shakethetree ago

Regarding the Instagram group photo with Clinton. I noticed an odd exchange, all things considered, in comments passed between PJ Podesta and Cory Line: Clinton Group Photo:

Cory Line: "what a young stud! i mean bill of course. peedge you look like a missing child picture on a milk carton..."

PJ Podeston: "Haha Bill was the one who found me. He can do anything!"

Honeybee_ ago

I saw that, and it is so bizaare, is he insinuating knowing about the missing children, and then Brian ends up working for the same company that puts faces on milk cartons?!?!

shakethetree ago

I am filing it away for now.

theHubrisOfMan ago

There's another Senior Analyst who specializes in the CyberTip program named "Nicholas Brock." May be related to David Brock. Worth looking into, but I couldn't find much info on the guy.

Jem777 ago

Allowing the archived connections to post if needed

Mellowmountain ago

amazing find honeybee

Disgusted-Lurker ago

Awesome work, honeybee...thank you...

Bluebirdsolitude ago

Excellent work!

Marfa-Lights ago

This is big, amazing work here HoneyBee, Brian Podesta could be the key to this whole fucked up stinking pile of shit.

Sprite247 ago

In your video, on the Jane Podesta Linkedin page, the People also Viewed column includes Susan Alefantis, Sasha Lord and Austin Wolf, pedo killer at comet pingpong. Isn't Sasha Lord the woman whose birthday party video at Comet PingPong surfaced recently? The Jane Podesta Linkedin link given is no longer working.

shakethetree ago

I just tried the Linked In profile for Jane Podesta and it worked on my end.

Scoundrel ago

You are freaking amazing girl. Love your hair as well.

thomccc ago

You CJs, amazes me more and more everyday

tinytank ago

If anyone is questioning any connection here to John and Tony.........look at the photo with Bill Clinton around 9:00....they look like a young John and Tony. Brian also looks like a younger Tony Podesta. Genetics don't lie.

tinytank ago

How convenient though that Brain works for a perfect position to procure children and make it disappear. What are the odds?

Jem777 ago

Honey Bee you rock as do all contributors. Exposing them all helps everyone. So impressed

Freemasonsrus ago

Are you new? I think you have to have a certain amount of up votes to send PM's. Is that possibly why?

searchthetruth1 ago

you are amazing. I ve been take a look to bryan podesta few days before but not so far as you did

YingYangMom ago

Great job finding a connection between NCMEC and Podesta. All this is very important, keep up the great work!

pizzagatecharlotte ago

I noticed on PJ Podesta's Facebook profile - on his public status on November 9th that Brian Podesta is a Trump fan and was arguing with PJ on his status....go take a look! That might ultimately throw a spanner in the works?!

Votescam ago

Will be interesting to see if the fake news MSM will ignore Pres. Trump's meeting on anti-human trafficking today. ????

cheetoboat ago Found this quick discussion "Reliable Source" column at Wapo, and someone asked this question. The WaPo writer says he does not believe there is a relation between Don and John.

Honeybee_ ago

Last name could be a coincedence, but it is evident that they are still connected socially. And I did notice that all 20+ podesta circles only associate and show online connections with their immediate families, we are compiling a list.

MolochHunter ago

is it fair now to call it the


PeaceFuture ago

Great work! I noticed a Brock near the top of that staff list also, I wonder if that is a coincidence.

Ang68 ago

Is her first name Susan? Susan Brock works for USAIDE. She oversees the USAIDE midwifery program.

awarenessadventurer ago

girl. I love you. gettin it done.... I appreciate your work.

tt7 ago

New admin has to look into these shady orgs or one would have to assume they're complicit as well. Gross.

Ocelot ago

My God.

What always gets me is that all of this information is just...there. It's all on the internet. I almost feel like the right combination of info that's just laying there to be found could bring this whole thing down. What a remarkable time we live in.

Loved the video. Well done.

MileHiLife ago

Yep...Truth is there for those who seek. Many believe the advent of the internet is the avenue to Revelation, when ALL will be revealed. We're obviously not there yet, but it feels like we're moving in the right direction. Sifting through all the BS disinfo is key...

redditsuckz ago

Trump plays 4D chess

That cant be an excuse for everything he does or has done...

