redditsuckz ago

Honeybee's latest investigative video;


Bilbo Baggins Green Dragon Pub

From the youtube comments;

There is a picture in your video that has a banner called the green dragon pub. The Green Dragon Tavern was the meeting place for both the Freemasons and the Sons of Liberty. Originally located in the North End of Boston, Massachusetts, it was where the Boston Tea Party was planned, the starting point for the ride of Paul Revere, and the focal point for many other significant events and meetings integral to the American Revolution. Though it was eventually demolished, its legacy earned it the title of: “Headquarters of the Revolution.” Its also where the Hellfire club meet....

Green Dragon Tavern

The property had been inherited by Mehitable (Minot) Cooper from her uncle, William Stoughton, in 1701. The Green Dragon Tavern was purchased from her son, William Cooper, by William Douglas, physician and pamphleteer, in 1743.[1] Douglas lived in the tavern, calling it his "mansion house".[2] After his death in 1752, the tavern passed to his sister, who sold it to the St. Andrews Lodge of Freemasons in 1766.[1] The Masons used the first floor for their meeting rooms led by Grand Master Joseph Warren followed by John Hancock. The basement tavern was used by several secret groups and became known by historians as the "Headquarters of the Revolution". The Sons of Liberty, Boston Committee of Correspondence and the Boston Caucus each met there. The Boston Tea Party was planned there and Paul Revere (a Mason) was sent from there to Lexington on his famous ride. In January 1788, a meeting of the mechanics and artisans of Boston passed a series of resolutions urging the importance of adopting the Federal Constitution pending at the time before a convention of delegates from around Massachusetts. The building was demolished in 1854.


Masonic 33 hidden within the "B's" of Bilbo Baggins = 3ilbo 3aggins

racoonbite ago

I always thought the letter "G" on Gandalfs fireworks was a not-so-subtle nod to the "Grand Architect"

Ang68 ago

Did you just listen to yourself?

Honeybee_ ago

100% agreed

Mellowmountain ago

it's funny someone from LOTR was trying to call out the hollywood pedogate:

kplusk ago

Great research, redditsuckz!

gt8h65fg ago

Bilbo Baggins

10110 Po Box

Washington, DC 20018

can be found in myrelatives site

redditsuckz ago

So explain to me how this "demographic" you talk about is into CANNIBALISM...but just a note if these people arnt fully human than its not really cannibalism...

redditsuckz ago

The Amber Alert could be used for children that have already been abducted go missing. An orphan child that has been abused for years escapes would be a witness against the elites so they have to put their face out there with a fake background so they can kidnap them quickly again and silence them.

dmthirdeye ago

Bill Clinton, Haiti, and Voodoo (Before he was President) -

dmthirdeye ago

We are in the digital age now, its pretty obvious in my opinion if they don't even have a picture of the child that is missing they aren't actually doing ANYTHING to try to find them. Absolutely ridiculous.

Fightforright ago

Virginia and Washington actually have the largest amount of missing children reports that do not include a photograph OR the information about who filed the report. It's certainly bizarre....

dmthirdeye ago

You are on to something..... ever wonder why all these "missing" children don't even have pictures? They don't want us to be able to match their faces with the snuff films.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

With the white sign that says Dragon Pub in the 5th blue highlighted link, in top left hand corner. What is that boy, under that tree doing?

Truthseeker3000 ago

You are wrong on many levels but you are also seriously falling for the divide and conquer tactic. If you think Sharia Law is positive for women and gays and children then good for you but don't start throwing the white people bullshit around. Not all white people are rich either pull your head out of the sand, I know many who are not. And illegal immigrants will come here to take any job just to be here and that is on them. Try submitting an application and coming here legally like law abiding immigrants who don't steal jobs from others. Further, illegal immigrants pay NO taxes etc and therefor put themselves up for being "underpaid" that is on them. I'm sick of this race issue divide and conquer media tactic and want to stick to children being trafficked and what we can do about this. I used to always agree with your posts but this shit is ridiculous Eva.

JesusRules ago

Amazing work, It looks like we are surrounded by Satan, how did this happen?

Chasnigga ago

For certain, these are dark forces

dmthirdeye ago

For the most part people have stopped believing in Jesus and in God.... and practicing. On the other hand these people worshiping Lucifer are STRONG believers the pretty much dedicate their lives to it for the most part seem to be much stronger believers than Christians. This feels very much like a wrath to be honest....

witch_doctor1 ago

I know...that is the conundrum...Sheryl was so fortunate to catch the hacking as it occurred rather than when she got arrested. Although I'm no computer expert, it would seem that a computer forensics expert could determine whether files were planted by a 3rd party?

gumshoe_mob ago

Bilbo Baggins is a hobbit, a character in the Hobbit series. Not one of the elves?

