TrishaUK ago

Anyone heard of Kathryn Bolkovac or Donna Shalala? Child Trafficking Clinton implicated too!

Anyone heard of Kathryn Bolkovac? This seems to tie in with pizzagate - Dyncorp child trafficking - Clintons Anyone heard of Donna Shalala? This is also from George Webb tying in Dyncorp directly to Clinton, Cheryl Mills, Wikileaks and CIA etc.,

RebelSkum ago

Right on! Keep up the good fight!

Drunkenmoba ago

I've been identifying all cameras etc in area. Its been a slow process ot figure out approach to not get tagged. I'm actually thinking using a razer so gait isn't identifiable.

RebelSkum ago

Great job following up on this. This event haunts me to this day and I wish I could finally put a lid on it all.

investigatethepizza ago

The Dyncorp wiki - I think we need to expand our brain on this and see people who have been murdered/suicide/gone missing in relation to those who work/worked for "Dyncorp" - I found this from another thread " concluded that Monica committed suicide based on a quote from her professor/boss Claude d'Estree (who previously worked for Dyncorp, FYI)."

RebelSkum ago

True. We could set up a sub-wiki or something at, say, . Our page is getting enormous, but it's all worth saving and expanding.

investigatethepizza ago

I'm just so overloaded trying to look through all these different branches. At first it feels like everything is somewhat maintainable, but even with a community working wondering what the FBI is doing, this is such a massive web. Almost every topic can be given to a group of 10+ people, I'm trying to get through as much as I can but it's hard to want to follow a lead all the way through. There's so many people that could be a key but also just be a dead lead.

We do need some type of a mega brain though, the stickied post on pizzagate is good and all, but this is stuff that needs to be updated daily. I sort of wish we had a way to set it up where the sticky post is the focus and the information that's been found - then the comments are just links to those topics in relation to pizzagate. For instance just a DynCorp sub, Strafor, German Ping Pong, I feel maybe if we were doing that, we would start seeing things cross like the human trafficking with shipping containers might go into DynCorp territory.

I also have a lot of concern for people who can bring darkweb/deep web into the conversation. It's dangerous, I wouldn't ever promote doing it, but just what if there was a missing child from one of these charities on the dark web? What if someone actually had information on the code? I just feel we are doing so much research on the surface I can't imagine there wouldn't be a huge flag.

I have been looking through the archive of posts on here, I'm going through old stuff but I feel anything over 1 month old needs to be looked at again since this is always developing.

I also don't know what 4Chan has been contributing. They do some amazing work.

TheRedPi11 ago

I want to know how to edit a page. There's no edit tab. I click view source & get this - You do not have permission to edit this page, for the following reason:

The action you have requested is limited to users in one of the groups: Administrators, contributor.

Pls help tx!

RebelSkum ago

Sorry, I had work today, but I tried to change your permissions while I was there. You should be a contributor now with the ability to edit. Sorry for the delay! Had to take extra precautions due to attacks on our site this last week!

foxxywoxxy ago

DynCorp also links to vaccines, swineflu Africa January 2, 2016, News – Special . . . another important ‘listen-up’ information-filled article! archive

naturehelps ago

Comments and posts are this subject are being blocked or deleted by moderators here.

naturehelps ago

Comments are being blocked

RebelSkum ago

Other folks having this issue?

Ocelot ago

/r/kotakuinaction. Apologies for the reddit link, but they're still the best place. I'm sure they have a timeline post or something.

sundalanded ago

when has the search for truth ever been unpatriotic? smh at you shill scumbags who'd rather let evil skate while children suffer.


sundalanded ago

what's with youse Hermes_Heart and Zeus_Juice portraying body parts and fluids of Olympian gods in your usernames? some kinda shill protocol, secret society grandstanding, or actual spiritcooking fuckery? regardless, your weakass bullshit won't fly any longer...

unconceivable ago

1521 Concord Pike, Wilmington, Delaware "Just Click Kids"

unconceivable ago

They follow this nightmarish creature: Nightmare creature twitter page -- disturbing as hell..