Picture of Trump and young daughter Ivanka surfaces;

Donald Trump pal Tevfik Arif busted in Turkey for allegedly running hooker ring aboard yacht

"We All Knew About the Trafficking"-The Untold Story of Trump Model Management (Part 1)

Donald Trump: Miss Universe Contestants Have ‘Obligation’ To Sleep With Me

“I don’t want to hurt their feelings,” Trump responds, laughing. “[Sleeping with a contestant] could be construed as a conflict of interest, but that’s something to worry about later. You could also say as the owner of the organization, it’s your obligation to do that.”

EQJ ago

HoneyBee I Fucking love you! My hat is off! You are amazing 💜 Thank you! Sharing all over!

Honeybee_ ago

Thank you ♡

EQJ ago

Seriously HoneyBee.... Shared in my secret FB PG group as well. We love you! You are So genuine and such an honor to even be able to say thank you!

Honeybee_ ago

Thank you, that was so nice ♡

unfuckitup ago

Well done!

Honeybee_ ago

TabiCatTwo ago

God bless you, Honeybee! Doing great work.

Don-Keyhote ago

Uh how the fuck is there another podesta in govt and it's not widespread knowledge? Is it in the wiki?

gurneyx ago

no its not and you have to wonder why he is hiding the relationship. i was trying to find info on this and couldnt Honey rocked it!

pbvrocks ago

Nice work!! Enjoyed the video on same and great work connecting!

Throwthisaway33 ago

NCMEC was one of the organizations that attended Trump's meeting today...

Don-Keyhote ago

I happened to be at a large public library and browsed a book on the effects of child sexual abuse and in the appendix sure enough there's a recommendation to contact that fine organization

privatepizza ago

Wow HoneyBee. Don't stop ! What a find.

gurneyx ago

Nice work Honeybee!!!!!! This is some great research!

Scoundrel ago

Honeybee, you are literally saving kids lives with your work. Wish I had your ability/skillshet, you have a gift.

Honeybee_ ago

Thank you ♡

LincolnsMullet ago

Trump didn't name WaPo as one of the news agencies as "enemy of the people". Any connection you think? Or will Trump change his tune now that Podesta can control the narrative from a Trump-trusted news source?

Rmm ago

WTF this takes the cake

bumbleberries ago

Great job OP. An analyst from NCMEC such as Brian Podesta also would have unlimited access to child porn, as NCMEC supposedly has the largest collection of CP in the world according to a staff from there. I presume it would be easy for anyone who works there to download CP and supply it to the Podesta circle as well.

fartyshorts ago

Brian Podesta liked takethislollipop on Facebook. It's a short film that uses your Facebook information to make it seem like you are the victim

As a child your parents teach you to never take candy from a stranger. Take This Lollipop is the 21st century re-imagination of that conversation, reminding consumers why privacy should be a concern. And, perhaps, why you should never trust virtual strangers.

Jem777 ago

Nailed them with Washington Post. Sick bastards

2impendingdoom ago

This is a great video, nice presentation, did you figure out how they are related?

Honeybee_ ago

There is NO public documentation of their relationship, there is a Lunatic Outpost thread that suggested Jane and John lived at the same property

2impendingdoom ago

they didn't show up in any family obit that I could see, I found some Chicago relatives, and the Paule Carres cousins. And there is the mysterious McCarthy burial plot transfer. This is weird.

Jem777 ago

Archive. NCMEC is founded by HRC with government. Connected to Silsby from Haiti. Archive important

DarkMath ago

"NCMEC is founded by HRC with government".......Where did you learn that? I looked it up but couldn't find anything showing HRC help founding the NCMEC.

redditsuckz ago

Trump is working with NCMEC...and John Podesta's relative is working at NCMEC(National Center for Missing and Exploited Children)

Ivanka pushes the White House to focus on human trafficking at meeting with Donald Trump

Outside Groups;

Outside groups coming: National Center for Missing and Exploited Children(NCMEC); International Justice Mission; Thorn: Tech Innovation to Fight Child Sexual Exploitation, co-founded by Ashton Kutcher (who'll be represented by someone else).

