fluid political affiliation is only comes with age. When you're young you really don't feel the need to examine the dark side of social behavior.

You know, rose colored glasses and all that.

DarkMath ago

"time to DUMP TRUMP"

What makes you think we have any control over whether Trump stays or goes? We don't.

There's a club and we ain't in it.


jstrotha0975 ago

So you're telling me that Trump's election win over Hillary was just an elaborate ruse by the Rothschilds, Soros, CIA and the rest of globalists? I don't think Soros enjoyed losing billions of dollars fighting Trump. I don't think the Clinton's enjoyed losing their bribe money in the loss. I don't think the CIA enjoyed exposing their bias against American interests.

DarkMath ago

"Trump's election win over Hillary was just an elaborate ruse"

That was an election. Deplorable shit lords such as ourselves are given a choice every 4 years. Dumping Trump during intervening years isn't on our dance card. To get rid of a sitting President you must belong to "The Club".

There's a club and we ain't in it.


carmencita ago

Thank You. Truer Words Were Never Spoken. I sure do miss the Hippy Dippy Weatherman.