RebelSkum ago

"They don't think it be like it is but it do"

RebelSkum ago

Thank you for the info, brave anon!

poly ago

Waltham is a suburb of Boston

in 2009, web tracking was used to collect the IP addresses of visitors to a website that was linked to by trolls from

one user, in particular, did a few quick searches for other things "J" related, and thereby "outed" themselves and their agenda/motivations.

many years later, a group of #BostonTrolls were outed as working for a company called "field work quant work" website is fieldwork dot com but do not go there because they will harvest your infos.

instead use google image search and find pics of their office spaces which are very nice and look very expensive

field work quant work operates a front as a "consumer research", for example they would survey parents diaper changing habits on behalf of diaper makers.

on the back end, they run a bodega of internet shills

v4Zz ago

This needs more upvoats

2impendingdoom ago

thank you for your opinion, can you provide definitive proof that the Russians are really hacking, otherwise, how about you go look for those missing Iraqi WMDs that we were promised...

DarkMath ago

Alinskys_Pizza, "Don't spread fake news about innocent companies".....I need a good laugh. Which "innocent companies" are you referring? Dyncorp? They got busted trafficking 12-15 year old Bosnian prostitutes. You know this right? Please tell me you know this about Dyncorp.

Ihatepizza2 ago

1) would dyncorp be that stupid - start a hack from their own page here? Why that page? Why not cover their tracks by coming in elsewhere? Why use an identifying IP - these people have tools and skillz. 2) would a bad acting mod be that stupid - burn all his chances of obstructing the cause by carelessly deleting everything? Just my opinion but looks to me like the mod actios and the hack might be both done by 'friends', designed to get us to focus on these issues.

RebelSkum ago

If you know anything about my history by all means I'm not trying to pull a fast one on anyone and I have absolutely no connection to any of the mods here. I posted this as quick as I could because after what happened at the Review I wanted to be sure the content got out to people before it could be taken down.

Trust me, I want nothing more than for my site to NOT be the target of a vicious attack, but until then, making it public is our best protection.

Thank you and I completely understand the skepticism at this point

DarkMath ago

Next time take a screen shot of the page showing the Dyncorp page was access from Waltham MA. Make sense? Just you saying you saw they were from Waltham MA isn't enough. :-)

RebelSkum ago

I understand. Mind you, I had no idea Waltham was even a place on earth until the name came up on my Google Analytics live overview as the attack was happening. Some of this stuff you just can't make up.

DarkMath ago

Wasn't the IP address from CachedNet in Delaware? How would Google Analytics even find Waltham if the ip was from a place in Delaware? Maybe the attacker had a Google account and that was picked up?

RebelSkum ago

Exactly why I thought it worth still bringing up. The location data that appears in Analytics does not necessarily come from the IP registrar a I haven't received any traffic from Wilmington, Delaware. Waltham is a particularly unique location, however, because you can see in Update 7 that Google Analytics ends up storing that location as (not set).

DarkMath ago

You might try SnagIt for making screen captures easier. It save me a lot of time.

RebelSkum ago

To be honest I never used analytics thinking something like this would happen and the DynCorp page wasn't even made by me. The whole scenario was sort of like spotting a UFO that was there for just a few minutes while you were at work or something, it just seemed so out of place. I got SnagIt on the toolbar now though, thanks!

Stormtrooperx52 ago

They didn't make a mistake showing they were accessing from Mass. They also don't care that every IP shows there name. By looking at the time spent of each visit It looks like they scanned for ports, ran a traceroute, basically sizing up the wiki to find out where it will hurt the most to attack, how to attack, etc... The rest of the IP's reporting 0 seconds indicates they just pinged the Wiki. They did this because they want us to know they have servers in all those cities. The owner of the Wilmington office building has a Private security firm with brandhes all over the country. They knew we would find that since we are nosey no good researchers...Anywho, they are flexing there muscles and indicating that they own the servers, and that translates to alot of IP's, simply put, a massive Botnet Army that isn't running on some bullshit comcast internet package. They have Bandwidth out the you know what. So, I guess we will see if we strike a nerve once again probably here shortly,

Ksolver ago

Nice work. Why so many different operating systems and browsers accessing the wiki, do they have multiple people working on this?