And Ashton Kutcher...


Brian Podesta Facebook;

Brian Podesta TS/SCI Clearance Senior Analyst - National Center for Missing and Exploited Children

National Center for Missing & Exploited Children - Exploited Children Division

Don Podesta Facebook

Don Podesta - Washington Post Friends;

Don Podesta Twitter/Linkein - Washington Post

Clinton and Podesta family picture

Jane Podesta Facebook;

Jane Podesta Linkedin - Washington Post

P.J. Podesta Facebook;

Similar facial features to John Podesta;

Has worked for - Writing/photos at New York Times / Women in the World, Salon, Slate, Chronicle of Higher Ed, Guernica, others.

P.J. Podesta Twitter;

P.J. Podesta Instagram;

links Laura Silsby, James Alefantis, David Brock, other individuals that I loosely refer to as the “DC Group” as well as others

Honeybee_ ago

Please add to archive

redditsuckz ago

Do you think you took a screenshot of someone elses facebook?

Because the names in the pic dont show up in Don Podestas Facebook freinds either;

Katherine Walter

Wendy Brown

Wilder Leavitt

Andrea Tsiakilos-Dunbar

The only one that shows up is Fred Podesta;

So Mary Morning Star might be under another Podesta Facbook friends list.

Look in your phone browser history to see what link you were looking at to take the screenshot.

Honeybee_ ago

Good catch

redditsuckz ago

Someone here ratted out ...that site can no longer capture facebook pages...

Honeybee_ ago

What does that mean? Is that where all voat fb captures were stored? Or is that where you get em?

redditsuckz ago can not longer capture facebook pages...the old ones are still there for now but no new ones can be captured....they just disabled 5 minutes ago.

Honeybee_ ago

Um... doesn't that seem suspicious? They are f-ing pissed. I'm actually surprised my video is still up on youtube, they threatened to take it down but never did... maybe they are plotting to sue my ass

redditsuckz ago

Here... Disabled from capturing Facebook pages of the Podesta Family etc.

redditsuckz ago

doesn't that seem suspicious?

Yes...and they are watching this site intently.

maybe they are plotting to sue my ass

I dont think so...that would bring too much attention to dont worry about that....just keep doing what your doing...they are running scared.

Honeybee_ ago

I know, they are either paying someone to dig on me, or they are doing it themselves. They found my work email and used a private family name to scare me.... nothing that I didn't already find about them, I just don't have anything to hide and instead of writing a creepy anonymous email, I made a video TO THEIR FACE

YingYangMom ago

Excellent Job, as always :)

Honeybee_ ago

Wow, you are amazing, I should have done that, next time I will source everything

fartyshorts ago

Get the bookmarklet for if you haven't already!

50hurtz ago

Great work man! Wish more people would be into facts instead of blindly following a person. A single person. Let that sink in. One that many know very little about. History has taught us that no man has ever actually been on our side, despite appearing so. In fact that's how Hitler happened. Look at facts only, and stop buying into sensational horse shit people. Show me a perfect man, go ahead I'll wait... Exactly there isn't one. So do your fucking research people. Big ups to OP, and big ups to the rest of you wonderful people who aren't as gullible and naive!

Honeybee_ ago

Thank YOU GUYS, I'm sourcing everything next time, that was a lot of work to do, I'm so grateful

50hurtz ago

Nope, thank you! I'm spraying all this info to everything yesterday! edit: Won't bring down the frequency either. I will parrot this to infinity.

Smyrtz ago

That's a lot of work and a bunch of archiving dude. high five Much appreciated.

shakethetree ago

Should Jane Podesta and Don Podesta's LinkedIn profiles be added above and archived as well? Shows their tenure at the Washington Post.

redditsuckz ago

I updated it with links showing they both work/worked at the Washington post. This Podesta family has their has their hands in all about oligarchy/nepotism.

SturdyGal ago

Good thing you did archive because many are wiped now.

shakethetree ago

What exactly has been wiped?

shakethetree ago

Fantastic - thanks for doing that. I see Jane's but the one for Don is a WaPo article? Here is the link for Don's LinkedIn profile with all his creds:

gurneyx ago

wow nice work on the archiving you are an asset !