9217 ago


9217 ago

Hi! I tweeted you a couple of times, did you see it? Tried to PM here.

9217 ago

I am, but I am nervous about giving out the handle in public like on this thread because of repeated suspensions whenever I showed back up on twitter as "me" - they banned me for making multiple accounts to get around first suspension.

betty23 ago

To me it happened the same.My Twitter account is now blocked only because I said that it happens to be that Brian Podesta does work at the center of missing and exploited children.Now I am pressured into deleting this comment.I sent a complaint to Twitter about this and now I am waiting for their answer on this matter.

Mellowmountain ago

this has 270 upvotes, why isn't it on the first page when I hit "top"??

mrjdouble ago

Awesome, just came across this post and you liked one of my tweets. Howdy, friend!

johnchebucto ago

My account suspended too for the same reason. It was an open question "Is Brian Podesta related to John Podesta?" no other inferences or suggestion of pedophila. What is going on?

ColonelMitchPeter ago

Check out these images:

Brian podesta family list: intelius: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/C5sO6KIUYAACXiR.jpg

Emlyn Podesta: Relative: Linkedin account: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/C5sgJssU4AARd1-.jpg

Brian works for NCMEC Emlyn works for Fairfax County Mental Retardation Services

Anyone seeing a pattern here? the mentally disabled and developmentally retarded population is at massive risk of sexual abuse.

getitkim ago

It's true. Happened to me.

PQhonest ago

Just happened to me too. Twitter has locked me out. I sent question tweets asking whether Brian is related to John. Wow.

flyingcuttlefish ago

I will post this to my blog about G00gle/Wordpress censorship -


pbvrocks ago

I was able to post a bunch about it on Thursday..sent alot of traffic with our network to Ivanka warning of issues with NCMEC and Thorn...sent the Honey Bee video on Vidme as well...

ploppy ago

Has anyone tried putting the same message in Facebook? Does it result in a ban as well?

gt8h65fg ago

I think you and OP are tracing right path. Thanks for the head up.

charlieijoker ago

Oh wow. That's bull for them to do that. I follow you on Twitter, btw.

Humming_bird ago

Great research :) Thank you!

Jem777 ago

Banned as well & locked out of all social media for two days. All emails locked passwords changed, phone shut down. Demanded to give phone and identity & enable locations.. refused, verified twitter accounts stating two new followers from j.podesta and HRC.

rodeo13 ago

Damn. I'd say their central nervous system has been hit from this reaction. Stay safe, friends.

bobseaworthy ago

My account was suspended 2x in a row:1) for tweeting the Honeybee's video & 2) for merely alluding to the fact that I was suspended for a video that stated Brian Podesta worked w/ CPS & that he may be a relative of John Podesta. These are merely facts. It's the equivalent of stating that Joe works for the steel mill & Joe is related to Peter. So I'm asking this: If these people have nothing to hide & if Twitter has nothing to cover up, then why would Twitter take issue with us stating irrefutable (and should-be-innocuous) facts?

zzvoat ago

  • -> B rï @n ▪▪ P 0 de st@ ▪▪ is connected to ▪▪ The ▪▪ N@ t|0 n@ l ▪▪ Cnt.r ▪▪ 4 ▪▪ M| $$ | ng - + - e x-pL 0ï ted ▪▪ c h| |d r € n <- -

9217 ago

I'm going to start calling brian #hewhomustnotbenamed on twitter

AnUnconcernedCitizen ago

I never realized the National Center For Missing & Exploited Children was the name of a superstore. I also never realized that our leaders are basically the Apostles from Berserk. :P

huhWHAThuh ago

I've been at this many years and this one is really hard to compute. They are clearly mounting a big push back campaign, with Podesta starting a WP column and having the unmitigated gall to talk about pizzagate on video. And the threatened lawsuit against AJ. And all the take downs and censoring on social media. And the new google algorithms, and and and.......... So the more attention THEY give this, the more people will be motivated to go look AND SEE THE TRUTH. I don't get where they're going with all this unless there is something huge planned that nobody can anticipate.
I expect the next few days and weeks to be very interesting. Otherwise this doesn't compute at all

Trumpedupeconomics ago


I made this post a while ago about the connection

bibigirl_ ago

I recently started following you

MommyLove ago

WOW, just wow. Because I was researching NCMEC today and came across the connection of DOJ with Amber Alerts. WOW. You all that are good at uncovering stuff....PLEASE DIG!!!!!!!