RebelSkum ago

You sir, are a gentleman and scholar

salinaslayer ago

They're hurting, keep it up

garlicbulb ago

U.S. State Department Tied To Child Trafficking Operation With Billionaire Epstein (Video) Wide ranging article but also interesting is FAA records and Epstein’s pilot’s flight manifest indicate that Epstein’s Bell helicopter used the same tail number of N474AW. This was the same tail number used until 2006 by State Department contractor Dyncorp for counter-insurgency operations in Latin America.

YingYangMom ago

I'm so glad to know that we have decent, talented, loyal mods and people working here on Voat. Great job :D

throwaway345678 ago

Definitely hit a nerve with these posts, a lot of slimg links on them are already down.

RebelSkum ago

Haters gonna hate.

RebelSkum ago

hookednosedjoooo ago

Major US defence contractor

Reminder that John Benet ramsey's father owned a subsidiary of Lockheed Martin and he was part of another elitist pedophile ring (he was pimping out JohnBenet.

Gorillion ago

Awesome. I bet comments like that give their controllers heart palpitations. If shit goes south you just know there's a kill-order on all shill operatives, or if they're lucky, a big fat batch of CP will end up on their home computers for perma-blackmail.

ejd4500 ago

I think it's worth mentioning that George Webb in his videos talks a lot about balkanization in the Balkans (at least in his later videos) and HRC using a group called OTPOR, whom she still uses, to create all the chaos there.

ht tps://

She did all this when Bill was pres and she was in the white house. So, there could be some ties here from HRC/CF to what's going on...just a theory at this point.

SpikyAube ago

I think Hillary Clinton ate your brain.

SpikyAube ago

We will all go back to our wholesome activities as soon as someone actually gives a rational and believable innocent explanation for the things that have been discovered so far. It would also probably help if the media stopped calling this 'fake news' because that's a lie, whichever way you look at it, and that lie obviously just fuels suspicion. This investigation didn't come from a fictional news story, it arose from verified emails. Perhaps the interpretation of those emails and everything else that has been unearthed since is wrong (although that seems unlikely, given that no one anywhere has even tried to provide an alternative explanation) but the fact remains that there are facts that have been presented, and people have interpreted those facts, and those facts have led to the discovery of further facts that only strengthen the allegations. Therefore it is not fake news at all - how can it be, when the whole Pizzagate investigation is based on facts and evidence - this sub for example is meticulous about ensuring all claims are sourced and evidenced. You might disagree about what the facts mean, but if our interpretation of them is 'fake' then your interpretation of them has to be fake also. That is, if you even have an interpretation? It seems as though your rationale consists of deciding a priori that any claim made about the world that seems crazy to you must be a lie, no matter what the facts are or what the evidence suggests. That is a pretty solipsistic worldview, as well as being a stupid one.

You really need to stop and take a look at yourself and what you're doing - you're defending pedophiles and child murderers, you're one of those people everyone likes to tell themselves they're not - you know, the people who didn't speak up about the Holocaust, the people who tried to cover up the child abuse perpetrated by Catholic priests, the person who didn't call the police when they heard their neighbour being murdered, because they thought someone else would do it, the person that crossed the street when they came across a woman being raped, pretending they didn't see, you're the people who carried on torturing the guy in the next room just because someone wearing a lab coat and holding a clip board told them to, in that infamous psychology experiment by Stanley Milgram. You're the weakest link, the empty vessel, the automaton, the human meat machine. You don't have to be, though. You could decide to think for yourself, you could realise that you have more reason to trust the truth of what the people here are saying than what the people in the corporate media are saying. You could realise that when you have different groups saying different things it is best to look through the evidence for yourself with an open mind.

bolus ago

Still want to see how you tied this to waltham...I'm trying, but missing something. When you get a chance, can you share the evidence on, or

Archive of the /24 registry, for example, goes to Delaware. Hidden by cachenet:

And the arin registration for the ip of the last hop off a tracert to them shows "trans-media" and passes through an att-cable address :

Which isn't telling of anything in particular, but i wouldn't expect dyncorp to run out of an apparent consumer-grade connection.

