ploppy ago

This is a great video.

redditsuckz ago

Bilbo Baggins could be a high level Freemason meeting place.

Bilbo Baggins Green Dragon Pub

From the youtube comments;

There is a picture in your video that has a banner called the green dragon pub. The Green Dragon Tavern was the meeting place for both the Freemasons and the Sons of Liberty. Originally located in the North End of Boston, Massachusetts, it was where the Boston Tea Party was planned, the starting point for the ride of Paul Revere, and the focal point for many other significant events and meetings integral to the American Revolution. Though it was eventually demolished, its legacy earned it the title of: “Headquarters of the Revolution.” Its also where the Hellfire club meet....

Green Dragon Tavern

The property had been inherited by Mehitable (Minot) Cooper from her uncle, William Stoughton, in 1701. The Green Dragon Tavern was purchased from her son, William Cooper, by William Douglas, physician and pamphleteer, in 1743.[1] Douglas lived in the tavern, calling it his "mansion house".[2] After his death in 1752, the tavern passed to his sister, who sold it to the St. Andrews Lodge of Freemasons in 1766.[1] The Masons used the first floor for their meeting rooms led by Grand Master Joseph Warren followed by John Hancock. The basement tavern was used by several secret groups and became known by historians as the "Headquarters of the Revolution". The Sons of Liberty, Boston Committee of Correspondence and the Boston Caucus each met there. The Boston Tea Party was planned there and Paul Revere (a Mason) was sent from there to Lexington on his famous ride. In January 1788, a meeting of the mechanics and artisans of Boston passed a series of resolutions urging the importance of adopting the Federal Constitution pending at the time before a convention of delegates from around Massachusetts. The building was demolished in 1854.


Masonic 33 hidden within the "B's" of Bilbo Baggins = 3ilbo 3aggins

Honeybee_ ago

Exactly! There is an absolute agenda at play, no longer hidden, just blatant government/pop-culture supported leftist tyranny and brainwashing

Honeybee_ ago

There is something seriously wrong with pop culture, and I'm not "old" enough to be whining about "back in my day..." The stuff is so sexualized, twisted, pedo-strong, evil, satanic and mind warping, Hitler would be proud, this is propaganda at its finest.

Honeybee_ ago


Piscina ago

Thanks Honey Bee. This is How We Do used to be one of my favourite songs. The more I watch the video the more Illuminati symbolism I see.

Honeybee_ ago

Thank you!

dootdootbeepbop ago

I should probably make a new thread, but after after watching HoneyBee's video I looked at what else was around that block.

Alexandria Adult Probation 4740 Eisenhower Ave, Alexandria, VA 22304

Follow the link to their website: Talks about putting youth into "Alexandria’s Sheltercare program or the Northern Virginia Regional Detention Home."

Links to SOHO (Space of His Own -- mentoring program. "SOHO teaches valuable life skills through hands on activities such as carpentry, fishing and sports activities. Similar to its sister program, Space of Her Own, the program culminates in June with a renovation of each boy’s bedroom. We are seeking 12 diverse, fun & caring adult males to begin mentoring with the program in September. No mentoring or carpentry experience is required, and training will be provided."

Also there's a girls version of that mentorship program. The website is covered with butterflies.

A local pizzeria ( ) is also a sponsor of these programs. Their website has a "guest area login" (clickable via Manager Login and Employee Portal). You'd think that this is probably for maintaining the site and maybe viewing employee schedules etc. But it's odd that the title for login form in "Guest Area." This pizza places also like "art" painted and displayed on their boxes.

Then I looked at "Sheltercare and the Juvenile Detention Center" 200 S Whiting St, Alexandria, VA 22304

They have the barest website I've ever seen:
and Sheltercare has no website?

There's also a company that does "Test Proctoring" across the street called Brainseed.

Just kind of weird.

Honeybee_ ago

Wow! Fantastic work, it's like an endless rabbit hole

TheJustifiedAncient ago


Spielberg's MK Ultra brainwashed twin kids point to their penis, then to their mouth

shakethetree ago

Great job on the original research Honeybee. I am a huge fan, and appreciate your authenticity. Keep it coming.

shakethetree ago

It is my personal belief that the entire agenda for the cabal could be decoded in Katy Perry videos.

icydays33 ago

Didn't she do a whole Satanist themed concert on some award show a while back too?

shakethetree ago

Yes. The Superbowl Halftime Show of 2015. Lot's of analysis videos to choose from on YT.

charlieijoker ago

Not going to argue with that. 😆

Honeybee_ ago

I didn't say anything about Bilbo Baggins Restaurant being evil or did I even list or get into owners personal life, that was previous thread by a different person, not my investigation

Saibra ago

Thanks Honeybee for responding. I just don't want to see good people and restaurants included because they happen to be in the same block. Bilbo Baggins has been there over 37 years. NCMEC got there about 30. You can't even see it, it's in a red brick building. If you walk by it you would never know its there. (NCMEC). By the way, I've been missing you on YouTube and was a bit worried. Glad you are ok.

Honeybee_ ago

Thank you!

MostPostersAreShills ago

Ive been trying to post this, but it keeps being taken down. Im gonna have to use your thread.

Does anybody else vaguely see John Podestas face between 49-53?