LolturdFerguson ago

Happened to me as well. I'll dig up my screen shot. Funny thing is, I never even started tweeting about username was "Eff_Moloch". Guess they didn't like that too much. Tried to get me to insert my telephone number (ok there buddy...not happening).

V____Z ago

The Simple Question that will get you Instantly Blocked on Twitter — Steemit

MrrHandsome ago

Although it's fucked up she got suspended for tweeting about pizzagate, the having to type your phone number to regain access is the normal. Nothing special relating to her. The same thing happened to me for abusing a verified account for tweeting shit on Trump's tweets everyday, I got suspended and had to type number in to regain access and delete the tweets

justice4kidz ago

yes. if you want to create a new twitter account they are forcing you to use phone #. it's fucking ridiculous.


Maybe tweeter is preparing for the information war that will break out with revelations of this trafficking filth

blackfyre_rebel ago

Same thing happened to me. Needless to say I left Twitter.

OntoYu ago

This happened to me too, but I didn't have to delete any tweets. I refused to give them my phone number and said so in a ban appeal and they still unlocked it.

forno_a_legna ago

Happened to me too. I did the phone verification since it's my real twitter with my real email.

Freemasonsrus ago

@Honeybee you are a badass! God speed my friend!

Piscina ago

That's happened to a lot of people. It happened to me too.

PatriotOne ago

I can one up this one. I was registering for a Twitter account just yesterday for the first time. I got locked out of my account before I even completed the process. Was trying to find an available username and tried BiteMeHillary1. As soon as I tried it, they assigned me a different user name and locked my account. Then requested my phone number. My account locked before I could even

Jem777 ago

Nice pictures of Obama and Dorsey. They are like best friends that is so great they get to still spend time together.

At this point only option is for Pope to pull fast one with Obama & say Aliens are real look over there we found them or show up together with a big "Fake Light" Show in the sky. That would be embarrising for them

Hopefully no one falls for that because God is not about confusion. He is very clear about this.

MolochHunter ago

The scary thing about this is how innocuous her tweet was that they insisted on deleting - no abuse no trolling no accusations, simply 'here's some more evidence'

PizzaGate711 ago

Jack Dorsey is very close to Obama, being a servant of the New World Order - as you'd expect. He's got their back. Those that rule Dorsey would have to have some serious blackmailable evidence on his perversions. Why would he tweet about cannibalism and edit people's tweets? Insane and terribly compromised.

redditsuckz ago

From Honey Bee's investigations I was looking for connections to Brian Podesta via the Podesta's last know address and what I found was that John and Mary Podesta were living in a house formerly owned by an FBI Agent...

John Podestas wife Executor of Estate of FBI agent Victor A. Lemaitre

Jem777 ago

Wondering if someone can post outloud what whitedeer was talking about. Seems everyone agreed about some things and Twitter lost it. Accounts hacked & shut down passwords changed.

If it's that big a problem have @Potus take a look at it. He asked us to get involved. He can read my white deer twitter response. Really willing to talk about my issues with em personally or just give support to people like honeybee to testify in front of congress. I"ll go what the hell just open the gates at this point you gatekeeper MSM & Twitter handlers lost your street cred.

Little children can capture your activities at this point.

@jack willing to let byegones go for the greater cause release our twitter feeds in full & restore. Let it go and get back to work helping kiddos

Forgive but not forget

MileHiLife ago

NOTE: If Twitter asks for a verification phone number, use a temporary free WiFi phone # app (droid or Apple) until the verification process is confirmed. You can then delete the app/#.

Fk the Orwellian Man, and FK Google/Twitter.

downwithpizzaelite ago

It happened to me too and I made a post about it and it was deleted.

I made a pizzagate exclusive account and it was banned 15 minutes from creation after a PG post and reply to @DS. It asked for a phone number and I said no thank you.

Womb_Raider ago

Vote this to the top! Gonna repost this elsewhere for coverage.

fuspezza ago

Who is Jack Dorsy? Let me fire up my duckduckgo icon and I'll be right back.

Jem777 ago

Currently denying access. Sweeped Twitter shut down acess. Sweeper youtube changed all data to prevent access to other platforms. Hope you got them all @jack Did not need to tweet until this happened.. did it for the kids?

Suppeno me and all of us, including Honeybee we would like to attend congress to testify. HRC got all the time for the past few yrears and she lied as confirmed by the FBI.

Ready to support honeybee and other victims in this endeavor. Including witnesses who have been silenced.

A.G.Loretta Lynch?

Malignment ago

Happened to me too. I hadn't tweeted for over 12 hours and I come back to a notice that my account has been locked for automated behavior , and I had to give them my phone number to unlock.

Jem777 ago

Calling 1st ammendment att. know them well.

We got your back honeybee

wsl23 ago

The same thing happened to me but I refused to delete my tweets. I got a new account because I have several email addresses. Also I have several phones. I never threatened anyone with anything other than "you should be in jail" People are saying horrible things about Trump and getting away with it.