Still looking, though, this is interesting stuff.


And the geo location of the last hop before your attackers subnet is in Dublin.

Funny business.

RebelSkum ago

Waltham was what appeared in Google Analytics as the traffic source for that page during the initial attack, but is now listed as (not set):

All "users" with avg time of 0 were attempts on the page. Tell me what you think of those locations.

bolus ago

dunno about those locations - i would instantly suspect a botnet (whether corporate "professional" or underground "hacker") and a coordinated ddos.

the link i posted is really relevant - - it shows that the /24 block of your first IP addy listed ( is associated with a company called CachedNet. it appears to be the kind of company which a professional botnet could hide behind. (i'll follow up with some info about them...need to dig to be sure...but spamhaus thinks it's leased out to spammers: not ruling out dyn, but definitely blurring the lines of ownership)

then, i ran a tracert to your, and it looked like this:

i use a site called mxtoolbox. it's an amazing resource for ip based information.

see the second to last hop? resolves as an att cable modem node. this indicates that the .37 address is somewhere in a consumer-grade network, not a real corporate network.

I know, I KNOW that based on the stories/reports/info posted about Dyn's history that they are involved in the pizzagate/pedocracy story...but my gut tells me that the spamming/ddos you're experiencing is made to look like Dyn, and not really from them. (now we're stuck in the princess bride conundrum. you can't trust the IP in front of me, and you clearly cannot trust the IP in front of Dyn...)

safe assumption: both bad.

hth, keep Dyn on the list, but they're not alone.

RebelSkum ago

You sir, might be able to help with this:

Started digging into CachedNet LLC more too, and I did find that a Kristian Hokka has an address at [email protected]

Also found this interesting link regarding them being involved with an inaccessible VPN: . It was listed as "New Zealand" but was found to be the same folks from Wilmington, DE.

bolus ago

Oh, and this needs to be stressed. Do not launch any portscans or assault of any kind on any of the cachednet ip addresses.

1) each individual node is housed in compromised networks, you'll only really affect one or two people (innocent bystanders? ) at a time.

2) you know they're expecting it and will be logging inbound traffic. Malicious honey pots, potential legal issues for anyone involved.

Just like our older refutation of violence post, it should be published that we refuse to engage in any type of cyber warfare activity. Ddos spammers, we are not.

RebelSkum ago

mos def

Definitely not work poking the beast outside of legal means. Keep it white hat, folks.

DarkMath ago

I'm curious as well how you tied this attack to Waltham MA. That's real important. Did you take a screen shot when it first happened? Without that this Waltham evidence can't be trusted. Sorry.

bolus ago

well, it's showing delaware because that's where the LLC is located. if you trace out all of the nodes, they're global. (which is why they're seeing the same thing in NZ) i found hokka too, he's in finland or denmark, or one of those stupid nordic states, relatively untouchable. i'm sure they use a dynamic dns's 101% likely that the .37 address you see hitting you is an infected computer/dvr/modem/router just hanging out in some unsuspectiong doofus' home, and they can't understand why their internet is going so slow tonight.

i'd love to help with your spreadsheet, but i'm not sure i trust you and google docs from unknown sources are a great way to spread malware. (hope you understand)

can you give me a screenshot of what you're looking at through some other means? static document, or maybe even just describe what you've got on your hands? (msg me if you are worried about doxxing, or black out the really sensitive bits)

vacvape ago

They've probably got a shitload of burner accounts. It'd be a mistake to think they've of much value.

Im_with_her ago

Pizzagate is fake news. Fake news hurts real people. Friend mods, flag this post or delete it.

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

Attack them...destroy the the kids...and plan their execution....sharpen your pitchforks....its almost pogrom time!

angry_mob ago

'nother troll

angry_mob ago


Verite1 ago

God you're comment is pathetic. Not to mention insulting.

militant ago

First the attacks, then the deletion... It's so stupid I can't even understand, but perhaps it makes perfect sense in the minds of bacha bazi enthusiasts, eh.

