AngB23 ago

Thank you for the link.

bopper ago

Could care less, you have no clue what I'm all about.

bopper ago

There will never be an ideal govt. in this fallen world. All are subject to degradation and ultimate annihilation due to the depraved nature of man. Study reformed theology for the ultimate "redpill."

bopper ago

Our "founders" were the Puritan dissenters from England, they founded Harvard, the Constitution usurped and destroyed their communities, they all got along just fine, they were all like-minded. Such a thing admittedly could never have lasted in this sick world ... you should know something about depravity right??

"Not all theocracies are Christian. Some are Jewish, Hindu, Islamic, Buddhist, and some are secular. There is no escaping theocracy. A government’s laws reflect its morality, and the source of that morality (or, more often than not, immorality) is its god. It is never a question of theocracy or no theocracy, but whose theocracy. The American people, by way of their elected officials, are the source of the Constitutional Republic’s laws. Therefore, the Constitutional Republic’s god is WE THE PEOPLE."

"Harvard University possesses the title of America's oldest learning institution, founded in 1636. At its inception, this university's name was “New College,” and its purpose was mainly to educate clergy."

"And as we were thinking and consulting how to effect this great work, it pleased God to stir up the heart of one Mr. Harvard (a godly gentleman and a lover of learning; then living amongst us) to give one-half of his estate (it being in all about £1,700) towards the erecting of a Colledge, and all his library."


Wtf! Did you see the little babies playing with condoms and liquor bottles on "pizzafuckingparty" pics? These people are sick.

Vindicator ago

Well done, RebelSkum. Excellent.

iceboob ago

what really sickens me are the kids with bags under theirs eyes. signs of stress. likely sexually abused.

cult_of_philanthropy ago

I've noticed that too and it's very sad to see. The only other thing I can think of is a heart problem that may contribute to the dark circles under their eyes. If that is the case they're certainly not helping that child.

UnicornsAndSparkles ago

Also missing out the picture in the shopping basket, holding an orange with the comment about her needing her fringe cut .. fast forward to the picture of a disheveled, visibly traumatised child with a wonky, badly cut fringe.

bopper ago

I'm for free speech. Words are not property. I am not for democracy. I'm for a theocracy, by the right people. I believe "we the people" is mob rule actually, the ultimate rule being corrupt mankind in that situation, and I don't like Abe Lincoln either, now get your head around that! Gotta run.

bopper ago

Yes I do, I'm from Berkeley. Now what's your phone # ??

bopper ago

Well you're staying busy then. What's your ph. # ? Do you mind me asking?

bopper ago

How many comments you have left? You should be done. Trump insulting account??

remedy4reality ago

he's lying.. this creep is in close orbit to Comet and is most likely PGisretarded, etc.

bopper ago

Comment limit now up :)

remedy4reality ago

You're the ((( CULT ))) , you child killing faggot.

Rothschild or not, heads are coming off for these crimes against all of humanity.

TrishaUK ago

Just for the record, chinaocanada has been on voat for all of 1.5hrs - 7 comments so far and it is slagging people wanting to make sure the records of pizzagate cannot be deleted - I have blocked him, but just to let you guys realise hes a troll/shill - keep up the good work guys! Thumbs up RebelSkum

RebelSkum ago

Way to be on the lookout! Good luck deleting it all now though :P

TrishaUK ago

waste of time - block!

Hopevoats ago

No, I don't post sexual and degrading imagery of children on my social media. If your friends do, the you may wish to re-evaluate your associations.

Your response tells me that either you haven't looked at these social media accounts, or you have a vested interest in shutting down the discussion. I'll assume it's the former, because the latter paints you in a very bad light. Have you not looked at these images and the comments? I'll give you some time to do your research.

remedy4reality ago

lol these fuckers SHARED photos of these children to the WORLD, you stupid piece of shit. That is what social media is, you dumb fuck. They put them out to the world, not us. They were very proud and brash about it, too, like a bunch of overconfident shitbags who were living in a bubble of self gratification, debauchery, and entitlement. You, obviously are one of them. Ain't the right, Alefantis ? The most disturbing red flag is this >> THEY OBJECTIFY THE INFANTS AND NEVER REFER TO THEM AS ACTUAL HUMAN BEINGS, WITH NAMES. #pizzaslut #themostexpensiveaccessory #hotard

GuannaRue ago

Please don't waste your energy and time on this guy. He's not as dumb as you think, this is all part of their tactics.

I have a STRICT 2-comment limit with these kinds of characters online. The first is to give them an opportunity for honest discussion and the 2nd is to tell them to kindly fuck off once I confirm they are full of shit.

remedy4reality ago

Great... that works for you. I will address these pedo's in a way I see fit.

GuannaRue ago

Cool, I'll mind my business from now on.

TrishaUK ago

you wouldn't find photos of children playing with alcohol and condoms THATS THE DIFFERENCE. Are you defending behaviour you would do? maybe someone needs to look into your past if you think this is okay?

Hopevoats ago

Make up your mind. Is it inappropriate, or not? Whether or not he knows them is completely irrelevant.

Hopevoats ago

Are you talking to James Alefantis, the guy who compiled this creepy album? If not, you should be!

Littleredcorvette ago

Just out of curiosity, I looked up the operation purple shirt the girl was wearing. It's a camp for military kids.

RebelSkum ago

Indeed. There's a page on the Pizzagate Wiki waiting on this one:

MolochHunter ago

thanks for doing this, Mr Skum, I've lamented the lack of readily available redpilling alefantis instagram pics since the late December purge of the images from the internet

TrishaUK ago

I did wonder, I thought it was something to do with Purple Revolution, whatever that was about when people were mentioning it after Clinton came out wearing purple after her defeat. Glad you cleared that up. :)

remedy4reality ago

You're vermin.

bopper ago

20 minute wonder now. You're the PGisRetarded guy yes? Fess up. Hurry, you're about to reach your "new" comment limit.

remedy4reality ago


bopper ago

((( PEGASUS ))) Not to be confused with Peggy Sue.

remedy4reality ago

yep... pegasus is crucial

bopper ago


bopper ago

Nine minute wonder.

remedy4reality ago

Hey.. we have a new dipshit who has no idea of the chain of evidence ^^^^

Most likely a fellow child raping, child killing, piece of shit who deserves extermination, forthwith.

TrishaUK ago

There were 2 creepy photos there I had not seen before, the pinata one (disgusting filth) and the girl in the operation purple t-shirt. Good find - and chinapcanada KEEPING A RECORD OF THESE SICK POSTS IS VITAL! Good comment remedy4reality.

PizzagateBot ago

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bopper ago

Fantastic. Ask Alefantis what all those little panda bears are all about. So many questions, so few answers.

VoaterFrog ago

Have you checked out Here are some screenshots I took. NSFW

remedy4reality ago

Yes... Alefantis and Comet are major contributors... these people are normalizing pedophilia on a wide scale

remedy4reality ago

Cum Panda... either droopy eyes from massive sedation or as per the Urban Dictionary, punching someone in the eyes who just caused you to ejaculate. Yes... this is what they do to infant children.

GeorgeT ago

I want someone to broadcast the child torture and all the horrors the way one brave teporter did in Italy in 2005 (Was posted on Voat) - What will Megyn Kelly and Fake Jones say then?

bopper ago

Not only that, but if someone gets a blow to the back of the head it will show up in black eyes.

bopper ago

Yeah, I remember some of that, I was being a bit sarcastic. But thanks for reminding me, how sickening and depraved.