Jem777 ago

Also illegally accessed other accounts.

Breaking news. Yahoo allowed Obama admin to secretly scan emails.

FB & Google allow it.

Any privacy & protection under the constitution President Trump asked us to tweet to him our concerns. Stated Fake News are enemy of the people and identified them. He cut them out the gaggle. Canceled whitehouse correspondents dinner.

Let this sink in.

The Commander in Chief stated for us to contact him via Twitter for our safety. He identified who is fake as an enemy of the People.

Those platforms then censor American citizens and demand we identify ourselves by number and location.

Let that sink in. They carried HRC live this morning on their platform & aformemtioned news organizations.

While censoring us from helping child trafficking. The accused traffickers get protected speech to benefit them. And their Washington DC friends and family have been shown by us to be getting security level sponsership to access identities and sitting on the board of NCEMC

Does this help. Think not pissed off and highlighted the tweets between them that got this shut down,

While their organized cults and witches are openly asking for spells against the sitting President DJTrump.

They protected t he witches free speech on FB and twitter while silencing ours investigating child trafficking & cult abuse.

Again stunning

FuckReddit69 ago

Very enlightening perspective. Indeed, our world is upside down, these satanists work in opposites. Fear not though I have faith in humanity... we have a lot of work to do.

Betty_Swollocks ago

This just tells me that Brian Podesta must be as guilty as hell!

NotTooLate ago

NCMEC is the key I think.

juhos ago

gt8h65fg ago

They should changed their domain to at this opportunity.

It will represent their style more accurately.

Jem777 ago

Do they really understand these actions just lead scrutiny at even a higher level.

Our President of the US asked us to get involved from the podium and called out CNN & NYT & WaPo as Fake News.

Now we are trying to petition our government on behalf of free speech to protect innocent children.

They decide with no consideration of the harm that can be done cut us off. Some researchers still dealing with flood waters in Silicone Valley were not even helped by them. Instead they turn off twitter in the dead of night and change access codes while people are trying to get help. Stunning exposure to them

Jem777 ago

Shall we gather to file our official lawsuits for not protecting Citizens speaking truth to Power. They would hate for the archive of you heros would leak

Jem777 ago

I have been as well. Deleted them and us last night. Will not open without identifying info. Hope @jack or @podesta or any government official did not expose them. That would be dangerous. Filing complaint and paperwork to check. Sent messages & don't know why they won't answer.

Tracking it

Don-Keyhote ago

Same thing happened to me, first account ever, first tweet at a celeb informing of a PG connection

Ain't getting my number tho

strix-varia ago

Is it possible for people to completely unplug from twitter and stop using it? It sounds like it isn't worth a minute of anyone's time.

V____Z ago

Yes, register at Even if people are on the waiting list, register again. I was only on the list for a day before I was let in. Itls a censorship free version of Twitter, only four months old, and a bit glitchy still.

Newfind ago

Twitter is for diddlers

Nana66 ago

Twitter is a propaganda tool. I picture a think tank like what we saw in Clinton's campaign emails deciding her every word, that brain storms hash tags to trend and when to trend them.

zzvoat ago

When I need to add phone numbers to google accounts, Facebook accounts, I use Fiverr. I haven't needed to use it in awhile but for 5 bucks someone emails you 10 phone "good" phone numbers that function for a few days. Works like a charm every time.

Freemasonsrus ago

They act like they're asking but I have pic proof that FB accessed my phone the second I signed up and DID NOT give them my number. I laugh every time it prompts me to add it for "security" bc those fucks already accessed it. I've actually thought a class action suit would be great bc they have no right to access our mobile devices. The other clear proof of this is when you text someone about something, like dolphins for instance, and you look on FB and the first ad you see is for Miami Aquariam Dolphin exhibit. Ya that's not creepy! Totally legal riiiiight?!

V____Z ago

I feel like adding your info to the post, but if they see this, they'll probably shit down the company!

Mommyplayer571 ago

I think we should stop using hashtags and @notifications as it flags us.

dmthirdeye ago

So when is she filing her lawsuit

Docta_pizza ago

Might be worth buying a shitty walmart burner with pre-paid minutes or something, especially if tweeting/posting about potentially dangerous pizzagate-related stuff. Better safe than sorry, as these fuckers start feeling the heat more and more my guess is things are going to start getting violent.

V____Z ago

Yeah, I wouldn't trust Jake with my phone number.

throwaway345678 ago

Same thing happened to a lot of people on the same subject -> @whitedeer23 on twitter

Truthseeker3000 ago

They will use your phone number at NSA to monitor calls and record convos using keywords even when u aren't using it. Beware.