Drunkenmoba ago

I work near there. I can go post a sign on their doors

poly ago

just write "poly says hi" they will know or think they know anyway

Drunkenmoba ago

Alright. They start work again on Tuesday. It will be in place.

2impendingdoom ago

what would your sign say? You could park a crappy van out front with Pizzagate written all over it. I say crappy only because they would probably try to destroy that too.

Drunkenmoba ago

Well whatcha got for ideas?

2impendingdoom ago

If you are serious, I'll give it some thought.

Drunkenmoba ago


RexAxisMundi ago

I hear about Gamergate shenanigans every now and again. Where is a reputable place to read about what happened with Gamergate?

Gorillion ago

r/kotakuinaction seems to be the most active outlet. But it does mean going to Peddit.

search4truth ago

I posted this comment on the original:

One thing that I noticed when looking through Epstein's Black Book, was that Bandar Bush ( Bandar Bin Sultan) was listed under the section of Israeli contacts. Bandar Bin Sultan is of the Saudi royal family, who was a former US ambassador and head of Saudi Intel. He played a big role the Libya and Syria takedown Op, and even traveled to Russia before the Socchi Olympics - reportedly threatening Putin with the possibility of terrorism.

Thanks for linking Epstein to Dyncorp and possible Intel activities. Great research. He apparently has connections to Saudi Intel, and obvious connections with high level Israeli officials.

(The Black Book can be found at the Gawker website)

search4truth ago


HarleyDavidsonRider ago

My suggestion to people here is what I have been doing. Go low tech leads and information hand written. Been doing this since the beginning.

HarleyDavidsonRider ago

Fuck those child peddling morally bankrupt bastards. They can't stop us all !

StreisandEffect ago

Have they never heard of the Streisand Effect?

RebelSkum ago

Pffft, right? It got back to almost the same number of upvotes in the matter of a couple hours. They must just assume we're lazy, complicit, and stupid as fuck.

StreisandEffect ago

One of the things I like most about Voat is how standard COINTELPRO tactics simply don't work. The community is too tight-knit.

vacvape ago

Or we're just not all the dimmest of the lot.

RebelSkum ago

Gotta be frustrating. All those dollars for what?

slumbermachine ago

Someone should just buy the shills out. Double their pay after proof of pay (and source).

RebelSkum ago

Lawl, a new subverse: /v/willshillforbeermoney

naturehelps ago

What's going on with the deleting?

It's hard to get things posted even when the post is obviously serious and blatantly pizzagate related. Ridiculously nitpicking. Feels like moderators are blocking things getting out.

RebelSkum ago

@numbchuck was removed as a mod for removing several major posts out of nowhere, targeting a few DynCorp posts at the time. See the sticky for more info from the mods who banned @numbchuck:

DarkMath ago

"innocent family friendly restaurant."....Do you know any family friendly restaurants who have murals depicting decapitation, have after hours parties where the head bartender crawls around the restaurant floor drenched in blood and make no attempt to paint over graffiti in the bathrooms that says stuff like "Shut up and Fuck"? No? I don't either. ;-)

DarkMath ago

Straws? Really? ----- Explain why pedophile to the stars Jeffrey Epstein and Dyncorp share some aircraft tail numbers. Take your time. I'll wait. ----- "The congruence of Epstein's Bell N474AW and Dyncorp's Bronco N474AW is noteworthy. In 2002, the year Epstein's aircraft fleet stands accused of flying underage teen girls, some between the ages of 12 and 15, coincides with DYNCORP'S TRAFFICKING IN UNDERAGE FEMALES between the ages of 12 and 15 from Kosovo and Bosnia in the Balkans.". ---- (common tail numbers)

VieBleu ago

No need to dignify that troll with an answer. just meant to distract you.

militant ago

Indeed, no idea why so many people are responding to him, he's so obvious since the beginning... He's even funny at times. Chelsea 2020!

