remedy4reality ago

The Wetterling bros. both had brown hair while their friend was a toe-head blonde. The theory is intact, because the Blonde would have been excluded with a simple tip from the person who triggered the abduction ( the Wetterlings ). Take a swing at Patty's perch atop the increasingly suspicious NCMEC and go through the very shady interviews they gave after Jacob's abduction. When you finish with that, try and explain how Jacob was in child porn videos PRIOR to his abduction and why the Wetterlings were NEVER questioned about nor mention that disturbing fact.

shakethetree ago

Great post OP. I have all the voat threads saved for anything tracking NCMEC, ICMEC, and Brian Podesta. It is taking shape.

ZunarJ5 ago

Thank you for this post. The 'story' sounds as fake as the Adam Walsh and Natalee Holloway 'abductions'. There's a lot of money to be had for parents who are willing to sell their own children.

remedy4reality ago

She is the chair of the NCMEC too !! I never believed her, ever.

littlemrsMAGA ago

Wow this is super interesting. Good work, OP. I looked on the Jacob Wetterling Wiki page and this certainly jumped out at me:

"In early 2009, the Milwaukee Police Department discovered child pornography and an alleged video of Wetterling taken before the abduction in the home of Vernon Seitz, 62, of the St. Francis, Wisconsin, area. Seitz had died in his house, but officers asked for additional assistance after the pornography was discovered. Along with the child pornography, articles involving missing children and maps of the cities from which children had disappeared were found in Seitz's home. Seitz claimed that he had been abducted, sexually assaulted, beaten, and forced to kill a 14-year-old boy in 1959, but family members and local police doubt that this had occurred."

Edit: Yeah you guys definitely should read the source of that paragraph and tell me there isn't some weirdly familiar stuff happening in there (hint: collected artwork of tortured children, had books on cannibalism).

remedy4reality ago

mega-like this !! I am going to edit the post to include it ( with your permission )

littlemrsMAGA ago

Of course, be my guest!

8pinkstars ago

Wow he was kidnapped from the zoo in Racine-maybe that guy on here is right about the pedo corruption in Racine. It's heartbreaking to know what being sodomized and raped as a young boy does to them, they are truly traumatized for life and more then likely will repeat the abuse. I know what it does to girls from experience but I've always thought it has to be so much worse for a boy. Sad

littlemrsMAGA ago

What are you referring to with Racine? I didn't catch that post, I assume.

remedy4reality ago

The dead sex offender with the CP stash claims he was abducted at the Racine Zoo in 1959 and forced to kill two children.

Chatman ago

Solid work!

remedy4reality ago

thank you... slightly ignored, but I have a part 2 in the works that ties together big pieces

Chatman ago

There is a lot going on it seems. Add it to the PG wiki perhaps?

SturdyGal ago

Fascinating post. David Shurter also says that both parents were involved in Johnny Gosch's abduction.

ZunarJ5 ago

There are many 'abductions' that should be questioned... For one... Beth Holloway has gutted her Facebook... as has Joyce Kesse (mother of Jennifer Kesse)... Natalee's brother Matt's attempt at extorting another $85,000 on GoFundme was thwarted right before Pizzagate started to break... Etan Patz's parents... where are the tears??? There are more cases where I do not believe the official story, but I'll leave it at that for now and wait for input from others.