I_Love_Hentai ago

Use a $10 burner phone.

poly ago

the NSA would never think of that

B_dog ago

I posted a couple comments on YouTube about the history of Pedogate (things like Franklin, McMartin, Presidio, the mainstream history) and the Rothschilds. Next day I got one of those Google security alerts someone had been monkeying around in my account. But it wasn't anyone with legitimate access.

We already know it's dangerous. Cowards bugged out early. They're just confirming our darkest suspicious are correct. The more they gaslight and censor, the guiltier they look.

GeorgeT ago

Ever since I started tweeting (just sarcasm, allusions nothing more), interestingly I get much bigger number of hits. Example : 'How does Washington Post raise credibility in Trump's book? Hire a pizza lover as a columnist.' So after a few weeks of this somebody hacked into my tweeter & email - had to change password several times. Since my first email in 1997 it's the first time! Same with twitter.

Freemasonsrus ago

I don't even do Twatter and had "unusual activity" on two email accts this past week, same day. One yahoo one schmoogle. Never in my adult life have I had email issues. Constant DS BS.

Jem777 ago

Yep. I think a seize and desist order from the DOJ might help

Not sure what that means exactly. sounds helpful but it is interesting that so many longtime great American citizens who have never been hacked or really use twitter until this election in response to the media lying directly to us.

Our own @Potus gave a direct order to us to help the country keep safe and identifies illegal leakers as a HUGE problem asking the American people to help solve to it.

Asks us to tweet to him about human trafficking. We do especially about Satanic Ritual Abuse

Our twitter is infiltrated. Passwords that have been secure for 10, 15,20 years are changed.

Odd that my friends and family organizing together to attend Witch show to cast spells on the sitting US President @Potus from Facebook and on Twitter did not have any problems orgainizing.

Seriously live free speech this is a foundational principal in the constitution love it.

@HRC and @Potus44 got all the tweets from their heroes who are not actively employed right now as far as we know.

My friends are curious about the ease they have to talk about immoral behavior choices and link it with all the instagrams, FB, Google, twitter contacts and organize Witch meetings & other horrific behavior together. They party like it is not a problem.

Not judging. Hey to each his own I guess as stated by A.Kleinman in J.A. Social media accounts & platforms.

What did he or she say again? Sorry can't figure out that voice trick he or she is a master at. The one singer wearing the red hood or mask that said "we all have our preferences" when that man in the audience said "Little Boys?"

Free Speech I get it but equal treatment under the law for witches and citizen invesigators spending their free time and money to catch the real witches that might hurt children.

Okay fair a like you have super secret access @Podesta and I know you would not misuse that power to target citizens trying to help that is illegal I think...don't know for sure but @georgwebb talks about it a lot. Sounds scary

at this point I"ll just ask the current Commander in Chief @Potus to read all my tweets and watch the videos I posted with my friends and family.

Maybe he can explain what is happening he seems open to at least talking about the problem. That is our first step to recovery saying we have a problem and laying out the truth and rule of law

ObamaFAG1 ago

same thing happened to me 4 times. (Jack Dorsey the Pedo and ISIS enabler blocked 4 accounts so far). Initially I could use a google number and have them text me the code to log in but the last two accounts they wouldn't accept the google number "number invalid" so now you have to actually use a real phone number and the texting option is gone, only calls. Jack Dorsey is a CIA dick sucker

PM_Me_Your_Clam_Pics ago

what about using a burner phone. Yeah it is a couple of bucks but WAY better than giving out your number.

LuminalAbnormality ago

Happened to me too.

PizzaGate711 ago

Me too!

Fatsack ago

So Jack Dorsy is a pedophile too.

iamthepizzanow ago

I wonder if kids get used as ingredients to all this food they dine on.

PizzaGate711 ago

He's sent some crazy tweets about cannibalism way back yonda too.

james780 ago

same not been on since

MyUSA2017 ago

Me too.

chelseaclinton ago

The second I retweeted a SuzieQ PG tweet my account was suspended for "unusual activity" and I had to provide a phone # to regain access.

MyUSA2017 ago

They do it all the time. Twitter censors as much as Reddit, Facebook, Google, YouTube, etc. Trends are manipulated. Tweets disappear. Shadowbanning and suspensions are common place if one is outspoken against the establishment/gov't and their secret agenda.

muhbenefitz ago

Does it tell you which tweets you were banned for? Like do you know it was for tweeting pizzagate stuff?

MyUSA2017 ago

Three times locked out, three times the tweets were about pizzagate or spirit cooking. This was December and January for me. They don't tell you which tweets but my timeline shows it's shortly after a pizzagate or spirit cooking tweet. Once Twitter also deleted all of my followers as well.

LuminalAbnormality ago

So it happened twice for me. I wasn't even sending tweets either time. The first time, I was liking PG related posts. I then entered my phone and then deleted it as soon as I regained access. The next time was liking pro-Trump replies to Quinton Rampage Jackson. Same message both times. Screenshot of message: