anolegion ago

Thanks for revisiting my post which was hardly followed up upon - somewhat to my dismay because I thought and still think there's much, much more to THEARC wrt Pizzagate.

Of course I encountered Gray and also Obama during my research - THEARC is quite the prestige project for DC Democrats - but I had not heard of Jeffrey Thompson.

It appears he not only contributed illegally to Gray, but to Hillary's 2008 campaign as well. He used the nickname 'Uncle Earl'. That same nickname he seems to have used with the boys he had sex with at the parties he 'underwrote'.

Now what I'd like to know: What does 'underwriting' mean in this context? When and where were these parties, and who were there? This is important not just because of possible connections to PG but also because these compromising parties were quite obviously used to protect both Gray and Hillary from lawsuits assessing the plausibility of their denials, by undermining Thompson's credibility as a witness.

cantsleepawink ago

I'm afraid I didn't do it justice as I've been on voat for too many hours, and I'm almost burnt out at the moment. I intend to have a deeper look when I'm fresh though because reading between the lines of the wikipedia stuff and other articles there may be a very interesting story here. And yes, Thompson seems key to some kind of network that is alluded to within some of the reports. Good to know that you are still interested too.

Vindicator ago

@cantsleepawink, you've gathered together a whole lot of bits here, but you have to connect them explicitly to 1) whatever theory you have about how this is relevant to the sexual abuse and trafficking of children by the global elite, and 2) why each of these pieces of information is being included, i.e. how each supports your hypothesis. Otherwise this looks like a baffle-with-BS post. I'm going to remove it so you can add these key points. Please don't bury them. Removing per Rule 1.

cantsleepawink ago

Yes, it's a fair comment. I'm quite tired - been at this for too long. I'll attend to it after a good rest.

Vindicator ago

Thanks. I appreciate that. :-)

demoTheGorgon ago

Ugh christ