CWenstra ago

I Tweeted and retweeted this stuff over an hour ago and haven't been banned. Granted I only have 14 followers but I believe the claim is they monitor and look for key words? I keep doing this every time I hear a story like this and never have a problem. Personally I'm not buying it.

evilwhitemale ago

Twitter is mostly owned by Middle Easterners, isn't it?

Islam thinks pedo activities are ok...

Geo_synchronous ago

Twitter is a government data gathering and propaganda distribution network. Why else did most all MSM networks push/promote it when it first hit the scene. Never seen them push My Space, Voat, Gab and even Facebook. I think Facebook started out legit but someone got compromised and now they have to comply to the CIA NSA overlords.

Freemasonsrus ago

It was never legit. Winners are chosen.

awarenessadventurer ago

I have tried my hardest to see if I can get banned based upon what has gotten others deleted. So far only NCMEC has blocked me. All Honeybee videos are up (and being retweeted in significant numbers) I have tweeted directly to all involved parties and dont everything to TRY and get blocked (an experiment) and so far, nothing. Perhaps only significant researchers get blocked that have huge followings and channels that put out the findings. I will keep trying. I am trying to determine what ACTUALLY gets people blocked. I am replicating the posts that others have gotten blocked for.. nothing. I am thinking this is VERY selective. Very personal. Not an algorythm.

unkyshaun ago

You could be a pedophile cunt and you could be completely right. Your gut feels bad from too much pizza. Fuck off shill.

Freemasonsrus ago

Archive his follow list please!

Robert_robinson2 ago

Twitter doesn't care if it looks like it might be doxx and then they just fucking delete it they're not going to waste hours investigating every fucking tweet to see if it's doxxing or not they just go looks like dachshund it might be doxxing so goodbye

9217 ago

The accuracy of my post is not in question, I did not claim that every single post on this results in a ban. Everything in my post is accurate.

jangles ago

you are correct, my bad

NotTooLate ago

I think this is it guys. This is it. Stay safe and stay together. This is it.

Fatsack ago

Ding ding ding! Winner winner chicken dinner. Get digging autists, this ones a scab they don't want us to pick.

Robert_robinson2 ago

Wow imagine that doxxing somebody gets you locked out of your Twitter account....

ProudTruther ago

How about asking the question if Brian Podesta of NCMEC is related to John Podesta at all. Is that doxxing.

MysticMa ago

His Father & Mother work for WP. His younger brother resembles JP especially the pic of JP when he was Clinton's right hand man in WH (early 90"s)!

9217 ago

It's not doxxing

No PRIVATE information was shared, only publicly available information. Ie, that he works for NCMEC. No one shared his phone number, address, or personal/private information. He was not hacked. Everything shared was publicly, legally sourced and available. This is not doxxing.

Robert_robinson2 ago

Twitter's idea of doxing is any information whatsoever doesn't matter if it's public or not they have a simple blanket solution to doxxing...

It's pretty much a cover-your-ass policy because they're not going to take the time to investigate whether or not the information you're sharing is so-called public or not they just blanket delete and ban anything that could be any type of doxing because they're not going to waste time and energy investigating whether or not it's actually doxxing or not they just say nope.... gone we don't have the time to waste our energy filtering this stuff we're just going to delete it and temporarily banned people just so that way we don't take the risk of getting fucking sued they don't care about anything besides not getting sued so if there's anything that even looks questionable they're just going to delete it and give you a fucking time out from Twitter

Freemasonsrus ago

I was a little uncomfortable with the pics of his wife and kids, even though it is on FB. I'm all for outing the bad guys, but I do think we need to take extra precautions.

9217 ago

I was perma banned, not given a "break."

I_have_my_gun_ready ago

Twitters been helping these pedos for months. Angela Pizzagate's email link on twitter is inactive, and so is anyone else that discusses pizzagate.

draegspir ago

Ooo thanks for letting us know. I feel like this is actually great, because it's like positive feedback for following the breadcrum trails.

privatepizza ago

Doing good bot!

rutkdn ago

Don Podesta also follows John Podesta on Twitter: https://twitter.com/podestad/following

redditsuckz ago

Take a screen shot and post it please for those who dont have twitter. Or use "SnapShot" add-on for firefox or chrome and capture the whole page or selection.

zzvoat ago

I don't tweet but I wonder about changing spelling and/or using code words. Someone on here, I think, was talking about finally using "Proctor and Gamble" as code for PG and that was working for them.

