LibtardedLiberal ago

When people start telling me how crazy I am for "believing" PGate, my #1 go-to argument always goes back to Epstein, the already-proven-pedo-billionaire with his own private island for hosting elite sin parties.

RecycledUser ago

All I can say is it was an everyday thing for him, wasn't it.

smokemirrors ago

Here's all your info:

"Brunel took an ownership stake. He also “discovered” Christy Turlington when she was 14."

Yikes, poor Christy.

sore_ass_losers ago

Following links have a picture of Bill Clinton with Rachel Chandler supposedly aboard the Lolita Express. She is said to be his Epstein supplied underage girlfriend. (In his defense previous reports by Virginia Roberts indicate he showed no interest in the underage women.)

RecycledUser ago

Yes, RC, she was discussed a while ago on here and reddit. For disgusting sick images, if you haven't already checked out her 'modeling agency' in NY, Midland. Her and Walter Pearce.... it's either their images on there, or their IG pics that are very disturbing.

sore_ass_losers ago

Here it's claimed that this is on board Burkle's jet and Chandler is 19 in the photo:

joe5955 ago


sore_ass_losers ago

Gone, but not gone since I posted it, just to be clear.

It says "This image was lost some time after publication, but you can still view it here" and there's a link at the end.

someshill ago

Eppstein was more into post-pubescent girls though, who apparently made their own decisions, which is bad but not as deplorable as child rape / murder.

sore_ass_losers ago

Well, it's been said he received two or three (depends on source) 12-year old French girls as a birthday present.

R4WX ago


Blacksmith21 ago

She looks programmed.

smokemirrors ago

....and did any of these girls also fly on Ron Burkle's (Clinton pal, and equally creepy Billionaire) plane, "Air Fuck One"...? A bunch of young LA party girls did for sure:

pizzaequalspedo ago

Great lead

justwanttohelp ago

Upvoated this... while I am not usually the first to a post with substance I believe you have something legitimate here

some sex with me and you get in the modeling industry for free (says Epstein)