2impendingdoom ago

I think its Bill Clinton himself....who else would want to subject Chelsea to a resounding defeat against Trump?

VieBleu ago

ugh its worse than that - at some point it'll be Chelsea vs. Ivanka. Watch and see.

hang_em_high ago

It is interesting they would waste that account like that. Not logical to me. Did they think no one would notice all these posts being deleted? They would have been better off deleting a comment occasionally or something.

warrior_of_light ago

I just want to thank you all for staying on this investigation. You are real heros. Keep up the good fight.

RebelSkum ago

Thank you very much. The support from the Voat community has been phenomenal!

JoJoVoat ago

You may find more useful statistics and information in this link, for your Pizzagate Wiki page.

This next link has a very long list of government employees arrested on child porn/pedo charges complete with names, branch of government, crimes committed and/or punishment- and links.
Just in case you want to add more pedo guilty government employees to your Wiki page.

List of Deputies, Lieutenants and Sergeants caught with pedo porn/material crimes.

List of Doctors charged with pedo crimes.

List of Teachers, preschool teachers, day care employees/owners.

Who CAN be trusted? Good grief.

RebelSkum ago

You, anon, are a gentlepersons and scholar

memegod420 ago

I can't believe that you believe a legitimate company would have any dealings in illegal activity

Yeah that's never happened before.

You are worse than the weirdos that live alone with many cats.

Jokes on you, I already live with many cats.

SecondAmendment ago

I think Hillary's posting in here as @Alinskys_Pizza, or maybe it's Jennifer Palmieri, who -- on the eve of what could have been an explosive release by Wikileaks -- warned everyone on Twitter that the next thing from Wikileaks would be "a whopper." That was the beggining of their impotent "fake news" defense. What a shame we cannot ban these terrified shills. I know if I had only a limited period of freedom left, I'd be outside breathing in fresh air, not advancing the Palmieri arguments to y'all.

The_Kuru ago

The politician who was in Bosnia during that time controlling all the political and money making aspects of nation building was from MA, also. John Kerry, your current sec of state. Nothing would have got trafficked without his knowledge.

Kerry's intern in Bosnia went into hiding during the Kerry presidential campaign and her family used Drudge to sunbeam her. And then they called off the scandal ( because the family were still liberals after all ) after she was sunbeamed and felt safe. That was my theory at the time because it was the only thing that added up.



terrordactyl ago

Insider term for protected from being killed.



RebelSkum ago


ZalesMcMuffin ago

"Moderator kevdude informed me the previous post was deleted by a mod, numbchuck, who was themselves deleted."

LOL... reminds me of something from Monty Python years ago: Those responsible for sacking those responsible for this have been sacked.

RebelSkum ago

+100 for making my day

Freed0mFighter ago


memegod420 ago

You definitely hit a nerve when they burn a 1.9 year old mod account to delete your post

My feeling as well. This, combined with wiki hack, Dyncorp has hit a nerve.

shortymcbossypants ago

Wasn't Gamergate going on at that time?

postfascion ago

I haven't much free time to do the amount of research as some of the awesome peeps here. But I'll make some to check these fuckers out.

JoJoVoat ago

great job on Pizzagate Wiki!!!!

RebelSkum ago

Thank you! We definitely put in a lot of work, but it's thanks to communities like /v/pizzagate that we started in the first place! Keep it up!

embers ago

Maybe they didn't like the comments? Your comment about CachedNet in particular.

Von_Neumann ago

This might be the NSA/CIA cache of "dark" IP addresses which only come online for special operations. Of course they would be using a shell company for this purpose and not IP addresses in the address range of some government agency.

RebelSkum ago

It might be worth noting here that the accounts were registered using addresses, yet the original 3 IPs definitely had US location data while I was monitoring them

ejd4500 ago is disinformation for sure. "it's the Russians"

RebelSkum ago

My thoughts too. The traffic and CachedNet are from the US.