Ang68 ago

Could Bilbo Baggins be Brian Podesta with an alternate Identification? Alephantis did this a lot. He incorporated several different identities.

zzvoat ago

Hillary went waaaay back, in terms of knowing how things "work". As a matter of fact, she and Bill would never ever gotten to where they got without joining the dark side.

Also, there's her actual witch thing. Forget the source, read for the content.

Ang68 ago

Here's an article I came across several ago & it's still up. The author claims she met Hillary at an Ostara Festival.

crazimal ago

eva u are stepping over the line lately to walk on the shilly side of the street, with this transgender concern and now "oh muh muslims"

please either quit inserting SJW bullshit into the verse or disappear

redditsuckz ago

Although weird. That's just their "metal" face showing

Weird like Comet Ping Pong and James Alefantis?

They do big alcohol beers and focus on that demographic.

When you get back from you meeting name every single "occult" brewing company catering to that demographic in the Virgina area for us. You dont want that brand new account to go to waste.

cantsleepawink ago

Speaking of Washington occult brewing companies, here's one you may be interested in perusing: 3 stars brewing

The actress who was murdered in Washington in December 2016, was a yoga teacher and herbalist that sometimes attended events at that brewing company. I started looking down that rabbit hole but got distracted by other projects and so I'll just pass on a couple of bullet points to you:

I am not sure if Tricia Maccauly's photos are still on the 3 star instagram account but she did do some yoga there through that drumming yoga group druminyasa :

It was this instagram picture from her own account which led me to that beer company :

For further context here is a thread that I did on her which was deleted:

redditsuckz ago

I updated the thread to show B. Netar Brewing Company. Also check out all these occultic brewing companies on this youtube channel;

Taproom Tales Youtube;

witch_doctor1 ago

They do that to White people too...and yes, I agree that the FBI's use of child porn is often entrapment....TPTB are even capable of inserting it, or other incriminating info, into your computer without your knowledge...Sheryl Attkisson's story is a good example ..

theHubrisOfMan ago

There's another Senior Analyst who specializes in the CyberTip program with the Exploited Children's division named "Nicholas Brock." May be related to David Brock. Worth looking into, but I couldn't find much info on the guy.

witch_doctor1 ago

Uhhh...if Muslim kids started making craft beer I'm pretty sure they would get Aloha Snackbarred by the Sharia patrols long before DHS got to them. Come on Eva...that's a little biased...there's lots of things that white Americans can't do that other ethnicities have been getting away with...

1) Black people are allowed to riot at a much more frequent rate...really bad stuff happens when white people riot I can kinda understand that one...

2) Illegals drive without licenses all day long, and up until Daddy came home, this has been the standard practice for decades. Hell, they even quietly changed the laws in TX so that it is easier to get insurance on a car without a driver's license...which means that illegals just get a ticket for driving with no license, rather than getting their car impounded for no license + no insurance.

3) White people cannot say the same racist remarks that other ethnic groups routinely say...see HuffPo bot that the based /pol/ anon made for a good example.

witch_doctor1 ago

Makes sense to me. Especially when you add in the Brian Podesta link....Which then makes me think of why Laura Silsby now works with Amber Alert...the only thing that makes sense is she would have access to law enforcement knowledge of abducted children. In other words, the bad guys snatch a child, then Laura knows the timing of the police alert and then the police feed info on where citizens should be looking? Unless I am missing something?

Crunch43 ago

Also a heart w/in a heart hanging on the door

WixFix ago


srayzie ago

Thank you for putting so much work into this. But I have some questions. How do you know if Bilbo Baggins lives or lived at the same address as Brian Podesta at the same time? Where do you see the swirls on the building restaurant? I don't see them. Are you talking about the swirly letters?

crazimal ago

Yes, the swirly letters. also known as a common font. and the "girl lover" thing on the door? ever heard of Valentine's Day? And beer? beer is not a crime.

Check it out, but don't get carried away folks....

redditsuckz ago

Yes I added a better pic;

srayzie ago

Oh ok. I see it now. Geez. How do you know if they lived at that address at the same time?

Crunch43 ago

And hanging on the door is the girl lover logo heart w/in a heart

redditsuckz ago

People will make the excuse that its just for Valentines...but I dont think thats the case.

ben_matlock ago

hmm, predates the movies...interesting.

crazimal ago

only a moron has not heard of bilbo, LOTR etc before the movies. moron or an illiterate millenial, I guess. Don't be one of either!