How people can do that in this situation, wanting to spread the word in a way the others know what info they are trying to share, I don't know.

General comment not directed at your post: Rather than a bunch of posts in this v/ where people all say they were banned and then 100 people comment that they were, too, I'd like to see posts where 100 people are brainstorming how to get around it.

NotTooLate ago

Get all the wikileaks stuff on BP.

Evademoney ago

Great Work Guys. My only Skill is Raising Awareness. I am the top comments on over 40 pages right now directing Traffic :)

quantokitty ago

This kind of pushback is just proof they're something here.

Upvoat for you and dig, dig, dig.

Vic138 ago

One of the places Brian Podesta listed at having lived at is McClean Virginia. This is where Langley is - the home of the CIA

mathemagician33 ago

it's also the hometown of the Alefantis family.

remedy4reality ago

Yeah.. I hate this comment. Fucking stupid and obvious attempt at redirection.

this fuckwad has an hour long account

9217 ago

Pre Brian Podesta breakthrough links re NCMEC...

CONNECTIONS - ICMEC, NCMEC, Jeff Koons, Alefantis, Silsby, Koon Family Foundation, State Department, Clinton (pizzagate)


TrumpvsPedos ago

Sooo THIS IS PEDOGATE. If we expose the supply of the children, and law enforcement does something about, the whole pedo op ends. This needs to be the entire focus of pizzagate, not just JA, JP, comet PP. Am I right?

LostandFound ago

More on the board for ICMEC & loose link to the dutroux affair https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1530150

9217 ago

There is also the Jeff Koons connection to NCMEC

MolochHunter ago

Doe anyone have a subscription with Ancestry.com? Maybe you could try and find the Brian/John/Tony Podesta connection there?

Freemasonsrus ago

We should map out all familial connections. Both maternal and paternal. We may be missing something big simply bc last names could be different.

kestrel9 ago

Don't have time to dig now, just mentioning I saw a comment that Brian P. lived in McClean, VA, also saw he was invited to a class of 1997 reunion there. McClean is home of Turkey Run, and that recent fire, also see Christopher Kloman, convicted pedophile with friends in high places...the Kloman letters. Sorry no time to cite links.

mathemagician33 ago

yup, this is correct. James Alefantis's sister actually wrote a letter in support of Kloman (as I said above, the Alefantis family is also from McLean, VA). The letter was posted here a few months ago, I'm sure somebody can dig it up.

kestrel9 ago

thanks, I know a sample of Christopher Kloman petiition letters are here: http://archive.is/rHWxk however, the one from Susan Alefantis was not in them.

Freemasonsrus ago

No problem. I wasn't in a place to look either. I think the ancestry dot com idea is a good one.

pizzaphish ago

Im on it

delicateflower ago

I've done the work already. No link that I've been able to find. I put my findings on VOAT as a reply to someone but I'm new here and can't find my post now! Can you help?

MolochHunter ago

gr8, cool - whatever comes up, affirmative or negative - make a fresh thread/post about it

pizzaphish ago

Very hard to trace, I believe that Brian Podesta's parents are indeed Fred H Podesta. There are a lot of Podesta. Don Podesta's parents are Don Podesta and Anna Podesta's whose parents. No immediate connection to John D Podesta senior. His father is Anthony Podesta but they all of connections to Chicago. I don't have to write a post, but here is the source for Don Podesta's parents: New York Passenger Lists

BerksResident ago

I follow whitedeer on twitter as alt account - devoted truther

9217 ago

I'm confused about what you mean by that - your gut does not trust that the lead is legit, or your gut thinks it's really bad (ie really legit)?

The evidence presented indicates this may be one of the biggest breaks in the pizzagate investigation to date.

remedy4reality ago

this guy is a shill

party1981 ago

When you're taking flack, you know that you are over the target.

redditsuckz ago

Can twitter ban the word "Bilbo Baggins"?

"Bilbo Baggins" lived with Brian Podesta of the NCMEC(National Center For Missing and Exploited Children)


Chasnigga ago

I've posted Honey Bee's videos several times and had them all deleted. Censorship is in full effect. Don't let up because the proof is in their reaction. Someone somewhere is going to then, game on. McCain, CF, PizzaGate, big business trafficking humans. We're getting closer to the light.

9217 ago

I'm not the only one being locked and banned over this. Anyone who posts on this topic on twitter gets locked/banned/censored.

I've never seen a backlash this strong, about any topic. I think it needs to be looked into.

abortionburger ago

I followed you on Gab.