NoBS ago

Mods leave an IP trail. Was Numbchuck from Delaware by chance? Most likely have dirt on him...

cosmicmind ago

pizzagate wiki meme ----->

ZalesMcMuffin ago

While semicolon usage has, sadly, waned of late, in this case, a mere comma would be in order.

cosmicmind ago

My 11th grade English teacher would disagree, but you're entitled to your opinion.


I can hear her now, "use a semicolon to separate 2 independent clauses in a sentence, closely related, with no coordinating conjunction."

Initially I typed in a comma. Then I went back in, erased it and typed a semicolon as per mrs. what's-her-names memory. (she was a bit of a bitch though, as I find most grammar Nazi's are.)
For that reason, if I know there's a grammar Nazi on board I like to f with them, just to rattle their brain cage.

You know why nobody's using a semicolon anymore? They confuse colon and comma rules!
Unless you think the word "then" is a coordinating conjunction, which I don't.

If I were to evaluate your sentence I'd suggest removing the comma between the words 'case' and 'a'. It's unnecessary overkill.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

I considered that, but I tend to err on the side of too many, just to help make things bite-sized. It's a preference, and we all have those, after all...

I still say the semicolon (not colon) in the graphic is not correct, though. It's true that semicolons separate clauses; your teacher was right about that -- and ignorance of that rule is utterly epidemic today. However, I believe a comma is in order when giving instructions, as you were. The semicolon really looks wrong, at least to me.

cosmicmind ago

....we all have our preferences... I laughed/spewed coffee on the screen. I know it's not funny, and now I feel badly for laughing.

I'm also a big fan of the dot dot dots.... cause I'm lazy.... lazy.... lazy.... and ain't nobody no how gonna take my dots away from me... ya hear?

here ya go. I know how you ''types'' are... anal in the grammar department.

I realize I wrote colon instead of semicolon. You really are a grammar Nazi.
11th grade Mrs-what's-her-name would be so proud of you!

ZalesMcMuffin ago

If we couldn't laugh, we'd all go insane. Some hippie with a margarita said that, I think.

Thanks for the comma variant. :-)

RebelSkum ago

Right? That's some deep, dark meta right there

goat_cheese_pizza ago

Wow, they deleted your post? They really don't want this info out there do they? Everyone upvoat the eff out of this.

RebelSkum ago

Yeah, it was deleted for the reason "shill" by numbchuck. Got himself chucked, it would seem.

postfascion ago

I'm sure some if these fucks have multiples.

Crensch ago

I would edit the top to not say "mistakenly deleted". This info is sleeper-mod activation tier.

RebelSkum ago


LostandFound ago

Yes multiple Dyncorp articles were removed at once not a mistake very very deliberate

RebelSkum ago

Bring it, ghouls

SecondAmendment ago

Hats off to you, @RebelSkum. I cannot believe this place had a moderator (@numbchuck) who was haphazardly deleting things with douchebag reasons (e.g., "OP is a pedo, "c*nt," etc.). That POS deleted a bunch of things that were relevant. What a shame. Maybe they can be restored? Of equal importance, who moderates the mods? How TF did @numbchuck (who'll always be numbnuts to me) get a moderating position, only to destructively wield the power?

Crensch ago

He was an early add by KKWR when we were scrambling for mods to help clean the place up. His account was older so it seemed like a good pick.

He's been admonished a couple times by me, but not enough to seem like anything more than a mistake in judgment on his part. Had I know he'd continued cancermodding I'd have booted him earlier.

VictorSteinerDavion ago

I wake up with a hangover only to see I've missed all the fun!

Hopefully we can stay on top of these things in the future

Crensch ago

I think we're moving in that direction. Yeah, I missed most of the fun, too - I just happened to be around for the cleanup. Kevdude was the one in the arena when it happened.

memegod420 ago

It's bound to happen. You don't lose 1.2 billion dollars and just give up.



RebelSkum ago

We'll always be watching the Douche Bags That Be at least, you can count on that

goat_cheese_pizza ago

Crazy stuff.

NoBS ago

The attacks are desperation from this Pedo Fixerer Upperer DynCorp. Or should it be #DynPedoCorp?

postfascion ago

Awful but dynesoncorpses

derram ago