Blacksmith21 ago

LOL...Bilbo Baggins was the name of the hobbit in JRR Tolkein's work "Lord of the Rings", written in the 1930s.

ben_matlock ago

i realize that lol. made the reference to point out that they chose the name of their 'restaurant' before it was popular in the general culture.

redditsuckz ago

It leads to an intersection. And when viewing in google street view it only shows up in the "5000" street area.

rickman ago

Global. There's that word again.

redditsuckz ago

Where have you seen that word?


"Clinton Global Initiative" - Clinton Foundation


rickman ago

Last paragraph on Voodoo's About Us page.

After flying in some "Voodoo Oil" from down south, acquiring the nuts and bolts of their shop, the boys started tinkering around with their methods that soon became known locally, nationally, and worldwide. People have talked about Voodoo Doughnut in Tibet, on Easter Island, Japan has some stylish folks sporting the latest Voodoo underpants, and friends have shared a buttermilk bar in Tanzania.** I'm sure some corners of the globe have yet to be penetrated**.

The map in the 2nd Besta restaurant with the pizza wheel car that says 'We deliver to the whole world'

Buck's 'Local food. Global aspirations' motto.

The Alice Deal school nearby has the line - Think globally. Listen compassionately. Act inclusively. On their website.

pbvrocks ago

Would be interesting to see if Bilbo voted..recall Alefantis with numerous voter ids...

redditsuckz ago

Someone is using an alias.

Like Captain Allstar of Comet Ping Pong was;

New pizzagate investigation. Captain Allstar performer @ Comet Ping Pong

2impendingdoom ago

it could be the name of their dog or other pet

redditsuckz ago

Bilbo Baggins has lived at 5 other places and and works at "bilbo baggins" and those 5 addresses dont match up to the Podestas.

Bethesda, MD Silver Spring, MD Herndon, VA Annandale, VA Mc Lean, VA

2impendingdoom ago

I put my dog on mailing lists all the time, so it weeds out junk mail. she shows up on these search engines when you put my address in. just saying. I doubt a person is walking around named bilbo baggins. The restaurant could be a coincidence, there is that part in the book where the dwarves come in and eat all bb's food

redditsuckz ago

The restaurant could be a coincidence

I dont really believe in those anymore especially when that place invites Satanic beer companies inside and that restaurant also has a resident named "Baggins Bilbo".

I doubt a person is walking around named bilbo baggins.

You know thats not what I am implying...

2impendingdoom ago

i know, I know you are dedicated to looking for clues, and if the restaurant ends up being run by a satanic child rapist I won't be surprised in the slightest. I guess the name Bilbo Baggins could be more code? Is that what you are thinking? You do have that snow white and dwarves fairytale which is super creepy, but I did actually met people once with a dog named bilbo baggins and I really hope that it was not brian podesta,

Lookingthrough ago

Still no link of brian and john. Don't be directed down a false lead. Make sure you have facts. Lot of people are pushing this just like worldcorp videos. Smarten up people.

ObamaFAG1 ago


crazimal ago

only 6 more weeks until your first check clears, too bad you probably won't make the cut, outed as shill on day one.


member for 20 min with 1 post ...OK

NotTooLate ago

It is a justified statement either way. If wrong, the implications will do more harm than good. Listen to David Icke and AMTV on this point. Don't post I found a link when you haven't. If you do a google search there are many that say "I found a link between Brian and John". This is not smart.


You are probably right. just.. 5 min old account posts within 3 min...makes it kindof hard to take serious. looks like concern-trolling to me.

NotTooLate ago

Yeah - I get it. It's the first thing I look at too. I just think this is a great lead also.

redditsuckz ago

Still no link of brian and john.

This is true...I have been up all night looking for a hopefully this might lead somewhere.

Here are a list of the Podesta Addresses;

Use intelius to see who lived at those addresses and make a connection;

Mrs_Ogynist01 ago

A lot of public libraries have access to

zzvoat ago

Bot, you are AMAZING!

Does anyone know how we activate the bot? I don't see it in every post comments.

throwaway89209834 ago

It scans all new posts under /v/pizzagate/new and it only comments if it finds a possible related post.

I run it manually right now till I work out all the goofy things, like linking directly to /v/pizzagate , and after that it run automatically every 5-10 minutes. I will make a new post to announce when it goes live.

MolochHunter ago

well its a very sexy bot, nice job

joeysaperv ago

I like the new table format. Cleaner, easier to read. Nice job!

PizzaStreamerLive ago

Hahah something along those lines... :)